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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 64 KB, 480x600, 9ddad05672c23f1516740c8d630cdcb2d812a4a7r1-480-600v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6627136 No.6627136 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that Dixie is a scrub character for bitches who don't actually want to play the game

>> No.6627142

are donkey-kong-threads the /pol/-tier jogger-threads of /vr/?

>> No.6627148
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You aren't special because you made something harder than it had to be for yourself

>> No.6627151

And we're done here.

>> No.6627164
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you also don't have to collect the KONG tokens, but they're clearly meant to be a challenge for good players

the game even has a little icon of shame for beating a level as Dixie, forever branding you as a casual

>> No.6627176

see >>6627148
You might have had a point if you were talking about collecting the bonus tokens and such but no one cares about what character you're using and your attempts to prop up your ego while doing so is sad

>> No.6627196
File: 96 KB, 518x563, 47BC40E0-6EFE-4CE3-AC5C-68AF8C5F5C8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that so many gamers still name Donkey Kong Country as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game ever only tells you how far video games still are from becoming a serious art. Video game developers have long recognized that the greatest video games of all times are The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros., which were not the most graphically advanced or acclaimed or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. I myself rank the highly controversial Super Mario U.S.A. over video games that were highly popular in arcades around Japan. Gamers are still blinded by good graphics. Donkey Kong Country had better graphics than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Music enthusiasts grow up listening to a lot of music of the past, film enthusiasts grow up watching a lot of films of the past. Gamers are often totally ignorant of the video games of the past, they barely know gameplay mechanics. No wonder they will think that Donkey Kong Country is anything worthy of being played.
– Shigeru Miyamoto (1995)

>> No.6627460

based Shiggy only speaking with the truth

>> No.6627480

How making a character 0.1% faster makes a difference

Diddy feels better, any kid good at vidya could tell

>> No.6627483
File: 35 KB, 628x623, pepe-scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel naked jumping without the ponytail twirl.

>> No.6627515

And yet he's responsible for the reprehensible fucking Mario 64 with shit controls and gameplay and pretty (at the time) graphics.
What a fucking sellout. Nintendo got jealous of Sony's push for 3d in as many games as possible and decided to switch Mario 64 from a 2d game with 3d graphics to fully 3d. Funny how they now tell the story of how it was always fully 3d when you can look in any fucking magazine at the time of early development and get the real story direct from Nintendo/Miyamoto.
Gaming died in the mid-90s and /vr/ should be pre-1995 only.

>> No.6627531
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Can I get a quick rundown on 2D Mario 64?

>> No.6627534

DKC lives rent free in your head and I love it.

>> No.6627537

See the paths running through several of the levels, including all the boss levels which were the first to be developed? The camera would show a side view of these levels doing a few zooms and pans while everything was actually rendered in 3d, and you'd play using standard, usable, GOOD 2d controls.
Something like New Super Mario Bros but with a bit more going on.

>> No.6627551

reminder that this is an adaptation of a /mu/ copypasta about the beatles referencing on a fake quote from a book written by hack fraud boomer liar Steven L Kent where he cites a magazine interview that has nothing resembling the quote in it.

>> No.6627572
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>> No.6627573

It's a joy to read /vr/ and guess which of the other 5 fuckers are larping right now

Zoom zoooooom reeeee

i miss kattfagg

>> No.6627579

It's clearly one of those "Every copy of Mario 64 is personalized"-tier schizo posts

>Mario 64 has bad controls
Imagine being this bad at video games.

>> No.6627592
File: 6 KB, 249x188, 01F42DDA-7F15-422A-84EE-84BF5F4E6029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is a literal cope from a seething lil' zoomzoom who was born at least half-a-decade after the interview took place.

>> No.6627601

fake miyamoto was right about DKC, but wrong about DKC2

>> No.6627678
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>> No.6627706
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Cope and seethe

>> No.6627707

I feel naked without the princess in Mario 2 anon


>> No.6627718

the game was made for dixie. you try going through the wind level without her

>> No.6627721

>DKC2 with a diddy only run

Damn that would be tough

>> No.6627731

It is not possible. You need to float to half of the shit. I mean just passing stages is, beating bosses is. But 102% is not.

>> No.6627737

Not so much, you have mid-air jump and DKC2 is a lot better for precision platforming than DKC1, so aiming for the heads of foes are easier

I remember always playing with Diddy, and seeing if at any point I HAD to change for Dixie. If you know what you're doing, you totally can.

I THINK the hardest challenge is the last stage, and bonus. (Brown Stickerbursh)
Reaching the bonus and doind it all with Diddy is EXTREMELY rewarding.

Anyone who has a save, try this. If you can, you just did the equivalent of a Diddy run.

>> No.6627743

So do you purposefully die if you lose diddy with dixie still available?

