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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 67 KB, 500x445, 617THvy13WL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
666435 No.666435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone played this?

It featured a new concept called FREE -- Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment -- described on wikipedia as follows,

>Suzuki coined a genre title for its nonlinear gameplay, "FREE" (Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment), for the game, based on the interactivity and freedom he wanted to give to the player. Suzuki intended to achieve this by simulating aspects of real life through the game, such as the day and night system, real-time variable weather effects (unheard of in a game of this kind at the time), fully voiced non-player characters with their own daily schedules, quick time events, and various other interactive elements such as vending machines, arcades, and convenience stores.[3]

This is basically a what morrowind and oblivion turned out to be. I had no idea a game like this existed back then and I even had a dreamcaste at the time.

>> No.666437

No. Not a single human being has played this.

>> No.666454

>Allow me to share with you common information that everyone on this board has known for years

>> No.666456

What is this?

>> No.666464

I find it odd how /vr/ has such a large underage population. You would think a board about old games would have an older population, not younger.

>> No.666467
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Actually this was not the first game to use this system... Mizzurna Falls on the PS1 was released a year earlier and has a similar system.

>> No.666476

have you seen the footage from the Saturn beta of Shenmue, before they moved it up to DC? It looks pretty impressive for saturn

>> No.666482

I find it more amazing that somehow this guy apparently owned a Dreamcast and never heard of Shenmue.

That's like owning a car and not knowing what an engine is.

>> No.666487

Its basically the greatest adventure game ever made. There's so much depth to what you can do in it.

>> No.666503
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well i didnt know about if

>> No.666514

Is this your first day on the internet?

>> No.666515

Yeah, and Majora's Mask did something similar a year later. And if you didn't know what Shenmue was, you're probably underage.

>> No.666520
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please be gentle

>> No.666521
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>That feel when you've completely forgotten about something, vaguely recognize something and ask yourself "what is this" and then suddenly remember how much time you used to spend playing one of these games

Pic related found it on the "open world" wiki article. Mindfuck level: very disturbed. God that game was fun. How could you ever forget something like that when you used to spend so much time and had so much fun playing it? It's like completely forgetting about an old girlfriend or a car or something, which I guess I've heard happens to people :/

Also you're just being an asshole btw. Maybe you're the underage fag here and are just projecting this fact onto other people.

>> No.666518

> Has anyone ever played Shenmue?
Nigger where do you think you are?

>> No.666535

Who cares, the game was still boring as all fuck, and what do I get for beating both? Not a fucking thing cause the trilogy will never finish.

>> No.666546

>implying Segata Sanshiro will not rise from the dead this year at E3 and murder Kaz Hirai and whoever the fuck runs the Xbox division while letting Iwata and those at Nintendo live for honorable competition between the Dreamcast 2 and the Wii U during the end of days

>> No.666552

No he owned a Dreamcaste brought to you by the Polystation people.

>> No.666547 [DELETED] 

No he owned a Dreamcaste brought to you by the Playstation people.

>> No.666549
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I hope someone puts you out of the world's misery.

>> No.666560
File: 36 KB, 346x495, Binjo_Tsuji_4918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my dream games would be a Silent Hill type game set within such a gamespace, where everything slowly but subtly goes to hell day by day, and only you and select few others seems to notice or care. Art director should be Junji Ito, sound director should of course be Akira Yamaoka, and either or both Osamu Sato and Hiroko Nishikawa (of LSD fame) should be creative consultants.

>> No.666574


Retro is really in with younger teenagers nowadays. Especially 90s stuff. I don't really mind it because I'd rather they be in to that then be xxDarkNarutoHeadsh0tz420xx [MLG] cawadooty babies.

>> No.666576

Lol looking at the vehicle list I can't believe how shitty a list of cars they had. I guess at the time I never knew that. Surely they could have done better, like maybe a Z-car at the very least or a Miata, RX-7, or something :/. It's like the guys who made the game knew nothing about cars at the time.

>> No.666578


Kinda sounds like Deadly Premonition.

>> No.666586
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>Ito and Yamaoka

That would be absolutely amazing.

>> No.666594

Yes, but I'm thinking less Twin Peaks with broken but forgivable mechanics, more mundane life simulator Shenmue that slowly but surely becomes terrifying and survival horror.

>> No.666597

I suppose you're right, it's just a bit annoying for those of us who were around and aware of this stuff when it was first released. It's painfully obvious a lot of /vr/ is looking at these games as ancient artifacts from the past to inspect and analyze. Which isn't too bad, I guess, but it makes older games seem like more of a commodity or a novelty and less of games to stand on their own merit.

>> No.666604
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Pic related. If you made a racing game pre-2000 and didn't have this car then you done fucked up.

>> No.666621

They're learning about our awesome 90a culture. Would you rather they think it was like Friends all the time?

Also Virtua Fighter RPG will always stand on its own as a game

>> No.666638



Fun fact, the game was originally planned to have 16 chapters, for context Shenmue 1 was chapter 1, Shenmue 2 was chapters 2, 3, and 4.

