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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6625814 No.6625814 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope knowing your retro consoles will die (probably in your lifetime)? Is emulation the only way?

>> No.6625816

I don't have to cope, I only emulate. I haven't ever owned most of the consoles I emulate even.

>> No.6625820
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What will be, will be.
That is why it's important that emulation projects see continued development, though. There's been a lot of progress made over the last few years.

>> No.6625821

I have a vectrex. Its nearly 40 years old, havent had to do anything to it aside from take care of it and it still works perfectly. I think unless a system has a know liability, they tend to work forever. Same with cars. Look after your shit and you will be fine. Who would have known?

>> No.6625824

Video games aren't the only thing I have in life so it's not something that really occupies space in my mind, worrying about it.
I still have my childhood systems (Coleco Vision, Famiclone, Mega Drive, Super Nintendo), they all work to this day.
If they stop working, I can get another one, or get them fixed. Also yeah I guess emulation is an option, I emulate sometimes, as I'm not a "emu-only" or "hardware-only" dichotomyfag.

>> No.6625828

>buying physical consoles
>buying plastic
>buying extra shelves to store your plastic trash

for me it's emulation and computers, strictly. don't bother arguing.

>> No.6625830

Correct. Emulation is posterity. But it is no substitute and one should endeavour to get hold of a copy of a physical game if possible.

>> No.6625837

What happens if you want to play a game with someone? I know you can use logmein method, but its not the same. Besides, computer monitors tend to be smaller than TVs. I get where youre coming from though.

>> No.6625838

I don't have to cope. I have a terrible diet and purposefully spend all day sitting so a fucking clot kills me.

>> No.6625845

You are a fucking idiot, and I am surprised you are still alive.
Just plug your fucking pc to a damn tv, are you really this retarded?

>> No.6625851

We already lived through the best time in recent human history, anyway.
Post-corona world is gonna suck hard, worse than post-9/11 world. I feel for the zoomies who will grow up in such a No Fun Allowed world.

>> No.6625857

Why not plug a fucking console to it instead you poor cunt?

>> No.6625860

Why plug multiple devices and swap games when you can plug a single device that can play anything?

>> No.6625863

Because computers are for nerds you fucking mong. 'Oh hey guys, come round my house and play some emulator' sit down you edgy cunt and cuddle your trump body pillow.

>> No.6625867

Ok then. Can you show me a way to obtain around 2m dollars to buy all the mame arcade cabinets, all the console games up to now, controllers for all of them, multiple CRT's (ok lt's suppose only 1 good crt for all) and the massive space so I can fucking play all in original hardware instead of just a computer with 4 controllers and a big tv screen? Please, I need those 2m dollars to own enough space.

>> No.6625870

This post tells me more about console users than it does about PC users.

>> No.6625876

Use some common fucking sense. My post was saying about how if you look after your shit, it will work, then some edgelord comes along full reeeeee.
Maybe if your hobbies are too expensive for you, you should stick to emulation. Now dont miss your bus you fucking povertyboy.

>> No.6625883

buying heaps of plastic junk won't vill the void in your soul
and cranium, for that matter

>> No.6625884

Yeah yeah columbo what do you want a fucking medal go back to mexico

>> No.6625889

You clearly dont know what its like to have a nice collection of electronics. I mean, you would totally pass up the chance to get some original hardware just to stick to your guns eh faggot?

>> No.6625891

I'll stick my dick inside your butthole instead, "richboy"
Show me your 200 mame arcade cabinets, then I'll concede defeat

>> No.6625894

I clearly see what sunk cost can do to one's psyche that's for sure.

>> No.6625904

Firstly arcade games are shit. Maybe theyre still a thing in your part of the world, but where im from, they went the way of the dodo a long time ago. Heres an idea, why not simply get the one you want? Save up your dole money and im sure mummy will let you put your super cool simulator somewhere. And yes, if you havent got space or funds, thats a you problem. My wife wanted me to get rid of my shit, so I picked the best stuff and sold the rest. Thats what you do when youre an adult, you cut your coat accordingly.
If you didnt go full retard and maintained some civility, this could have been an interesting conversation.

>> No.6625908

Only if you buy to sell, retard.

>> No.6625910

We need a concerted effort to get every console mapped at the transistor level. Some have already been done. I'm pretty sure every IC in the NES has been decapped and scanned with an electron microscope. That way clone hardware can be built that replicates the exact same electrical circuit of the original machines.

>> No.6625918

I'm sorry but trash hoarder is not in a position to call anyone a retard.

>> No.6625921

I don't because all my collection will outlive me. If anything, emubabies are in constant cope.

>> No.6625924

>posts literal cope
>accuses others of such


>> No.6625925
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Repairing consoles is easier than ever nigger

>> No.6625929
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>Is emulation the only way?
Always was, always will be.

>> No.6625930

If its trash, why are you emulating it? Sounds like sour grapes to me.
Dont be jealous anon. I like emulation, but I also like to sit on a couch, choose a game to play, play it, choose another and so on. Maybe youre super cool and can do all that shit with a pc, im sure its possible, but whats wrong with having a choice of games? I wish I could get a full 'hang on' machine, but its also the equivalent of a years worth of mortgage payments.

>> No.6625938
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You must not browse /vr/ often. Frustrated zoomers that missed the bandwagon are constantly shitting the real thing. Its textbook sour grapes.

