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6633447 No.6633447 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of the Sega 32x? Are there any good games on it? Was it even a good idea to release it at all?

Personally, I think they shouldn’t have done it. If they’d saved the games for the Saturn, it might have actually sold well.

>> No.6633450

>Personally, I think they shouldn’t have done it. If they’d saved the games for the Saturn, it might have actually sold well.

The hottest take of 1995.

>> No.6633454
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Still a better system than the Sega Shiturn.

>> No.6633457

Was there ANY merit to the idea of putting out a budget Saturn for poorfag Genesis customers who couldn't afford the real thing?

>> No.6633460

It’s a hell of a lot easier to emulate than the Saturn, so anything that came out on both I tend to opt for the 32x version. NBA Jam TE and Virtua Fighter/Racing all play really well.

>> No.6633476
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For me is Virtua Fighter and Virtua Racer Deluxe.

>> No.6633493

I agree with the opinion you have parroted that has been posted here >9000 times

>> No.6633529

t. Attention seeking Nintencel who suffers from a severe case of Saturn Derangement Syndrome.

>> No.6633553

>muh nintendo fan boogeyman
obsessed and schizopilled

>> No.6633562

Nintencel once again confirming he is the "Bernie Poster".

>> No.6633598

Segautist once again confirming he can't stop having NintenChads live rent free in his head.

>> No.6634136

It's about Japanese being stupid and not hearing their American Sega branch, because they had it too up their asses to be humble and scrap the horrible idea of realeasing a gadget console just as the new generation was approaching

>> No.6634204

NintenChads don't shit post on 4chan, Nincel.

>> No.6636624

Sega of America used it to fuck over Sega of Japan which caused the Saturn to fail outside of Japan. Fuck it.

>> No.6637101

Cool historical revisionism, bro. SoJ's president was very adamant in having SoA do the 32X because he was afraid Atari's Jaguar would btfo Sega's presence in the west and they wouldn't have the Saturn ready in time to compete against it. But after its and the Saturn's failure both he and Kalinske quit Sega.

>> No.6637275

I legit loved T-Mek. Don't know why.
Knuckles is damn good if you get in the habit of running around holding your partner and using it as a weapon rather than letting it flap around.

>> No.6637282

It came out before the Saturn and the Saturn didn't even have a hype build up

>> No.6637298

I get that, but assuming that they didn't botch the releases, was this at all a sound strategy? The idea of putting out a "budget" version of your next-gen console for your current customers who can't afford to make the full leap immediately seems kind of interesting.

>> No.6637439

SoJ's marketing department had been pestering upper management about a Genesis replacement since late 1991, in no small part to hide their fuckup (it came dead last after the PC-Engine).
This was, unfortunately, a wider issue caused by excessively staggered platform launches. When you release a console with >1-year gaps between dates, you invariably end up with a company whose branches operate at different speeds.

>> No.6637598

ok soicuck

>> No.6640503

I also agree that you are a soicuck

>> No.6640583

Was there a time where the big companies were worried about the Jaguar? I thought it flopped hard pretty much instantly.

On that note, what about the 3DO, Neo-Geo, and other smaller consoles? Did those impact any of the major company’s strategies?

>> No.6641130

Aren't the only good games on the 32X Star Wars Arcade, Tempo, Kolibri, Virtua Racing, and Knuckles' Chaotix?

>> No.6642507
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I think it is really cool. I enjoyed the games I have for it. I am not sure if it was a good idea, conceptually not bad to add more capabilities with some in-between hardware, since the limited display colors and color palette was a severe limitation of the Genesis. I did get the addon and games for clearance prices since no one wanted one and I guess the feeling of getting a great bargain with pretty good games enhances the feeling even more, so I love it a lot more than others may. I also ended out loving the Saturn for the same reason: cheap great games; so I certainly appreciate both the 32X and Saturn being around.

>> No.6642885

What’s that Tempo game? Looks interrsting, I’ve never heard of it.

>> No.6642921

Its a scotformer with meh level designs but a very weird and silly style.

>> No.6642938


Unironically the best home versions of those two, that generation at least. Also MKII

>> No.6642959

>that generation at least.
Indeed, better than the sloppy shiturn versions.

>> No.6643156
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>my youthful face playing the Saturn Virtua Fighter at Toys R Us and realizing what a terrible port it was, and that the PlayStation had Toshinden and Tekken coming for $100 less

I can clearly remember that sense of "well, this isn't very fucking good." The disappointment was so strong I went from Genesis-32X-CD to PSX and never really looked back until emulation came along

>> No.6643170

It slaps

>> No.6643225

Sega should have released neptune instead of shiturn. Fuck compact discs.

