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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6627620 No.6627620 [Reply] [Original]

What's your mom's favorite game?

>> No.6627629

Hogan's Alley
XaviX Bowling

>> No.6627630

Tetris, Columns, Dr Mario

>> No.6627649

Imagine having parents who share your love for gaming. That's the dream.

>> No.6627648

I used to play 2600 Frogger with my mom, it was great.

>> No.6627654

Mom loves Ms.Pacman.
Its hard to tell with dad he still plays a lot.

>> No.6627741

Either Betrayal at Krondor or Gabriel Knight. Depends on what day you ask her.

Hexen is a runner up, the Warrior's beefy arm did things to her that I don't want to think about.

>> No.6627769

This thing, not retro though
And she also kicks my ass in zuma, she already beat it and I just can't

>> No.6627776

Pacman Championship edition 2
Uncharted series.

>> No.6627846

Tetris, checkers and mahjong. But it was before she started to play "watching some shit on YouTube" all days long.

>> No.6627850

It was doom and sonic in the early days, but she likes gtaV now the pleb.

>> No.6627859

Sonic 2, ms pacman

>> No.6627898

I think my mom liked this game a lot too. She also had an Atari 2600 growing up (same with my dad and his family, he doesn't play games at all today, well neither my mom). Her younger brother (my uncle) had a ColecoVision as well. I believe he still occasionally plays games. I got her to play Cooking Mama with me once and she made fun of Mama's accent.

>> No.6627909

Castlevania, she's always loved the series

>> No.6627919

Me mum has a Steam account with about 100 games, her favourite game is actually Bust-a-Move 2 on the Sega Saturn.
She was also able to finish Puzzle-Bobble 2 in the arcade with just 1 credit.

>> No.6627938

The only game my mother showed interest in (as, didn't drop it in 5 minutes and I could see in her face she was enjoying it) was Puzzle Bubble.

>> No.6627990

your mom's favorite is playing hide the salami with me BOOM, fucking MIC DROP

j/k my mom likes tetris best, she liked mean bean machine when I got her to try it but she did not like mr driller

>> No.6628249

Tomba and DK64

>> No.6628439

Fire Ant

>> No.6628483
File: 319 KB, 500x298, 1520365660_tumblr_m498juxo2y1r621gdo1_r4_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom has always liked games. Back in the day I taught her how to beat my friends on MK2 by being cheap with Mileena. After that she got super deep into Pokemon for a long time. She went to teach English in Korea while I was in college and I'd get these phone calls at the weirdest times where she'd just be calling to ask if her Cubone should learn Bonemarang or the like. In the end sje played most of the games, only really petering out with Sun/Moon. These days it's all Animal Crossing which she got into with the Gamecube but really got obsessed when Wild World came out but is now all about the new one. God damn I love my mom.

>> No.6628486

I love your mom too Anon, she’s a classy, special lady. She makes me very happy.

>> No.6628490

Tetris, Puzzle Bubble and Saturn Bomberman

>> No.6628552

As far as I know, yatzi. Also she has tarot cards. Keeps them in a wooden box and thinks she's psychic. The psychic thing comes up a lot with yatzi too.

>> No.6628556
File: 476 KB, 757x791, trelawney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had to solve jewgle captcha so much forgot image

I hate this place.

>> No.6628560

You're welcome to leave lol

>> No.6628603

She used to play pinball games, racing games, platformers, adventure games. I remember she used to play Duke Nukem 1&2 when I was very young.

Now she only plays phone puzzle/quiz games.

>> No.6628630
File: 17 KB, 267x373, Etvideogamecover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not fucking kidding

>> No.6628631

SMW, DKC, Crash 1 & 3 and Sonic 1 & 2.

>> No.6628675

I did but then 8c han never came back as 8 kun does not have my boards that I used there.

All other imageboards are dead and I as a non-newfaggot wish for legacy captcha back you fucking faggot.

You're here FOREVER

>> No.6628690
File: 171 KB, 200x200, ColorlessTalkativeEidolonhelvum-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like we're both here but at least I like it lol. Sucks to be you a little.

>> No.6628728

Your mom's fav game is hide the pickle. (The pickle is my dick)

>> No.6628813

ok rick

>> No.6629357


>> No.6629390
File: 26 KB, 266x374, Super_Swing_Golf_-_Box_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't play video games pretty much ever but she apparently enjoyed Super Mario Bros. as a kid. When I got Super Mario Bros. DX for Game Boy Color, she told me how she used to be able to get to World 8.
This is unlike my dad who "games" weekly. By "games" I mean he gets shitfaced and plays golf games on Wii while listening to old vinyl records cranked up to max volume. Yes, he still plays on a Wii weekly to this very day.

>> No.6629460
File: 37 KB, 313x445, D7A2E38B-5F2D-4186-9A13-8A9513BC5A27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She played pic related all the time back in the 90s. It was an interesting little 3D puzzle game, lighter on story/exploration than 7th Guest or Myst, which my dad played.
A couple years ago I tried finding an ISO to figure out if I could get it to run on her PC, but nothing came up at the time. Apparently it got Saturn/PS1 ports, but from what I remember it’d be pretty shit with a controller.

