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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6627262 No.6627262 [Reply] [Original]

They’ve been releasing older games with a new look for a while now (Conker’s Live and Reloaded) with newer reboots like Crash, Spyro, and pic related. Are there any other “retro” games that you would like to see updated graphics wise, and released on newer platforms?

>> No.6627265

No, the changes done to these old games are not improvements so I don't like seeing them.

>> No.6627267

The hero of gallowmere who fell at the first charge?

>> No.6627270

One of the statues in the Hall of Heroes calls him a jawless arrow magnet and I lol’d

>> No.6627274

Depending on how it’s done. Live and Reloaded was shit but Crash and MediEvil reboots they just updated the graphics. Can’t really see the issue with that

>> No.6627293

Live & Reloaded is definitely a better game, Crash fucked with collision detection and the art style in the medievil remake is lowbrow.

>> No.6627297

I enjoyed the N-Sane Trilogy, and I think had they changed Medievil too much a lot of people wouldn’t have liked it. Kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don’t imo

>> No.6627301

How about leave the damn games alone and release them as they are

>> No.6627305

Other than updating the graphics, I agree. Which is why I didn’t like Conker’s reboot/sequel. Keep the same story (small changes like baseball bat instead of frying pan) but then completely change the multiplayer aspect when I thought it was perfect the first go around

>> No.6627338

I played medieval 1 and liked it a lot, hows the sequel?

>> No.6627338,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is your mom feel right milk or you just stupid?

>> No.6627504


>> No.6627568

inferior but not terrible

>> No.6627607
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they play worse, and the artstyle is worse in both games you mentioned

>> No.6627673

I looked at the one on the right first and legit thought it was a mobile game lol. Didn't even recognize it.

>> No.6627749

I want to see the legacy of kain games remade

>> No.6627916

Medievil is better on PS4 for the improved framerate and camera alone. To say it doesn’t play better is peak “old good, new bad” contrarianism.

>> No.6627943
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Hopefully it's not anything like the shitty Spyro remake that kills the readability of everything by adding a ton of visual noise.

>> No.6627959

Agreed. I like that when you 100% the game, you unlock the original version to play.

>> No.6627979

Lmao, I liked the sarcasm in this game

>> No.6628016
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I have to agree the artstyle is seriously worse. I only played MediEval's demo so I don't have huge nostalgia goggles for it. I took a peak at some comparisons and the original game is way creepier. Pretty sure this CGI intro is the type of thing that would've fucked with me as a kid. The color of the bones, the uncanny 90s 3d, how his one eye has absolutely no expression and the other has cobwebs in it. They really toned it down.

Even the in-game screenshots are more goofy and less unnerving just because of very subtle things like color choice and how they touched up the models.

>> No.6628509

Didn't someone find a fully operational ps1 emumuhlator on the ps4 rerelease/update/port/remake of this game recently?

>> No.6628605

fuck remakes

>> No.6628753
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slower movemnt
no knockback on enemies
dashing is broken

>> No.6628764
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>> No.6628806

More like upscaled emulation vs remake.

>> No.6628819

>Framerate that isn’t bipolar
>Camera that isn’t aids
But you keep exaggerating those supposed imperfections.

>> No.6628878

fixing 2 things while ruining everything else isnt something to be proud of

>> No.6628893

>dashing is broken
in what way?

>> No.6630303
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A reimagining of this would be incredible

>> No.6630319

It's completely indistinguishable from the Spyro and Ratchet and Clank remakes. Are these turds made by all the same studios?

>> No.6630410

lets see,
medievil 2019: unreal engine 4
spyro reignited: unreal engine 4
ratchet and clank 2016: seems to be custom

>> No.6630737
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If you mean only improve the graphics, and keep the majority of what the game so fun in the first place like the gameplay, music, sounds, etc. then I'd absolutely go with Dungeon Keeper 1 - I know there's that War for the Overworld game but it seems more inspired by Dungeon Keeper 2 which isn't as good as the first game, and there's been nothing like it since

>> No.6630772
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I completely agree with you. It's like after the 80s/90s everybody started running out of ideas.