Yu Suzuki was quite the dreamer

>> No.666672

Sometimes you miss things. Like I never really played mario, or at least I never owned a mario game (except maybe on gameboy now that I think of it).

Also owned a genesis and had like 50+ games, even bought more at $2/game when they were in boxes at gamestop (most turned out to be not that good) but I've seen genesis titles mentioned here that I'd never heard of before...

You remind of those audiophiles that give you some obscure piece of music with no vocals made in like Turkey or something and when you tell them "yeah I like this song" they respond condescendingly, "well duh of course you like this song you're pretty stupid for having never heard it before".

>> No.666681

Actually, chapter 2 was the boat ride over to China where Ryo learns some Chinese after helping a little girl.

>> No.666683

>obscure piece of music with no vocals
>no vocals
Please tell me those things aren't related in your mind.

Shenmue is up there with Sonic Adventure as one of the games that defined the Dreamcast. It had a fucking ton of hype and has been talked about on the internet forever. For you not to have come into contact with it just displays ignorance (willful or not is irrelevant) on your part.

>> No.666706


Not knowing about Shenmue but having a DC is like owning an N64 and asking "Mario...whats that?"

>> No.666725

No that would be sonic adventures.

The game didn't really sell that well it just developed a cult following after the dreamcast had already flopped (there were a lot of gems on the dreamcast that nobody knew about and then everyone wondered why it flopped when there were all these awesome games for it).

>> No.666735


The marketing blitz for Shenmue was everywhere, hell the game even made the news and the Guinness Book of Records

>> No.666762
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 1365358241840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just played through Shenmue for the first time earlier this year. I fell in love with the entire game. The world, the people, the combat, the story, and even the fork lifting. I'm trying to get through Shenmue II and it's really good, but it still doesn't beat the original for me.

>> No.666771

Wait, no, fuck that.
ESPECIALLY the fork lifting

>> No.666805


For years I wanted to be a forklift driver. Then i realised its not as relaxing IRL

>> No.666914
File: 7 KB, 251x234, bart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when "Shenmue" is a tree and you'll never know the significance

>> No.666942

Shemue was easily one of the most revolutionary games of all time.

I sure hope there's a Shenmue 3 for PS4. I want to believe.

>you will never know the real reason Ryu's father had to die for

>> No.666948


Going by the footage of Shenmue Online, it probably gives you magic powers

>> No.666952


Wasnt it implied he killed Lan Di's father?

>> No.666962
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seriously this guy

>> No.666965

The fact that I'll most likely never even learn what happens in the rest of the Shenmue story, let alone experience them they way they should have been, is beyond depressing.

>> No.666985
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Dat Ryo hazuki feel

>> No.666980

I hope you're wrong, but you're probably not.

The ending of Shenmue 2 really bothered me, specifically the part when a magic beam shoots out of the phoenix mirror and causes a sword to levitate. At no other point in the game is anything supernatural even implied, except for maybe one time when Master Chen made a passing remark, and so it felt horribly out of place, and I worried that the rest of the story would degenerate into "Lan Di wants ultimate power." I really want to see how the Shenmue story ends, but sometimes I wonder if it's for the best we never saw Shenmue 3.

>> No.666982

What's a Dreamcast? Is that something I can get on my Xbox while I'm waiting for Call of Duty to update?

>> No.666986

Is DC finally allowed? I'm so fucking happy this thread exists

>> No.667164

We like to say the Dreamcast just barely makes the limit.

I have this as my alarm, makes waking up pleasant.

>> No.667176

Yeah, the only reason Shenmue has stuck with me for so long in my life was how down-to-earth it was. No other game has you doing a menial job, or have to worry how to pay rent.

Speaking of, I loved how in Shenmue 1 you were rolling in yen. I could pretty much afford anything what with Ryu's Mom giving him an allowance and his part-time job. Shenmue 2 flipped this over making you have to pay rent and NOT have a steady job. Really felt sad when I had to sell some of my figurines to make rent. Probably one of the strongest feelings I've had in a game.

>> No.667192

You paid the rent in Shenmue 2? Was there any benefit in paying the guy and not just blowing him off?

>> No.667227

Oh god, are you telling me there was no negative consequences to skipping the bill?

Way to ruin my memory.

>> No.667230

Fucking children. Read the rules and fuck off.

>> No.667231
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>He actually paid his rent

>> No.667247

It only awppeared in manga format. Shenmue 2 was chapters 3,4,5

As for the series, I love these games. These games are a work of art and are an example of top notch games like Mario. I remember getting Shenmue for christmass in 2001.

I was so into that game. Even though I rarely talked about it to people I knew, this guy I know would exaggerate how I would talk about it all the time.

There was a girl I knew who was obseed with FFX due to the lip-syncing and Aluron. What was interesting was compared to me, all that was all she could talk about. It kind of says something about modern gamers.

>> No.667264

great game and love the storytelling. sadly, after GTA III, this one has become redundant.