>> No.6625939
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Oh this is precious. I wish I could repost this post in a cuckold thread.
>Says aracade games are shit
>Let's his wife dictate what he does
>believes that's what being an adult means
>Pretends he is "superior" for posting like if he was in facebook/twitter/instagram

>> No.6625941

Finally, some common fucking sense.

>> No.6625945

Ah, you seem a tad confused. The hardware that is meant to store and run media is trash. The actual intellectual property, as in, games - are not.

>> No.6625943

I am 30+ and I "saw" the real thing
I fell for the physical meme, and my fucking "precious" original trash, is already failing, just like 8 months after buying it. Yes, this is the power of buying original hardware, "bruh".

>> No.6625948

Oh this is sweet, I wish I could screencap this and post it on /r/cringe
>guy says emulation is cool, but you would like the real deal more
>makes a few compromises in life (unlike me, the man who wont be told)
>has an idea of what responsibility actually is
>makes his point clearly, based chad stomps on retarded gen z time and time again, in spite of his samefaggotry


>> No.6625949

Just admit to yourself that you have a problem with hoarding trash you illogically attach sentimental value to and move on with your life towards enlightment. Emulation, that is.

>> No.6625953

Buyers remorse; the thread.

You got ripped off, therefore 'waaaah stop not getting ripped off!!!!11'

>> No.6625956

Consider that not everyone treats their stuff like a nigger. Some people also know how to buy shit. I have over 30 consoles of all gens and every single one is working properly.

Case in point, this kid. >>6625949

>> No.6625957
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Depending on what it is, it could just need a simple recap job. Biggest failure points are probably going to be moving parts, so in the case of consoles, that'll typically be the optical drive.

>> No.6625958

I was not the same fag you replied at first. You fell for the trap and now the only idiot is you. Shows what "richboys" are made of.
So to make it clear, I am not >>6625828

>> No.6625960

>wants millions to buy cabs for his shitty space shooters
>also says that such things are trash

You should really stick to your guns instead of flim flamming about. Now go back to your piss bottles shut-in faggot. No one gets this triggered over such an innocuous post.

>> No.6625961

That sounds 30 too many anon. Do you also have 30 TVs or do you have to re-plug each of them when you want to switch systems?

>> No.6625963

Fuck off, imbeciles. You probably have bought trash as well that failed after a few weeks, and you love to lie to ridicule others on the internet because the you will get "based" shitposts and pretend your life is worth something.

>> No.6625965

>wants millions to buy cabs for his shitty space shooters

I don't recall stating anything of the sort.

>> No.6625967

This. The oldest console I have atm is an xbox360 which will probably disappear in the next year, followed by a Wii where I have lots of VC games, a 3DS and a PS4, the latter might be my last console ever.

>> No.6625969

It really sucks now. Back when the oldest systems were all using potato hardware it wasn't that big of a deal but now that CD consoles are hitting that 30 year old milestone they're all breaking down like crazy. The goddamn capacitors on these things start leaking all over the place, a bunch of proprietary lasers start failing and have to be replaced by cannibalizing other consoles that died for some other reason. It's getting really stupid really fast. It's clear these things were not meant for this kind of longevity and even had some planned obscolescence built in there. Either you have to become a hobbyist electrical engineer or pay someone to service your shit.

>> No.6625973

A/V switcher boxes are a thing, anon. But even then, it's not a huge deal to switch cables out if you need to.

>> No.6625974

It was Soul silver, and it is already dying. I haven't done anything but use it normally. Imagine if this trash is already dying (I know it is not retro, so I won't mention it again), what can you expect from let's say, atari 2600. You all that have shit survive so long probably never fucking touch it and just hoard. the hoarding anon that is pointing the finger at you is 100% correct.

>> No.6625975

Never said I was rich. Im not. I just have a job and im responsible with money. Dont worry anon, when you learn to drive and get a car, you will be surprised at how much world you can explore.

I like warhammer 40k, should I just sell it all and play and use tabletop simulator? No, because thats dumb. And thats the crux of the matter.

>> No.6625976

Not nearly enough, if you ask me. Making it even harder to zoomers to get into the hobby pleases me greatly.


>> No.6625978

It's not a huge deal but it's what certainly can be avoided by using a PC capable of emulation.

>> No.6625980

Well dont reply then, its clear who the message was aimed at.

>> No.6625982

You seem to have some deep rooted psychological issues if preventing others from getting into your hobby is one of your motivations, albeit ineffective in practice.

>> No.6625983

I am 30+, fcards are for stupid americans, thanks for showing that you are one as well, spoiled and wasting his money instead of doing investments
You could have made hundreds if you weren't an idiot and bought oil company stocks while the covid was full force, but of course you would rather shitpost here.

>> No.6625987

Longevity-wise, a new mini console will be better than an old real one, right?

>> No.6625989
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Dying how? Is is simply not saving anymore? That's a relatively simple fix, the battery just needs to be replaced. Better technology already existed at the time, but battery-backed save RAM was a lot cheaper, so that's what they went with.

>> No.6625993

Yes anon, I'm a crazy sociopath. Zoomers like you that go out of their way to hate on the proper way to play are the well adjusted people that will surely change the course of the world for the better.

>> No.6625997

You give yourself too much credit. You're just another junk hoarder who has to justify his bad habits on the internet.

