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6648418 No.6648418 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else prefer the design aesthetics of the Mario 64 beta over the final version?

>> No.6648430
File: 10 KB, 261x193, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels more final than the final version a lot of the time from what we've seen of it. This version would've still had Luigi and a rideable Yoshi programmed into it.

>> No.6648434

Things like that are usually cut for a reason, either time constraints (SM64 was a launch title, after all) or they simply couldn't get it working satisfactorily.

>> No.6648470

>5 (give) SM64-threads
BASED jannies

>> No.6648581

Apparently these things worked well but it took up so much space they coulnt put that many levels in. So if you had a retail version of the SM64 beta the game might just have ended at the second bowser fight.

>> No.6648601 [DELETED] 

The hub is unsightly.

>> No.6648605

Was actually dissapointed with the level design in Mario 64 overall: Bob-omb Battlefield was good, but they seem to have gotten lazy/sloppy on a lot of the levels.

Take for example all the Bowser levels, with these shitty assault-courses... why couldn't they have just made it like a castle or something, rather than that abstract crap.

I also thought it was going to be far more open than it was.

>> No.6648695

Seems apparent to me the levels were more or less what they could come up with in the last six months of development
If it had been given more time I'm sure the levels would be better
Although given the level design is the weakest part of the entire game, I still think they're alright for a first effort at this type of game.

>> No.6648703

Goody. Less threads about your faggy anime games

>> No.6648787
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>> No.6648838

>abstract crap
Abstract crap is what makes SM64 cool. Shit taste, faggot.

>> No.6648840

Because mario zelda is totally not faggy.

>> No.6648842


>> No.6648909
File: 3.23 MB, 500x376, AltruisticSilkyBaiji-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a theory floating around if you want to call it that (more of an astute observation than anything)which suggests you can actually tell which levels where made at the beginning and end of the games development based on the overall effort put into the themes and designs of each level.

Levels made early on in development
>Bob Omb Battlefield
>Whomps Fortress
>Cool Cool Mountain
>Dire Dire Docks
>Lethal Lava Land
>Big Boos Haunt
>Wet Dry World
>Tall Tall Mountain Secret Slide
> Shifting Sand Land
>Hazy Maze
>Bowser Boss Room

Levels Made Last Minute
>Snowmans Land
>Cap Switch Levels
>Castle secret slide
>Tall Tall Mountain
>Rainbow Ride
>Tick Tock Clock
>Tiny Huge Island
>Bowser Levels

>> No.6649123


That's VERY subjective.

How does Tick Tock Clock have less effort?! Designing the moving obstacles so that they make a challenging course but through their movement do not make it impossible to advance, coming up with the idea of the varying speeds, the idea of being the inner of a clock in the first place....

>> No.6649170

I'd be ok with that because the levels afterwards are pure dogshit and feel unfinished and rushed.

>> No.6649176

Wet dry world feels also rushed as fuck.

>> No.6649191

Mario64 is shockingly unpolished

>> No.6649619

well now you know why

>> No.6651061

I'd say the order they were made is the same as the order of the level select.

>> No.6651086

You want what you can't have and you more of it, I remember looking at the N64 promo tape over and over and over, it had lot's of beta content which I thought you could unlock.

>> No.6651124

I'd have to see how it looks in motion, and being on a larger screen with no blur. I really like what we got with Mario 64. I think i'd rather just have a different game that used beta assets with different level layouts.

God willing this is what hackers will do with these leaked assets instead of just trying to make a 1 : 1 copy of beta stuff.

Ocarina of Time especially since the beta stuff for it seemed a lot more like 2D Zelda in tone than the final product.

>> No.6651530

>Anyone else prefer the design aesthetics of the Mario 64 beta
No, it looks very unrefined and mario sounds like a parrot on cocaine it's not as good as you think it is, you're just interested in it because you never got to experience it therefore you're romanticizing it.

>> No.6651563

It has it's ups and downs. Nintendo's quality control always throw out some cool shit they think won't work. Still a good final product.

>> No.6652578

Wait, that actually looks like a Boo is supposed to. Why the fuck did they make it so ugly for the final game

>> No.6652602
File: 605 KB, 750x929, beta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6652679

No, sir, I do not. And I suspect if the two were swapped, you'd still want what you didn't get.

>> No.6652726

Early SM64 just has a primitive 3D look. It's like it's bubsy 3D or jumping flash or something.