>> No.6627753
File: 33 KB, 600x612, cool-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Dixie is one cool chick.

>> No.6627756

ok monkey fucker

>> No.6627762

DKC2 was my childhood game, and teen game with lots of time and save states or wathever, so I remember making these kind of self challenges before internet-runs was a thing.

I don't guarantee that you can do 102% on a Diddy only, but if you master his mid-air jump, you can totally reach those bonuses that are so-far-away

>> No.6627778
File: 54 KB, 1200x630, coolpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it back nerd.

>> No.6627780

You can't do a 102% with diddy only, there is like 2 or 3 DKC coins were you absolutely need to float.

>> No.6627781

I dont care about a 102 run. I just want to test if I can beat the game with just Diddy.

>> No.6627786

The answer is yes then.

>> No.6627790

>THINK the hardest challenge is the last stage and bonus. (Brown Stickerbursh)
Animal antics is a transformation gimmick level. Your kong doesn't matter

>> No.6627792

Wait nevermind. Animal antics is a jungle level.
Screech's sprint is the final bramble level
Still an animal buddy level though

>> No.6627796

It doesn't matter, I already found a guy that made a speedrun no damage
So you can, just git gud

>> No.6627798
File: 2.48 MB, 3264x2448, 20200722_112845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level

>> No.6627801

The bird race is halfway through. This halfway is pure-gold Diddy-only run challenge. Bonus included (it's a pitfall). Then you get to the mid-barrel

>> No.6627804

No thanks, I don't care about meme speed runs
I prefer to enjoy the game

>> No.6627809

>I prefer to enjoy the game
speedrunners btfo

>> No.6627810


>> No.6627812

4 hours in not a speedrun

>> No.6627821

>i prefer to enjoy the game
I doubt somebody who played nearly 30 hours of DKC2 didn't enjoy it.

>> No.6627823

>10/10 ost
>death and winning medleys for each stage theme
>hard yet not bullshity at all
>well hidden secrets, but never as unfair as DKC1
>bee hive swamp pirate carnival motherfucker

DKC2 is the shit

>> No.6627826

DKC2 is not hard, you fucking pleb
It is one of the easiest games to exist

>> No.6627829
File: 3.31 MB, 3264x2448, 20200722_114821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I have definitely played more than thirty hours.

>> No.6627831

What console is that?

>> No.6627832

Ok, gimme some hard and not bullshity games then
Bullshit to me is like, you have to memorize the stage to git gud, because of unpredictable stage hazards
Or you have 3 lives and need to replay the first stages over and over

>> No.6627836

>Ok give me some hard and not bullshitty games then
shoot em ups are pretty not bullshitty, anyway probably Alien vs predator cps 2 fixes your quota
Joe and Mac returns and Tumblepop, also aren't "bullshitty" yet still hard

>> No.6627837

New 3ds xl
They have snes vc

>> No.6627840

I have never liked that zoomer console.

>> No.6627852

Why even ask?

>> No.6627856

Cause it didn't seem familiar.

>> No.6628220

Dixie was perfect for learning the game. Diddy Was for mastering the game, However I would always switch to Dixie to beat the level so I could hear her shred on her guitar.

>> No.6628271
File: 5 KB, 211x250, 9C5C22AF-8DD7-4896-AB44-991D7280BFEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just liked to chuck the dumb bitch and beat off while I watched her cry.

>> No.6628304

ok faggot

>> No.6628332

Based as fuck.

>> No.6628367
File: 622 KB, 972x809, >when she touches your digestive biscuits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont ever say those things about my girlfriend again

>> No.6628396

I like that brand of shame. That’s funny I never thought of it that way. Teasing friends with it but can’t you just swap the two at the end?

>> No.6628408

Wow not bad anon. You improved a lot

>> No.6628415

Legit still enjoy all the DKC games more than the Mario ones, even after all these years. Suck it, Shiggy, go back to sucking off Toads.

>> No.6628416

Yes you can, so it is mostly pointless. Anyway, in stages where you turn into an animal friend, it is also pointless to "feel shame". you should feel more shame for being a fucking neetso playing DKC at your motherfucking 30's instead of worrying if you beat a stage with dixie or diddy.

>> No.6628532

Dixie is the coomer's choice character. No pants, cute feet, ponytail, she's got it all.

>> No.6628540
File: 1.93 MB, 1170x1785, DixieDiddy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dixie cute

>> No.6628547

Literally 0 sex appeal, unless you an unironic pe_do

>> No.6628572

>Joe and Mac Returns

Diet go go >

>> No.6628573

What about candy Kong? I’d clap those sweet cheeks if you know what I mean

>> No.6628582

>diet go go
What is this meme?