>> No.6626003

Seethe, cope, dilate, etc.

>> No.6626005

I dont even know what an fcard is. Im not american neither. And investments? Fuck off you moron. If youve got spare cash and want to make some money with it, invest in yourself, assuming you actually have something to sell to the world. In my case, skilled labour.

>> No.6626006

It is soul silver, not Silver, you retard
Soul silve ruses flash memory, no need for battery, the real time clock is fed by the Ds itself.

>> No.6626009

Sounds like your daily routine by the looks of it.

>> No.6626014

I hit the keyboard too fast, I meant cars.
Also fuck off moron, working is what retards that die poor do always. I am glad to hear you think that way, becuase you'll always be a mediocre worker making your bosses rich.

>> No.6626019

Hahaha he says cars are for stupid americans and talks bout investing in oil stocks. Wow, 30+ with no car, emulates and thinks labour is useless, geez anon, you must be a natural born winner.
Good lord, that made me laugh. Oh man.

>> No.6626023
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Emulation is definitely the way there but the oldfags on this board will justify spending 80+ dollars on 30 year old systems to play games that are free online with better graphical customization, higher framerate, control settings, and usually a fair amount of modpacks to enhance the experience.

seriously all oldfags do when you tell them the basic truth (that one piece of hardware that plays multiple libraries is better than the inverse0 is shit on you and say you're not really a gamer or whatever othher personal insult, bypassing the need to justify their shitty financial management and paying 200 dollars for Little Samson.

>> No.6626024

In that case, it's either a damaged cart, or a bootleg. You have to be careful buying anything Pokemon secondhand, since there's a huge amount of bootlegs that people will try to pass off as legitimate, and they usually fail very quickly.

>> No.6626025

All hardware has a shelf life so yes, eventually youll have to emulate.
You may be able to go 40 more years if you store your things properly, but eventually hardware like the gameboy color wont have enough copies around for it be viable for people to experience, especially the next generation. Things like disc rot have also been observed to occur in older CDs, you can slow it down but its basically impossible to stop the decay of hardware on a massive scale.

>> No.6626028

Yeah, I am aretard that already had hiw own hotel to rent, which is just stuck right now due to covid. What a retard I am. Now go back to working for your boss, good slave.

>> No.6626029

Seethe fool and expand cope

>> No.6626030

Also, did you not get what I meant when I said 'invest in yourselfk? In the uk, we call it setting up. You set up on your own. Sure, the state takes its slice, but youre your own man, you work your hours and keep all that profit for yourself. But seeing as you claim youre 30 (which I find dubious with this shit youre talking) you should understand everything you do in life is for the purpose of making some man rich. Its called capitalism.

>> No.6626031

I am not american, so it is not a bootleg, poketransfer worked just fine. I probably just had bad luck and the bitch that sold it to me used it to death and sold it knowing it was about to die.

>> No.6626036

You live ina motel and call me a slave. Okay. I feel sorry for you man. I really do. Not only can you not read, but you clearly have some serious problems with living a fantasy life.

>> No.6626039
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>You live in a motel!
Lmao, imagine being so buttblasted he can't cope with people that have brains, aren't cucked by their "wife" and are adults, that like to shitpost in 4chan in their spare time, while their investments produce for them, instead of me breaking my ass like you do. Cheers, anon.

>> No.6626041

big words for a wageslave who spends his pennies on plastic toyboxes

>> No.6626042
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The arguments against emulation are fucking retarded.

>b-but it's not the same as on console, there's inaccuracies!
Yeah it's only twice the framerate and aspect ratio, especially with widescreen mods and in many cases with online play. Plus the inaccuracies are usually negligible.

>Emulation is piracy, thus it's illegal
not only does this not address whether or not either is better, it's half wrong because only ROMs are illegal, emulators count as derivative works in the US.

>lol poorfag emulating
Oh yeah dude, I'm suffering playing Mario 64 with HD mods, in wide screen, 60 FPS, wow what a poorfag aaaaa I didn't spend fuckin 80 bucks on an N64 that only outputs fuckin 240p with shitty AV cables

Fags who buy physical retro games are so cucked lmao, don't even bother arguing, you're already wrong by not accepting all of the above as fact.

>> No.6626051

Once again, showing that totally legit 'im not a faggot neckbeard still at home with my parents but this is an anon board so I can pretend im some kind of success' attitude that you pcqueens love to have.

Just deal with it, some people like realt shit. They like a shelf of games. Shit, some folks even like fucking around organising cables.

Dont get sad just because you never learned a trade and that people who dont have as much money as you (I doubt very highly this is even true) can still be content with a life of labour.

Now excuse me, im gonna fingerbang my asian qt wife in her sleep. Enjoy your bodypillow, fag.

>> No.6626058

I would post my rooms but I don't want to be doxxed, but you can pretend I am larping if that makes you sleep better

>> No.6626059

In the past I've been wondering "just what kind of retard would willingly spend money to play in inferior conditions?". Thanks for providing a bit of clarification.

