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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 5 KB, 225x225, PC Engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6601150 No.6601150 [Reply] [Original]

can we have a comfy PC engine thread? yes? nice. Post and discuss PC Engine, both the original model and the mini.

>> No.6601163
File: 208 KB, 800x1160, 330574-xak-the-art-of-visual-stage-sharp-x68000-inside-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PCE threads are never going to work on 4chan because Most of the library boils down to:
Which attracts that cancerous community of incel pedophiles.
>visual novels and jrpgs
Which attract shitposting from bullying nerds who think they are above other nerds.

>> No.6601170
File: 83 KB, 628x640, 2174940-cover_fray_cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fray is so cute and the few dialogue is so simple you can play without japanese.

>> No.6601171
File: 143 KB, 263x259, saphire 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like saphire a lot!
even though it requires the disc drive.

>> No.6601172

Also 4chan civil war shmups vs rpgs

>> No.6601173

I started playing laat month and cant fucking stop. So far Devil's Crush is my favorite sonething i really didnt expected.

Does anyone knows why rondo is a chd file and how could i play it?

>> No.6601179

I'm guessing you download Castlevania X68K by accident. Rondo is a CD game.

>> No.6601180

the pc engine version of that game is hard to emulate on a pc, the only time ive seen it work properly was on the pc engine mini, might have to just play the inferior snes version.

>> No.6601181

Mednafen runs it fine.

>> No.6601186

cope, poorfag.

>> No.6601192
File: 235 KB, 2048x1472, 1591740211150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6601201

seethe more, emucuck.

>> No.6601386


>> No.6601442
File: 365 KB, 1407x1416, 63894-Final_Zone_II_[U][CD][TGXCD1008][Telenet_Japan][1990][PCE]-1459141448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated game with great Redbook OST. Mind was blown in '92. Got this with Y's I & II and Gate of Thunder 4 in 1 pack in for my Duo from Turbo Zone Direct, back before the internet existed. Good times.

>> No.6601474

>the pc engine version of that game is hard to emulate on a pc
>the only time ive seen it work properly was on the pc engine mini
>might have to just play the inferior snes version
its amazing how literally everything of what you said is so incredibly retarded

>> No.6601512

t. poorfag cope

>> No.6601803
File: 64 KB, 1075x482, Screenshot from 2020-07-14 15-43-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved up and ordered a TurboDuo in my last year of high school in spring of 1993
>Ninja Spirit
>Bonk's Adventure
>Bonk's Revenge
>Gate of Thunder
>Ys Books I & II
That was possibly the best set of pack in games ever included with a console.

>> No.6601886

>buying the gay american version

>> No.6601927

It pisses me off that virtually no stores in Canada sold TG-16/Turbo Duos back then.

>> No.6602330

How much did that run you back then?

>> No.6602768

tranny cope

>> No.6602851


>> No.6603532

That's backwards

>> No.6603832

stay mad.

>> No.6604219

I just discovered this system. Played some Bomberman recently, it's really quite fun. Didn't much enjoy '93 though, the flashing lights on the first stage were a headache waiting to happen.

>> No.6604227

play bomberman 94, bomberman 93 is pretty meh

>> No.6604375

I paid $300 for mine too but I mail ordered from TDZ Direct.

>> No.6604757

Pop Mailful

>> No.6604849

Does it really have any visual novels? I can only think of dead of the brain

>pixie >Fray

>> No.6604869
File: 73 KB, 380x384, 162000198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it really have any visual novels?
Stuff that was called digital comics at the time, like Yuna and Pastel Lime, and ADV/novel games like Ranma and GS Mikami, and ports like DE-JA and Cal series.
Also these days some people call games visual novels if they see anime characters and text boxes even if it's not a novel-game 'cause they don't know how the games actually play, like stat/schedule management games (Princess Maker/Graduation/Debut/Virgin Dream/etc.) and Tokimeki Memorial.

>> No.6605010
File: 76 KB, 630x630, 2007763_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6605029

...where could i get one of these?

>> No.6605286

Isnt it more like digital film? I dont remember any kind of buttons with most of them except the typical Play Stop and Pause ones. VNs usually have more context sensitive actions to choose from

>> No.6605648
File: 212 KB, 706x703, magicoal_(j)_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed my time with this game even if it was a little too easy. Some of the item shops were a little tricky but given that the game is linear I always assumed the equipment got better the further I went. It was actually a little tough to find enough gold for all the spells, healing potions, and items I wanted.

Likewise I enjoyed my time with the Xak remakes, even if I think they're janky as fuck. For what it's worth, the PCE remakes are the least broken but that's not saying much! At least those games scroll. Fray is the best Xak game, come at me.

