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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 8 KB, 320x224, ys12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6658971 No.6658971 [Reply] [Original]

Just *walk* into the enemy

>> No.6658974
File: 193 KB, 576x720, 6be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean you can just walk into it?
...You can just WALK into it.

>> No.6659078

rpg's are the best while high

>> No.6659121
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, 69E8CCD0-90D6-4464-A702-22A723E7577F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I walked into death here. Never beat this goddamn game.

>> No.6659142

Is that bad? I thought it was an interesting mechanic, just a bit dated

>> No.6659251

>why don't msx games have inverted controls

>> No.6659253


>> No.6659843

You also needed a good shield and be strong enough or else you'd get killed by the tougher enemies. Bosses spiced the gameplay up. Anyone who shits on bump combat is a retard

>> No.6659849

It's fun though

>> No.6659854
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So you got Fact.

>> No.6660085
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>> No.6660119
File: 114 KB, 1710x900, avgn-fi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shitload of fuck!

>> No.6660158
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>> No.6660159

Should be a picture of Derek

>> No.6660170

>inverted controls

>> No.6660306
File: 250 KB, 464x678, Bw1qxCcIYAA5c-y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. Very bad. It even put me off this game.

>no tactics to fighting enemies
>can't you use skills or finesse to win battles
>risk taking damage because you can't block
>can't challenge yourself by getting by with cheap equips or minimal items
>Practically forces you to spend money to make any progress

And how is THIS not retarded

>> No.6660814

It's not terrible, but it does have its issue. Main one being that it makes every fight against normal enemies more or less the same.

I think it's fun, but I wouldn't want to see it return for more because as far as I'm concerned 1, 2, 4, and the Chronicles remake are the final word on that combat system.

The Ark/Oath/Origin trilogy had the best combat and mechanics by far.

>> No.6660919

Jesus christ you're a dumbass. If you position yourself correctly you don't take damage from enemies, and your punishment for failing is having to retreat to heal (or die).
>>can't challenge yourself by getting by with cheap equips or minimal items
Completely wrong, you're just dogshit.
>>Practically forces you to spend money to make any progress
Hurr durr how dare the game require me to play it to progress, it's not fair
>It even put me off this game.
So you didn't even play it. No wonder. Why do you think your opinion matters then?

>> No.6660981

I need to pick this back up on PCEngine. I was rather enjoying this series. Never played them as a kid.
I thought the walk into them mechanic was a bit off too, but I got over it.
Got excited when I found out This and the Dragon Slayer games made their way onto Sega Saturn, but I've read those are terrible ports. Anyone else have experience with these games on Saturn?

>> No.6660997

Next time read the tutorial.

>> No.6661003


>it put an animu tranny off this game
In what world is this a bad thing?

>> No.6661016

Please restart the game and read the tutorials.

>> No.6661083


Geez calm down

>Hurr durr how dare the game require me to play it to progress, it's not fair

What I meant was that other rpgs allow you to survive or get by spending little money or using as little supplies as possible. That is also a challenge on it's own, unlike just grinding repetitively and buyfagging you're way to the end.

>it put an animu tranny off this game

It's from the game Recettear you brainlet, an rpg where you run an item shop. I was implying that you have to spend a fuck ton of in-game shekels on item shops run by (((merchants)))


I'm still not convinced so I'll just stick to the side-scroller Ys games.

>> No.6661112
File: 643 KB, 256x320, ys adol gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TBF early YS was big on grinding. Even in Chronicles, I dunno how you're supposed to be the fuckin' bat or Dark Fact low level or without the ideal equipment since those fights are just rng hell damage races on nightmare.

>I'm still not convinced so I'll just stick to the side-scroller Ys games.

I personally recommend the Ark/Oath/Origin trilogy. I really wish they had made more games of that platforming + bullet hell + hack and slash style before moving onto the boring character action combat of 7 onwards.

>> No.6661131

>TBF early YS was big on grinding
Levels yes (though if you are not familiar with the games you should not have to grind much since you'll spend plenty of time exploring and finding where to go), equipment/money hardly.
See http://flora.main.jp/o_exp1.html

>> No.6661165

Also Ys I has next to no grinding, maybe a bit before the first boss. You hit the cap before the midpoint of the game ffs.

>> No.6661515

Should I play Ys1+2 on PC Engine or PSP?

>> No.6661598

I like the bullet hell stuff that comes into play in Ys 2's remake.

>> No.6661638

Pretty sure I beat this game on my Master System when I was like 6.
Stop being retarded, OP.

>> No.6661648

Ys came out in 1987. Why would anyone with a working brain give it grief?

>> No.6661662

People are really defending this piece of shit series???

>> No.6661818

Because /vr/ is /v/-lite and full of children or adults with the minds of children.

>> No.6661843
File: 46 KB, 600x396, diogenes_painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animu tranny
>not recognising video games
Go back to your collector threads.

>> No.6661993

go fuck yourself

you too nufalcolm pleb
>muh oats
>muh urgin

>> No.6662118

>go fuck yourself
You first, cuck.

>> No.6663157


>> No.6663169

Ys is some of the most garbage, pea-brained games you could play. Newer ones aren't any better, it's just spam the attack button to win.

>> No.6663446

Being easy was their selling point.

>> No.6663932

You can't just walk into them. You need to hit them off center or you take damage.

>> No.6664879


>> No.6664892

I didn't play it until the PSP game, which still has dumb bumpercars

>> No.6664987

Youre dumb

>> No.6665070

I cant beat this boss either but damn if i didnt enjoy myself up to this point. Maybe ill try again soon, i need to check my psp battery any way.

>> No.6665316

I'm an Oath/Origin guy too (ark kinda stinks). You might wanna try Lacrimosa of Dana if you haven't though. Seven and Memories of Celceta are easily skippable dogshit, but LoD was pretty fun.

>> No.6666480
File: 13 KB, 440x380, 967a136f5759dbe663b17d0d2ad873db-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bump is fun as fuck, sure its easy but I enjoy the fast pace also Ys II is better than I in pretty much every metric other than maybe soundtrack

>> No.6666826

i like that you actually bounce on enemies in eternal and its descendents. didn't feel good to just walk through bosses.