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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 23 KB, 332x474, violet_berlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
658583 No.658583 [Reply] [Original]

What /vr/-related shows did you watch as a kid, Anon?

Me, I used to watch this whenever I could--even if Nam Rood was incredibly annoying:


>> No.658604

X Base

>> No.658628
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I was always a Gamesmaster kid. Going back recently and re-watching both shows only confirms the choice, at least if you ignore the fuckawful Dexter Fletcher seasons.

Bad Influence is really endearing for it's 90s cheese factor and its many hilarious-in-hindsight features, though. I love the reviews just because they're completely crazy. Shamelessly presented ugly, nerdy kids that have clearly barely played the games spouting the most amazing kind of nonsense. Nam Rood wasn't NEARLY annoying as 'Z Wright' or whatever the fuck that kid called himself, surely?

>> No.658648

I don't even remember Z.

>> No.658647

jesus dick, every time somone complains about american television rotting your brain, british television has to do it one better...

>> No.658658

I remember the 'datablast' at the end of each episode where they'd spam out pages and pages of information that you could record and read using slow motion on your VCR. Allegedly. My VCR would give a halfway clear or steady picture when paused.

Violet Berlin was responsible for much of my early wanking. I met her a few years back and I still absolutely would. Twice.

>> No.658659
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>> No.658674

In retrospect, she's half the reason why I'm attracted to women with short hair. The other half being Circuit Breaker from the Marvel Transformers comics.

>> No.658676 [DELETED] 
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>> No.658714

>violet berlin
...instant boner.
lucky bugger.

>> No.658724 [DELETED] 


Imagine that being the gesticulating guy's fighting stance. He strikes like a mantis

>> No.658737
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My first crush

>> No.658783

I was pissed up and obnoxious and she was absolutely lovely and took it with great humour.

"Oh wow. I... I fuckin' always play as you in Micro Machines! You're a legend!"

This was at the same Nottingham Game City meet I gushed to a bemused and sligh Kieron Gillen about him being my hero.

>> No.658784

*slightly terrified

>> No.658848
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Video & Arcade Top 10 and Gamerz

Gamerz has mostly been lost to time...

>> No.658892
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Bad influence lost all credibility after second series,
The Rise of the robots review never happened and yet they where sponsored by it.

>Review scores

>> No.658898
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>Review scores
The kids were bloody idiots

>> No.658907
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> Review scores

Violet on the other hand,
Id give her one

>> No.659756

he's giving tips to the angels now

>> No.659767
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>> No.659785
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I wonder if this show actually got endorsed by Nintendo.

>> No.659789

Video and Arcade on YTV.

>> No.659798

somehow i'm glad i didn't grow up watching that.

>> No.659801

goddamn, how did bongland get such a hot chick on gaming TV

>> No.659818

luck i suppose. she doesn't appear to have aged badly.

>> No.659825

Bad Influence and Gamesmaster

Muh Childhood.

>> No.659841

i second that bro.

on a related note, why aren't there any tv channels dedicated to gaming?
every other genre has at least 5, including religion

>> No.659847
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We got several

BITS was the best thing to stay up late for

>> No.659860


bits was amazing. Dat Emily Booth!

>> No.659871


Because what would you air?

Internet killed games journalism

>> No.659880


Apparently Booth did softcore, enjoy your nostalgia fap if you find it

>> No.659886


Remember G4?

If you do, you probably wish you didn't.

>> No.659919


I saw Pervirella, but my god that was shitty. I remember OUThere now though. There was some bizarre shit on late night on TV.

Bits, Vids and outthere being some of em.

>> No.662741


>> No.662745

Video and Arcade Top motherfucking Ten

>> No.664363

Theres only one name in british tv and video gaming that was worth a damn and that was


>> No.664581

The very best.
Aimed at the Playstation 18-30 demo, hosts who know their shit, good coverage, retrospectives, and most importantly Bouff.

Don't know about now, but a decade ago, UK had the Game Network. it had lots of repeating content, Guru Larry shows, and competitive gaming, but after watershed turned into a camshow.
TV was already dying to me even then, but it was fun to kill a few minutes watching some dudes playing Quake 3.

>> No.664621

>Guru Larry
I've met him and wez. Apparently GN was awful for them. They were very much critical of the babestation stuff to the point where larry got reprimanded behind the scenes one time for taking the piss out of the babestation side of things on air.
a couple of other non-/vr/ tgwtg celebs were there too but that's not a story to go into right now.

>> No.664628

>dat remixed crashman theme

>> No.664634

>a couple of other non-/vr/ tgwtg celebs were there too but that's not a story to go into right now.
I disagree.

>> No.664648

MikeJ, Film Brain and Benzaie.
i was sitting with them watching people sing terrible karaoke. Wez got drunk enough to get up and sing only for the person doing the karaoke to essentially take over the song with her horrible voice. the rest of us were mocking the shit out of her as she did it.
Oh and benzaie later ended up facing MikeJ on one of the bust-a-move neo geo games on my softmodded xbox.
Brentalfloss was at the con too but i didn't get much opportunity to speak to him. Same with Ashens
I fucking love being crew at a convention

>> No.664683


>dat teletext

Followed by a mandatory game of bamboozle, pbviously

>> No.664679
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this cel is my most prized possession

>> No.664685
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Fuck yes. Mainly because they pissed off everybody and it was glorious because the sponsor money came from some Import Shop in Rotchdale and Teletext's holiday and auto listings.