>> No.6626129

I love when people don't care of their media and platforms and then when they fail/die, they try to say the format itself is the problem and that it's so sad that it's going to die for everybody else still collecting/using it

>> No.6626134

I love when people don't take care of their media and platforms and then when they fail/die, they try to say the format itself is the problem and that it's so sad that it's going to die for everybody else still collecting/using it

>> No.6626152

I love it when retards pretend that piracy kills things, and then they "support stuff" and then bitch when it becomes shit, because of their buyers remorse. Yes,

>> No.6626161

>Emulation is posterity. But it is no substitute and one should endeavour to get hold of a copy of a physical game if possible.
I disagree. You don't need the original published edition of an old book from a hundred years ago to have the book. You can have a modern reprint and experience the same work literature. A new edition is no substitute for collectors, but that's another matter, and collectors are weird. Emulation is perfectly fine for experiencing the gaming medium.

>> No.6626208

Emulation is great but it's a different beast. High level emulation is great for making N64 games look good but it doesn't do jack to understand how the original console was actually engineered. Forget even edge cases where games may function differently on a real console, there's a historical value in preserving the "blueprints" of these machines. Transistor level emulation is impossible and will be for the foreseeable future but it can be implemented in hardware with FPGA. So it's really two separate solutions for two separate problems.

>> No.6626241

That's beyond autistic though. If you get 99% of the same experience on an emulator, who the hell cares. Even the reprints of consoles companies have been pushing like the mini snes, mini nes and mini ps1, aren't copy pastes of the original ones. So just stop being autistic, god damn.

>> No.6626251

Older cartridge based systems use Mask-ROMs and they'll last at least 200 years. I'm fine.

>> No.6626263
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>How do you cope?
What a motherfucking retarded thread. Of course those fucking children's toys are gonna die. That's why I have all No-Intro romsets downloaded all onto a 1 tb drive along with a romhack collection. Inb4 greasy manchild collector cucks reply with some snotty retort.

>> No.6626272

that'0s all this thread has been. collectors getting defensive because roms basically are eternal, as long as you backed them up, while their original stuff will die in 20 or so years max. Hell there is even a retard that said "my vectron is eternal". I don't know how he is still alive

>> No.6626279

this is the worst thread I've seen on this board

>> No.6626292

piracy and emulation are great, especially for /vr/ related stuff (how the fuck can you argue that that's killing anything??)

>> No.6626294

don't they only play the games they come pre-loaded with, though?

>> No.6626351

mini consoles are shitty little emulator boxes, no different than playing on a pc

>> No.6626356

who gives a shit they're just things. don't be so materialistic do you really think you're going to want to be replaying the same shit in your forties and fifties? do you think your hypothetical offspring are going to give a shit about your dead gay technology

>> No.6626374

I literally saw a guy selling all the games his father had when he died
the son didn't give a single fuck because he didn't care for vidya
It will happen to you, fags

>> No.6626383

The short answer is we don't know what we don't know. So saying "it's good enough" is a bit of a shot in the dark.

The longer answer is that the consoles aren't going to exist forever and emulators are pieces of software written for other software. Meaning that we could in theory reach a point that all we have are the emulators. We already have to jump through hoops to get 90s DOS games running on Windows 10. Now imagine having to keep emulators alive and compatible in perpituity. You'd need emulators for your emulators. Preserving the original hardware's blueprint cuts all that tape and now you can say "here" and write perfect emulators until doomsday.

>> No.6626394

why would you ever need to make "emulators for your emulators" as opposed to remaking the emulators to work on newer operating systems?

the data necessary to do that is preserved, is it not?

>> No.6626402

Dont try arguing with these babbis. They just want to jerk each other off. Emulation is great, hopefully, people will still be writing and cracking code for systems when we are worm food, but as we all know, all it takes is a few dmca threats/capable devs abandoning projects to eliminate any chance of preservation.
Emulation is like vaping. For some its great, it cuts out all the harm of real cigs, but to some folks, all the bells and whistles are part of the deal. I pity the fool who hasnt held a cart in his hand and felt that satisfying click of boards mating. But those who advocate hardest for emulation, probably never had a real system in their life, so they shit on those who have. Simple case of have/have nots. But dont worry, we can all get rich by playing the markets. Apparently. We dont need mechanics, because fcards are for stupid americans only.

>> No.6626408

You literally have no idea how software works, probably have never touched C++, java or hell, even basic bitch html
So please, just let us the people with brains handle all that you call "numbers and letters that make no sense" properly, ok? :)

>> No.6626434

You are right it isn't a substitute. It is identical to the real thing. 20 years ago it could be argued it was a knock off attempt of replication. Not anymore.

>> No.6626436

Please let adults talk.

Here's an example. A lot of people have made romhacks and translations for games using emulators like ZSNES or earlier versions of SNES9X. These emulators are inherently imperfect so some of these patches will work on an emulator but not on a real console. You could end up in a situation where people need to preserve bugs in emulators for the sake of certain things. And the problem is that unless you know how the exact circuit of the console works you'll never really be sure when you might run into this problem. So a hypothetical situation could arise where you have to pull out an old emulator that's no longer supported to play something. And if that emulator is ancient you might have to jump through hoops to get it to work on much newer computers.

Remember "emulation" doesn't just refer to the well documented systems like NES and SNES which, sure, we're arguably "perfect". If people aren't preserving the architecture of the 3DO or something then a lot of shit just isn't going to be known.

>> No.6626440

of the ones I have only xbox360 bit the dust. Nintendo ES still works, though I have to coax it more. My gameboy is dead, but that may have been because I left batteries in their. I don't know about my sega master system as I lost the power supply.

my nintendo 64, gamecube, and wii still work. My original xbox still works.