>> No.6628587


>> No.6628596

That looks more like snowbros

>> No.6628601

fake quote
fuck off

>> No.6628614

Like Klonoa?

>> No.6628646
File: 68 KB, 1200x674, 6316A840-0FD4-4F55-B11F-A4BA2DB0F1B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s Madeleine, the superior Rare girl (who never was ;_;).

I just can’t into Kongs that way, and in fact I find it incredibly disturbing what Ninty did to Tiny after DK64...

>> No.6628781


>Pirate Panic
>Gangplank Galley
>Rattle Battle

Ship Rigging
>Mainbrace Mayhem
>Topsail Trouble
>Slime Climb

Ship Hull
>Lockjaw's Locker
>Lava Lagoon
>Glimmer's Galleon

>Hot-Head Hop
>Red-Hot Ride
>Fiery Furnace

Mine Shaft
>Kannon's Klaim
>Squawk's Shaft
>Windy Well

>Barrel Bayou
>Krockhead Klamber
>Mudhole Marsh

>Bramble Blast
>Bramble Scramble
>Screech's Sprint

>Target Terror
>Rickety Race

Zinger Hive
>Hornet Hole
>Rambi Rumble
>Parrot Chute Panic

Haunted Forest
>Ghostly Grove
>Gusty Glade
>Web Woods

Haunted Library
>Haunted Hall

>Jungle Jinx
>Klobber Karnage
>Animal Antics

Ice Cave
>Arctic Abyss
>Clapper's Cavern
>Black Ice Battle

>Castle Crush
>Chain-Link Chamber
>Toxic Tower

>> No.6628809

top sail
web woods
eh, hall? why even put this one
chain link

>> No.6628810

Alright anon, you win. You’re right.

>> No.6628929
File: 37 KB, 300x200, mft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED. This... is what (((((they))))) took from us.....

>> No.6629113

Why is it that after 24 years we still don't have games that look quite like this?

>> No.6629123
File: 543 KB, 807x545, dixie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Dixie stop painting her nails?

>> No.6629134
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>> No.6630168

>Due to the time-consuming nature of the modeling process, Diddy's model was used as the base for Dixie; the ponytail was then added, the clothes were changed, and his features were made more feminine

>> No.6630191
File: 1.99 MB, 336x200, 9F39E831-2B07-4A55-A0E6-CBC0C28011F9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ponytail was then added, the clothes were changed, and his features were made more feminine

>> No.6630302

Those kneepads arent for show.

>> No.6630305

God damn I want to pound that hairy monkey pussy so bad. I want to empty my balls inside her. It hurts bros.

>> No.6630308
File: 67 KB, 850x400, 4F5A1243-8641-4BEB-A574-E8B1304FBC99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6630312

Based, remember that he literally said it in front of one of the Stampers too.

>> No.6630357

And it was only out of butthurt, and he got rekt with galaxies. So take that, "mr perfection" moto.

>> No.6630373

lul worked ass boom boom

>> No.6630386
File: 70 KB, 550x550, 1514696E-2ACA-4155-BD00-52390F4DA6EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less talk-y moar forced-feminization-of-Diddy-Kong-y.

>> No.6630532

After she grew another toe she didn't want to draw more attention to her deformity

>> No.6630553

>good art
Looking "advanced" because of pre-rendered CG doesn't automatically mean it's good.

>> No.6630576

You big faggot, you probably think Yoshi's Island looks good.

>> No.6630587

compared to DKC? hell yeah.

>> No.6630590

Like clockwork.

>> No.6631445

>you probably think Yoshi's Island looks good.
Do you think it doesn't???

>> No.6631620

Same goes for Peach and Luigi in SMB2, real men play as Toad.

>> No.6631627

What a glow up. Only thing I wish she retained was the knee pads.

>> No.6631632

>play time 99:51

holy fucking autism

>> No.6631656

That's not even that bad over the course of 4 years,
Do you not replay your favorite games ever?

>> No.6631901

>average play session is only 21 minutes


>> No.6631913

You can beat the first three areas in 21 minutes.

>> No.6631925


>> No.6632003

Hmm I'm be curious. I feel like you could probably 102% with Diddy in front the whole time, if team ups are allowed. I can't really think of anything you couldn't get off the top of my head (keep in mind DK Koins dont count for 102%, although I feel like you could get all 40 anyway)

>> No.6632017

>not a sub 13 w3

>> No.6632019

To he honest, most of those hours came within the span of a few months.
I played my first playthrough and stopped for a long time. That's the first file.
Eventually I came back and started replaying the game a lot, I rotate the second and third files, deleting the one with a longer completion time.

Dkc2 is a very fun game for me to spend an afternoon or two, going for 102% completion.

>> No.6632091

what the hell is going on with that filter? are you retarded?

>> No.6632161
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