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6633826 No.6633826 [Reply] [Original]

Do you call it es-n-ee-es or Snes?

>> No.6633830 [DELETED] 

I call it your mom should have aborted you.

>> No.6633848

Do you call it the N64 or the nuhsixtyfour?

>> No.6633852

super nintendo

>> No.6633853

I always just call it super nintendo

>> No.6633857


>> No.6633874

Anyone who says "snes" like a single word wasn't old enough to play it when it was alive. I never once heard it pronounced that way throughout it's entire lifespan.

>> No.6633876

i call it "OP is a faggot"

>> No.6633883

t. american
in the UK almost everyone called it the snes.

>> No.6633891

we had a super nintendo chalmers at my school

>> No.6633939

in germany we only said super nintendo not one single soul said snes must be a english thing

>> No.6633943

yeah, germany. I think only the UK called it snes.

>> No.6633946

On my shithole it is called the super nintendo or just the super

>> No.6633957

I call it Shit

>> No.6633973

Super N-E-S

>> No.6633989


>> No.6633990


>> No.6633995

Super in thee ass

>> No.6634023

Mate, everyone I know called it the SNES (38 btw)

and we pronounced it 'snez'.

>> No.6634043

Usually Super Nintendo. Sooooometimes es-n-ee-es. Never Snes. That last one is pretty weird.

>> No.6634050

in the Caribbean we would just say Super. "Tu tienes un super?"

NES was called just a Nintendo

>> No.6634051 [DELETED] 

>in the Caribbean
How does it feel to be a nigger you degenerate piece of shit?

>> No.6634065

how does it feel to be a permavirgin

>> No.6634072

"Super Nintendo"
If you say "snes" you are an emulator kiddie. "es-n-ee-es" is acceptable because they say it like that in the commercials sometimes.

>> No.6634094

Super Nintendo. Everyone did as far as I was aware.
Though the first time I heard someone call it a snezz, it was a guy my age ('86). It must have been some time around 2005, so I suppose he could have heard it from some tard online.

>> No.6634106


>> No.6634132

Super nintendo when mentioning a SNES game, SNES spoken to piss off retards

>> No.6634139
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En Ee Es
i don't understand myself, either

>> No.6634271

SNES is funnier to say but when I talk about it with other people IRL I just say Super Nintendo.

>> No.6634325

I always say Es En E Es.
Maybe Super Nintendo sometimes. Never Snez, that just sounds gay, especially for the NES anyway.

>> No.6634330

I call it super nintendo and call anyone referring to is as snes an imbecile.

>> No.6634352

An originalist, I see

>> No.6634729

Calling it "s-n-e-s" sounds reddit as fuck. The kind of fedors tipper which makes women uncomfortable. "Super nintendo" and "snes" sounds casual and non aspergers.

>> No.6634749

Why don't Americans like "SNEZZ"?

>> No.6634767

UK here to confirm everyone in the 90s here said Snez, alternatively Super Nintendo. Es en ee es would have drawn ridicule, and rightly so.

>> No.6634773

I call everything "playin' sega".

>> No.6635076

my mom callit nine-ten-doh

>> No.6635095


>> No.6635096
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>> No.6635107

It was snez, or just nintendo, nes wasnt enough of a thing to make the average kid differentiate. Same with sega, sega was megadrive. If you were talking master system, you just said master system. But every kid without fail, always, ALWAYS called a PlayStation a psx. Simple as.

>> No.6635126

eat healthier

>> No.6635128

I know look at his fat fucking hands. You can smell this greaseballs photo.

>> No.6635131

"Super Ness" or snez around here.

>> No.6635145

When speaking: Super Nintendo. When writing: SNES.

Do young people actually say acronyms? That's really stupid. Would you say fibby for FBI? Unless it's easy like NASA or FEMA you aren't supposed to say the letters like a word.

>> No.6635149

You kinda answered your own question at the end their buddy.

>> No.6635191


>> No.6635216

Super N-E-S

but my families jargon was always pretty wierd. We called the bosses of each stage "The main guy"

>> No.6635218


>> No.6635219

I most-oftenly call it Super Nintendo.

>> No.6635449

the soup

>> No.6635451

This. Literally every country except the US and japan.

>> No.6635473

I'm from the US and everyone I have ever spoken to calls it the Super Nintendo. I have never heard anyone say "sness" or "ess-ness" outside of turbo-virgins online

>> No.6635485


>> No.6635506


>> No.6635546

Exactly. The reason why en ee es works is because it's short and sweet. It's a system not a super system you're dealing with. It would get annoying hearing someone constantly repeat es en ee es

>> No.6635554


Super ness

Or "Snezz" if you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.6635571

Snez cuz Im kool

>> No.6635583

It would help if you dozy cunts would say where youre from. It seems americans need to call it a super nintendo™ whereas the rest of world keeps it simple.