>> No.6626441

You cant substitute the feeling of swapping carts out. The whole point of consoles is that they are a tactile pleasure. (That means touch is part of the experience).

>> No.6626446

Kill yourself, brainlet
You don't know how emulators work, nor games
I don't care what you say, and you shitposting "let adults talk" just proves it further. all you post is worthless garbage that is like trying to cover the sun with your hand.

>> No.6626448
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Don't have to cope I have a GDEMU and a DreamPSU installed. My Dreamcast will probably outlive humanity

>> No.6626452

360 is one of the worst due to the lead-free solder they had to switch to at the time. GeForce 8800 and 9800's have similar issues due to the solder.

>> No.6626468

how do you kope with being a faget bitch

>> No.6626472


>> No.6626481

Emulators don’t play games, they simulate code and produce an output. When you use an emulator, you don’t play a game, you play a simulation. PCs don’t play games, they run code and therefore are soulless. You cannot be considered human.

>> No.6626502

Holy fuck, get a load of this imbecile that also doesn't know anything about code and else.
Just a tiny bit of information for your stupid asshole, the games you so much praise, where programmed in personal computers. Yes, way older ones though, but if the guy who made, let's say, super mario bros 3 or idk, sanic had access to that same exact computer you are shitposting from (if you are on phone then kys, and no that one doesn't work) he could recreate something exactly the same, provided he has time and access to the tools he used before.

>> No.6626506

The word cope should be banned.

>> No.6626508


Just this years

>> No.6626517

They didn’t play those games on computers, they were played on consoles. Obviously it would not be exactly the same if it’s built to run on a computer, it doesn’t have the same hardware. Regardless of how cycle accurate you want your emulator to be, it will never behave exactly the same way as the real game running on the hardware it was designed and engineered to run on. Full stop, if you are not playing the game on its original hardware, you are playing a mere facsimile.

>> No.6626520

I'll use the thesaurus then, anon
fend for yourself, survive, deal with it, manage it, keep up with it, face it

>> No.6626525

Manage it is probably the best word to use. Good work on your english esolbro.

>> No.6626528

>esol bro
manage it :)

>> No.6626540

>implying consoles don't run code
>implying games aren't code
>implying consoles don't read the data encoded in the game to produce and output
>implying consoles are not computers

yeah seriously just donate your brain to feed the hungry, m8

>> No.6626541


>> No.6626580

cope what? my games still work. stay mad lol

>> No.6626581

>your retro consoles will die (probably in your lifetime
They'll need some upkeep like replacing the caps and stuff, but they're going to outlast us all, except for the CD-based stuff. Moving parts=less life.
I'd say an NES kept in perfect shape with some upkeep will last 500 years.

>> No.6626707

Thing is, a book is different from a game. It’s easy to read a book, be it the original edition, a reprint, or an online scan, piracy or not. Gaming is an entirely different medium, and can be enjoyed in different ways, emulation, original hardware, or whatever weird thing there is nowadays. Both methods are most likely going to be different, and just because someone enjoys playing original hardware, doesn’t mean they buy every single piece of 30 year old plastic or cardboard they see. It usually just means they enjoy experiencing it the same way as they did 20-40 years ago.

>> No.6626713

yeah but I mean, in general, emulation is basically experiencing it the same way in most ways if what you're interested in is playing the fucking game....

>> No.6626718

collecting is a legit mental illness, just look at this thread

>> No.6626719

Games are NOT code, they are disks/CDs. Go ahead and try to put your code into your console. Oh wait you can't because code isn't tangible.

>> No.6626723

I inject the code into an emulator and it plays the games just fine. Wow.

>> No.6626730

Go ahead and try putting your codeless disks/CDs into your favorite video game console and see how fun that game is

>> No.6626732

Emulation is different depending on what you’re emulating, and the emulator you use. For cartridge system, you miss out on swapping the cartridges, maybe a few of the glitches that come with that as well, enjoyable or not. For disk systems, there are emulators that allow you to use the actual disks in a disk drive. But, for most types of emulation, you’ll scroll through an essentially infinite list of games, and that causes some people to have no motivation to actually play them. Like, you buy a physical game, gotta play it, right? There could be arguments made for satellaview games, or sega channel ones, but those tend to be the exception, rather than the norm.

>> No.6626738

You're making a very weak case for physical hardware. If you're so weak psychologically that for finding motivation to play the games you must sunk some of your money into plastic trinkets then it's about time to ask yourself whether you enjoy video games at all.

>> No.6626747

I dont know, the emulators seem to be way more toxic and unreasonable.

>> No.6626749

My original case was stated in my last post >>6626707 but apparently you’d rather ignore that. I simply explained one of the many reasons people prefer original hardware, be it autism, cope, nostalgia, or wondering what it was like to experience it back then.

>> No.6626752

Or maybe good old bought the shit before it was cool and endorsed by youtubers.

>> No.6626753

>essentially infinite list of games
you mean, like... my library?

>miss out on swapping the cartridges
that's why I stipulated "if you're interested in actually playing the game"... being concerned about holding the thing in your hand and putting it into a physical console and having the exact same monitor/screen and exact same controller in the exact same house in the exact same room as the exact same kid is all some other shit...
>you buy a physical game, gotta play it, right?
eh, no... I certainly have some physical copies of some retro stuff and even non-retro stuff that I've bought and have gone some time now without me having gotten around to playing them

>> No.6626756

All of these reasons stem from irrationality and emotions.

