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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 32 KB, 423x315, pd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6643626 No.6643626 [Reply] [Original]

Why did none of you tell me how kino this game's single-player campaign was?

>> No.6643637

In 20 years, you never thought to check it out yourself?
Are you playing on N64 or Xbox 360?

>> No.6643641

Maybe if you stopped using ebonics.

>> No.6643653

Kino isn't ebonics, it is german, nigger

>> No.6643667
File: 24 KB, 400x420, west nigger lang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6643671

Kino is a Greek word my smoothbrained friend.

>> No.6643687

Not in my dictionary it's not.

>> No.6643692

Might as well be niggertalk the way it's used on 4chan.

>> No.6643721

Based. Filter niggerspeak like soul and kino and your /vr/ experience will be much better.

>> No.6643737
File: 3.98 MB, 3804x2988, 20190227_044051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a trip, man

>> No.6643757

It's Russian you fuck sticks

>> No.6643767

I'm not talking about etymology, I'm talking about retards spamming it and forcing it everywhere like a redditor does his new favourite maymay.

>> No.6644052

What year is that app from lol

>> No.6644056

it's literally derivative of the greek verb "to move," kinein. You know "moving pictures?" Movies? Get it?

>> No.6644071

Kino is a meme from /tv/ you dumb niggers. It's short for kinography and means god-tier films but the meme spread to other boards

>> No.6644072

i think most people ITT know that, but your description is pretty off. It's a term used in europe to describe film/movies that's derived from the same greek verb as 'kinetic energy' is. The joke on /tv/ is that people use it as a mostly casual word in europe, kind of like how 'flick' is used in the states, but on /tv/ it has this austere artistic implication.

>> No.6644094

Faggots talk about the game not "kino" idk why this board in particular gets so riled over it

>> No.6644186

I literally just said that's not the point here. It's the same as cuck/soul/soi. It's worthless shit when everything you like is suddenly kino. Hence niggertalk, which is just as devoid of any value.

>> No.6644196

You said that after you were proven wrong my friend, are you drunk or just bad at shitposting?

>> No.6644208

>after you
The first anon to denigrate the use of kino wasn't me, me old china.
>proven wrong
You've proven nothing though, you just talked about the etymology of the word which is not relevant to its memetic overuse.
But fine, let's go with you winning an argument by talking about something else. Enjoy it.

>> No.6644219

sure it is, the meme is making fun of people who overrate european film and is a joke about the sorts of pretentious film buffs who never bother to touch a camera on their own.

>> No.6644247
File: 135 KB, 907x1360, KINO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again, it's Russian, yes it's a meme, and yes, it's from /tv/.
It means nothing these days but it originally was just a funny russian word for "movie" that /tv/ appropriated and it spread like every other cancerous shit that this website spawns.

>> No.6644253

>denying the facts posted ITT
alright anon, looks like i'll just toss your posts in the same loony bin that you belong in.

>> No.6644256

Holy fuck you people are autistic, i came here expecting a PD thread but instead got this shit show thats worse than /v/

>> No.6644257

maybe you should re-evaluate how you live your life and spend your time while you're in a reflective mood?

>> No.6644259


I've been visiting /tv/ since 09 you dipstick, I am very familiar with the meme. I was there as it was born/forced.

>> No.6644261

what does that have to do with the post you replied to?

>> No.6644263

That I'm fucking correct for one?

>Kino is short for the word "kinography," which is often ironically used on 4chan's /tv/ (television and film) board and Reddit's /r/moviescirclejerk when referring to the highest caliber of film.

>At the beginning of the 1929 film Man with a Movie Camera directed by Sovet filmmaker Dziga Vertov, a statement is displayed referring to "absolute kinography" as an "absolute language of cinema":


>> No.6644265

This projection

>> No.6644267

you're wrong lol, the use in europe is derivative of the greek as the use of the word in that form in local languages is absent before the advent of film. It's just a mononym eastern/central europe used for film/movies.

>> No.6644270

why should he spend time on a board he hates, my man?

>> No.6644274
File: 43 KB, 540x645, 1593761431869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a genius. I'm talking with a galaxy brain here.

>> No.6644276

lmao where else did the word come from? are you special needs?