Another decent actiony RPG on the system is Magicoal, and while you can mostly get by you'll definitely want to look at a guide at times. Like Fray it's linear with no backtracking so you can enjoy it with some persistence. It's like a magic-only LttP. There used to be a decent translation of the menus and a mini guide on the pcefx forums but I don't know if they are still there.

>> No.6605914

PC engine doesn’t exist in America. I have only met one person in my life who claimed to have a Turbografx-16 when they were a kid and even then I didn’t believe them and that was last year.

>> No.6605985

They aren't remakes, they're ports, learn the difference

>> No.6606307

My waifu (PCE-tan and Tg16-tan)

>> No.6607203

Discusses? Port new Shantae games for TG-16 console.

>> No.6607228
File: 11 KB, 256x224, d622e352a812b38f4e920dbe7f969b99.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sprites are completely redrawn, the screens actually scroll instead of the herky-jerk MSX jitterbug, new cutscenes are added... The games just feel different.

Maybe you can get away with calling Xak III a port because I'm less familiar with that one, but you're either splitting hairs or ignoring something.

Granted, it still had those 'classic' Xak problems of awful platforming with insta-death traps, totally fucked game balance (in some cases the PCE is worse in this regard: in my playthrough all of the bosses past a certain point died instantly). I never finished Xak III despite the fan translation, it just felt a little too slow compared to the other games. Hence why I think Fray is the best Xak game I've played, anyhow. May be easy but it's consistent, it's cute, and it's bright and colorful.

Do love the monster design in Xak 3 though. Seriously gnarly baddies.

Isn't there an animated gif of this opening sequence animation? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.6607240

It's my favorite system to emulate at the moment. Air Zonk is a blast even though I have no idea what is happening most of the time.
Damn good port of R-Type.

I love Final Soldier too even though it's kind of basic. I'm not a shmup guy really but it's just pure fun.
It certainly had a neat personality of its own. I wish it had been more of a fight between it and the NES (and early life Genesis)

>> No.6607245
File: 127 KB, 311x407, sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's my favorite system to emulate
>to emulate

>> No.6607250
File: 343 KB, 500x448, download2_ending.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely more fun to emulate PC Engine CD games than boring old SNES and Genesis carts!

>> No.6607262
File: 839 KB, 2216x2085, 20191110_073145 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I use until the next big sale for the SSDS3.

>> No.6607565

I was talking about Xak 3. 3 is the best of the series. I almost completed the game on the PCE but didnt know where to go in one of the last places (after the tigerguy sacrifices himself)

>> No.6607621

Are these region free or something? Can I get an import and just use it instead of needing to use the ugly US one?

>> No.6607648

Import a Japanese PC Engine. They're cheaper and there's way more of them. Only the HuCards are region-locked, there are converters for HuCards but they've gone up in price by a lot. Everdrives bypass the region-lock with a switch depending on what console you're using. CD games can be used in any region.

>> No.6609419

Do a homebrew third party Hucard.

>> No.6609448

What's a good source for PC Engine and NEC consoles info?
I've always been curious about those consoles and every time a PCE game pops up on Twitter I'm taken aback by the sprite art.

>> No.6609457


>> No.6609525
File: 185 KB, 500x600, gotzendiener.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else get a sad, empty feeling from Gotzendiener? How a game so pretty can be so lifeless and empty is a real shame. It'd be nice if someone could romhack a game in between the cutscenes!

>> No.6609530
File: 27 KB, 1312x1080, Hellfire S (JP)-200716-184940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just couldnt stop playing hellfire S today.

>> No.6609538

is Son Son 2 good?

>> No.6609545

>new chronturbo episode
everyone in this thread should check it out

>> No.6609595
File: 89 KB, 460x472, pce_tigerroad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a decent cutesy spinoff of Black Tiger. I seem to recall not understanding what the shop items were so maybe some -light- reading beforehand is all you'd need. It's a solid game.

Surprisingly few capcom platformers on the system. I never played Tiger Road and Chiki Chiki Boys seemed to look/play better on the Genesis anyway.

>> No.6609615
File: 68 KB, 1080x864, 1571961425003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6609617

Great music, horrible everything else. Like most of NEC Avenue's ports.

>> No.6609627


>> No.6609669

should have gave a nod to guy kazama again. Sounds and looks the same.

>> No.6609682

*perhaps best everything

>> No.6609683

The English version of this is up there with Last Alert and Valis II as some of the worst dubbing I've ever witnessed.



>back before the internet existed
Nah senpai, you meant BEFORE normies could use it easily. The "internet" is much older than the PCE/TD.

>> No.6609691

Nah, the extra cutscenes (contributing next to nothing of value) are nice, but the actual port is the worst out of the available versions. Arcade and MD versions blow this out of the water. You can see the typical NEC Avenue jank when there's a lot of sprites on screen. Massive sprite flicking and slowdown, especially in the later stages. Also the FM sounds are pretty weak. The soundtrack on the other hand is great and one of my all-time favs on the system.