>> No.6626761

And? Emulatorbros use the exact same reasoning. I dont even get why emulator guys have got to be so confrontational about everything. They are the true snobs.

>> No.6626763

>your library
>interested in playing the game
I never said I wanted the exact experience as some kid with divorced parents from 30 years ago, I meant the experience in general back in the day.
>haven’t gotten around to playing them
Doesn’t mean you won’t play them eventually, right?
So, emotions are bad? Gotcha.

>> No.6626771

No, not quite. People who use the emulators just want the play the games in their best form with the least amount of hassle. Very practical and straightforward. Original hardware comes into equation when instead of playing the game you'd want to recreate quirks that surround the retro gaming instead of focusing on the game itself.

>> No.6626781

Except for widescreen hacks, hd texture mods, infinite lives, save states, shaders, and all that stuff?

>> No.6626782

Emulators don't play games, they play code.

>> No.6626786

Why are you here then, emuzoomer? Go off and play your video games. What's that, you don't want to play video games and want to argue with faggots on /vr/? Sounds like a mental disability.

>> No.6626787

Entirely optional. Emualtion is about freedom of playing the game you want in however way you like. I understand this concept may be hard to grasp for someone who's been playing locked down consoles until now.

>> No.6626790

False, original hardware comes into play when you want to play the game, emulators are used when you want to play some neckbeards recreation of a game on your computer.

>> No.6626792

Imagine this. You are not big on the internet. You have less time on your hands to boot up your pc. You want to play a quick game of something that takes your fancy. You look at your games, select one, stick it into your console. Power on, turn the tv on and play.
Now lets say you want to go down the emulation route. You have to choose which emulator will work. Lets say you want to play a playstation game. You download the emulator. You then download the rom. Try and load it up. Oh no, I need a bios! Okay, lets look for one. All the searches lead to either shady sites or magnet torrents. Gulp, guess il take the risk. Magically, it downloads without malware, phew. Okay what next. Where do I put this thing.. Oh yeah, heres a bios folder. Hmm there are already placeholders here. Okay, ill just copy paste and go through the menu. Ok, thats done, lets boot this rom! Oh wait its in 32 files. Okay, now how do I do this. Oh I have to google it? Okay... it seems I need to download yet another program. Okay, so ive mushed the files together. Oh shit, now its saying the rom is incompatible with the bios. No sweat, ill find another rom. Oh geez, where can I look. Oh yeah, theres a few sites. I think this one will work. Oh, its runnin in windowed mode? Okay, lets fullscreen it. Wtf is this this looks like garbage. Now then, lets actually play this thing. Thats odd, seems like the music is kinda out of sync. Nevermind, im not a purist. I dont remember the frame rate being this lousy, let me just save this... oh shit, black screened. Ill check google. Okay, so I need to mess around with the settings, get past the area, revert and I should be okay. Hmm, keyboard and mouse doesnt really feel right. I guess ill get a controller. Oh geez, console plebs really dont know what theyre missing! I can sit on my computer and play console games with a gamepad, wow, I bet those consolefags are totally missing out!
Imagine actually going through all these hoops, why not just play console?

>> No.6626794

And yet I constantly see threads on here about these mods, hacks, etc, saying how they’re essential to playing the games? Be consistent, at least.

>> No.6626798

Incredibly based

>> No.6626808

People's misconceptions are not really a valid argument. You may see whatever you like, this doesn't diminish emulation as a technology.

>> No.6626814

Where did I say it was a bad type of technology? My first post, >>6626707 implied they were equal, but apparently this is just another misconception on your part, right?

>> No.6626816

Of course they're not equal. One option allows me to play the game in one way, the other lets me play the game in n ways, including the first one. How are they equal?

>> No.6626824

The first option allows you to play in multiple ways as well. Releases, gameshark, etc. What I don’t understand, is why people keep trying to force the two apart. Shouldn’t matter how you play your damn game, right? But, autists will be autists.

>> No.6626829

*releases. Fuck, I oughtta sleep

>> No.6626830

more like incredibly cringe and incredibly pleb.... babby's first emulator
but honestly, at least give yourself some credit instead of getting all upset and pat yourself on the back that you actually figured it all out and got that shit working... and now that you've got that emulator set up and figured out, you've got that consoles entire library at your disposal and all absolutely free of charge.... plus you'll have a pretty good idea of how to set up the next emulator you decide to try out

you're acting like you have to go through that experience every time you boot up the emulator... it's mostly a one time thing and it's really not that hard once you figure it out if you aren't a brainlet who can't find his way around the internet

>> No.6626837

You're still confined by the limitations of the original hardware. If the game has slowdowns, you can't fix them. It the game takes long to load, you can't fix it. If the game has input lag in the code, you can't fix it. I can if I want, that's why they will never be equal.

>> No.6626846

The point of playing on the original hardware, is to experience those faults, right? They’re equal, just play ya damn games.