>> No.6629486
File: 24 KB, 217x300, PacMan2600box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend's mom loved video games. She even called me one time asking for help with Ultima IV.

>> No.6629487

your dad sounds gigabased

>> No.6629491

Your mom is cool

>> No.6629535

Tetris. Idk how she's so much better at it than I am

>> No.6629589

she and my dad love all of the donkey kong country games, and she occasionaly plays dkc with me. back around 2010 she used to play left 4 dead.

>> No.6629681

>This is unlike my dad who "games" weekly. By "games" I mean he gets shitfaced and plays golf games on Wii while listening to old vinyl records cranked up to max volume. Yes, he still plays on a Wii weekly to this very day.

What a Chad

>> No.6630867

None, but she likes watching me play (as long as the characters are cute and/or the story interesting).

>> No.6631434

My mom only plays shitty phone games.
Fuck my life.

>> No.6631456

You should probably be glad your parents didn't. Almost everyone I grew up with who had parents who liked video games either became anti-social fuck ups or trannies.

>> No.6632861

Ms. Pac-Man, Klax, Minesweeper, Columns III,
or Pokemon Puzzle Challenge. Too late to ask her now. I'll find out in Heaven

>> No.6632905

My mom doesn't play games. My dad plays shitty modern games like Spider-Man and Far Cry 5.

>> No.6632906

Did you plumb her pipes?

>> No.6632917

Puzzle Bobble, Tetris and whatever mahjong game she can find

>> No.6632920
File: 60 KB, 800x577, mtr_1540953690408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only game I ever got my mom to play with me was Crash Team Racing.
My dad, however, does like a decent variety of games, most recent was Red Dead Redemption 2. When I was younger he was actually pretty on top of getting PC upgrades, we had at least 3 systems from '96 to 2000, going from a Pentium MMX to a Pentium III, and we had each major iteration of the Voodoo up to the Voodoo 3. Played all of the best shooters thanks to that.

>> No.6632948

my mom doesn't like a single fucking game. I can't remember in my entire life her ever even playing one let alone liking it. However, my aunt's favorite game is Lady Bug for Coleco.

>> No.6634443

she really likes super mario 2 for some reason, i think it's the music

>> No.6634454

Gauntlet legends, duke nukem time to kill, and Tomba!. Those games I remember watching and playing with my mom a lot in kindergarten and early years of school. I wish I could go back..just for a day. Miss you mom.

>> No.6634468

My mom liked Galaga since she played it in the arcade on dates with my dad. I remember her telling me Ogre Battle was boring while she was watching me play it.

>> No.6636264

>Imagine having parents

>> No.6638013

Crystal Castles and Klax, from when she went with me to some arcades.

>> No.6638710


>> No.6638921

My mom likes Mortal Kombat 2 (srs).

>> No.6638924

My dad is your mom

>> No.6638950

How'd your dad bag a gamer girl? What a chad.

>> No.6638971


>> No.6638972

My mom played hours of Bust-a-Move/Puzzle Bobble on the SNES and nothing else
My wife is the same, she cares only for Tetris and no other game

>> No.6639393


>> No.6639450

My mom never had any interest for games
My dad used to play Duke Nukem 3D and medal of honor. Now I sometimes lend him my GBC to play Tetris

>> No.6639453

Hey, is better than not playing anything at all like mine

>> No.6641000

Famicom versions of Lode Runner, Galaga and Mappy

>> No.6641163

Tetris, Mario 2, FF1, Suikoden

>> No.6641308


>> No.6641314

my dick

>> No.6641445

NES Legend of Zelda

>> No.6641460

My mom (now deceased) liked horror movies and stuff and somehow got into the GameCube Resident Evil games when I was first playing them. I went through 1 with her, and maybe parts of 0 I think, and then she did 4 largely on her own although I don't know whether she ever finished it. She seems to have obtained Code Veronica or something on her own, even. I don't know how far she got in that either.

At some point later on I was at Best Buy with her and she wanted to get me a couple of 360 games as a random gift and I felt a little embarrassed and thought maybe she ought to keep her money (complicated silly family dynamics backstory there, whatever) but instead I tried to steer toward things we could both enjoy, those being more zombie stuff - Dead Rising and Left 4 Dead. But she couldn't play Left 4 Dead because it gave her motion sickness or something, and she never got into Dead Rising although she was greatly amused to see me trying it out (bashing zombies with random mall crap while wearing silly outfits stolen from stores and all that), so I ended up just playing them myself. Which of course wasn't bad since they are both awesome games.

I doubt that she would have kept up with that stuff indefinitely but it was fun for a while.

Hey you tricked me into talking about "new" games with your question about my mom who didn't happen to play old games, that's unfair anon. I'll hide it behind an on-topic family gaming anecdote: Once I was in an arcade with my sister and we played Lucky and Wild. I think I was Wild. It was fun.