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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6680173 No.6680173 [Reply] [Original]

What would you consider to be the last good year of vidyas anon?

>> No.6680190
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>> No.6680724

Early 2000s. Around 2004ish.

>twilight princess came out at 05

Yeah 05 for me.

Cave story 04, golden sun one 2001, second is 02, lots of other games I like are 2000-03ish, basically it stops at 05 though without listing what I like 92-2005. Most I'd play are in the later stages too. I need v2k.

>> No.6680734

There are still a few good games coming out every so often, but i think things got significantly worse around the mid 2000's.

>> No.6680745

>liking twilight princess
have you suffered a head injury recently?

>> No.6680758

2010. Around the time Minecraft came out to be popular and MOBA game league of legends overthrowned all MMOs to being the heart of the internet. Around then everyone dropped MMOs and started playing league.

>> No.6680778

Probably 2019 because of Sekiro. Why?

>> No.6680838

Not retro
the only correct answer is December 31 1999

>> No.6680860
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Here's your (You).

>> No.6680893

video games are still good

>> No.6680903

2020 has still given me some great games. I honestly can't think of a single year where nothing came out I enjoyed.

>> No.6680995


>> No.6681096


>> No.6681119

It's literally never been better but that's only because I like indie games on itch. I think there is more creativity and exciting new experiences than ever before. The 90s was unironically mostly a sea of mascot platformers and generic first person shooters.

>> No.6681416

I still enjoy many games today, but the golden age was 1989-2007 imo

>> No.6681484

No. Lol

>> No.6681609

Probably 2007. It was the last year that games came out, that were rehash but not stale.

Halo, gears of war, CoD, Assassins Creed, Mass effect

It was also the first truly bad year. Because of 2007, its now 2020 and all we get is Halo, Gears of War, CoD, Assassins Creed, Mass Effect.

>> No.6681616

1994, before the release of Sega Shiturn

>> No.6681624

I don't know about the last good year but I'd say the best year for gaming was 1998

If I had to pinpoint a moment where everything really started going down hill it would probably be 2006/7

>> No.6681674


>> No.6681703


>> No.6681706


>> No.6681717

>I need v2k.
Same. There are really only a few games that I play anymore that came after the mid 2000s. Still kind of disappointed /vrpg/ was made instead despite all the people asking for /v2k/ for months.

>> No.6681720

>What would you consider to be the last good year of vidyas anon?

>> No.6682081
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My main system is gba. I have like 200 roms, out of seven systems, but of that 75 are gba. The rest are retro mostly, with five gamecube games that I can't even emulate but still. GBA having no home hurts. *checks* Actually 63 gba games. Most are not snes ports. 3.2 it goes into it. A third of my retro games are gba games, and i enjoy them the most of all the others usually. But the rest of the 140, as in barring gamecube, are retro. Still, they're kinda not worth talking about. Everyone knows them too well. It's the gba that interests me.

>> No.6682090


>> No.6682098

2020 isn't over yet but here's why 2019 was a good year for games:
>Amid Evil
>Outer Wilds
>Death Stranding
>Baba is You
>Disco Elysium
>Sunless Skies
>Pathologic 2
Now I admit the year is a little light on JRPGs and scotformers, /vr/'s preferred genres, and not all those titles I listed above are for everyone...but I had a lot of fun playing those games in between my annual play sessions of real retro classics like Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario 64 and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

>> No.6682106

1991. Every game since that year is an iteration on technology or design principles that were faithfully executed in 1991 or prior. 1991 might even be cutting it a little late, but I find it suitable.

That’s not to say no good games have come out since then, but game design broadly hasn’t done much evolving from that point.

>> No.6682109

Never heard of any of those because I'm not a zoomer nor a normalfaggot.

>> No.6682116
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>> No.6682149

Best year: 1993
Last good year: 2002

>> No.6682152

what year was GTAV released again?

>> No.6682165

When vidya finally got good with gen 4, there has consistently been 15+ great games every year, thus the "last good year" is a nonsensical proposition as every year has been, at minimum, a good year. Instead, it makes more sense to try and pinpoint the best year, and for me, that's easily 1998.

>new games bad
Cringe normalfag larper trying to fit in.

>> No.6682176

Then how can you begin to have an opinion on modern games if you don't know what they are?

>> No.6682183

I"m 31 and have never had a job because I despise society and that neet lifestyle ties in with living in the past on emulators and new games are not for neets.

Go be normal someplace else. The last movie I went to was probably in like 2010 in a theater also. I've also never had a facebook. I have never sat and watched netflix.

