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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 170 KB, 300x249, sfx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6636505 No.6636505 [Reply] [Original]

>renders 20 polygons
>framerate drops to 12
It was premature.

>> No.6636508 [SPOILER] 
File: 235 KB, 1250x1250, 1595678077506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario Chip
Mario thread?

>> No.6636558

It was good for 1993.

>> No.6636559

It wasn't

>> No.6636560

What was better? The 3DO? The system that cost one thousand dollars and also ran games at 12 FPS.

>> No.6636563

>also ran games at 12 FPS.
Not true, and also a year later the SVP came out and was actually performant. Mario's chip was premature.

>> No.6636565

The SVP chip was also a lot more expensive and a years time was like five years time in today's world when it comes to technological evolution in the 90s.

>> No.6636570

Just a little more expensive, and a year is a year. What do you think premature means? Super FX2 was out in 1995 and it's also terrible.

>> No.6636571

>What do you think premature means?
Nothing in this case as for 1993 and at an affordable price the Super FX chip was good.

>> No.6636574

>Nothing in this case as for 1993 and at an affordable price the Super FX chip was good.
Except it wasn't. Are you being retarded on purpose or just because it's Nintendo criticism?

>> No.6636576

Except your only rebuttal was to name a more expensive chip released a year later.

>> No.6636578

Yes, you've figured that out.

>> No.6636580

Which means it was good for 1993.

>> No.6636581

12 fps is never good

>> No.6636582
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>> No.6636587

Well that's just like your opinion man.

>> No.6636592
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>> No.6636597

ugly game
3d game

sega was delivering the future in 1994, nintendo delivering the past in 1995.

>> No.6636601

Who is surprised this thread was made by a console war autist? Shocking really.

>> No.6636605

>3d only counts when nintendo does it
why are console war schizos like this?

>> No.6636613

And now he starts arguing with himself while calling others schizo. Typical /vr/ thread these days.

>> No.6636618

Not really comparable.

>> No.6636623

I know, I was just being random again...

>> No.6636632

3D at home in 1993 consisted of Doom, 3DO and Star Fox. One of these is way cheaper than the rest even factoring in the price of the Super Nintendo.

>> No.6636737

Jaguar. It was $250 at launch. Still significantly pricier than the SNES but it also ran 3D games without any external chips and was still much more affordable than the 3DO.

>> No.6636749

>what is Stunt Car Racer for C64
Also star fox is just afterburner: janky 3D edition lmao.

>> No.6636757

I forgot the Jag was released in certain areas in 1993. The only 3D game released for it in 1993 was Cybermorph, the "where did you learn to fly?" game.
>what is Stunt Car Racer for C64
The lowest of the low when it comes to pseudo 3D.

>> No.6636770

Cybermorph is underrated and definitely more innovative than star fox.

>pseudo 3D
Real wireframe 3D with Z direction physics.
>lowest of the low
It's actually fun but of course you wouldn't know because you haven't played it.

>> No.6636782

None of those Race Drivin styled early 3D racing games are very fun. Not to mention they were old hat by 1993.

>> No.6636793

But Race Drivin is really fun you cunt.

>> No.6636860
File: 744 KB, 1500x1035, segacd_ah3thunderstrike_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast, tendie

>> No.6636909

Are you trying to falseflag as an anti-nintendo /v/ kid to make anti-nintendo people look bad?

>> No.6636914

This game has an awesome soundtrack but it's just 2D sprites on a flat surface with an ugly color palette.

>> No.6636924

Imagine getting so mad at being called a nintoddlėr you autistically scour the archives in search of conspiracy theories

>> No.6636928

No, I really think you are a falseflagger. I hate nintendo but I don't use /v/ keywords like "tendie", it only makes us anti-nintendo people look like retards. Call them faggots if you want, not "tendies", it sounds like you're the faggot.