>> No.6609697

i like that acting. it reminds me of the era of poorly dubbed obscure OVAs.

>> No.6609714

Yeah, I guess it has some nostalgic value after all.

>> No.6609725

I not really wronged tho

Side note, MD port got awful music and lack animation sprite.

>> No.6609740

i was able to get rondo to run back when i had a hacked version of magic engine back in 06. pcd cd games aint hard to emulate.

>> No.6609816

No it doesn't. It also simply plays better than the PCE port.

>> No.6609858
File: 148 KB, 500x450, thats-guy-love-between-two-guys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me some good PCE/CD/FX RPGs available in English, vr.

Already played Dawn of Ys.

>> No.6609895

Can you add games to the Mini yet? Without hacking, I feel the Mini has the best library of any of these mini consoles, but having the library so arbitrarily split between English and Japanese really annoys me. Why the fuck have Bonk's Adventure in Japanese and Bonk's Revenge in English?

>> No.6609934

Anyone hear any news on the HuDebug?Apparently it's an ODE for the HuCard slot. There was talk about it back in 2018 but nothing since then. Only a few poorly made YouTube video demonstrations with a PC Engine GT and forum posts and that's it.

>> No.6610510

Wrong simp

>> No.6610538

lol this

>> No.6610576
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, NEC Mini 5 Players.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanna buy a full set of controllers with the multi-tap just to play bomberman 94. life would be perfect after that.

>> No.6610628

PC Engine is the most beautiful console ever made.

The Turbografx on the other hand, is an abomination.

>> No.6610702

I love how many fun shooters are on that thing. Solider Blade is so good.

>> No.6610705

Now that is a game console.

>> No.6610720

I think it's an east coast thing. Hell i know a handful of people that have even had the cd over here.

The real rarity is neogeos. Even rich friends didn't have that shit.

>> No.6610962

i chose the white pc engine
& the everdrive is under $100

not sure if it will run "american" games yet but i dont mind buying both versions of the console as the usa shell is fucking ridiculous looking and a conversation piece

>> No.6611239
File: 262 KB, 650x826, shoryou_sensen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In English? Outside of Ys1-3 (and 4), you can try:

Xak III (english fan translation)
I can't recall other RPGs on CD. A few have been started but unfinished (like Xanadu), others were started (e.g. emerald dragon) but by folks who might not be motivated at all any more.

On Hucard, there are a few more.
Out Live
Shoryu Sensen: War of the Dead (this one's neat - action RPG a la Zelda 2 with side-scrolling battles)
Makai Hakkenden Shada
Lady Sword
and a few others.

They're not RPG but action games with RPG elements, but there is also Tower of Druaga and Valkyrie no Densetsu, also with fan translations for HuCard.

>> No.6611513

Blu-Supergrafx (upgrade) should release outside JP first in early 88s.

>> No.6611561
File: 50 KB, 748x465, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone knows why rondo is a chd file and how could i play it?
I think retroarch plays chd files, there is the Bettle PCE and Bettle PCE FAST (less accuracy more performance) both are PC Engine emulators and run the game flawlessly.

>> No.6611573

>Bleetle PC-FX
Time to homebrew some PSX/Saturn port

>> No.6611780

Just fine.

>> No.6611880

Shantae fan game on PCE.

>> No.6612015
File: 1.18 MB, 723x988, cosmic_fantasy_2_preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For turn based, Dragonslayer (Legend of Heroes 1) and Cosmic Fantasy II came out in English

>> No.6612104

Now wanted it

>> No.6612341
File: 12 KB, 320x224, Dragon_Slayer_The_Legend_of_Heroes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragon Slayer - The Legend of Heroes

Simple as fuck game, early SNES level graphics, horrendous voice acting, brings nothing new to the table...couldn't stop playing it. No idea why.

>> No.6612386

Cope more

>> No.6612456

Indeed adorable.

>> No.6612497


>> No.6612670

Konami did good fancy job for NEC fan. Online shipping were a thing?

Con: no retailers at RadioShock, Costco, Target GameStop, and Best Buy

>> No.6612998
File: 152 KB, 800x1000, 018AFBDE-E7C9-4FAD-8D66-AFC2943638CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6613753

What's up with the SuperGrafx? If I'm going the everdrive route, do I need it to play certain games?

>> No.6613760


>> No.6613768
File: 645 KB, 1203x1733, PCE_neutopia2_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talking about the PCE Mini, he says too bad you can't pick them up at a normal retailer (is RadioShack still a thing???).

I need to finally bite the bullet and order one myself. I've sold a lot of games (including some PC Engine) stuff so I can get a Mini, just need to be assed to do it.

>> No.6614458

Mean what? It lazy to me.