Watch who you're talking to on here. This isn't redditors, not all of us came here from there.

Also, for using the word larp wrong you reveal what kind of newfaggot zoomer that can't type you are. This is not cosplay faggot. Role play is easy to type. You type larp because of it being easily typed on a phone and or becuase it's easier to say in real life. With pc culture it's making oldfags cringe while thinking of females on /cgl/ as larp came from that shit. LIve action dressing up while pretending to be some role. It's fucking brutal abuse of the english language and you deserve to die.

Also, the way you use cringe is the way redditors use it, not 4chan oldfags. Fucking faggot.

>> No.6682184

Devil May Cry 5 came out in 2019, so that I guess. I prefer retro games to modern ones (aside from the PS2's incredible library) but I'm not some weirdo elitist like most of the people here so I actually play new stuff still

>> No.6682185

We know the only ones you recognized are Death Stranding and Sekiro, you don't need to feign ignorance to mask how you're like anyone on >>>/v/

>> No.6682187
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Didn't see you there until it refreshed but see >>6682183

Something about not wanting to enable a society I hate also should be stated. Back in 07 and before it society as a whole wasn't quite that bad. Now it's garbage. Jewtendo does shit like sue over fan games. They're not getting my money nor are employers that piss test for weed in legal states going to get my time. Blah blah blah.

Also, I don't even smoke weed. I just have principles that are not based on jewish post feminist propaganda.

>> No.6682190
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pretty much every good game ever made was released by 2004.

anyone itt listing any subsequent year will have to post their birth certificate and prove they are over 30 to continue posting on this board.

>> No.6682191

>hurrr baseless assumptions and schoolyard banter

I recognized zero. Gen 1-5ish is enough games to keep me busy for my entire life.

>> No.6682205

Years don't matter much really, that's like saying you'd only read novels up to the 1890s. Who knows, you might be missing out! I don't want to live my life thinking there could be some art or fun or experience I'm missing out on because of my own arbitrary restrictions. I think it's so exciting to see what people can come up with, whether it was in the past or in the present!

>> No.6682214

2020, games just keep getting better and finding old rare games just keep getting easier.

>> No.6682270 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 439x290, days-without-jewish-tricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just get a job anon!
>these overly easy pay to win games are totally worth your time!
>synthetic drugs were banned as soon as you turned 18, homelessness is illegal, you're required by law to be dishonest about social issues but you should totally contribute to this system and you will be happy!
>the world is overall getting better anon!

>> No.6682286

Most of the games (outside of the obvious like Sekiro) I listed are very cheap and made by small teams of a few people who learned coding and art and decided to put something into the world beyond anonymous image board posts. They certainly aren't pay to win, Baba is You is like, made in Multimedia Fusion and was conceived during a game jam. You are a weirdo ideologue. And I didn't say get a job, I don't want to work for someone else either, which is why I taught myself a skill and work for myself. With that money I get to travel around the world and eat tasty food and I live a happy life before I someday die.

>> No.6682310 [DELETED] 

>you're required by law to be dishonest about social issues


>> No.6682390 [DELETED] 

wow anon was it the architects or the moon men that caught you?

>> No.6682424 [DELETED] 

4chan is not an excuse to live like a useless NEET faggot. You can have a social life and be an independent adult and still be as "redpilled" as you want on the internet.
You spending all the day here is no different than a normalfag being addicted to Facebook

>> No.6682543 [DELETED] 
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Did I say it was? What I implied is if you're a normalfaggot you should have BETTER SHIT TO DO

Thick bastards.

not an argument

Sjw ethics get people fired you know. Homelessness is illegal after firing ergo you are locked in prison for being honest. See how it works?

>> No.6682554
File: 15 KB, 500x366, 3D5F12EF-CDA3-4CE6-8E0A-CE8894BDB968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1998 was the last truly great year in gaming

>> No.6682560

Around '05
Companies mastered the extra disc space of the PS1 era but good gameplay was still required and looking good while doing it was an art. Many of them still hold up and are getting ported to Steam 15-20 years later

It pains me to cut Rock Band before this but Fancy DDR For Your Fingers on Playskool Toys is not the kind of gameplay innovation that justifies moving the date forward.

>> No.6682568 [DELETED] 

Rock band is for normalfaggy types. At least lust after Rhythm Heaven of which at least tries to be a game. Then again it's 06. But one was on the gba.

>the bar rises

>> No.6682587

I can't think of anything creative or innovative after 2013 or so. Good games still get made for sure but it's starting to feel like everything's been done at this point, nothing makes me go "wow, I've never played anything like this before"

>> No.6682589

Last game I had fun on was TFC and Counterstrike back in 2000/2001. New games suck ass

>> No.6682610 [DELETED] 

>Sjw ethics get people fired you know.

