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File: 25 KB, 561x435, Edzxpp-UYAoAMy0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6641652 No.6641652 [Reply] [Original]

L was real all along.

Remember when you said it was just a meme, and if Luigi existed anywhere in the code it would have already been found?


>> No.6641662

Luigi if he real

>> No.6641668

question is what did they intend for him?

>> No.6641669

Great, more 12 yo freaking out over shitty "spooky" memes

>> No.6641687

omg how many fucking threads are you modloader/leak-fags going to start!?

>> No.6641695


so let me get this straight, the blury text in the garden in super mario 64 read l is real 2401? and that this leaked 24 years and 1 month later? tell me why this isnt just nintendo and viral advertising?

>> No.6641701

They had a functional two-player mode implemented early in development, they just couldn't find a way to make the camera/gameplay work.

>> No.6641730

>the blury text in the garden in super mario 64 read l is real 2401
That's always been a myth, though there's currently some hope that the uncompressed file is lurking in this leak.

>> No.6641745

An urban legend revealed to be true after 24 years

Holy crap

>> No.6641779

It's been known for years that they had been working on a two player mode. Pretty obvious there'd be some sort of model for Luigi that was made. The plaque doesn't say "L is real", the source code leaking at that specific time was intentional by the leakers to have some fun with the myth.

>> No.6641807


still a huge coincidence

>> No.6641830

Yes, Nintendo intentionally leaked source code to make you want to buy a 24 year old game they don't sell on their current hardware.

>> No.6641834

The Godzilla NES one is mostly true.
You'd be surprised how many legends are real.

>> No.6641846

Nintendo is into esoteric shit.
L is real 2401, then 24 years and 1 month later. Brilliant. Creepy too.

>> No.6641848


>> No.6641857

It doesn't matter how ridiculous you make the truth sound, it's still true.

>> No.6641867

Wait, so Luigi isn't in the finished game, right? They're just taking about the prototype, yes?

>> No.6641869

It doesn't actually say that, the sign says Eternal Star, its already been confirmed now thanks to the leaks

>> No.6641881

The copypasta of Godzilla NES is mostly true in that every copy has all those weird sprites and disturbing multiple choice test. You need to input a very, VERY difficult code before the title screen fully colorizes. It probably can only be done with a real cart and real NES since part of the code involves pressing the reset button 4 times before attempting. I don't recall the magazine, but the game's creators explained in detail how resetting 4 times did something to capacitor values and then hence altered the NES's running of the game.
The code itself was printed on the inside of rental Godzilla NES at Home Video Express circa 1990.

>> No.6641891

Finished game. He's there. Not known how prominent he might be or if you can access him by normal means.

>> No.6641892

But the dead girlfriend part and some other crap was just that, crap. Although"Still the best 1973" is real. The guy who made the embellished story is just sitting on the entire code, as am I.

>> No.6641894

Proof or GTFO.

>> No.6641897


There are people who get paid to leak shit on purpose. I don't know how this leak doesn't help Nintendo in their favor. Everyones talking about Nintendo now and not in a bad way.

>> No.6641898

I heard that he can be accessed if you never take damage, never die, and then go around that star 2,401 times. I bet that's bullshit, but I never really tried either, and with this recent news, who knows.

>> No.6641902


>> No.6641906
File: 126 KB, 600x452, 252BCA2E-96AB-49F3-9C52-D2013114D86C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sPoOpY pErSoNaLiZeD

>> No.6641909

>Ackshually I'm pretty sure it says...
It's fucking nothing.

>> No.6641910

That's not proof at all. Do you know know what you're linking to? More and more I see people link to twitter posts that are not specifically pertinent to their point. Why do they do this?

>> No.6641913

I would assume the leakers did it on purpose lol

>> No.6641917

The same texture is used there and he confirmed it says Eternal Star

>> No.6641926

He did not confirm anything. They said "very sure" and showed no proof. Do you know what confirmed means?

>> No.6641929

>An autistic weeb on twitter thinks it says "eternal star" instead
I don't even care either way (I'm a sega fanboy) but that argument was so bad you have me believing the other guys.

>> No.6641931


then one must wonder just how long they waited. im assuming here but i guess they got whatever they got in the year 2020 and just waited a couple of months before it was july, any other path seems retarded. still a pretty magical nonetheless.

>> No.6641938

The truth is that the image when sharpened doesn't resemble either phrase, anon. However, if you use the right filter it does look like "L is real 2401".

>> No.6641943 [DELETED] 

Some are speculating that it's actually in a Japanese. script

>> No.6641947


Morning Star, Eternal Star, L is real, I dont know how you can get anymore satanic without actually saying his name.

