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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.87 MB, 1155x906, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6675306 No.6675306 [Reply] [Original]

how do you like your shaders in retroach? which settings do you use personally?

the default crt royale looks good enough but for some reason the screen just wobbles up and down, and the colors are obscured.

>> No.6675308


>> No.6675334

CRT royale. Open parameters and set mask type to 0. Lower border to 0. Make sure you're at 1440p, preferably 4k

Bam, perfect

>> No.6675336


>> No.6675347
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1440, 1569409638146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6675354

That's disgusting, I rather see some large pixels than obscure it with garbage, make everything look muddy and add a color filter that makes the game look like it's been dumped in a septic tank

>> No.6675368

No shaders, no filters just raw pixels.

>> No.6675379

Sorry faggit zoomer, I like my games not looking like smeared shit.

>> No.6675423

To this day I haven't seen a shader convincingly recreating a CRT on a TFT.

>> No.6675449

They fucking suck, shit doesn't look like my actual crts at all, its supposed to blend in and yet you can still pick apart the pixels in your modern monitor

>> No.6675610

what shader is that? Looks good.

>> No.6675610,1 [INTERNAL] 

U mad cunt?

>> No.6676326

my screen is 1920x1080 60hz tho

>> No.6676330

Git gud fag

>> No.6676494

how so? git gud at getting money so I can get a 4k display? git gud at choosing monitors?

>> No.6676497

Not terribly important to me

>> No.6677816

I've been using the kuro-whatever PVM preset out of the slang pack just because it looks half decent and works with the Vulkan renderer, but if you're using OpenGL, the analog shader pack v3 has much nicer presets. It kinda sucks that no one has bothered to port that whole set over slang yet.

>> No.6678035 [DELETED] 
File: 2.81 MB, 1440x1080, Super Mario World (U) [!].snes-200803-085313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ntsc + crt_geom

>> No.6678045
File: 374 KB, 1440x1080, Super Mario World (U) [!].snes-200803-085313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ntsc + crt_geom

>> No.6678058
File: 1.67 MB, 1200x900, sonic_crt_filter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody know how I can achieve this look?

>> No.6678076

>geometry warping
for what purpose?
I get a feeling this shit is false flaggers trying to use the worst possible shaders to make their point

>> No.6678192

>how do you like your shaders in retroach?
i dont emulate.

>> No.6678193

Why do you keep bumping threads with low effort posts?

>> No.6678634
File: 1.21 MB, 1168x896, shaders.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep playing around with shaders, but it's hard to find anything good. They all fall into either of two categories: (a) pointless scanlines/grid (b) blurry as fuck.

>> No.6678917

Do shaders use a lot of computing power? Do they burn in on an lcd monitor? What are some of the best that come closest to a crt?

>> No.6678969

I tried this pack, and most shaders are too dark by default.

>> No.6678985

My games never looked like this.

>> No.6679010

>Do shaders use a lot of computing power?
>Do they burn in on an lcd monitor?
no, unless you use OLED
>What are some of the best that come closest to a crt?
CRT Royale, you can adjust what kind of mask you want in the parameters

>> No.6679026

>Do shaders use a lot of computing power?
they take more gpu than emulation itself.

>> No.6679035

it depends on which route you're going, the complex ones yes but majority of simple ones barely uses any processing power at all

>> No.6679051

CRT Hylian integer scaled, or smuberstep for a semi-integer prescaled look with bilinear blur or noninteger cancer. I would love to use Royale more but it has uneven scanline artifacts at 1440p. I just want an HDMI 2.1 video card for 120hz 4K already. Why is this hard? This standard is a few years old now.

>> No.6679063

>uneven scanline artifacts at 1440p
that sounds like you have some setting wrong somewhere because >>6675347 is 1440p and it looks pretty perfect

>> No.6679076

That doesn't look like he's rolling with all the composite artifacts on, and also it's really hard to tell without a flat colored background to be honest.

>> No.6679096

These faux scanlines are pretty gross

>> No.6679113
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, superprobotector1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I thought it's obvious we are not talking about scanlines here. I was talking about the full package.

First off, CRT shaders are slow because with higher resolution they look better. I think there is a limit to the resolution because you wanna emulate a CRT screen which had a limit resolution itself in general, even though it means something different for CRT. It's a little bit like with a printer. A printers resolution is high, but it has it's limits too.

But lets take it apart. From my experience:
aperture grille (slow)
slot mask (slow)
motion blur/after glow (slow)
convergence offests (medium to slow)
scanline blooming (medium)
screen bending (very slow)

Someone can do better testing of this than me... My laptop has a graphics card, but I can't run some CRT shaders. Especially if they got screen bending.