Some people need firing. If you're such a piece of shit that you get fired over how you act and your opinion of "sjw ethics" and then end up homeless because you're too lazy or shitty to find another job... Sorry but not sorry.

>> No.6682628 [DELETED] 

>>Some people deserve black supremacy. If you're such a piece of shit that you get pissy over how blacks act and your opinion of "their criminal behavior" and then end up homeless because you're too honest and or ostracised to find another job... that's your fault for not being a zionist. Next time be born female at least. evil white goy :^)

>> No.6682634 [DELETED] 


>> No.6682752


Lol you poor little baby. So full of hate.

>> No.6682756

started ticking maybe 2002, then rang in 2005

>> No.6682758

>I"m 31 and have never had a job because I despise society and that neet lifestyle ties in with living in the past

So you're literally a worthless leech on society yet you expect respect and people to care about your opinions? That's a laugh.

>> No.6682764


it's 1987

>> No.6682773

2004, Samurai Spirits SP, Hyper SFII, ninja gaiden xbox, OutRun 2 SP.... after 2004 things were rapidly declining. DLC, microtransactions, unpolished, uncomplete games and shady business practices happened on a massive scale afterwards.

>> No.6682774

>I despise society
There is nothing nice about society. Its despicable.

>> No.6682780

>Best year: 1993

>> No.6682783

>every answer in this thread: well it started going downhill when i was 12, then died when i was about 15

>> No.6682787
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For me gen 5 was actually the low point. Not that there weren't some great games, but I still think the industry jumped on 3D too early and the whole generation suffered for it. I find myself going back to gens 3 and 4 frequently and much less 5.

With Gen 6 things started picking up again and mostly keep getting better. Monster Hunter dropped in 2004 and other than it's PSP days has just kept getting better.

>> No.6682791

Here is the thing. The anons up there, they know you are a blithering idiot. The only one who doesn't know is (YOU).

>> No.6682813

Yeah. Monster Hunter was awesome.

>> No.6682827

10/10 bait made me laugh

>> No.6682830

Before cod really shat on the video game industry

>> No.6682834

Anon I think you're just depressed.
I started gaming in the early 90s and still love vidya, new and old.
I disagree, I think gen 6 was a definitive low point on the visual front for 3D. Gen 5's rough 3D is, at least on the Playstation, often heavily stylized and still holds up today because of it. Gen 6 leaned on "realistic" 3D, but the poly count and texture resolution just wasn't there. Today it looks terrible outside of fighters where they were able to pump much more detail into a single screen, or games like Jet Grind Radio and Wind Waker which went for a stylized aesthetic. I'll also give a nod to Silent Hill 2 for creative use of the fog to really crank the details up to avoid the pitfalls of other semi-open world 3D games of the gen.

>> No.6682885

I hold out hope that I'll be able to dragon kick someone's ass into the milky way again one day.

>> No.6682893
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Monster Hunter is still awesome. Part of why I still haven't moved on to world is that there's so much to do in Generations and it's still fun.

We can disagree and I get that some people like the low poly look of 5th gen, but I never have. My favorite games of that era I like in spite of their graphics. To this day the N64 is the only major old console I never got in part because I find the games on it so ugly.

Monster Hunter, Snake Eater, Okami, Ecco Defender of the Future, Wind Waker, Katamari Damacy... That's when games started looking good again to me. We don't have to agree though.

>> No.6682929

>2007 was shit, we had cod
>2004 was shit, we had halo 2
>2003 was shit, we had steam
>2000 was shit, we had counter-strike
>1998 was shit, we had half-life
>1997 was shit, we had final fantasy VII
>1994 was shit, we had playstation
>1993 was shit, we had the start of the 5th gen

>> No.6682961

Whatever year New Vegas came out I guess.

>> No.6683020

really? as late as 2010?

>> No.6683067

New Vegas was a buggy shitfest, like other betheseda works.

>> No.6683070

I miss the days of Fallout 1 & 2, when PC games were almost completely free of bugs

>> No.6683094

Same here. They were free of exploits, clutter, retarded mechanics, or trap options that were completely useless.

>> No.6683098

Are you two being ironic?

>> No.6683107

I said nv was a buggy shitfest. Bethesda has a shit track-record for games that don't need fan-made patches on day 1.

The older games made by black isle/interplay (were those the devs?) had their issues too.