>> No.6641948
File: 264 KB, 580x405, super_mario_64_fountain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally! Here's Nintendos unmistakable message to the fanbase.

>> No.6641950

Some are speculating that it's actually in a Japanese script and not English/Latin.

>> No.6641951

No, you are the dumbass. Luigi is not in the actual finished game at all. He's just in the beta/cut content.

>> No.6641954

That's quite the stretch.
Could be, but my gut tells me it's nonsense and that someone has sat on the Luigi code for a long time just to reveal it around "2401."
People do those things, like with Godzilla. I'm keeping that code secret for now for many reasons, so are the copypasta people.

>> No.6641959

Why would it be in Japanese? The rest of the game's in English.

>> No.6641960

>Luigi is not in the actual finished game at all. He's just in the beta/cut content.
Are you sure?

>> No.6641962

上 and コ are unmistakable in that texture.

>> No.6641973
File: 183 KB, 640x1138, l is real 2401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6641982

>Game play counselor

I wonder if these positions still exist.

>> No.6641986

This literally got disproven with the info that Luigi IS actually in the game.

>> No.6641990

stop seeing things where there are none you schizos

>> No.6641995

It’s possible and likely this was intended for an iQue version of Mario 64, and was never included in the original game at all.

>> No.6641998

>This literally got disproven with the info that Luigi IS actually in the game.
How? And is Luigi even confirmed to be in the final version of the game? Anyway, it didn't get disproven at all since the "L is real 2401" thing is debatable on its own merits, but besides that having the "L" -if that's what it even is-mean Luigi beyond a shadow of doubt it shaky at best.

>> No.6642002

The theory I saw is that the "joke" is a programming reference in Japanese

>> No.6642017


Leaking source code for a 24 year old game they dont sell on their current hardware sounds more reasons to do it. Not saying its them just that if I was a company with such a shitty image and getting BTFO by others, my last ditch resort would be to pull a stunt exactly like this one. Im just saying.

>> No.6642031 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 128x175, 1595795242714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you:
The "L" in "L is real" isn't Luigi.
It's Lucifer.

>> No.6642032

he's in the development files, not the game. we have had the game the whole time, and he's not in there.

you know how we knew about the Arwing in OOT for like 15+ years? That's because the arwing made it into the game. Luigi didn't.

>> No.6642036
File: 281 KB, 639x481, lisreal just shapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just shapes. It doesn't say "eternal star", "L is real 2401", or "a secret star lies here, it's just nonsense. And because of people speculating on Luigi being in the game or not along with the assigning one of the sign's "letters" to him, for some we now have "confirmation."

>> No.6642062


i dont know but something very strange is going on with this l is real ordeal


>> No.6642113

He was in mine

>> No.6642115
File: 126 KB, 780x749, 1388829191742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fags get btfo
>l still isn't in the game
this is why you guys are worse than /v/ right fucking here

>> No.6642147

Did you just make this right now?

>> No.6642160


no i just checked to see if it was taken along with lisreal and that was the picture the site linked to

>> No.6642476
File: 92 KB, 735x544, 64_luigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. hes not in the code
2. we already know he was planned

>> No.6642703

you have all come very close to the truth. keep searching. soon all will be revealed. I wish I could say more but they are watching. I will leave you a clue to an important upcoming date. the date is contained within pi.

>> No.6642769

A texture is not the same as in-game text. They would have had to make a whole new texture.

>> No.6642775

...but he is in the code? thats how we just found him? retard?

>> No.6642984

It seems that no one can confirm if he's in the finished game or not. Gotta love it.

>> No.6643732

honestly the model looks dumb. not as bad as what modders have made previously but it's still basically Mario stretched and somehow it is lacking personality. I don't believe that thing is done.

>> No.6643761

I don’t see why they couldn’t arrange Luigi’s elements into something the resembles Mario’s default pose instead of a stiff mannequin.

>> No.6643803

Mario fans are starting to somehow be more annoying than Sonic fans.

>> No.6643873

make the texture in English then...

>> No.6643908

Probably a cameo like Yoshi's.

>> No.6643931

> L is real
> Only in the beta
> Not in the release data but in a beta

LOL Kids.

>> No.6643939

Highly likely to be in the released version too. That's no longer up for debate. How to unlock him? That's a question which still remains unanswered.

>> No.6643946

>intended feature that was cut from the final release
>but he's totally in Super Mario 64 guise
You know we already have the source code for the final release, right? I'm sure people went digging for shit as soon as that was released. Even if the model were to still exist in the final ROM, so what? Tons of games have remnants of cut features in them.

>> No.6643956

You do know what Luigi being in the source code means right? It means he's in the game. The source code and the game are the same thing. You don't have entire characters in the source code unless they appear in the game.