>> No.6679120

That looks absolutely atrocious

>> No.6679131

I disagree, the webm compression looks awful and sure there are better shaders, but at least it keeps the game at playable speed and it's an improvement to bare pixel. And it looks 1000 times better than a sony triniton, where you can see every pixel

>> No.6679167
File: 2.83 MB, 1485x1080, Contra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't be bothered making a video but here's a screenshot at 1080p

>> No.6679183

You really nailed that "1996 laptop ghosting" look.

>> No.6679191

Fix your fucking pincushion, I swear zoomers have no concept of what a consumer-grade CRT actually looked like.

>> No.6679253

What is it with half this shaders looking blurry af

>> No.6679269

>CRT shader
gee I wonder, let me guess you want RGB and every pixel edge visible?

>> No.6679332


>> No.6679335
File: 32 KB, 491x335, 1569662353719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6679343
File: 41 KB, 640x480, Grandma-Finds-Anons-Shaders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweaty, I can't see shit

>> No.6679394
File: 1.03 MB, 1485x1080, ContraIII.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't line up but whatever

>> No.6679739

yes, looks good and runs on acceptable speed.

you are either surfing on a phone or you need better eyes

>> No.6679751
File: 345 KB, 360x177, 1565928955526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the brown pipes on the left. Huge improvement over pixels. If the raster is bothering anyone in that screenshot, that is because you are sitting close to the screen. This is what crts look like. You can't sit close to a CRT. Same for CRT filters. If they bother you go further away from the screen.

Of course it doesn't look as crisp as a vector flash game. But it looks much better than linear multiplicated pixels.

>> No.6679835

They look like shit even on a monitor. There is just no way to properly emulate a CRT.

>> No.6680043
File: 3.97 MB, 400x224, 1558892391919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you are saying pixel repetition looks better? I am sorry, but I disagree with you.

>> No.6680118

Playing on real CRT looks better than this mess, poorfaggot.

>> No.6680220

It seems just for nostalgia purposes. A lot of people in the states grew up on RF adaptors and this captures that super shitty VCR recorded look.

>> No.6680260

1. more hassle than improvement
2. many crt look different
3. I think sony trinitons look much worse, and those are crts

>> No.6680279
File: 1.07 MB, 321x224, 1581075628024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need any shaders, just don't try to play at stupid high resolutions and everything will look beautiful and perfect, pic very related

>> No.6680317

lol no zommie zoom zoom

>> No.6680332


>> No.6680365
File: 1.59 MB, 3339x2908, RGB_Sony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like whatever OPs pic is

>> No.6680390

Are there any particular shaders that look good on a 1080p screen? Had to get rid of my Trinitron Wega since it took too much space.

>> No.6681502

I'm not an ant anon

>> No.6681524

>stupid high resolutions
Are you dumb?
Do you know what integer scaling is?
Do you know the average monitor is 27”

>> No.6681527

>Sin título
based spic

>> No.6681558

Most people don't play 30 feet away from their monitors, retard

>> No.6681560

>pvm for mega drive
You must like looking at dithering

>> No.6681570

>30 feet
>calling others retard
You can sit however far you want from any screen you know?

>> No.6681573

Not everyone lives in their mom's basement like the parasite you are

>> No.6681580

Ad hominem, I’ll take that as your concession

>> No.6681583

Ok retard

>> No.6682263

What shader is that?

>> No.6682312

Exactly. All these kids saying "Ew it's so blurry" no shit. It's how they faked more colors and transparency, by the bleeding between scanlines.
Looking at crisp pixels is doing yourself a disservice. These idiots are playing more money to make the games look worse!

>> No.6682408

you just have to look at the difference in clouds in >>6679394 to see what it's for

>> No.6682507


>> No.6683380

before I used the default phosphor shader. But you can use shader packs. This is the one from the super probotector clip:
\Analog Shader Pack version 3\Computer monitors\Vintage LCD monitor\Monochrome.cgp

>> No.6683414
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, sb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better quality

>> No.6683418

this, not even bilinear.

>> No.6683450
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1080, c.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6683464
File: 2.81 MB, 1920x1080, mmx2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6683470
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, mmx3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6684528

as the anon that uploaded that contra gif, I can tell you that that unequivocally looks bad
It's like a GBA LCD screen

>> No.6685881

it looks better than pixel repetition

>> No.6685907

That one in particular looks worse than no shader, the original GBA screens look terrible and it’s one of the reasons people replace them

>> No.6686163

>looks worse than no shader
I disagree and I don't care about what a GBA screen looks like. The GBA has a shit soundcard and can go fuck off and the shader looks much better than pixel repetetion

>> No.6686172

these look terrible, eyesore at best.

>> No.6686198

It does not look good, you might not care about GBA but that ass shader you have emulates exactly that, I don’t think anyone but you thinks that looks good this >>6679394 and >>6675347
however have actual improvements

>> No.6686265

This looks like ass

>> No.6687086

what shader is that?

