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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 472 KB, 873x651, super donkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6675914 No.6675914 [Reply] [Original]

why wasnt Super Donkey included in the SNES mini?

>> No.6675917

Are nincels/leakfags/mario64tards the worst posters on this board?

>> No.6675924

>clean stages

Super Donkey > Yoshi Island

>> No.6675928

Because it was a well kept secret and unfinished, while Star Fox 2 was leaked to the public years ago and was finished.

>> No.6676003

I think it's very fascinating that Yoshi's Island apparently took lots of influence from PLOK of all things? I know that Miyamoto and Nintendo had played it, but it still seems peculiar.

>> No.6676012

Other than the vehicle transformation, what else was similar to Plok?

>> No.6676020

They most likely didn’t want too many scotformers throwing off the balance of genre representation. The SuperNES was a jack-of-all-trades, after-all.

>> No.6676042

It's unfinished. It's not even playable

>> No.6676059

It's a fucking SNESformer you slack jawed pederast piece of shit.

>> No.6676062

Shows a lot of promise for what little it is. Too bad Miyamoto has to fuck everything up

>> No.6676473

why are you doing a troll thread anon?

>> No.6676487

Most of the threads on /vr/ have been troll threads in the past couple of days, I think people are starting to notice the lack of moderation on these slower boards and are trying to see what they can get away with.

>> No.6676902

I super early basically a test room, an actual lever with some collision problems and a boss fight.

Look Nintendo is known for their polish in the games they wouldn't willingly show a half baked product even in the context of a demo or proof of concept

>> No.6679246

is this a pilot wings platformer?

>> No.6679272

Thanks Captain Fucking Obvious.

>> No.6679732
File: 49 KB, 715x358, DTmKuQQXkAIdBYG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to do a cool sequel to Donkey Kong 3
>Rare brings in the SGI workstations and btfo Super Donkey
>forced to rework game because muh graphics
>can't do a donkey kong game no more
no wonder Miyamoto seethes to this day

>> No.6679740
File: 39 KB, 680x634, 1580616331045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6679776

I think it being unfinished is what caused it to be locked in the vault for so long. Like not even at the stage where it could be shipped onto prototype carts, that's how quickly it was shelved. Absolutely nobody would have even known about it without the leaks happening either.

>> No.6679782

Nintendo probably just forgot it even exists.
That and it can barely even be called a game, it's just a proof of concept. Sega isn't exactly putting Sonic Crackers on any of their numerous compilations either.

>> No.6679809
File: 78 KB, 492x421, miyamoto_shigeru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was right all along

>> No.6681742


Projectile-based weaponry, vehicle sections and a colorful island setting.

I personally don't think YI or Super Donkey was based off Plok, and that Nintendo was telling the truth - the games were similar enough that it would've been redundant to work on both.

>> No.6681769

t. Seething Nintoddler

>> No.6681772
File: 128 KB, 640x448, 406-Sonic_Jam_(U)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sega isn't exactly putting Sonic Crackers on any of their numerous compilations either.
Funny you should use Sonic as an example, since they actually DID include a proof of concept build in a Sonic compilation once.

>> No.6681806

>Projectile-based weaponry
Alright but I mean, Mario has been throwing projectiles since SMB2(USA), it's not something that Plok invented. Also aren't Plok's projectiles more akin to the boomerang in Zelda, or the cross in Castlevania? Not really similar to shell-throwing in SMB3/World, or Egg throwing on YI.
>colorful island setting
I mean... this seems like it's also not something Plok invented. Mario games are usually colorful.
Anyway, I don't really get what's the controversy here. Nintendo still published Plok in Europe, and I also still fail to see what's the connection between this "super donkey" game and Yoshi's Island... I can recognize 1 or 2 enemies from YI in it, and I can see the graphics are similar, but the gameplay concept is completely different. Also, people seem to imply this "super donkey" is connected to donkey kong? Is there anything there, or it's just because it has "donkey" in the title? or the little monkeys?

>> No.6683101

Why do you allow the existence of Nintendo to cuck your life, anon?

>> No.6683179

It's barely a prototype if a specific game and rather it's more of a proof of concept

>> No.6683224

That's usually what prototypes are used for - proofs of concept.