The debate's moved on now anyway. The question you should be debating is "now we know Luigi is there, how do we unlock him?"

>> No.6643964
File: 25 KB, 128x128, 1583848470583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, first of all, until further discovery, you can't claim he even exists in the final source code anyway, since the model data wasn't discovered there.
There also have been other examples of characters and weapons that exist in game data, but aren't meant to actually be accessed, take Honey the Cat from Sonic the Fighters, for example.

>> No.6643976

if he real

>> No.6643984

The model was created by Nintendo, not modders you stupid faggot. The modders just imported and modeled the file that had the coordinates already.
Just go back already.
>It’s possible and likely this was intended for an iQue version of Mario 64
You are dumb.
>never included in the original game at all
Well this thread is about how it's literally in the original game's source code so are you retarded?
>1. hes not in the code
Go back.
>Even if the model were to still exist in the final ROM
Obviously you don't understand anything that is happening.
Another embarrassing post from a newfag.
>anime poster
>Well, first of all,
>posts objectively false information while pretending to be knowledgeable
Holy cringe.
Go back and take your commas with you, you fucking fat, ugly, shithead.

>> No.6644218

Why does punctuation make you angry? Not that anon, I'm just curious.

>> No.6644451

Fucking kill yourself reddit

>> No.6644464

it could have been dropped in 2024/01, or the 24th of january, or 2401 days after release or many other things which relate to "2401"

>> No.6644510
File: 93 KB, 497x691, L_is_Real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post the actual model.

>> No.6644514

"Ultra 64 Mario Brothers" doesn't have quite the same ring to it

>> No.6644515

man, you should check out TCRF, you'll have a heart attack

>> No.6644516

Ultra 64 is the name of the console before it was just Nintendo 64
that's no different to something like "snes mario brothers" or "gameboy mario brothers"
it's means just "mario brothers for the nintendo 64", not really a name, rather a description

>> No.6644532

So how come they didn't introduce Luigi in sunshine either?

>> No.6644979

I know it came from Nintendo. it just doesn't look like anything other than stretched Mario
You have a point and that is probably partly why I think it looks devoid of personality.

>> No.6644984

this guy's rectum is no doubt bleeding

>> No.6645023

That carpet image is much better, even if it may be a shoop from the 2010s. I honestly find that design very appealing. The colors resemble All-Stars Mario 2 Luigi. His body proportions are a little closer to Mario which in my imagination would avoid awkwardness in seeing perform various moves. The legs being thinner, taller, and straighter is a much better decision than taking Mario's body and literally stretching it unilaterally, which is not far off from what modders have done anyway. The head is shaped nicely, not like a damn eggplant such is in >>6641652 The OP image doesn't look done. I refuse to believe they were ready to roll that model out for the final product.

>>6643761 Does the code they found contain information about Luigi's movement?

>> No.6645038

>many other things
2401 is a very specific number. There really aren't that many other things it could be. 24 years and 1 month after release is certainly... curious...

>> No.6645059

Wasn't designed to be a co-op game. Next.

>> No.6645150

the carpet image isnt a shop from 2010s. it was in magazines in the 90s. i had one.

>> No.6645156
File: 114 KB, 800x800, 64_enemy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is more interesting than luigi

>> No.6645281

Interesting. I was guessing on the source. very cool

>> No.6645362

L is real 2401 was discovered 24 years after the release

>> No.6645387

Super Mario Bros. has been looked at up and down inside and out, or so they think since that game has had content forgotten about and locked away since at least 1990, so I don't doubt that Luigi is somewhere in the final game. I doubt he can be legitimately accessed, though.

>> No.6645392

They did that on purpose. Twenty-four years and a month. Someone was sitting on this for a couple of years.

>> No.6645403

Why put him in the game if he can't be legitimately accessed? We just need to work out how.

>> No.6645410

>Why put him in the game if he can't be legitimately accessed?
Because taking him out completely either was too much work, or taking him out breaks the game.
If you want to know how, I can bet that it has something to do with not taking damage ever and not dying. Good luck.

>> No.6645423

You have to open a brand new game and beat it start to finish the first time. No dying, no power ups, all coins and all enemies.

>> No.6645425

Fact: Donkey Kong is in Super Mario Bros...BUT to access him you must play the game without taking any shortcuts, no warps, no damage, and no death for 360 straight games. That is not bullshit. I challenge the world to do it. An EGM mag or something back in the early 90s did a story on it and it has been done by Miyamoto and showed a picture of Donkey Kong in level 1-2.

Meanwhile all the ROM "experts" are ignorant of that fact and even claim to have "mapped" everything in the ROM. Apparently not.