>> No.6614516

There are only five SuperGrafx games:
1941: Counter Attack
Battle Ace
Daimakaimura (Ghouls 'n' Ghosts)
Madō King Granzort
I know nothing about the quality of these games, but I do know you're gonna be spending way, way more for a SuperGrafx console.
If you're interested in having the full library of PC Engine games, you'd be better off getting a SuperSD System 3 over an Everdrive.

>> No.6614597

Trust me. SuperGrafx (like X68000 Pro & PS4 Pro) seal of quality would destroy Mega Drive.

>> No.6614705

Since 2003 to 2010

>> No.6614759

are you posting with google translate or something?

>> No.6614793

It's the same annoying guy from the other PCE thread. Barely capable of forming consistent sentences.

>> No.6614915

What I love the most of the PC Engine is to play the games with arranged music. Imagine only having heard chip music, and than you can play the game with music like it was composed right there and then.


>> No.6614923

Fuck off retard

>> No.6614943

>Sega fan are retard

>> No.6614947

Playing the PC Engine today, what do I pick?

>> No.6614962

Anime based games

>> No.6615209
File: 50 KB, 291x500, 51egBWHM2mL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the PSP so fucking much. I keep discovering random unknown games that turn out to be absurdly expensive to play on the physical hardware.
And sure enough whenever things are looking grim and hopeless PSP always has a port to save the day. It will forever remain my most played console.

>> No.6615431

>pic related
Ehh, at the end of the day, being an EOP sucks.

>> No.6615449

why are you so proud of being a tranny

>> No.6615454
File: 58 KB, 291x500, 51E8OFkBaHL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get to studying, anon. Learning Japanese is one of the few things in my miserable life I don't regret accomplishing.

>> No.6615523

Tra-what? The fuck are you talkin' about?

>> No.6615565

Those compilations are the best, my favorite is the Tengai Makyou one, too bad 4th Apocalypse was released as a stand-alone and not part of the them.
Now that I think about it, there was a time, before the PC Engine emulator for the PSP was perfected, where people would use those games and modify them to run other PCE games like Rondo of Blood, Bonk, Ghost Sweeper Mikami, etc

>> No.6615576

The song of my people:


>> No.6616071

What are some good recommendations for games to play on the system? I've played the three Bomberman games on it (thought '94 was the best of the bunch). I generally enjoy platformers, so maybe something like Bonk would be good? Was also thinking of maybe giving Neutopia II a try because it seems to have heavily inspired elements of Bomberman Tournament (a game I highly enjoy).

>> No.6616187

>PCE threads are never going to work on 4chan
No, 4chan is fine if you exclude obvious containment boards such as /v/ and /vr/. The only threads that work here are for games that are unanimously liked by anons, because they have the magic of having every schizo shitposter go "hold on I have an opinion on this game I like, I'm gonna actually post about it instead of being a pretend contrarian". It really is like fucking magic, you see ZERO wojaks and forced attempts at trolling.
Unlike something like the PC Engine where the first post is literal bait because people don't care about it.
based bitchslapping future guy kazama

>> No.6616291
File: 393 KB, 1125x813, 5D27C991-DB2B-4F10-BBAB-C2F22792FDC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id say to just get the $70 everdrive
the pc engine super cd addon only has a small library of games / and you can check youtube to see if you absolutely HAVE to play those particular titles

i was gonna burn briefcase discs but honestly the 5 titles im actually interested in are perfectly emulatable with a nice sega saturn usb controller
just get the launch pc engine and everdrive
its honestly good enough for me,
& most other people i'd imagine

>> No.6616516

Never mind, that Sapphire game was awful. Just a crapshoot of where the projectiles are going to come out of and what counts as a solid object. Every time I died it was because I couldn't react in .02 seconds, what a load of shit. I remember now why I don't like shooters. It would have been at least tolerable if it wasn't for that horribly annoying screechy dadrock soundtrack. No wonder that game was lost to time.

>> No.6616518

Found the zoombeedy zoom zoom

>> No.6616525

What are you saying? I used Sapphire and tried to collect only the blue powerups if that's what you mean.

>> No.6616527

If you weren’t just an overgrown toddler, you could figure it out yourself!

>> No.6616528

Am I talking to a bot or something?
I doubt you even played the game based on those replies.

>> No.6616531

was this included on any of the minis?

>> No.6616547

>I doubt you even played the game
Guess again zoomie

>> No.6616562

Please at least try to discuss it then. I'd be totally fine with you calling me a faggot if your abuse was backed up by game knowledge and experience.
Like in the very first stage those invulnerable enemies that surround you don't give nearly enough time to get inside their circle and avoid blowing up.

>> No.6616564 [DELETED] 

>implying I should waste effort on a literal vidya infant
Oh I am laughing

>> No.6616568 [DELETED] 

yes but was it or was it not included on the mini?

