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662847 No.662847 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a Donkey Kong Country thread?

Just started up 2 again. I realized that I never quite finished it before, because after watching a quick youtube video I know for a fact I never beat K. Rool in his Lost World on this game... only on 3.

Also, DKC3 gets underrated often. More to do and collect, nice little overworld, more fun and vibrant atmosphere.

>> No.662891

>DKC3 is under rated

If the original composer of 1 & 2 had made more than 4 tracks for DKC3 then we would all love it. He redid the entire soundtrack for the GBA version though.

Man, if only there were a way to hack the gba music into the SNES game.


>> No.662893
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>DKCReturns Whats this I don't even butchering my childhood...
But fuck yeah DKC2 My all time favorite game.

>> No.662925

It's not just that. They changed so much it just doesn't feel like the same game as 1 and 2.
I'm actually playing through 3 right now though.

>> No.662926


use a code to map roll to the 1 button. Makes the entire game much better.

still missing a water level, animals, and better level variation though...

>> No.662946

Ever wonder what the models these were pre-rendered from actually look like in high res?

>> No.662967

Haha now I do...

>> No.662973
File: 2.13 MB, 2100x1525, DKC[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm, not to be rude, anon, but probably like all the high-res renders used in the promotional materials?

>> No.662994


I haven't played Returns, is it actually worse, or just too different and modern?

All 3 of the original all do have a weirdly unique feel to them. 2 always felt the best... 3 has the shit music and too light and happy, 1 seems just... like an awkward prototype.

>> No.662995

I'm going to seem like i'm just hating what's popular, but DKC2 is my least favorite Donkey Kong Country. It didn't have any of the atmosphere of the first game but didnt have the quirkiness of the third game. It seems like the awkward in between.

Atmosphere is something that really matters to me in games though.

>> No.663005

It's Just modern. Wagglin and Health Points made the game uninteresting.

>> No.663007

I seriously disliked DKC3. Wise just phoning in the music really hurt it, and I don't think it had much of any atmosphere at all. The backgrounds were terribly bland, the enemy designs looked rushed like no heart went into their creation, and I hated, HATED Kiddy Kong.

>> No.663014


>health points

All of my why. 2 kong barrel system was perfect.

>> No.663019

Apparently, they didn't think so.

>> No.663024

The mechanics are just wrong... Diddy rides on Dks back. Various other weird things like that
I enjoyed the atmosphere. As a child I really loved pirates so that had me sold lol

>> No.663026

I honestly prefer the SNES soundtrack for DKC3. It just seemed like it was better made for the environment/levels. The GBA one, however, only has a few good songs, which is disappointing since David Wise pretty much headed the whole thing.

>> No.663057
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How did this series fair. Is it still as fun as I remember it or is it terrible and I just have nostalgia goggles from not playing it for so long.

>> No.663054

Did you play DKCR?
How can you not mention the stupid controls, its like the biggest and most noticeable flaw

>> No.663067

>Various other weird things like that.

>> No.663085

Well, it might be those ones, but they would take forever to render. I would assume they would use lower polycounts than those and lower res textures.

Otherwise, they would be waiting days for animations to render.

>> No.663091

They weren't rendering that many frames

>> No.663090

I loved the SNES ones, went back to play DK Land 1 and went "The hell is this crap"

Field of view is so small, it's really hard to see where the hell you are going. Graphics are muddy. I can see how it would be hype as shit back in the day, I mean it's probably the tightest gameboy platformer for its time with those controls, but since I didn't grow up with it it just felt like an inferior port ultimately

>> No.663097

Eh, you are probably right. The animations loop a lot.

>> No.663170

Did anyone else ever get one of these promotional videos back in the day?


I swear I still have mine somewhere, probably in storage. At least I hope so, I thought the thing was awesome.

>> No.663224

Shit I totally had one of those

all that 90s grunge edgy stuff

>> No.664008


Dave explained in Scribes before that he changed the soundtrack because he didn't like how the GBA version of two came out with a straight port and the GBA soundchip was even worse at replicating the SNES versions tracks, especially as the SNES version was using a lot of SNES specific tricks to make it sound more ethereal like in this track where they used a lot of the SNES capability to have a rumbling bass and have a samples of gusts of wind and they recorded on Rare's roof and garden


Kinda understandable that they change the soundtrack since they were really taking advantage of the SNES sampling capabilities.

>> No.664018

Wise was BARELY involved with the soundtrack to 3.