It's not a bad thing but the entire draw of Sm64 was just how hard it hit the ground running on release. It's good looking for an early 3D game and plays fantastically. Asking for beta SM64 stuff is just like asking for what would have been a disappointing version of SM64.

>> No.6652735

Mario is anime.

>> No.6652771

There's simply not enough for me to go on to make that call. But I do like that area spesifically

>> No.6652801

>Early SM64 just has a primitive 3D look. It's like it's bubsy 3D or jumping flash or something.
>It's not a bad thing but the entire draw of Sm64 was just how hard it hit the ground running on release. It's good looking for an early 3D game and plays fantastically. Asking for beta SM64 stuff is just like asking for what would have been a disappointing version of SM64.
I mean... the final version looks pretty primitive as well. Just compare it to Banjo-Kazooie (which openly aped it) whose worlds look far cleaner, more themed, and more cohesive by comparison, aesthetically speaking. SM64's worlds feel pretty abstract.
Super Mario 64 is the better game though so it won on that one

>> No.6654347

This kills the beta faggots.

>> No.6654368

I heard somewhere the Bowser level where made early in development back then they wheren't sure about the free roaming gameplay and made levels more linear which became the bowser levels.

>> No.6654469

Tick tock clock and rainbow ride are the best levels, what are you on about.

>> No.6654554

Tick Tock Clock is pretty good. Rainbow Ride plays and looks like actual shit.

>> No.6656152
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>> No.6656181
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>image not suitable for public

>> No.6656204

plesiosaurs are the hottest dinos.

>> No.6657592
File: 5 KB, 250x183, boo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moto is beta Chuckya
I don't think that's correct. Chukya is similar to the Moto, but not 1-to-1.
Here is a pic of an early Boo.

>> No.6658519

I think they probably reused code from Motos to make Chuckyas or something, but it's pretty clear based on all available context that they were actually beta Bullies rather than beta Chuckyas.

>> No.6658541
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tick-tock clock
i don't know what he's basing his claim off of but i could actually see it as a last minute idea. they probably played with the "speed mechanics" early on in development, probably just to see how it was possible. the idea might have floated around as an item (a traditional star that speeds up mario so you can yeet through a level) or even just as a simple hardware test. the fact that it only comes into play on the clock level is not a coincidence obviously. the clock level might have been inspired by the development time being cut down so they can make the release date. majora's mask and it's time mechanic is literally based around that same scenario. not completely ridiculous, perhaps the new leaks will tell us more

>> No.6659559

>it's pretty clear based on all available context
what do u mean

>> No.6659579

Motos in the files are explicitly placed in LLL iirc and there's a giant version of them. No small version of Chuckyas and they don't appear in LLL so it's most reasonable to think they're most likely beta Bullies.

>> No.6659584

I want what I can't have

>> No.6660013

The Motos look like Sonic enemies.

>> No.6662343

You only like it more because it's different from the release version, which is now 24 years stale.

>> No.6662943
File: 104 KB, 836x398, moto bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6662950

So what?

>> No.6664562

is there a name for this technique where n64 games made liberal use of what appears to be circle sprite for orbs? ican never make up my mind if its charming or looks like dog shit.

>> No.6664762
File: 1.16 MB, 540x298, bob-omb 3d sprite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6667029

The differences in the prototype M64 aren't inherently good. In fact most of them are awful and were cut from the final product for good reason.

>> No.6667096
File: 443 KB, 740x416, trippy-3d-art-from-the-early-90s_eu48.740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of early raytraced 3D art share a common set of design tropes: simple primitives, procedural generated textures and a bit of Memphis style and New Age. I think Mario 64 was trying to take those aesthetics and make it real time in an attempt to look more "advanced" than other 3D games, because people were conditioned to see that style as a product of powerful workstations regardless of whether it actually was.

These days that style looks disembodied and trippy, and it rubs off on Mario 64.

>> No.6667209

> ican never make up my mind
Maybe you're just retarded, hm?!

>> No.6667232

I recognize POV-Ray when I see it.

I miss the time when you could tell(with some experience) what tool and renderer was used to do certain artworks. I really can't tell now in this age of PBR.

>> No.6667353

Early raytracing is fucking based.

>> No.6667435


The stuff from the late 70s and first half of the 80s could be considered early

>> No.6668031

What the fuck? FUCK YOU. thats right I fucking said it. How do you like that fucko?