>> No.6626851

Yeah, but why bother in the first place? Whats easiern doing all that file hunting, programme downloading, mal dodging and playing on a fraction of the screen, when you can literally plug in and play. Who the fuck wants thousands of games theyre not gonna play anyway? And fuck back patting, I just wanna play some vidyan not jump through retarded hoops. 'Oh its not like that everytime' (?) Dont be fucking stupid, every rom isnt gonna work. And imagine not being a computer master like yourself, you will get put off by the sheer amount of busy work needed. And thats just the ps1, imagine doing all that shit for a lesser known system. Its pot luck. Not to mention some computers simply cannot handle emulation and if your computer is powerful enough to do so, why not just play pc games?
Basically, youre a faggot with a pebble brain who thinks that hes special and his opinion is supreme because hes in good company. Maybe you should focus your attention on something cool, like bath tub toast.

>> No.6626860

So you finally showed your true colours, emulation was too hard for you to setup so you had to settle for the second best option. That's cool and all but don't project your inabilities onto the technology itself please.

>> No.6626864

There’s no point of a technology if it’s incredibly convoluted, ridiculous, inconsist, and overall a user-unfriendly experience.

>> No.6626865


>> No.6626871

Dont be so fucking dense you total nitwit. This just proves that you yourself have no credibility. 'Oh emulation is easy' 'oh you cant do it because its difficult, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'. Clearly I can emulate shit just fine, but in order to do so, I need someone to competently rip the shit, develop an emulator with compatibility for my pc, scout the internet for a bios, pray to god that I dont have to do anything extra on top of that. And yet, you still persist. I notice you didnt have any rebuttle aside from hurr hurr your stupid hyuck hyuck. Babbis getting defensive coz his reasoning is as sound as his well rounded personality. Second best, maybe for you because you cant get hold of what you need in real life, so you have to resort to the internet and other peoples legwork to play your shitty little n64 hacks, or whatever it is you actually use an emulator for.

>> No.6626873

Not exactly. For someone lacking mental fortitude that technology is utterly useless because his human limitations prohibit him from using it, but for someone who doesn't consider emulation convoluted or user unfriendly it is anything but useless.

>> No.6626874

Dont try reasoning with this pillock, he is as deluded as a scouser with a megaphone. He must have ate too many crayons in his life.

>> No.6626879

That's a pretty null argument, you need someone to develop consoles for you as well. And don't misunderstand, emulation does not allow to you approximately experience the real deal. It has long eclipsed it.

>> No.6626885

You ever heard of a little 5th gen console called the Saturn?

>> No.6626894

most of your arguments in this and >>6626792
are faulty, shit arguments
>why bother in the first place
there are so many reasons... don't have the console... don't have the game... don't want to spend money
>all that file hunting
it's not that hard... typing this reply is going to require just as much effort... pretty much any emulator's most recent version can be easily and quickly obtained from it's corresponding website... as far as BIOS and ROMs, I don't know if maybe it's becoming more difficult as time goes on but I'm pretty sure it's still pretty easy to download these as well
>playing on a fraction of a screen
what? any modern computer or laptop can be connected to any modern TV via HDMI where you can blow the emulator window up to sizes way bigger than you have any business playing any retro game
>not jump through retarded hoops
sounds like very intelligent hoops to me, m8
>'Oh its not like that everytime'
It's not... it's the experience a noob has setting up their first emulator and once you have the emulator set up and working, that is not something you have to go through every time you use it
>every ROM isn't gonna work
lol wut? it's pretty rare that you find a ROM that "doesn't work" and if that does happen, it's likely not the ROM and is some other resolvable issue, like if the ROM is for PAL and you've got the emulator set for NTSC or vice-versa or some shit like that, I don't know where you're getting your ROMs man
>its pot luck
lol wut?
>not to mention some computers simply cannot handle emulation
lol WUT? as far as /vr/ is concerned, a fucking decades old toaster can run pretty much any console without breaking a sweat... yes, once you get out of /vr/ and into more recent consoles, emulation can become difficult/impossible for older machines

>> No.6626895

As a matter of fact I do, what of it?

>> No.6626902

Ever tried to emulate it, better than the physical console can, like you said all modern emulation can?

>> No.6626904

>don’t want to spend money
Jew spotted

>> No.6626908

>your argument is weak
>comes out with even weaker rebuttles.

You didnt refute anything, it actually seems as though you agreed with me. If youre trying to debunk someones opinions (!) You should use phrases like 'pretty easy' 'I dont know if its becoming more difficult' 'sounds like intelligent hoops' (!!) 'Pretty rare that roms dont work' (!!!).
Just admit it, consoles are easier than emulators.

>> No.6626909

As a matter of fact I did, where's the punchlune?

>> No.6626916

*should not use phrases like...

>> No.6626919

Punchline is, ya can’t.

>> No.6626923

B-b-but muh emulation

>> No.6626926

That's incorrect, I can. Your pc couldn't run it or something?

>> No.6626929

just emulate bro

>> No.6626932

Imagine that your computer couldnt run something. That refutes your whole argument. Wheras if based chad hooks up his console, its guaranteed to work every time, all the time. Unless it breaks of course. But quality presupposes things not breaking.

>> No.6626935

We’re arguing about emulation v original hardware, so I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish here.
>>6626926 You’ve never compared the differences, have you?

>> No.6626939

I was impersonating that poorfag emulator. Im the chaddington III based console poster, refuting everything this batti autist is coming out with.

>> No.6626942

Carry on, king

>> No.6626947

You did? Present your findings.