>> No.6644278

>use in europe
>use in 4chan

we're talking about one, you're talking about the other

>> No.6644279

this board just started getting people from /tv/, they will turn this board into some shitposting ghetto

>> No.6644280

why would they be exclusive from eachother you fucking peat gavel lmao

>> No.6644285

What the fuck are you even babbling about, can you not read and follow a thread?

>> No.6644287

anon this is low even for you. All I seek to do in this thread is enlighten your mind, from its burden of ignorance.

>> No.6644290

So what's your favorite weapon

>> No.6644291

Dazzle me with your acumen Einstein.

>> No.6644292

I like to wield ignorance like a big club, swinging it around until people recognize my prowess and masculinity.

>> No.6644294

Okay, well it comes from the greek word "to move" since film was originally known colloquially as "moving pictures." In both Central and Eastern Europe, they no doubt adopted the supposedly greek nomenclature because it seemed classy or cultured.

>> No.6644304

>Eastern Europe
Russian, like I said. Thank you goodbye.

>> No.6644305

glad i could teach you anon, but maybe next time you try shitposting in a more transparent way?

>> No.6644325

I liked the laptop gun

>> No.6644351

The first third maybe. Rapidly nosedives after that.

>> No.6644421

Because kino is not a real word.

>> No.6644486
File: 2.92 MB, 640x480, Perfect Dark cover me while I get this door open.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the whole thing can be played co op too.

>> No.6644538

At a cinematic framerate of 15 ?!

>> No.6644541

Kino means cinema in my language. I don't see the connection. You mean games like movies? FMV games?

>> No.6644794

I think it the mission quality takes a massive nosedive (no pun intended) after the plane crash, with only a couple mediocre ones serving as the "good ones" after that, but it's still pretty great. I love everything about it.

>> No.6644834

Had this on the n64, but beat it on the 360. Wish I could still play that port, the n64 controllers are ass

>> No.6644838

XBLA remake is surprisingly good. uncompressed textures and voice clips

>> No.6644917

You think Carrington Institute: Defense is bad?

>> No.6644919

More like 12, 8 if you're playing co-op
And I love Perfect Dark

>> No.6644951

My man, I bet you don’t even know what compression sounds like, but you hate it anyways.

>> No.6644954

n64 version used mp3 compression

>> No.6644958

I guarantee you couldn’t pick one or the other out of a lineup lol and I don’t mean to say that it’s impossible to do that by any stretch, just that YOU couldn’t do it.

>> No.6644960

chill your autism bro

>> No.6644964
File: 82 KB, 833x361, farsight4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uncompressed textures that are not original textures

>> No.6644965

I’m just trying to match yours lol
>uncompressed textures and voice clips

>> No.6645046

I didn't say it was bad, I just vastly prefer the missions that came before the plane crash turning plot. My favorite missions are the ones where you're infiltrating and the mission itself moves at a pace where a pacifist run isn't impossible.

>> No.6645060

It looks a lot better

>> No.6645126

Not retro

>> No.6645157

Looks like shit desu

>> No.6645930


>> No.6645974

Not retro

>> No.6645984

PD is overrated wank.

The game barely even runs at double digit frame-rates, yet people defend it when other N64 FPS games like The World Is Not Enough run at decent frames.

That little "RareWare" logo does quite a lot to defend shite titles.

>> No.6646870

this post was pretty dumb to begin with.
but mentioning the world is not enough sealed the deal of you being a massive retard

>> No.6647095
File: 1011 KB, 1986x3685, 1465082372-2224780484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6647615

t. Nostalgiafag

>> No.6647618

t. SEETHING zoomers

>> No.6647621


>> No.6647632
File: 70 KB, 956x460, k7_compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they really fucked up the K7

>> No.6647796

You never asked.

>> No.6647817


>> No.6649145

I like to shoot dudes in the balls lmao

>> No.6649330
File: 2.98 MB, 640x480, Ai hostange.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about diasrming them

>> No.6649364

Are you saying it's not an application?

>> No.6650310


Kino is German for "Movie Theater" you retard.

>> No.6653404

His mind is on zoomer and thinks app immediately means phone app