>> No.6683114

But Fallout 1/2 are completely broken games that are barely functional without a over a decade's worth of fan patches. Huge games like that have always been broken, and probably always will be. If those games weren't great, and I'm including modern bethshit with this, they wouldn't inspire fans to spend thousands of hours fixing them.

>> No.6683118

Oh, and so NV is not the high watermark for when games stopped being good

>> No.6683119

It sounded like you were saying PC games in general weren't buggy back then which is a hilarious statement.

>> No.6683123

What are you talking about? FO2 runs perfectly vanilla, assuming compatibility. Never had any issues with it.

Ha, yeah.

>> No.6683129

>FO2 runs perfectly vanilla
That is a really poor hill to die on.

>> No.6683139

What are the issues that you had anon? I will total admit to some creative spin on my post. The balance was fucked, but I don't recall ever getting trapped somewhere due to a glitch, having items vanish for no reason (fucking den children), or any other shit like that. That happened more than a few times to me in NV.

>> No.6683145

Oh, or the gams just straight up crash to desktop

>> No.6683153
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1996 and the end of the 4th gen and on to building games that emphasis 3D over gameplay.

>> No.6683376

neets waste less resources than normalfaggots actually

sloth ethics are for zionist enablers. Are you a zionist enabler?

>> No.6683392


becuase desuarchive has a dead search engine currently

>> No.6683445

It's easy for a lazy stupid leech to not use many resources, you also produce and do absolutely nothing of value. You're morally reprehensible.

>> No.6683552

Morals were created as they are by the jewish.

I. Don't. Care.

>> No.6683572

Hey dude you can take pride in being a terrible person, just don't kid yourself into thinking anyone else should care about anything you say or what your feelings are.

>> No.6683607
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It's really hard to say. The 2000s were so sporadic in quality and a huge transition period. Half-Life 2's release was probably the last explosion in game modding for a AAA, aside from STALKER which was mostly contained to Russia until recently and The Elder Scrolls which is mostly people fixing shit, porn and filling in a mostly giant empty game. Sure you'll see a whole new quest be made for TES but you'll never see an entire online multiplayer standalone game for sale like gmod. It feels like a lot of things in gaming died between 2004-2010. The Wii came out in 2006 and that's when consoles largely became about gimmicks, although that seed was planted in 2000 by Sony with the DVD player in the PS2. TF2 really shows how the industry transitioned between 2007 to today.

If I had to say I'd say 2004. Good shit came out afterwards but too many things largely died in the industry after 2004, and the stagnation hit terminal velocity at that point. After 2010 the industry was basically dead minus the rare gem you might see in the indie scene.

>> No.6683615

>1994 was shit, we had playstation
That's how the cancer started. The fucking soulless conglomerates entering the videogame market.

>> No.6683618

If you didn't care you'd not be talking @ me so hard all triggered and shit.

Get back to work. Jealous little bitch.

>> No.6683643

Agreed. From 2004 to 2007 I started to feel disappointed with most new big releases and started looking for older games to play. From 2007 until about 2012 HL2 multiplayer mods were huge and I spent a lot of time playing those. There have really only been a few indie games I've enjoyed since 2012, and I haven't even really played anything after 2017, just been going back to replay/find gems.

The only thing I'm still hopeful about for the future is VR but I'm a poorfag and can't afford it. Still looks janky and like it needs a lot of improvement, but seeing some of my favorite older games being played in VR is amazing. It's like fantasizing as a kid about actually going into a game world. Maybe once people start getting burned out on the endless garbage sequels and remakes they'll see the potential in VR instead for a way to go forward.

>> No.6683650

You're an ignorant man child who needs to be put in his place because your parents are failures. Also you shit up a forum I care about. So yeah. Every time you say something stupid and ignorant I'll be here to call you out on being the subhuman garbage you are.

>> No.6683683
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93 was 16bit in full bloom. And despite the most exciting games popping up and all fronts that year, i feel like much excitement was due to the expectations for the future. Like everyone was anticipating SEGA and nintendos next hardware move. Which at that point was just around the corner. Or so people thought. When you go through old EGMs or GameFans, you still get a glimpse of that magic 93/94 vibe. All that excitement, innovation and passion is completely absent from gaming today. Not only did the conglomerates suck all the money out of this market. They also sucked its very soul out.

>> No.6683746

I still love the original Star Fox which came out in '93. Really felt like they had created a new world to explore, but it doesn't seem like many games try to do that as much now.

>> No.6683776

If I had to say the year where the decay started, that'd be the mid to late 2000's, but if I had to say a year where absolutely 99% of games became souless shit, I'd say the start of the 8th gen in the early 2010's of the past decade.