Now loads of games/movies get remade but nothing is added to them. If anything they're far worse.

With modern games you're expecting relatively complex gameplay and that makes it what it is.

Good older games are still good. They don't get worse as they age, they remain good games. Same with movies. Same with books. Same with any arts.

They're just shitty cheap cash ins. Come up with some original ideas and I'll pay for them, otherwise just leave my games alone.

>> No.6630782

>old good, new bad
You're a massive faggot for trying to reduce the opinions of those you disagree with down to this.

>> No.6630812

too bad hes right

>> No.6630813

Never gonna happen. MoH got cucked for Battlefield. Think the reboot went badly too.

>> No.6630817

Too bad you aren't.

>> No.6631110

The real travesty here is that they took the dark exaggerated gothic-style look and turned it into disney shit.

>> No.6631129
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Originally I held high hopes for seeing a remake of this, but apparently since getting remakes of old games is now a fucking monkeys-paw, I almost just prefer on waiting for a fan-remake using Unreal or Unity. Some things I could see them easily fucking up:

>turning platforming into magnetic ledge-grabs like the nu-raider
>less emphasis on the atmospheric effects like weather and fog
>approaching it with an overly cartoonized style
>removing the blood
>removing the cannibals because of SJW's and replacing them with more mercs or dinosaurs
>adding a reload button
>fucking up the textures in some way like they did with Spyro

>> No.6631246
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>> No.6631251

>Unreal Engine 4
>1990 assets

Every Fucking Time

>> No.6631347
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I don't think it has anything to do with the engine aside from the lighting. It's the artists. The system shock remake being made in the unreal engine and it doesn't have that crappy art style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSCqKl6gBKY but it does have the weird lighting. It probably has to do with the devs actually seeming to give a shit about SS1 though. I was watching the remake devs interview the original devs while one of the new devs played the game. The dude was flying through it and knew pretty much every secret.

Dude. Just look at these other "graphical improvements". >>6628753 >>6628016 >>6627943 >>6627607
The devs are taking huge artistic liberties every time. So far Crash is the only one that seemed to be the most faithful.
Not to mention. Dungeon Keeper 1? Could you imagine a game with that much soul and personality making it into 2020 unscathed? It would be indistinguishable from the MediEval and Spyro remakes.

>> No.6631981

I can imagine Dungeon Keeper 1 making it unscathed into 2020, because there's a ton of good developers out there that are brilliant are recreating classic games, and the games you've seen in the thread are a fraction of the ones out there.

>> No.6632013
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MediEvil is one of my favourite games and I was really pleased with the new remake overall. The only thing I disliked about it was the fucking awful narrator they got and how they decided to make her narrate every single piece of text in the game. Drove me fucking nuts, I unironically got to a point where I would just mute my TV any time I found a book to read because I didn't want to hear that stupid granny reading like it's spooky story time at a preschool. If you're going to do that then find the ancient wizard who did the narration in the first game, he was awesome.

It didn't bother me as much but that's a smaller issue I had with it. It's like dark lighting and saturated colours is a fucking lost art in the game industry.

>> No.6632490

That's news to me. The only decent remake I can think of is SS1 and they already fucked it up by moving off Unity onto Unreal engine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJF-17mh2GI

>> No.6632495

>The only thing I disliked about it was the fucking awful narrator they got and how they decided to make her narrate every single piece of text in the game.

>> No.6632597

Eh, I used to agree with you but nowadays I don't necessarily want a remake to be 100% faithful. For a lot of games I'd prefer a sourceport like OpenXCom to a 1:1 remake with graphical updates only. Nu-XCom streamlined a lot of shit and admittedly lost a bit of the flavor of the original but it's still a good game as its own thing.

>> No.6632598

The grass and some of the animations look better in the remake but the loss of those unique skyboxes is such a shame. I definitely wish they had kept the color scheme a little closer.

