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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.61 MB, 319x219, franklin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
662660 No.662660 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Inappropriate content in retro games that slipped past the ESRB.

I wish I could remember everything right this minute, but it's gonna take a bit to refresh my memory.

>> No.662691
File: 39 KB, 394x223, naked lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing that comes to mind is Secret of Mana when you can see the xxx book with the pic of the naked lady in it.

>> No.662739

I think that game was released before the ERSB was formed, but i'm not sure.

>> No.662974

FF8 has browsable Playboy mags, iirc.

>> No.663038
File: 9 KB, 280x260, TIGER_BALLS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be assed to play the game up to this point right now, so have this generic Google image result.

>> No.663056


I think that was only in the arcade version. I don't think it made it to the SNES version.

Why the fuck am I knowledgeable about tiger balls on a sprite? I'm going outside for air. Be right back.

>> No.663065


They actually are in the SNES version.

I checked.

However, as I said, I don't feel like playing up to that point right now on the SNES version to prove it. It's like on level 3 or some shit.

>> No.663089
File: 34 KB, 344x517, 136478220350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm honestly considering firing up the ROM and playing to stage 3 to take a screenshot of tiger balls.

At 1:30 AM on a Tuesday. What the hell happened to my life.

>> No.663101

Before someone asks, it's Knights of the Round

>> No.663105


anon you've gone too far anyway, might as well go deeper down the rabbit hole.

>> No.663106


Skip to 0:56

>> No.663145
File: 112 KB, 409x260, seminal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, I can't be assed to play the game up to this point right now to take a sharper screenshot (for obvious reasons), so instead I had to briefly watch a Let's Play by an obnoxious meme spouting douchebag to snap a picture. And while the word can go either way since it has 2 definitions, the fact that they gambled someone taking the most more "questionable" meaning is mindboggling, especially when you consider how paranoid they were with censoring religion and anything remotely related to death.

I'm fairly surprised that this hasn't come to anyone's attention AT ALL for the past 2 decades or so that the game has been available (especially starmen.net faggots)... unless people are too intimidated by the people in this particular part of the game to even notice.

>> No.663151

Yeah, no, that's not getting stuff by the censors, that's just you laughing every time they say something that sounds vaguely sexual.

>> No.663152
File: 19 KB, 200x200, Mario_Facepalm_Ava_mote_by_Artemendo20110724-22047-ktvawa[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(of a work, event, moment, or figure) Strongly influencing later developments.

it literally means "of the seed"

>> No.663157


Or you know, nobody cares. I'm inclined to believe my theory.

>> No.663165


But of course the word stems from something related to seeds. What do you take me for?


adjective \ˈsem-ən-əl\ (Medical Dictionary)
Medical Definition of SEMINAL
: of, relating to, or consisting of seed or semen <seminal discharge>

>> No.663171

I take it that if they said 'Dick', you'd automatically assume they meant a penis, not someone named Richard?

>> No.663178

I've not once seen seminal used as anything other than referencing semen.

>> No.663176 [DELETED] 

Ultros in Final Fantasy VI to Terra during the first fight against him

>What a delicious morsel! I wanna get my tentacles around her...http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/image?c=03AHJ_Vuvzg3-4F1Yn7vUtKPgroxUrOOEa3N_9Os6Hw8PHyi4tYXJbSO3WZA4aFKEZG7iZvIUu7BT_a9jRKu_VJh5zHwy2GEFhry43EanxtSN_njdK623-0GNruT8XUrzXvLsA3f0GIzqDIKLbVzTAD3OvmYD29kO9-6v9nU4Bv4nqo4IcBYQfW_M

>> No.663179

you'll note that he'll mass-tentacle occasionally but Terra is the only one he will use a single target tentacle attack on

>> No.663182

Ultros in Final Fantasy VI says this before he attacks Terra in their first fight

>What a delicious morsel! I wanna get my tentacles around her...

>> No.663186


Seminal evidence in a court case DOES pertain to semen. Youre all wrong.

>> No.663191

lmgtfy is the greatest website ever created

>> No.663190


>> No.663208


You're not seeing my point.

See, that particular part of the game consists of a bunch of people saying what can be considered utter nonsense, since there's no context to establish what the fuck is he talking about. The way he expresses himself is correct and coherent, but otherwise, he's not making any sense.

When I refered to "gambling", I meant that they relied on a word which could have been easily replaced by something else that did not alluded to something that, by Nintendo's standards, would not be questionable.

You are free to believe whatever you want to believe, though. That word has more than one meaning, and it was not I who decided it to be that way. Unfortunately for you, the way that particular piece of text was worded can lead people to believe either way.

>> No.663216

Well, actually, the way it was worded, you know, the fucking context, pretty much rules out your possibility.

>> No.663229

>they intentionally snuck in a semen reference for no real reason just because they could


>the guy is using seminal in a pretentious analysis fashion along with other words like didactic and explicate

"You're free to believe whatever you want" too, you passive-aggressive twat.

>> No.663234


When sex is involved, yes. This does not involve sex.

>> No.663249


"Didactically speaking, seminal evidence seems to explicate the fact that your repudiation of entropy supports my theory of space-time synthesis. Of this, I am irrefutably confident."

