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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 107 KB, 256x351, D5AD9E8F-A8F2-477F-A2C2-AA0C6D0CE2C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6639554 No.6639554 [Reply] [Original]

Decent game but it feels like a test run for the far superior Super Mario World.

>> No.6639570
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>> No.6639576
File: 43 KB, 265x384, smb3famitsu179012368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another falseflag smb vs smw thread
Both are great.

>> No.6639712
File: 2.72 MB, 1094x1500, MarioMadness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer pic related

>> No.6640203

It feels like World actually scaled back shit from 3.

>> No.6640606

Disagree, I love both 3 and World. SMW is a little better IMO. Then things fell off the cliff. Mario fans have to depend on fan hacks because Yoshi's Island was such a letdown.

>> No.6640624
File: 148 KB, 1280x640, 4808B535-9116-411D-BC96-412104117DA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All three are great. And so is pic related.

Mario very fun.

>> No.6641114

SMW has worse level design, worse art design/style, worse/fewer powerups, worse music, worse enemies, and is generally easier. Only thing better is the boss fights and the secret challenge levels.

>> No.6641119

What the FUCK is with all these retarded SMW vs SMB3 threads lately? Fuck off

>> No.6641128

It's just a shitpost, usually two threads get posted at the same time with the other game being in the thumbnail for the other thread. It's no different than the "Post games you think to be overrated or have aged poorly" with Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII, or Ocarina of Time in the OP, though those usually get deleted asap.

>> No.6641132
File: 1.08 MB, 2500x1700, 1595729248240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>far superior Super Mario World

>> No.6641138

bosses are super lame in both games, wished Nimtendo tried to be more creative with them like in Mario Madness

>> No.6641146

Its never going to catch on

>> No.6641365

Well, it isn't.

>> No.6641380

Why can't /v/edditors be permabanned?

>> No.6641419
File: 440 KB, 1314x806, 756465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't like the first one, bought the NES because of 2, and 3 is the only game I still have.
pic related

>> No.6641436

Mario Madness carrying mechanic slowed the game down way too much though.

>> No.6642458

I can concede that, but both Mario 3 and World retained the ability to carry items, no reason why the bosses were so shit in comparison to Madness

>> No.6642701
File: 9 KB, 640x216, SMW-DP1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Levels in Super Mario Bros 3 are shorter than in SMW. But it's because SMB3 doesn't have any dead air. Every screen is a challenge of some kind. Unlike in SMW where you have maybe five or so challenges in a level, the rest is a horizontal plane with not much going on. It's an incredibly short game once you take out the noise. Probably the idea was that longer levels = better, kind of like how open exploration games would have miles of empty space with nothing to do, other than serve as padding time between actually well-designed areas.

>> No.6643657

I'll take cherry picking for $500 Alec.

>> No.6644465

The core mario games will always be: Smb, Smw, Sm64.
Smb2 (both versions) are good and all, and Smb3 is great for a kid, but Smw was the first genuine improvement on the first one. Also, the events of 2 and 3 are not canon, where 1 and World, as well as 64, actually happened.

>> No.6644716

This is what I've been saying for years and that not many people talk about. SMW feels empty as fuck. SMB3 has shorter levels, but there are challenges all throughout.

You're delusional, like most SMWfags. The levels are mostly empty and there's also what the picture in >>6641132 showcases
Also, whether or not a game is canon doesn't matter.

>> No.6644723
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decent game but it feels inferior to the masterpiece of 2D-platforming, Super Mario Bros 3.

>> No.6644808

Agreed. SMW is the game Shigsy wanted SMB 3 to be if it wasn’t for the hardware limitations of the NES.

>> No.6645519

>SMW is the game Shigsy wanted SMB 3 to be if it wasn’t for the hardware limitations of the NES.
So Shigeru wanted his game to be like >>6641132 and >>6642701 which later installments of the Mario series replicated?
I would call that a suicidal move of our Shigsy...

>> No.6645521

take your meds

>> No.6645528

antiquated game that feels like it's a generation behind, novel effects and sprite sizes are a show of system power but it does little else to improve the formula, and in ways is a step back.

>> No.6645534

Imagine being this obsessed.

>> No.6645541

Yeah SMB3 sucked

>> No.6645641
File: 6 KB, 320x224, Marble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indirectly describes what the Genesis Sonic games are.
No wonder Nintendo won that infamous console war.

>> No.6645643

even just looking at that screenshot is fun. Man what a great game.

>> No.6645804

Nintoddlers can suck my ass

>> No.6645808
File: 41 KB, 316x97, FFD35732-955B-4798-9D2F-23C55CE32FE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6645935

SMB3 controls are much better

>> No.6646615

smw is shit without romhacks

3>SMB Deluxe>SMW

>> No.6646628

This comparison chart doesn't become less of a cherypicked mess the more you post it

>> No.6646634

SMB3 is far more impressive technically given that it’s on the same system as the first one, but I feel like SMW captured the feeling of playing a cartoon on a cartridge so effectively that I can’t help but prefer it. Something about it’s aesthetics and controls just keep it feeling a bit more bouncy and alive than 3, which can’t help but feel sort of unnaturally stiff at times due to the NES’ limitations.

>> No.6646667

Agree on all points, and I love both. SMB3 gets *really* difficult in places, which makes the replayability higher. I can beat SMW drunk at an arcade bar.

>> No.6646675

SMB3 had way more development time behind it and was released later into its system's lifespan.

SMW was a launch title that was rushed to market. It's still great in spite of that.

>> No.6649000

Super Mario Bros. 3 was just a tech demo for Super Mario World. Everyone knows that my man.

>> No.6650481

SMW is a worse game in every way.