>> No.664047

>that part where you hammer the select button between the path between the first and second stage and you skip like half the game

the first cheat/easter egg thing i ever discovered in video games

>> No.664049

Fuck, I've accidently deleted my entire post and I wrote a wall of text. Here's the short version.

A friend and me played DKCR in co-op and we loved it. The atmosphere and level-design are honestly better than 1-3, its only weak point are the controls. You have to shake the controller for rolling, it's fucking annoying.
The multiplayer is a lot better because you can now both play at the same time instead of waiting for the other monkey to die. It's also fairly difficult in co-op because you're permanently sabotaging each other.

If you can look past the controls I highly recommend it, it's the best 2D platformer I played in years. Grabbing a friend is highly recommended.

>> No.664052

>Diddy's Kong Quest
>Diddy's Conquest

What in the fuck, I always thought it was Diddy Kong's Quest

>> No.664163
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Donkey Kong Country 2: the reason I made my parents finally buy me a SNES, my first, all mine console (LCD handheld consoles and Atari 2600 at the '80s don't count). Even thought it's without doubt the best game of the trilogy I prefer DKC1 which is my favourite video game.

DKC3 was the ultimate let down but still fun to play. They could at least make a better job with the soundtrack, it's one of the most unmemorable soundtrack I've ever heard from a Rare game.

>> No.664187
File: 98 KB, 239x199, dk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 seems just... like an awkward prototype

I agree, yet it will constantly be championed since it came first, regardless of how much better diddys kong quest is.

It's a lot like "Star Trek: The Next Generation". In many ways it's superior but will never be as recognized as the original.

>> No.664212
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I don't get this criticism of DKC3. I thought the soundtrack was a little more sombre than usual but still pretty great. And the gameplay and level design was as excellent as DKC2.

I just don't understand...

>> No.664226
File: 72 KB, 600x702, kiddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiddy kong

>> No.664239


Again, I wish I had the scribes (Probably back in the 90's but Evaline Novak and Dave Wise wanted to try a more etheral and experimental soundtrack. Especially since the rest of the game was a bit more experimental as it was Rare's last SNES game (At least till the SNES version of killer instinct 2 was canceled) and most of the teams were being moved on to N64 projects. So a lot of the soundtrack was based in the "Unknown" and a lot more new-age style with dialed back instrumentation, more downbeat music and sampling from real life sources to reflect the "uncharted teritory" aspect.

DKC 3 was a small Rare team screwing around before the N64 and things getting serious, really. Especially since a lot of them were combining DKC 3 with work on Project DREAM (Which became Banjo-Kazooie)

>> No.664525

>As excellent as DKC2
I hated DKC2 and i thought DKC3 was fine (though DKC1 was best by a long shot)
I simply don't understand what people like about those vertical fucking levels - they're impossible to navigate, and falling down five goddamn stories and ending up half way to the bottom is WORSE than dying.

>> No.664638

>DKC3 was the ultimate let down but still fun to play.

How so? I really enjoyed that one as a kid.

>> No.664750

Kiddy Kong makes no sense to me.

Why does nobody understand that "Baby" characters are offputting.

Not like, soft, marketable cuter tinier versions of something, but like baby paraphenalia. Pacifiers and stocking feet. Nobody wants that shit.

>> No.664894


I don't understand the criticism of the DKC3 soundtrack at all. In fact, I don't really understand the relatively frequent criticism of 3 in general. For me, the weakest game in the series is still DKC1. Mainly because there is less replay value seeing as there are no bonus coins to collect/ lost world to find.

the music in 3 was fucking tight as ever:


>> No.665131
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My face when most people don't realise that Evelyn was just as important for the music and sound fx as David was for the whole trilogy

DKC: David + Evelyn equal
DKC2: David
DKC3: around 90% Evelyn and a little David

Seriously, do you guys even research?

>> No.665146

I don't like DKC3 much at all and find it by far the worst in the trilogy, but the music is probably the one thing I WOULDN'T complain about.

It's not the same style as DKC2, which is probably what disappointed a lot of people, but it's still an excellent soundtrack and one of the best on the SNES.

>> No.665162

So what you're saying is that the more Wise and the less Evelyn, the better the soundtrack?

>> No.665198
File: 35 KB, 542x480, 542px-Sneek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 is terrible. It is not underrated. It's is actually overrated because there are sadly some poor and misguided people who consider it something other than complete shit.