Mr. Biffo was a legend. I got cussed by the snakes after writing in once. It was my proudest hour (And I also talked to him a few times on the Edge forums. Sound as fuck bloke. Shame he got completely disillusioned with the vidya industry after Phil Harrison and Sony tried to set a libel case on him and Future fucked him over)

>> No.664687

For non-/vr/ britfag telly, I enjoyed When Games Attack

And Gameswipe by Charlie Brooker. Dude os funny as fuck

>> No.664702
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>Charlie Brooker
His PC Zone stuff is legendary

>> No.664709


Jealous. Closest I got was exchanging a few e-mails with Dave "Games Animal" Perry since we were the only two people who seemed to import F-Zero GX at the time. Much more chilled and relaxed than he used to be and was a bro. Also Derrick Lynch who still runs NamcoStation in London who was a pretty awesome guy. Never challenge him to Tekken or Soul Calibur though.

He's Namco's Special Adviser and has been since the first Tekken. He's basically god and Harada reckons he's better than their QA teams

>> No.664713


oh my god, turner the worm ahahha

>> No.664804

Wait, the guy who appears in Ashen's videos? He was on fucking Game Network?

>> No.664854
File: 35 KB, 468x294, gamepro swat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick Arcade and the old Gamepro TV show.

For cartoons, I used to watch Mario and Sonic. I didn't have cable back then so I didn't get to see much of the AoStH series.

>> No.664853

yep. he was one of the game gurus.
on the subject of ashens, if you look for his Q&A filmed at a con, you'll probably find me somewhere in the video. acoustics are shit in the video if you do find it though. the stage area's acoustics sucked balls.

>> No.665021

Guru Larry's a bro, I can just picture him and Wez taking the piss out of that Babestation shit. I used to like that Game Network filled time with long segments of the presenters playing a game for like 3 hours, it was like watching german livestreamers on TV but without the faggotry that normally comes from livestreamers, just sit back on a lazy day off and watch some dude playing quake for a while. Also there was alot of German presenters for some reason if I remember correctly.

>> No.665065

>>664648 here
He was a bro when I was sitting down and chatting with him at the con. the stuff i've said about him in this thread was either common knowledge or stuff him and wez talked about.
also: i'm about to re-add him on skype since i had him on my old account and i've been meaning to re-contact him.

>> No.665310

Cybernet was a cool programme. I remember looking at SEGA's E3 1999 show through there, and games like Half Life and Serious Sam, and fuck. I watched it up until Gamecube 2004 or so.

There was another programme though, I remember my little brother found it and we watched it a lot. It was a britfag show on BBC (CBBC maybe) and it involved 16 players (maybe 4, I'm not sure) playing certain video games to win things, through elimination, it'd be different every time though.

For example, they'd start with a round of SSBM, and whoever came 4th would be knocked out, then there was a racing game, and whoever came 3rd would be knocked out, and then a fighter or something, and whoever lost would be knocked out, and the person who won, I think could choose anything they wanted from a selection of vidya. I'm not sure though, this was like 10 years ago.

>> No.665378

I remembered when they reviewed 'Dinosaur Planet'.
Show lost all integrity.

>> No.666308

I remember that gross motherfucker

>> No.666327
File: 14 KB, 477x357, Vito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jonnet ei muista

>> No.666459

What the fuck did Game Network want to be? It seemed like it was practically an advertisement for Myth of Soma for a time, then they started doing more structured, serious shows.

I still miss it a little...

>> No.666524
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>> No.666796

Probably Video Power or a similar show on an Australian Channel. Hey, they had kids playing Nigel Mansell's F1 challenge.

Oh and while some of these may not be retro, I do recall early Gamespot TV with the Sess and Gamesauce on a cable channel.

>> No.667930

There was a /vr/-related game show on Sky I used to watch when I was very young. The premise was that contestants would play video games against the show's own line up--a collection of experienced gamers who came on-stage as "characters", complete with goofy costumes.

>> No.668921

A*Mazing is the show you're thinking of. James Sherry (the series host) is actually on board for reviving the show. Shit, I remember just about every game they used on that show. Kabuki Quantum Fighter, Tetris GB, Nigel Mansell, Super Mario All-Stars, Super Mario Kart, Bubsy, Plok, Wave Race 64, Mario Kart 64, Cruisn USA just to name a few.

>> No.668971


Jet from Gladiators as the games mistress

>> No.669001

That's the one!

>> No.669110


Fucking hell, I remember that. From the same woman who created Games Master as well. Was hilarious, especially as the presenter of the first few series was fucking ruthless as fuck in slagging off contestants and making kids cry.

I met "Mr. Mathers" a few years ago. Complete gentleman, actually. Turned out he's a massive fan of professional wrestling and when he was a contestant on the first series of GW, he acted like a wrestling bad guy to give his mates a laugh. He was so good though, they brought him back as a Videator in series 2 and he created a "Million Dollar Man" style persona. Kids would give him shit on the street and he loved it.