>> No.6636935
File: 45 KB, 320x240, 1595361897447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly color palette.
Eat shit pisshead

>> No.6636941

Most of the game is dark green and brown. Just not very pleasant to look at.

>> No.6636978

ok, schizo

>> No.6636984

So just like in real war.

>> No.6636991

anti-nintendo retards like you need to let other people do what they want in peace. If the guy wants to use /v/ shit, let him be.

>> No.6636997

It was just a coprocessor.

>> No.6636998

Better than star furries

>> No.6637000

I bet you think looney tunes and the muppets are "furry" too. Zoom zoom.

>> No.6637004

Star Fox uses more than two colors so I think it has it beat in this department.

>> No.6639420

*$700 at launch.

>> No.6639436 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 500x500, C07BE432-6A10-496E-930D-26E05CA99664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sega was delivering the future in 1994

>> No.6641864

Anything that can't do solid 60 FPS with even the most baseline of all scenarios is premature in my book.
Conservative graphics technologies always win in the end.

>> No.6641878

I believe it's the guy who was assblasted over Bernieposting but went absolutely mental when a bunch of the "tendies" posted their timestamped Saturns.

>> No.6643360

I just looked at his twitter. That's one obsessed towel-head.

>> No.6643375
File: 2.10 MB, 398x398, 1583615795300.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you still sleep in a race car bed and color with crayons, anon?

>> No.6644250

Anything that says the SFX can't "do solid 60 FPS" when the limiting factor is the console/DMA is premature in my book.

>> No.6644449
File: 38 KB, 580x270, roomheater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RTX on
>framerate drops to 12
Same shit, different time

>> No.6644456

*$399 not even a year after launch

>> No.6644612

kek, gonna save this to enrage /v/idiots in LOL-threads

>> No.6644823

Still wasn't enough to save the system

>> No.6644853
File: 89 KB, 805x851, soyjak7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6644860

It's only console wars if it's against nintendo, anything else is fine.

>> No.6644863

Can you point out where I said that?

>> No.6646528

Back to /v/ fag

>> No.6647083 [DELETED] 

Interesting that none of the FX2 games were polygonal 3D. Doom used raycasting, Winter Gold is likely an FMV game, YI is a 2D game with a few 3D effects.

>> No.6647089

You said it in global rule #2

>> No.6647091

Interesting that none of the released FX2 games were polygonal 3D. Doom used raycasting, Winter Gold is likely an FMV game, YI is a 2D game with a few 3D effects.

>> No.6647130

Is Star Fox 2 the only one with textured polygons?

>> No.6647149

You can actually play starfox with double the framerate on a stock snes by just overvolting the sfx chip. Nintendo was probably scared about melting people's snes and gimped the chip shortly before release.

>> No.6647160

Why does Mario have a beard?

>> No.6647694

both the super fx/fx2 and svp were hampered by their host system's graphics architecture.

with good programmers you could do cool shit with them, but given limited budget, time, and hardware restrictions there was only so much you could do.

doom doesn't use raycasting, and although it's kind of vague and meaningless to describe something as "polygonal 3d", doom does work in terms of 3d polygons (quads in fact).
raycasting calculates the line equation for an image-space column (usually a single pixel wide on screen), determines what part of the map geometry that ray collides with, and projects back into screen space to draw. it's simple and works well with simple maps, e.g. in wolfenstein 3d, but it doesn't scale with more geometric complexity because it doesn't take advantage of screen-space coherence (the fact that if one pixel is covered by an object, other objects nearby are also covered by the same object). raycasting requires you to process the same wall over and over again in certain cases.

doom traverses a bsp tree (which contains sorted map geometry), and uses this to process world geometry in a front to back order, incrementally drawing and updating screen-space occlusion information as it goes. Each wall that is drawn is processed exactly once, and the bsp tree allows you to completely discard sub-trees that are completely off-screen. This scales with geometry much better than raycasting, which is why you see bigger and more complicated maps in doom.