>the level design is awful
>there are too many stop and go levels
>levels in general don't flow well
>even the racing level is awkward and unintuitive
>the setting is bland and boring
>all the enemy redesigns are disgustingly ugly
>the elephant looks gay and controls like shit
>no rhino
>annoying bear characters
>awkward overworld map navigation
>kiddy kong is a shit character all around
>the soundtrack sucks mayor ass

The only good things are the throwing minigame and the snowball boss fight. Everything else in this game is shit. Fuck everybody who likes this game. It is shit.

>> No.665202 [DELETED] 

anita pls go

>> No.665239
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Great overworld as well.

>> No.665276

I never visit /vr/. I only thought i recognized this pile of shit when i saw it on the front page. I just had to come here and say: God, you are right. DKC2 was like the best game ever. DKC3 was awful. Kiddy Kong was the worst part of it. Personally, i didn't even like the Snowball boss, but i kinda liked the mecha level and the red wood levels.
To add:
>Cave levels. They were shit in DKC1 and still are shit
>No pirates
>Banana birds

>> No.665290

100% agree.

>> No.665371

Although some of the designs like the bees were inferior, I liked the overall rustic quality. Was it superior to the other games' visuals? No, but I liked that it tried something different again rather than emulating the jungle world in 1 or the potpourri of 2. Woods/industrial/etc. were welcome additions to the stockpile of DKC worlds.

Also, I may be alone in this, but I liked controlling Kiddy somewhat. If you get good at water skipping, it's really satisfying, even though you barely get to use this mystical power. Losing the best-controlling Kong, Diddy, was disappointing.

>> No.665859

I've never noticed how weird DK's fingers look on that cover.

>> No.665909

Does anyone else think it's weird that Donkey Kong is only playable in 1 of the 3 games? The games were sort of meant to reboot the Donkey Kong brand, and he's missing from 2/3 of them.

>> No.665931

You can see them a little bit in this video.
Imagine how crazy it would be if those models somehow got on Garry's Mod? Too bad Rareware was known for covering up and deleting most of their beta stuff.

>> No.665943

Hands are really fucking strange to draw, if you've never seriously tried it before.

Even though Donkey Kong isn't the most fun Kong to control, I was always sad that you never got to control him again. I dreamed as a kid of a huge DKC4 where you got to control all of them plus new Kongs. It also makes me sad that of all the ROM hacks out there, DKC has very few and they mostly suck or are incomplete.

>> No.666027

I know they are hard to draw, but the fingers don't even look linked to the rest of the hand. Oh well, old school 3D modeling for you.

>> No.666029

I've never played past the second world in DKC3, even though the first two DKC games are some of my favourites ever. I think my problem with DKC3 is the ugly enemy design, and the pace of the game is much slower without Diddy. I really ought to play it properly, but I just find myself replaying 1 and 2 over and over.

>> No.666041
File: 37 KB, 576x334, Squitter[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best animal buddy.
>those big eyes
>all those shoes
>that shit eating bucktoothed grin

>> No.666051 [SPOILER] 
File: 288 KB, 480x508, kong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Kong.

>> No.666275

He has no style, he has no grace,
This Kong has a funny face,
He can handstand when he needs to,
And stretch his arms out, just for you,
Inflate himself just like a balloon,
This crazy Kong just digs this tune!

DK! Donkey Kong!

>> No.666329


>yfw he shows up in DKCR2

>> No.666506

I just hope that in Donkey Kong Country Forever (DKCR2) they bring back a snow/ice world. Imagine it having a mine cart level on a track made of ice and every jump you make breaks away a little bit of it. Or maybe a silhouette level that revolves around a blizzard.

>> No.666551

Mah nigga!

Webs all day errday.

>> No.666561


>Better than anything

Nope, that game was trash, and DKCR was pretty damn good, I expected a straight remake and got something entirely unique, also thank fuck for homebrewing as it did away with all garbage waggle mechanics.

>> No.666615

But Returns is the best game in the franchise after DKC2. It's different from the previous entries, but it's a phenomenal game regardless. If you avoid it just because it's different you're missing out on the best 2D platformer in years.

I didn't even have an issue with the forced waggle, but if you did it was easy enough to fix and the 3DS version removes it.

>> No.666628

Even back when the games were first released I never saw the appeal of the DKC games. The graphics were nice, but they weren't special when it came to gaemplay.

>> No.666678

I get bored of them REAL quickly. idk why. I enjoy em and they're good and all but after like 10 minutes I'm like 'eh i'd rather play something else'