>> No.6616569 [DELETED] 

Typing a couple sentences is effort for you? Yet you're wasting so much time replying to me. I don't get it.
The one thing I can say is cool about the game is the plot and character designs. Chasing time criminals through the ages is hilarious and unique, especially because of the (mostly) different enemy types in each era.

>> No.6616571

>the pc engine super cd addon only has a small library of games
The number of hucard games and CD-ROM games are roughly equal tho, like 350 on each

>> No.6616664

yeah but a few of them were included on the mini

>> No.6616750

i didnt include titles that force you to under japanese to play

or god damn Mahjong
so many lewd versions of the same thing it's unbelievable

>> No.6617486 [DELETED] 

Thus some

>> No.6617838

If only grandkid know how games back than.

>> No.6617996

Quote me on that.

>> No.6618523

Loving it design.

>> No.6618528
File: 151 KB, 708x701, EFj6gIlX0AAA4_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, none of MicroCabin's games made it to the mini line. Which is probably a good thing; I don't if I've any of them aside from Fray!

Best thing about the dull and ugly Mystic Formula is the big-titted brown chick...

>> No.6618538
File: 36 KB, 768x672, mysticform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but most of the game looks like this, lots of unpleasant browns and poor tilework...

>> No.6618553

Blood Gear looks like it mite be cool

>> No.6618565
File: 229 KB, 866x712, 149634-Blood_Gear_(NTSC-J)-1460175246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood Gear is pretty decent! It was made by Hudson, and I think from the guys that made the Wonder Boy games, so it plays a bit like it except with mechs.

There's a little bit of fumbling around in the town portions but I don't recall it being too hard to get to the action scenes. It's not a bad game.

>> No.6618628

Huh, looking at the package, it is Hudson
What's with Japanese sites saying it's Microcabin?
Like the Japanese wikipedia page for Microcabin has Blood Gear on the list, and Amazon Japan's product page for Blood Gear lists the brand as Microcabin

>> No.6618749

Sick n wild!

>> No.6619062

I too.

>> No.6619265


>> No.6619275

nah its impossible. japanese isnt a real goal

>> No.6619291
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x2268, 20191218_114935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my little nigga like you wouldn't believe it

>> No.6619658

based. nice setup too.

>> No.6619741

I love this system so freaking much.

>> No.6620647
File: 139 KB, 300x281, D589CDC8-0705-4FBA-B09C-2E89CEDBCAF0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6620992

A time to have FMV in your home.

>> No.6621217


>> No.6621348

I'm loving my PC Engine duo.I just wish they came out with a ODE/Everdrive alternative for the Disc based side for Duo users. I never grew up with the DUO but getting that arcade ram cart also blew my mind. Those SNK ports had some great music.

>> No.6621719

Crispy system places

>> No.6622203

Tranny use emulate shit

>> No.6622471

nah, zoomers emulate, trannies collect

>> No.6622587

zoomers emulate, trannies use original hardware+flashcarts, and boomers collect.

>> No.6622769

*Sip (drink my oat milk)

>> No.6623770
File: 119 KB, 609x796, Annotation 2020-07-21 093059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently heard about an ODE that goes into the HuCard slot. I only was able to find a few tweets and forum posts from 2018. The group claiming they're working on it are selling clear shells for the PC Engine. But they've been silent since 2019.

>> No.6623805

Quite so..for now.

>> No.6625069

Two long wire port should been thing.

>> No.6625171
File: 421 KB, 1188x2208, 8EEB9B4C-DE62-4BA8-AA59-F4460C9AF5FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very excite anon

>> No.6625243

lmao cmon anon
im clearly on mobile @ work

thats how i type ok?!?!
post recommendations in this thread please

my everdrive (overnighted to myself)
should be here soon & i want to know where i should start besides coryoon

>> No.6625382

this guy also makes some cool translucent shells for PCE

>> No.6625424

Alien/Devil's Crush
Air Zonk
Blazing Lazers
Soldier Blade
Legendary Axe 1 and 2
Bonk series
Gekisha Boy
War of the Dead is English translated
Final Lap Twin

>> No.6625730

Section list

>> No.6625882

The mini need shopping retail

>> No.6625896
File: 22 KB, 300x100, 257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon

im into the shootemups
and unique platformers

>> No.6626139

I wouldn't expect them to restock anytime soon what with this covid bullshit going around.

>> No.6626647
File: 143 KB, 509x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so glad i have this system

>> No.6627512

>wear your mask on and keep yourself distracted safe
Whole amazon exclusive is really bullshit.

