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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 438 KB, 1048x1500, D6F3EE74-E6A2-4C79-84A5-F43866B555C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6637234 No.6637234 [Reply] [Original]

Too many console tags. What’s your favorite retro PC game? Remember, to qualify as retro it needs to run natively on Windows 98 or earlier. Pic related is my favorite, I always enjoyed tycoon games. Roller coaster tycoon 2 is a close second place.

>> No.6640156

how is this on page 11?

>> No.6640163

Oregon Trail 2

>> No.6640473

Couple of things, one, no it's not, you're just stirring shit up (or trying to) by mentioning Trump, two, does this work on Windows 10? I hear it's pretty awful but might try to play it ironically.

>> No.6640498

wtf are you talking about faggot
That would have to be the first 2 rainbow six games

>> No.6640508

Does Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon run on Windows 10?

>> No.6640549

Uncharted water 2 and transport tycoon are my shit.

Also, pizza tycoon is not bad.

>> No.6641270

Looks fun.

>> No.6641307

Agreed https://youtu.be/VxH1KNF_7MM

>> No.6641315

Probably Civ 2 or MOO 2 if I had to choose some games to take with me on a remote island...I don't know. I have played so much, it's hard to pick real favorites.

>> No.6641629
File: 324 KB, 666x657, I just want to augment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Deus Ex. I started to look into gubmint conspiracies after that. I_m a fan of Alex Jones. It's all real.

>> No.6641691

Don't play many PC games, but, Rollercoster Tycoon 1 and 2. Even though 3 is pretty good too, it does count since it can run on Windows 98 as well.

>> No.6641979

Around the time it was released the hype around shit like aliens and secret government programs was huge. The X-Files had been running for years when it came out.

>> No.6642005

>Deus Ex
can't tell if bait or genuine schizo boomer

>> No.6642018

not retro, the win 98 argument is in your head and was never confirmed in the sticky. shit bait 0/10

>> No.6642025


>> No.6642914
File: 8 KB, 360x122, 2020-07-27 10_54_19-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6643012
File: 1.45 MB, 800x718, Dawn Of Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like games with a focus on exploration so System Shock 1 and Thief fan missions are what I have been playing lately. Bought Crusader No Remorse off of GOG a couple months ago and have been enjoying that too.

>> No.6644651

>Uncharted water 2
can you get this on pc in english and is it better than the console version?

>> No.6644707 [DELETED] 

the pc version has gambling in it im not sure of other differences though i think this dos version is in english because the install.ini is written in it but i didnt try it personally


>> No.6644759

thanks my guy
Ill play it then come back and say something about it in case anyone is interested
just need to figure out how to run it first, Im hoping its as simple as dubble clik exe

>> No.6644779

Alex Jones is a CIA psyop to discredit conspiracy theorists

>> No.6644856

i deleted the post because it was giving me an error trying to unzip the folder so sorry if that didnt work

this one does though i tested it in dosbox its the english version you just need to open the koei.com file in dosbox and it will boot


>> No.6644961

In what way is the original Deus Ex not retro?

>> No.6645339

It clearly is retro, because it's for Windows 95/98.
>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.
>[...] computer games [...] on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.
This game, however, while it runs on Windows 98, was released for Windows xp - in its original release, not a later port. Therefore, it's better categorized as an xp game, not a 98 game.

>> No.6646202

Looks very comfy.