>> No.6632660


>> No.6632821

I'd say the Resident Evil 2 remake is pretty exceptional, Shadow of the Colossus they re-made from the ground up and it was fantastic and some of the Pokemon remakes like FireRed/LeafGreen weren't bad at all

>> No.6632838

I don’t know what it is about FR/LG but they felt so.. sterile. Probably the most unremarkable remakes GameFreak has pumped out.
Now HG/SS were exceptional remakes. They went above and beyond for them.

>> No.6632841
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I'll give you RE2 but not SotC. Can't really comment on pokemon.
I remember seeing comparisons of SotC a long time back, and the entire cursed land vibe was gone. I think they also fucked up a lot of the usages of god-rays and subtle nuances that brought that game together, but I don't have the infographs. This was before I started obsessively archiving every comparison, so I don't have any of them on hand, which sucks.

>> No.6632847
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Actually dug up one of the things I remembered people saying but couldn't find any evidence for. They removed the wall of light in the temple. Shit like this is what kills the games atmosphere.

>> No.6633067

Exceptionally shit

>> No.6633080

how do you call the faggots who screams on social media to some devs that they want *niche online game number 1121* "upgraded" with shit like "unreal engine" making it look soulless, but they actually would argue indefinitely that it's better, followed by hundreds others of those in a disgusting circlejerk shitting on preservation?

>> No.6633629

> Shadow of the Colossus they re-made from the ground up and it was fantastic
I mean it's great but they ruined one of the things that made this game a masterpiece, its atmosphere

>> No.6633642


>> No.6633646

Maybe it’s just me but I really prefer the look of the PS4 remake and it’s how I play the game. But I completely get how people would prefer the PS3 version. The fever dream look of the original isn’t preserved at all. It’s very grim and different. I wouldn’t say worse though just different.

>> No.6633649
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widescreen and claymation graphics please

>> No.6634110


>> No.6634208

I don't think the game would have been remembered as much if it came out looking like the PS4 one. It just looks more generic and has less punch to it over all. Even in that screenshot I posted Mono looks stone cold dead int he PS2 version but int he PS4 she looks asleep.

>> No.6634628
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How did they manage to make this look more faithful in comparison?

>> No.6634635

If it makes money then companies should do it. Even if they make an inferior product, by making money they will have opportunities to make good products in the future.

>> No.6634771

Oh suuure, they will make "good products" NOT MORE FUCKING REMAKES just look at Capcom or Falcom for instance

>> No.6634989

>If you mean only improve the graphics, and keep the majority of what the game so fun in the first place like the gameplay, music, sounds, etc. then I'd absolutely go with Dungeon Keeper 1

>I know there's that War for the Overworld game but it seems more inspired by Dungeon Keeper 2
Eh, it's in a weird place that's at the same time somehow between DK1 and DK2 and something plain different. I guess that was inevitable if they didn't want to be drowning in EA lawyers.

>> No.6635003

This logic hardly applies to the modern industry. In the past you had shit like Origin and Looking Glass Studios relationship. Where LGS got to make experimental low budget indie games like Ultima Underworld, while Origin had the big risky releases. You also had a lot of companies who had a bunch of bad releases until they hit gold.

Now you just have AAA treating every single game like it's their flagship project with 0 experimentation, and indie games that live and die based on whether or not they shilled their game intelligently.

>> No.6635818

the only thing that looks faithful is the camera system because it's fucking SHIT. did you even play this game? it sucks ass.

>> No.6635908

>Pokemon remakes like FireRed/LeafGreen
I don't like how they just threw whatever instruments they had lying around to make the music. Champion Blue is a fucking travesty.

>> No.6635926
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>unreal engine 4

Literally "[GAME COMPANY], HIRE THIS MAN: the engine"

>> No.6636098

travesty of what

>> No.6636107

It has its own flavor, which is a bit more subdued than the original. But calling it a travesty is being overly dramatic.

>> No.6638354

This game had such great music.