>> No.6628965

>post recommendations in this thread please
Hucard only?
Twin Cobra
Fantasy Zone
Mr Heli
Parodius (though better on snes)
Super Star Soldier
Final Soldier
Soldier Blade (10/10)
After Burner 2
Space Harrier
Galaga 88
Bonk 1
Bonk 2
Parasol Stars
Liquid Kids
Wonderboy 3 dragon trap
Bonze Adventure
Legendary Axe
Legendary Axe 2
SonSon II (has translation)
Aoi Blink
Jackie Chan
New Adventure Island
Ninja Spirit
Gekisha Boy

>> No.6629112
File: 169 KB, 512x394, Strip_Fighter_II_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon

any other waifu games i need besides strip fighter? my japanese is NOT good

>> No.6629114

>$120 replacement shell

>> No.6629334

>$300 bucks for fisted

>> No.6630212

last alert is pure gold

>> No.6630228

Pac-Land port is pretty good from what I can tell. Fun game.

>> No.6630245

I actually loved the hamfisted voice acting. But yeah, it didn't exactly setting itself apart from the rest of the generic JRPGs produced. However, it was pure gold. And the redbook audio is fantastic.


>> No.6630876

Based righteousness truth

>> No.6631143
File: 405 KB, 1125x1188, IMG_1480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strange controls but addictive

how are you playing this?
i know zero japanese and
i cant bring myself to just click on stuff until i win

theres a cool dungeon crawler with detailed waifu spites but i cant do jrpgs that arent translated

anyone have a src on fan translations?

the everdrive is worth it for the shooting games alone , parodius and magical chase
holy shit i love magical chase

>> No.6631164
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let the record show the everdrive has a region switch and works on all models
im not shilling this but for 70$ its worth every penny / most people are not going to be able to afford to collect for this system

>> No.6631176

The first game got an english release, but the 2nd did not.


>> No.6631442

Make sense

>> No.6631523

Damn it China!

>> No.6631593
File: 373 KB, 996x918, Annotation 2020-07-23 150540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok anyone else unable to get sapphire to run?
it seems awesome

>> No.6631598
File: 532 KB, 982x703, Annotation 2020-07-23 150420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some titles are hundreds of dollars
i could never justify that and i have a disposable income for crap like this

>> No.6631671
File: 337 KB, 900x522, Annotation 2020-07-23 145235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best thread

>> No.6631701

If you're emulating you need the arcade card BIOS named syscard3.pce.

If playing on original hardware, you need an arcade card Duo or the Pro. The Duo is much cheaper, but you need a Duo system or a PCE Super CD ROM attachment which comes with the extra RAM.

Sapphire's a great game. I remember hearing the soundtrack was made by the same guys who did Air Zonk's, but I could be misremembering.

>> No.6631706

>but the 2nd did not

Man, I'm 100% sure someone on my Twitter timeline was working on a translation but now I can't find shit.

>> No.6631709
File: 127 KB, 652x470, 1592384178334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, some Shinsetsu Shiawase Usagi 2

>> No.6631730

jesus ys 3 is a bad game

>> No.6631816
File: 269 KB, 996x918, 1595543071983x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6631818

It's pretty bad. Doesn't hold a candle to any other game in the series.

>> No.6631832

Yeah, one of those cases where the modern remake is the best version (imo).
Oath in Felghana is too good.

>> No.6631881
File: 1.06 MB, 1347x925, Annotation 2020-07-23 171310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you
im emulating but have a pc engine sans cd addon

>> No.6632016
File: 618 KB, 977x722, Annotation 2020-07-23 150404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said i wasn't getting the cd expansion
but holy shit i want it now

>> No.6632189

More post!!

>> No.6632240

>No Arguably

>> No.6632731

shit taste

>> No.6632797

when i get home from work anon
although i dont have many screenshots or recommendations for the thread

theres a couple hu card alice in wonderland games that i enjoyed

nice spritework

>> No.6632816

Do shmarpgs exist?

>> No.6632880


>> No.6633461

When I was a kid my parents couldn't afford to get me one for Christmas, and miraculously my mother won one from Taco Bell. They had a promotion running called "score 25 and win". My mom was really depressed at how me and my brother only asked for the one shared gift, and we couldn't afford it, she had a dream that night in which she saw my dead grandfather on the beach and he told her everything was gonna be okay. The next day she stopped at taco bell drive through for a soda after work (something she'd never done before), and peeled off the label on the cup and found out that we won. On Christmas day after me and my brother opened all our gifts, we tried to not let the dissapointment on our faces show because we knew the situation, and while we hadn't gotten what we hoped for, we didn't want it to show. My parents then had us open this one last gift. Me and my bro unwrapped a plastic taco bell cup, (the PC Engine hadn't arrived in the mail yet) and were confused until they said "read it", we did, and we lost our minds with happiness. You always see those contests, and you think nobody ever wins, but they do. Till this day, I still can't believe it happened, and made it the most memorable Christmas of my life. God is good.