>> No.6683783

>Never heard of any of those because I'm not a zoomer nor a normalfaggot.
>defending how lame you are
I've never done anything cool ever

>> No.6683787
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>Watch who you're talking to on here.

>> No.6684512

I'm not a jaded boomer that doesn't believe he'll like anything ever again so I can't say for sure.

>> No.6684592

give it time

>> No.6684673
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>boomer is a personality type
>you can become a boomer by just getting older

>> No.6684701

just you wait

>> No.6684709

I'm 45 and think games are at least as good now if not better than ever. When am I supposed to get bitter and start hating them? Lol

>> No.6684749

Its not a matter of age. Its a matter of perception. You keep feeding an industry that treats you like an addicted retard. And why would they change if your money keeps coming.

>> No.6684758

1998 was the absolute peak. I’d say 2008 is the official year the party ended.

>> No.6684771

The 90s will be seen as the golden age because of all the diversity in hardware and software. The peak is the sixth gen with 4 major consoles each of them with distinct personalities and excellent exclusives. The peak was 2002 - 2004. Last good year was 2008. Mostly treading water since then. There are still good games notably nintendo is still killing it especially with breath of the wild. Not even nintendo is breaking new ground anymore. They're just perfecting old formulas.

>> No.6684790

There are plenty of great games made by small teams of people that are dirt cheap (or even free) and priced in a way that would never cover the cost of development. That's fundamentally different than a triple-A studio spending millions of dollars on a pay-to-win thing. There are always ways of supporting what's good, I'd say it's never been easier to support those people compared to the 90s or 00s. "Game" doesn't just mean big studio game with multi-million-dollar budget, it includes everything, and there are lots and lots of great games that come out every year.

>> No.6684793 [DELETED] 


>> No.6684804

When the 7th generation started

>> No.6684814

when the 6th generation ended (2013)

>> No.6684862

Seems most people would say anywhere from 2003-2011. I'd argue right around 2008 because I was still enjoying Halo 3 with the bros until then but around 2010-2011 was when the big disappointments started and they seemed to just keep going. Also when nickel and dime monetization in games became standard.

More or less everything just started sucking more after the financial crisis. I can't imagine how bad things are going to get during this depression.

>> No.6684895

If a company makes a game I think is fun I'm plenty happy to pay them for their efforts. That hasn't really changed for me over the decades and games keep coming out that I think are fun.

>> No.6684914

Probably 2005.

TimeSplitters 3, Resident Evil 4 are the last games I gave a shit about.

>> No.6684963

I don't know, but I haven't played a game released after February 12, 2008, so let's just use that as my cut off date. But it had been in steep decline prior to that as few and few good games came out for 2 or 3 years (so 2005~2006). There have been a few newer ones that I thought of playing, but such abnormality are best omitted from the curve as one decent games is not enough to restore my faith in the industry more so given the over growth of profiteering.

>> No.6685004

commit sudoku

>> No.6685010

You do get that games were always about making profits... right?

>> No.6685013
File: 79 KB, 733x1089, midna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Twilight Princess > Ocarina

Ocarina gets respect for breaking the ground, and deserves it's "Best Ever" status, but from a sheer gameplay standpoint, Twilight Princess = superior.

>better graphics
>smoother combat with a wider variety of moves - the only Zelda where combat is more than just "mash sword button to win"
>Horse Combat is fucking awesome
>Midna = bae
>Collecting glowy bugs is so much more satisfying than gold skulltulas
>Cave of Ordeals was great. Fighting Twilight IronKnuckles is kino
>fishing mini-game has four different seasons. Though still mediocre as mini-game, the atmosphere is comfy
>Better boss battles overall
>Best "final Ganon" fight of any Zelda

The only thing missing is a "Shiek reveals she is actually Zelda" which blew my childhood mind.

>> No.6685135 [SPOILER] 
File: 294 KB, 1200x840, 1596596730875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not understanding the difference between profit and profiteering

Not remembering the grand vision of EA as a haven for artiest to craft games for the love of their craft and the joy of all to elevate humanity. Or the coders of early Midway pushing the limits to prove it could be done and video games were just as viable as pinball. The days when Nintendo supported childhood creativity helping them reach things they never could.

What happy history we have lost. If a gamer from then saw us now they would cry at the hellscape we have made from their dreams.

>> No.6685158

If you are interested in people doing creative and good things with games then times have never been better. There are so many tiny devs out there now exploring the medium. Even my nephew is into making games, I think it's fantastic.

>> No.6685459

There are still great games released in 2020.

>> No.6685639

Combat is the only one there that matter, and LOLat saying it is the best ganon fight