>> No.6645431

>You have to open a brand new game and beat it start to finish the first time. No dying, no power ups, all coins and all enemies.
Have no idea if that's true, but whoa is that a fucking gigantic challenge, on par with the 360 straight SMB games. I know I'm not trying that with Mario 64, no way, especially with no official confirmation that it's true.

>> No.6645438

>no power ups
But you need the power-ups to get further into the game..

>> No.6645439

Big if true

>> No.6645445
File: 45 KB, 225x350, 7EBAB131-7662-4CA9-9F2E-B85281533419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6645447

It is. SMB has lots of forgotten stuff too, like the face that the Minus World is not a glitch and the water level can be beaten.

>> No.6645451

No, I mean...unless you use some of the power-ups, you cannot complete the game, no assists about. And what constitutes a power-up in Mario 64? The caps? The one-ups?

>> No.6645460

Super Player Mode is still locked for everyone except the best players. Last time I accessed it was easily 25-30 years ago. It's hard as fuck and concerns perfect gameplay AND the ability to backwards phase through a pipe.

>> No.6647867

This is too interesting to die yet.

>> No.6648719

i luv mario 64 :D

>> No.6649276
File: 45 KB, 539x566, weeby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6649338

holy shit. Real? Where?

>> No.6649343

Very real. Easy to find. Retail release.

>> No.6650867

Source? Google didnt work out this time

>> No.6650931
File: 97 KB, 590x404, f6f2b0e939be4354758673562c4d607b04441efd2cce703ebae3d1a77b50a378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the model is real, and the images used on it are real, but they are just photoshoped on and not actually placed on the model?
So L is not real?

>> No.6651021

2018 is when the data was initially acquired, it's possible they waited 2 whole years just to make it line up

>> No.6651031

Kill yourself wojak poster

>> No.6651034

>Take all the various real parts of Luigi and reconstruct them as they are scattered in the code
>WTF is fake??????
Based retard

>> No.6651071

I don't want the official Luigi model to actually be used for anything unless they fix his fucked up lighting, and lack of lighting on his sideburns.

>> No.6651274

Luigi is not in the finished game according to this:

>In the case of "Super Mario 64," the source code contained references to Luigi and a 3D polygonal model of the character. It's unclear why he didn't end up in the game, and Nintendo isn't saying

There you have it. So unless you can find Luigi and share with the rest of us how to do it..

>> No.6651287

No search engine will help you on that one, anon. You quite seriously may not want to now know the code because the game does feel eerie when played in that manner. It may even be evil.

>> No.6651320

>Very real. Easy to find. Retail release.
Riiiight. Then where?

>> No.6651397

>Luigi is not in the finished game
I know it seems like everyone is claiming he is based on the way people have been acting, but nobody is actually claiming he's literally in the finished product.

>> No.6651458

>but nobody is actually claiming he's literally in the finished product.
What are you drunk?

>> No.6651642

is that sentence difficult for you to understand or something?

>> No.6651663

Everyone except me and you are claiming he's in the game, key-car brain.

>> No.6651667
File: 545 KB, 950x720, mario-64-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many dimes tid the Mahrio Sixte Bor go do the Mario Bixty FOOR?!!!

>> No.6651707

Do you have autism? I know it's difficult to detect when people aren't being literal for people on the spectrum.

>> No.6651723

Are you meaning to say that not many or even no one is saying he's in the finished game?

>> No.6651753


>> No.6651754

If they were people would be asking how to unlock him.

>> No.6651987

People in this very thread have asked how to unlock him.

>> No.6652096

This board has become absolutely child infested holy shit can someone get their parents

At least half the posters in this topic are children

>> No.6652113
File: 5 KB, 262x192, 70C36518-1DE6-4FA7-8291-61F3DFD06B7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6656864

Is he in the game-the finished game-or not?

>> No.6656885

That literally confirms he is in the code of the game.
Can you "unlock" him and play as him? No you stupid faggot zoomer

>> No.6657164

Was it in their April issue by any chance?

>> No.6657924

>That literally confirms he is in the code of the game.
Right there they say he's not in the finished game, numbnuts. I don't know what to believe, but "in the code" can mean alphas, betas, protos, and finished copies.

>> No.6657935

No, not a chance. It's 100% real and no I've never done it. However I have accessed Super Player Mode, but that was common 20-25 years ago.

>> No.6657940

More like 30 years ago*

>> No.6658476
File: 82 KB, 740x380, v1.bjszMTk2MDE7ajsxODQ5ODsxMjAwOzM1MDQ7MTc1Mg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 24 - 1

>> No.6658631
File: 53 KB, 592x258, yoshi and luigi 64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6658635

Meant for >>6641668

>> No.6658641

Wow Nintendo could have saved Luigi but they refused to ship the N64 with 2 controllers and let him die