>> No.6634207

wonderful story

>> No.6634542
File: 1.86 MB, 1125x1872, 8062E007-F829-4694-878C-3CCAC7B61420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marchen maze

alice in wonderland unique shootemup

u dont have health but when you are hit you get "knocked" off the map

>> No.6634549

>reddit spacing
>twitter screencap
>mobile filename
2/10 bait, got me to reply.

>> No.6634614
File: 1.20 MB, 1125x1314, 0AB47ABD-40A1-4FC8-A842-50BFD1B870CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strip fighter is so ridiculous i almost want the multitap for 2P

>> No.6634803

Ah, X68000 games in this hour.

>> No.6635519


>> No.6635669


>> No.6635865
File: 974 KB, 1125x965, 13A9DF01-C279-4F84-B504-62BF624F7272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6637020


>> No.6639407

Dat awful Street Fighter clone?

>> No.6639474

its bad, but my inner 13yr seriously loves it haha

the cheeseball music has been stuck in my head all day

>> No.6639482
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x3024, F0719DB1-AA0E-44DF-AAFB-3CEB021D8F13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its snapchat and im on mobile you cunt
some of us have JOBS and cant shitpost at home from our comfy battlestations all day anon

also i noticed you didn't slam the title i posted, and i know why - because it SLAPS

>pic not related whatsoever/ Unless you're super into RPG wallaby horse-racing betting simulators

>> No.6640698

>also i noticed you didn't slam the title i posted, and i know why - because it SLAPS
yeah, cant disagree. That game is fucking great, nice taste ngl.

>> No.6640736

Back in the mid80s my sister won a 10-speed from McDonalds.

The older brother of a kid I went to school with won a Viper RT/10, from the McDonalds Monopoly game, but his family had money. So who knows how much money he blew before pulling that prize out of his ass.

Myself, I took managed to get one of the runner-up prizes for Cartoon Network's Samurai Jack contest. The grand prize was a trip to Japan, while 5 runner-ups got a set of 5 figures. Needless to say, I was disappointed. Still got the figures somewhere, still in their boxes.

>> No.6642479
File: 776 KB, 2592x1944, Capacitors_changed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. I had always wanted the TurboGrafx because of all the amazing screenshots of games like Ys I saw in EGM and Gamefan. Some time in 98, I saw a TurboDuo bundle which had a lot of the games I had wanted, all those amazing pack-in games with the Duo, a couple of the Working Designs games, Splatterhouse, Neutopia 1+2, Legendary Axe, Alien Crush, etc. and it even came with a TurboExpress alongside oddly a Power Glove. An amazing bundle for $300USD, but got me started, as there was no region locking on CD-ROM games the junk bins in Japan had so many treasures. I really loved the games, and thought the value was amazing. I still have the VHS ads which sold me on a TurboDuo before I ever had one. I can't imagine any other console which included so many amazing games packed in.

>> No.6642502

For me the sadness is how you throw your pricey shit all over the place you animal.

>> No.6642525

This system's games literally had the BEST cover art ever. So many Hu-card games had wonderful 80s/90s anime style covers.

>> No.6642551

Seriously, the key to playing these on a pleasant afternoon, sitting on your floor with a tasty beverage at hand, is to have one of those little metal wire display stands for CD cases/small books so you can have the game case standing there upright, off to the side of the screen, with the full glorious cover art staring at you, letting you glance at it and then back to the game. It makes up for the lackluster attributes of the game itself.

>> No.6642591

yeah, the american version are fucked though, you ever seen the US version of neutopia? the cover art looks awful lol

>> No.6642827
File: 3.29 MB, 4032x3024, C8EF0FBF-A95B-41EC-AF9F-0F4B00806AEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna have to git gud bros
end of coryoon just respams every boss in succession

still the most fun ive had in a long time
the only thing i regret is waiting to pick one of these up , especially considering how cheap the launch model is

>> No.6642829

Atari 2600 still has the best covers

>> No.6643162

>In game bait

>> No.6643260

1000 times more soulful than weebshit that's for sure

>> No.6643269

Yawn* You got awful taste, cope

>> No.6643271

GTFO Atarshit

>> No.6643279

I've had a turbo duo for a minute. Had to recap it. Once I did though the CD drive needs recalibrating. Kinda sad I don't wanna just fiddle with it Willy nilly. Need to get and oscilloscope. I need to run mod it too.

>> No.6643408

what a fucking pain in the ass

this is why i skipped the cd addon despite the list of incredible titles

we're emulationfags until the sd cd addon becomes reasonable

no $300 for the 8-10 i actually want to play on the briefcase is not reasonable

i could poach a neogeo aes right now with a controller for that exact price

>> No.6643513

Ok agreed. I meant the original, not the US market shit.
Pure fucking bait.

>> No.6643532
File: 29 KB, 225x350, Hikaru Amano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wholesome and good!