>> No.6643228
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>I got mine at a flea market for $2.50. I'm DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS.

>> No.6643415

Atari made some bold claims about the jaguar before it released. A system powered by a 64-bit RISC cpu for $150 would have been a no brainer in 1993. If the games werent so ridiculously bad it might have stood a chance.

>> No.6643428

The Jag also had backing from the world's greatest programmer, John Carmack.

>> No.6643684

What went wrong with the games? I know it only had 30 or so.

Part of me thinks that it never had a chance with all the existing competition anyways, but maybe it could have turned things around for Atari if it had a decent library.

>> No.6643742

if sega had been willing to eat the cost of including coprocessors in each game instead of outsourcing it to a peripheral, there would have been more consumer appetite for the later saturn console. The 32x just sucked from a business point of view because it discouraged sega fanboys from buying the saturn and confused the devlopment of games set to release towards the end of the genesis' cycle.

I liked kolibri tho

>> No.6643763

Hmm? Virtua Racing was better on 32X? I knew VF was better on 32X (at least until Remix), but I thought the Virtua Racing on Saturn was meant to be great.

>> No.6643792

It was so easy to tell it wasnt worth it. An ad on that came out 6 years after the Genesis lol. I was all in in the Sega CD and that was 3 years after the Genesis.

>> No.6644307
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>> No.6644845
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The Sega 32X was the beginning of the end for the company.
People might say that the Mega CD was their first flop but that at least sold over 2 million units and had a wide variety of games (about 211 total).
The 32X on the other hand couldn't even break a million and had less games than the Atari 7800.
If Sega hadn't tried to keep the Genesis going for another year or so and instead focused on giving Saturn a proper US launch, maybe their future would have turned out differently.

>> No.6644868

>The 32X on the other hand couldn't even break a million and had less games than the Atari 7800.
It would've done better if Sega hadn't rushed the Shiturn out prematurely which would subsequently get btfo by PSX and N64 because it sucks dick at 3D.

>> No.6644878
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>end for the company
The company isn't gone you spastic.

>> No.6644880
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Delete this image

>> No.6644881


The Tramiels had spent years making enemies in the industry and nobody wanted to work with them.

>> No.6644906

The Mega CD was around £260 at launch. Selling 2 million would have been an absolute disaster for Sega.

They also had to move many games that were planned and even being developed for the system, back to the mega drive.

>> No.6644912

Why didn't they make a CD2 with the new hitachi processors to replace the older Mega CD instead of going back to cartridges?

>> No.6644921

Because CDs are a meme. Carts ftw.

>> No.6644930

I meant as a console manufacturer.
The Sega now is vastly different from the Sega then

>> No.6645036

Sega is still around in the same way that Yugoslavia was still around in 2002. They aren’t doing too hot now a days.

>> No.6645243

You'll need to look it up to get an accurate blow by blow comparison, but basically the 32X is more faithful to the arcade whereas the Saturn one plays like a different game. Sure, add new cars, tracks, better graphics, but don't fuck with the physics.
SEGA have a habit of doing this, now that I think about it. Daytona USA was a terrible port to the Saturn, but it played okay, and then when they fixed the port as Circuit/Championship Edition, they replaced the control system with a shitter version. Same as Daytona 2001 on DC doesn't play like Daytona 2.

>> No.6645274

Peripherals don't sell very well. Whether they are 32bit enhancement devices or 6 button control pads. The only way it would have made any sense was if there was an upgrade path. If the 32X games could be played on a Saturn, maybe with enhancements, then there would have been a reason for people to buy a cross-gen Virtua Fighter, which they'd then upgrade to a CD based Saturn later, keeping their 32X libraries. But being an enhancement to a Genesis the games unfortunately naturally made use of the 16bit hardware too, meaning the Saturn was SoL on running that code. SEGA would have had to mandate that the games use the SH-2s and expanded audio exclusively, but it's very likely that the 32X simply wasn't powerful enough on its own. 2x RISC chips doing software rendering do not a next-gen console make.

>> No.6645406

Tempo is a platformer series by the creator of Bonk

>> No.6645430

But they may as well be. All they do nowadays is rehash Sanic and Yakuza (both shit tier IPs), and milk money from jarpigs on PSO2.