>> No.6635657

super s n e s

>> No.6635714

I had somebody do this in college. Only it sounded more like "the Sniz". "Bro the Sniz man you probably a Sniz". "Uhh? Never heard of it." I just assumed he was retarded or thinking of some Brazil console. Wasnt until he brought it in I understood.

>> No.6635729

Yup. Too unnatural to constantly pronounce, and you end up looking like Sheldon Cooper. "Snes" is fratboy who gets laid. Douchey, but an improvement.

>> No.6635734

Ah "sniz" an underrated synonym for vagina.

>> No.6635797

we called the NES Nintendo, dropping the Entertainment System. We did the same thing with the SNES, calling it Super Nintendo. Nobody used NES or SNES until the internet, where people who didn't know how to type were the majority and it was just easier to finger peck 3-4 keys.

>> No.6635913


>> No.6636636

Super Famicom, or ESS-EFF-CEE.

>> No.6636638


>> No.6636651

>not sufami
are you even trying?

>> No.6636653

What for? Super Famicom is what I use in spoken form, SFC is occasionally used when I need an abbreviation, but that's pretty much limited to my ROM directory.

>> No.6636791

>Es en ee es would have drawn ridicule, and rightly so.
Why? Would you make fun of someone who says Ef Pee Gee Ah for FPGA or Gee See Es Ee for GCSE?

>> No.6636794

Dont be daft anon.

>> No.6636797

I'm being serious though, what is ridiculous about pronouncing SNES as Es En Ee Es? Four letter initialisms aren't exactly unheard of.

>> No.6636808

super famicom
simple 'as

>> No.6636825

what do you think 'as' is short for?

>> No.6636828

S-N-E-S, same with N-E-S. For some reason whenever I read "SNES9X" (the emulator) I always read it as "sneeze nine x" though, think that's some retarded joke I made in my head when I was younger that never went away. Why yes, I do have mild autism, how did you know?

>> No.6636829


>> No.6636831

nothing wrong with that

>> No.6636842

writing 'as suggests you skipped only the start of the word, it cannot be short for ass

>> No.6636848

I gotta go with Biggie on this one. super nintendo

and by the way "NES" didn't start being a thing until you had super nintendo and the concept of nintendo as a company muddling the previous practice of always calling NES just "nintendo"

>> No.6636982

>there are people who say "super nintendo" instead of simply "es en ee es"
Are you people literally retarded? Why the fuck would you waste so much time saying "super nintendo" when "es en ee es" Is much shorter? Do you faggots have a phobia related to acronyms or something?

>> No.6636986

We said snez

>> No.6636993

Like "snek" but "snes".

>> No.6637001

Super NES
(Super En E Es)

>> No.6637021
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We normally don't pronounce acronyms. Simple. It sounds odd to us, though I've heard some people say "SNEZ" They're often people who are younger than me.

>> No.6638042

I first heard people call it "The Snes" in internet forums in the early 00s but those were people who had played it on it's prime
It's probably a result of it becoming more relevant in text based communication than voice based

>> No.6638067

Oh yes
Remember the Pissone/pissecks, pisstwo and pissthree?
The G'kun?
What about the G'buck, the G'bah and the Diss?
That's what everyone called their game systems

>> No.6638076

Super Nintendo

>> No.6638108

>duuur 'muricans doesn't call it Super Nintendo
>duuuuuur I know what I' m talking about believe me guise

>> No.6638117

The former online, Super Nintendo when around those who've touched a woman before IRL. JK, you guys are great.

>> No.6638118

I’m fully with you sir

>> No.6638125

I ate nintender
Love me speccy
Simple as

>> No.6638301

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.6638304


>> No.6638312

Do you have any other argument to support your claim other than calling people 'literally retarded'?

>> No.6638375

I can only hope that you're baiting, because if you aren't, your IQ probably is lower than 90. No one says "pissone", "pisstwo" etc. it's pee ess one, two and so on. And yes, most people call it that since it's far easier and more practical than to say "playstation", which is a way longer word in comparison.
As for "G'buck" and "G'bah", I don't know what to say since I can't even understand what you're implying (that's how retarded you are or how stupid your bait is). "Diss" is supposed to be DC, I am guessing, and you don't say "Diss", it's "dee see", and people do say that because "Dreamcast" is significantly longer.
Are you one of those idiots who say "The Sega Dreamcast" and so on, wasting your time like an absolute mongoloid? Acronyms are practical and there to be used, and the only fault someone can find in them is their wrong pronounciation by someone (you are a good example, but I still am hoping you are baiting).

>> No.6638430

SEGA Saturn and Sega Dreamcast is the correct term when speaking with dumb ppl

>> No.6638458


>> No.6638741

Not him but I think he meant GBC, GBA, and DS. Maybe GCN for Gamecube for G'kun?