So basically, because I hate entropy (which can mean either of these 3 definitions courtesy of Merriam-Webster: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/entropy)), that's enough to support his theory. Very subjective. But what kind of evidence is he talking about anyways?


The fact that we're arguing over what meaning that word has in such a vague and confusing context just goes to show oversight on editing and censorship.

>"You're free to believe whatever you want" too, you passive-aggressive twat

I did not mean it in that tone, my short sighted friend. I was merely stating the obvious: that phrase can mean more than one thing. You can believe what I've said so far, or you can believe what you think is correct. Neither of us has a say on who is right or wrong.

>> No.663264

new guy in the convo here, but wouldn't Seminal evidence mean something along the lines of strong evidence or maybe something that stems from something else IE:
>dead body in room
>blood on walls, carpet
>blood is seminal evidence in reference to dead body?

>> No.663265

the irony of this is that it's a semantic argument

>> No.663278

Really surprised SoTN got away with a T rating. Game has blood, gore, and tits.

>> No.663281

so does your mom, but she was rated E for everybody

>> No.663285

But my mom is a lesbian.

>> No.663283
File: 16 KB, 374x342, 1357597650725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.663291


Exactly. I just raised an issue. I did not expect to be correct or wrong, but people in this thread so far have been obsessed with dismissing a valid interpretation. I said it myself in my first post: it can go either way.

I'm almost inclined to believe (pardon my reckless assumptions and conclusions) that if I were NOT speaking of Earthbound, I might have not been met with such a fierce and uncalled for defense.

>> No.663310

All of majora's mask.

>> No.663312

He doesn't know that the Japs use SAGE and AGE as down/up votes
>Set A Good Example
>A Good Example

>> No.663315

Actually, he was making a pun, hence why he said 'ironic'
Also, it has nothing to do with it being earthbound, it has to do with you being an idiotic teenager that sees double entendres everywhere that they aren't

>> No.663321

That reeks of bullshit.

>> No.663328

But it's not. That's what it originated as.
Hell, that's how this site was way, way back when it was still young, but we've evolved to remove age and make sage just a non-bump, generally pointless and / or off-topic post.

>> No.663334

You're gonna have to cite your sources.

>> No.663339

It is bullshit. sage(ru) means to push or go down, essentially, and age(ru) is more like lift or raise.

My cred? I petitioned for the creation of /m/, and I got 20K GET in /v/ when it was good.

/v/ was never good.

>> No.663336


>it has to do with you being an idiotic teenager

Oh, cool. Now you're relying on slander.

Very well, then. I have already made my points. Take them as you may. If your goal was to "win", I'll throw you a bone and declare you the victor... no matter how meaningless and (personally) disappointing it is. I wanted to have a sensible discussion and reach an agreement, but at this point, it doesn't seem possible. You're still fixated on being right, no matter what.

I'll take my leave now. Take care, anon, and have a nice day.

>> No.663345

But there is no reason for me to believe anything you just said.

>> No.663347
File: 88 KB, 604x453, zzzzzsagezzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at ancient /b/ images for SAGE.
Took me a while to dig back, but here's an example. It used to be used as "youre shit, have some sage" which is basically a more violent way to downvote someone, which was the initial purpose of the Japs. See: >>663339 for the general translation.
Considering that, we called them "Set a good example" and "A good example" to make sense.

A little experience would go a long way, son.

>> No.663351


Oh no! You used an empty insult!

>> No.663353

Because I was in no way using teenager as a phrase.
Right, I mean everything 100% literally all the time.

>> No.663352


And by the looks of your response, it worked.

>> No.663357

I used an adjective to refer to you. Much like "guy, bro, dude, fella, homie" etc.
But hey, if you want to get rustled by that, that's fine by me.

>> No.663360

That's completely downplaying the diminutive connotation of "son".

>> No.663373

And you're completely ignoring the point and focusing on something completely trivial.
To be fair, "son" is more negative than, say, guy, which is entirely neutral but open to interpretation.

Focus on the point of the conversation, "son".

>> No.663376

The "point" of the conversation is moot, you just make some empty claims about your supposed seniority on the site.

>> No.663384

And yet that's not the core of the conversation, that's something you want to focus on to avoid the truth you were ignorant to.

>> No.663404


then you don't read

>> No.663414

The joke in the Earthbound screen is the guy is a parody of wordy philosophical/political types. "Seminal" is a ridiculously common word.

>> No.663417
File: 26 KB, 320x480, lunar hookers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit caught me completely off guard

>> No.663424

She sells alcohol

>> No.663427

If she were, she wouldn't have added "of sorts" because trading alcohol is completely normal.

>> No.663438

To be fair, that was before the internet and tentacle rape became better known in America. To those who don't know Hentai, it just sounds like "I wanna get my hands on her" or something.

>> No.663448 [DELETED] 

Also she wouldn't add those
Come on, this shit is just too obvious to be rebutting it

>> No.663446

No it wasn't.

>> No.663447
File: 206 KB, 900x876, kitana_and_mileena_get_caged_by_twinkiesniper-d51h2y2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fucking fuck happened to this thread?

>> No.663451

Also she wouldn't add those *hearts*
Come on, this shit is just too obvious to be rebutting it