>> No.6687590

Are you fucking baiting with this shit? This looks like an LCD from 1992

>> No.6688129

CRT Royale XM29 plus

>> No.6689440

Don't you find it messes with the colours far too much though, shame because I like it in general.

>> No.6689452

You get used to playing with that orange tint and it hurts your eyes when you turn it off.

>> No.6689604

Thank you. I figured out I need to use D3D instead of OpenGL.So now I got most shaders working at acceptable 60fps. Some shaders look strange in my shader pack. The slot mask is too big. Other shaders like flee market tv run fast and look as they should.

forgot something: This shader only looks like that if you use OpenGL. Not D3D. Now that I got the other CRT shaders working I quite like this OpenGL LCD shader.

>> No.6689608

What are you talking about, there's no point in using anything but vulkan for any software-rendered core.

>> No.6689630

'it's blurry' Blurfags incoming. Go look at the waterfalls in Sonic without scan lines for a quick and easy way to find out why you are wrong

>> No.6689638

The cost of blending the waterfall is too high. Crisp Sonic > Transparent waterfall Sonic. In other words, cope.

>> No.6689647

what? I am using windows

>> No.6689654


Do what >>6675334

Said and you pretty much get the same look without the color shift

>> No.6689663
File: 1021 KB, 3840x2160, altbeast-200717-162705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this shader:


>> No.6689668

Actually what gives xm29+ preset its coloured tint is the LUT layer, and I tried the shader with it disabled and it didn't look as nice, so yeah
the only reason to have it disabled is when the game is already heavily skewed towards yellow/orange like Vagrant Story, otherwise I prefer to have it on

>> No.6689823

that actually looks kinda nice
just disabling the borders and the curvature and we are golden

>> No.6689874
File: 349 KB, 1920x1200, Breath of Fire III (USA)-200806-161215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally don't mind the curvature; it's easy to change but I need to figure out how to remove the clear bezel.

>> No.6689916

I don't even use shaders currently, I'm just saying the reason to use them isn't just based on some warped aesthetic but that CRT image often is objectively better for how the games were made, obviously

>> No.6689995
File: 1.31 MB, 2975x1435, Streets of Rage 2 (USA)-200806-165632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. I like it

*note you should view CRT shaders from like 5 feet away to get the intended effect

>> No.6690254

Sonic on a Mavica

>> No.6690263

If you turn off the LUT or change the colour profile you should be good

>> No.6690705

not a fan of the carbon fibre background or the CRT cover, but the fact theres some glow reflection is pretty cool

>> No.6691994

how do you disable that background

>> No.6692056

I like

>> No.6692717

...Why is the sprite different?

>> No.6692724

Why don’t you read something for once in your miserable, young, bucolic life, zoomer? Fucking ZOOMERS ruining this board with their begging!

>> No.6692847

I'll give it a go, cheers.

>> No.6694151
File: 1.07 MB, 2595x1435, shader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've messed with it a bit and really landed on something I like. I found the background image being referenced and just colored it all black (but it would also be easy to replace, could use anything as a background), switched the CRT shader to guest-dr-venom and found a shadowmask setting in the parameters, reduced the amount of curve and switched up the color space a little. Really really like how this looks, both with and without NTSC filters. I just love the real time bezel reflection, really makes the whole thing feel authentic

I'd be even happier if I could find a high res Sony bezel instead of just the generic one

>> No.6694159

Oh, the jpeg compression kind of fucked with the scanlines a bit. Here's a proper look at it if you care:


>> No.6694161

Only shaders that should be used are ones that hide dithering. Fake scanlines, phosphorous glows, and aperture grills are degenerate.

>> No.6694280

Nah, having a softer image is great

>> No.6694283

file for retroarch plz!

>> No.6694284

>having a softer image is great
Then just a bilinear filter then shader nigger.

>> No.6694292

Nah, bilinear is objectively worse, you’re free to your shitty opinion dude don’t try to force it on others

>> No.6694294

Bilingual filters are disgusting though

>> No.6694302

Nah, fake CRT is objectively worse, you’re free to your shitty opinion but your filters are pretty shit
As are meme CRT filters

>> No.6694323

If you think the one without the CRT shader looks better than you are not only deluding others, you yourself are delusional

>> No.6694332

If you think the one with the CRT shader looks better than you are not only a retard, but you're also gay too.

>> No.6694343

>if I copy what he says it will give me clout

>> No.6694349

>If I say he's dumb and delusional it gives me clout

>> No.6695829
File: 308 KB, 1317x1080, Spider-Man-200808-115150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shader should I pick to make the hud looks less pixelated like pic related?

>> No.6696013

pls, i don't know what to do

>> No.6696676

Not sure there's much which can be done shader-wise but with Beetle PSX supporting texture replacement now, that would be the way to go if you can be bothered.