>> No.6638745

>Obsessed with IQ projections
Try talking with someone outside obscure forums and imageboards
Most people just don't know what the hell you are talking about with most acronyms and don't care about your absolute need for efficiency in video game communication even though they grew up with those systems

>> No.6638762

He implied you are retarded and a faggot if you take so much time to spell each letter individually when you can just spurt them out as a single word and achieve maximum time efficiency when talking about retro game consoles

>> No.6638778

No I don't.

>> No.6638785

There's nothing logically ridiculous about it. It would have been ridiculous in a social sense because nobody else (here) said it. I suppose similar to if you start talking in binary. It might be logical but you'll sound like a tool. Es en ee es doesn't flow as nicely as snez.

>> No.6638792

True. If its the easist clearest way it usually memes into existence. Also, earlier some faggot said playstation is harder to say then ps1. Theyre the same syllable count. If anything, playstation is just as easy to say.

>> No.6638806

It's the bongs who say "snez."

>> No.6638813

We gave the world a common language. And theres a reason for it. Its because we are the chads of linguistics.

>> No.6638854

Another factor which has occurred to me is that it's about the specific acronym on question. The example GCSE was given above. That wouldn't work as 'gsussee'. Others happen to work nicely; API (appy), GIF (giff), or GUI (gooey) for example. It's not universal.

>> No.6639573

Nintendo 2

>> No.6639580

I never called it "sness" growing up but ended up picking it up after a while, I guess from seeing "SNES" on emulator sites so much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't think it's quite the zoomer tell you're claiming

>> No.6639582

>acknowledging the difference between initialisms and acronyms

>> No.6640795

>Most people just don't know what the hell you are talking about with most acronyms
The obvious implication is that you are speaking with people who are into gaming and who know about the acronyms. You have to be a casual plebeian who only plays mobile games, MOBAs etc. to not stumble upon and learn the simple acronyms.
Now that I have shown you how wrong you are, you have to go back, and you know where to.

>> No.6640802

A thread died for this

>> No.6640884

What about .apk
One of the reasons they spend thousand uon thousands of dollars on research for names is to find an easy to say distinctive name for their console, be it acroynym or otherwise. You wouldnt call the ministry of defense mod would you. Sometimes it sounds dumb to spell every letter, sometimes not, theres no hard and fast rule on how to pronounce acronyms.

>> No.6640886

Dont worry anon, if the thread was any good, it would still be here.

>> No.6640903


>> No.6641153
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>> No.6641165

i call it nintendildo box

>> No.6641238

Super Nintendo, primarily. Super NES if I'm feeling adventurous. No one IRL ever called it the SNES, and much less actually pronounced it as a word

>> No.6641253

Burgers call it S-N-E-S. Bongs call it SNEZZ. It's merely a difference in speech. Now if an American pronounces it SNEZZ, they're a poser and didn't actually grow up with the system.

>> No.6641257

>we are the chads of linguistics
All you did was mangle the superior romance languages and take credit for it.

>> No.6641261

If you count the syllables its not really any quicker to say pee ess one instead of play sta tion
Or dee see isn't faster than dream cast
You're autistic

>> No.6641378

>its not really any quicker to say pee ess one instead of play sta tion
>Or dee see isn't faster than dream cast
I think your IQ is below 90.

>> No.6641393

I think youre trying to justify your degree in game design/humanities that didnt come good.
Oh well, at least youre smarter than some loser on an imageboard.

>> No.6641417

I just call it the "sicksteefoar"

>> No.6641434

>everyone either pronounces the full acronym or condenses it to one syllable
>nobody sees the happy medium

>> No.6642086

>Butcher French and German and dumb it down so much that it becomes its own thing
>Call yourself the chads of linguistics
The only reason why we speak english is because it's piss easy compared to romance or nordic languages.

>> No.6642106

Using low iq as a slur is really pretty hateful. Just because a person has a low iq doesn't make them unable to make a good argument and have a valid opinion. For every person with an IQ of over 110 (which at least 99% of the internet swears they have) there's a person with an IQ under 90. So don't refer to IQ again, it's a crude measurement and not what you think it is.

>> No.6642135

How many classics (outside of goethe and beawulf-lol) have been written in any language that wasnt english? We gave the world modern life. If it wasnt for the english, europeans and natives would still be scratching your neaderthal heads trying to wipe your arse with sticks. There have been more english language masterpieces than there are in the rest of world combined.
And its simplicity is one of the reasons it dominates hard. Cry those salty tears second world cucks.

>> No.6642240
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>and we pronounced it 'snez'.

>> No.6642280

Felt like it was 50% Super Nintendo and 50% spelling out the individual letters here in Germany.