>> No.6643536
File: 495 KB, 1866x1863, PCE_KyukyokuTiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're emulationfags until the sd cd addon becomes reasonable
you mean the terraonion SSD thing for the PC Engine? I had heard about that and was interested but (since I had a duo) I wasn't about to buy a PCE and a SSD when I already had hardware.

>> No.6643562

You've got it reversed. Weebshit VN players are incel pedos and shmup players are self-important nerds.

>> No.6643573

the super sd system 3 also adds rgb video output

>> No.6643605

>the VHS ads which sold me on a TurboDuo

>> No.6643669
File: 360 KB, 1306x980, 2020-07-27 01.12.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My setup is cramped at the moment, but I have one.

>> No.6643685

Well first of all you don't want the Turbo Duo unless it's already been recaped and tuned. I have a Duo-R I got for a reasonable price, but dispite replacing the laser unit it still doesn't read much of anything. Even the Duo-R and RX's are going to need recapped and they're Surface Mount Caps too. But I have that briefcase Unit and it works perfectly. And for some reason the Pro Arcade Cards were sub $100 a few months ago so I grabbed one.

>> No.6643693


>> No.6643714

ya i have the launch pc engine
& the everdrive so the addons even with the rgb support are still definitely on the backburner

ya i heard about the capacitor issues
its unfortunate but a LOT of vintage systems have issues like this

i should probably spend one of my days off opening and checking things out
AES is probably the next and "final" purchase (although nothing is ever final and there is always something to hunt for)

>> No.6643716

anon i do WANT it
although honestly i dont even have a way to use that RGB signal

i use composite/RCA for everything on boogie tube tvs (closest picture to my childhood)

i have a few upscalers for showing things off on the 75inch out in the livingroom but honestly it just doesnt feel right

>> No.6644997

>reddit spacing
go back.

>> No.6645473

Wait, there's an english translation of the pc-engine version?

>> No.6645512
File: 134 KB, 400x400, 29345272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pc engine mini
Honest Q: why would you buy a pc engine mini, when you can run it on an FPGA, like MisterFPGA


>> No.6645775

why would i wanna waste time fucking around with cores/shaders/etc. And organizing roms and shit. The mini is better, the emulation is better, comes with controllers, and looks like a console, instead of a block of shit lol
>inb4 poorfags seethe

>> No.6645893

imagine having to explain what that block of shit is next to your tv

>> No.6645904

>imagine having to explain
Explain what? You realize that's the bare board, and people tend to put these into a case. The same way you don't leave JAMMA boards sitting in a supergun when you have people over for gaming.

Also, most people don't give a shit what's sitting next to someone else's TV when they come over.

>> No.6646867

No thanks, FPGA (Pussy Fag)

>> No.6647403

>drops $50 for yike case
big oof

>> No.6648058

sure is summer
its called the return key

people press it so other strangers on the internet dont have struggle trying to decipher a wall of autistic text.

i can assure you ive been here longer than you and have no interest in proving it.

>you cannot go back to where you never were u dun goofed

>> No.6648064

do i buy the briefcase or the everdrive
or do i spend the money on a computer
& run the iso files illegally with a usb controller

>> No.6648128

a toaster can run a PC Engine emulator. If you want to spend the money on a PC Engine, everdrive, CD system and the system cards, you're looking at around $400 spent.

>> No.6648134
File: 271 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honk honk coming through it's the best PC Engine controller!

>> No.6648367
File: 147 KB, 1537x587, oksobasically.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we do have toasters anon
however, I have the launch white pc engine
& the turbo everdrive 2.5

so its looking like since the only game i want to play that actually requires the arcade pro RAM cart is sapphire

>for anyone else lurking
turbo everdrive can be used as duo/super cd cards when combined with cd system addon

so i think im poaching the briefcase

the super CD sd system everdrive is out of stock everywhere and 300+

>> No.6649001
File: 2.17 MB, 2016x1512, Grateful_for_no_region_lockout_on_CD_games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were not pricey, that's part of what made them so worthwhile back in the late 90s. A lot of fun for poor videogame fans. It was a shame they system and games were not more popular, but on the other hand, they may not have been so cheap if they were popular.

That is the sad reality of playing retro games with the original hardware. Repairs and workarounds will be needed as time goes on. Maybe Analogue will consider an Analogue TG or some Mister core will be fully developed to help with us fans of the PC-Engine.

Yes, that's exactly what's on the VHS. I am glad they swapped Dungeon Explorer for Ninja Spirit as part of the pack-in bundle as Ninja Spirit is more aligned with my tastes. I think Tony Hawk produced the Lords of Thunder VHS promo video, too. The games on the TurboDuo/PC-Engine appealed so much to me back then. I guess free VHS tapes and magazines were how I coped with being poor and imagining the great games, until they became cheap enough to own.

>> No.6649087

>no saphire

>> No.6649161

I like Bonk's Adventure.