>> No.6626951

My findings are: Saturn emulation is shit, thus emulation is not always better than original hardware

>> No.6626956

Shit? Why exactly?

>> No.6626960

where did I make the argument that "consoles are not easier than emulators" or that "emulators are easier than consoles".... ease of use is not the sole determining factor in whether to go for emulation or playing on the original console

>didn't refute anything
>agreed with you
I refuted everything and the fact that you're saying I agreed with you on the various points indicates you either didn't read or didn't understand

>> No.6626972

No u

Im bored of you now. Buh bai

>> No.6626974


>> No.6626981


>> No.6626985

Now now, we shouldn't upset our collector audience. They should get a general in which they can share pictures of plastic they bought on garage sales.

>> No.6626990

collecting stuff is fine, but acting like it invalidates emulation is absurd

>> No.6626992

They won't die as long as replacement cap kits are out there and you take them apart every once in a while to clean, how long do you think ABS plastic lasts? I'd worry about the metals inside corroding but realistically that's also a very slow process

>> No.6626997

Based anon

>> No.6627001

It's not about how much stuff you have anon, telling usy ou have 30 consoles is cope. Am I rich enough to buy whatever the fuck I want, MVS cabs included? Hell yes. Do I want to? No, I just concern myself with playing games not the pursuit of pointless additional hardware.

>> No.6627003

This, I am not worried about older Nintendo or Sega stuff given that they're cart-based and relatively simple hardware wise. I am legitimately worried for anyone collecting CD based systems because those things will undoubtedly be fucked, it's a good thing PSX emulation is so easy but the Saturn and Dreamcast might be in trouble.

>> No.6627006

Dude don't be a bitter zoomer, let them buy whatever they want and you keep playing whatever you want.

>> No.6627019

>Saturn and Dreamcast might be in trouble
what's wrong with SSF and nullDC?

>> No.6627059

No, I missed the trend and I'm forever butthurt about it. No amount of dicks in my ass will satisfy my desire to take pics with my games to put on instagram, but the evil boomers deprived me of that.

>> No.6627060

>take pics to put on instagram
to what end, man.... to what end?

>> No.6627063

I need to feel validated and always chase the trends, or else, why live?

>> No.6627067

I taked a cool picture of praying mantis should I post on the gram?

>> No.6627074

no, post pics of your physical copies of MGS and FFVII instead

>> No.6627112

My favorite console (NES) is already dead, so yeah, only emulation.

>> No.6627149

>How do you cope knowing your retro consoles will die (probably in your lifetime)?
Won't happen if you lived when they were new and know basic repair skills. I'm 39, so another 30 years is all they have to last. Even if there is some consolepocalypse, FPGA and MISTER style devices are fine. I'm more concerned with CRTpocalypse because that cant and won't be emulated ever.

>> No.6627172
File: 35 KB, 750x544, 1560026568485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to go back.

I don't understand how people can be so dumb, I know it's bait, but it's so poor and illogical. No one cares if you emulate, most do. But how can you legitimately think real hardware is a bad thing? Flash carts exist so it's not about collecting plastic. There's something hooking real hardware up to a crt that cannot be replicated with modern means. It just doesn't look quite right. It's all preference so it's not worth arguing about though. Sure, emulators are cool, they have a lot of neat shit going on and most people, even oldfucks like me really like that stuff, it's only literal subhumans that can't appreciate both emulation and real hardware.

>> No.6627181

>while their original stuff will die in 20 or so years max.
I agree collectorcucks are dumb, but this is just either ignorance or stupidity. Physical carts don't die. You might have to replace a battery but they don't go away in 20 years. I have fucking A2600 carts from my childhood, from the early 80s that are still perfectly functional. That's 40 year old carts, doubling your estimate.

>> No.6627187

>Widescreen mods
Jesus christ was a fucking retard

>> No.6627232

wtf man that's fucked up he might not have had a college education but I think we can all agree he was far from retarded

>> No.6627283

pick up a skill in your life before it's too late kid. a recap is dog shit tier easy to do. the sillicone and mask roms in this hardware will outlive your fat ass.

>> No.6627291

but why would you want to when emulation does the job better?

>> No.6627310 [DELETED] 

>make a false claim within a question to bait other people
Just stop. There are a hundred reasons why original hardware is better that emulation but that is not what the thread is about. But even if there weren't the topic has been discussed to death without you trying to bait people out of nowhere to make you feel better about your choices.

>> No.6627313

>make a false claim within a question to bait other people
Just stop. There are a hundred reasons why original hardware is better that emulation but that is not what the thread is about. That subject has been discussed to death elsewhere.

>> No.6627317

I don't mind emulating games really but there are things like crt monitors that you can't really replace with filters. It's just not the same.
Kinda sad but everything dies eventually. That's just how life is.
Also why does every thread on 4chan need to be a X vs. Y flamewar?

>> No.6627318

You being uninformed doesn't render the claim false. Mind citing some of these 100 reasons?

>> No.6627330

Doesn't this really depend on the console? People who talk about how perfect emulation is probably don't stray too far from the NES and SNES and whatever OMGHD N64 hacks they use.

We clearly still need the original hardware to regularly improve emulation. So it's moot. Preserving the real hardware is necessary no matter how you want to play.

>> No.6627337

Perfect emulation? As in perfectly accurate? That is such a simplistic way of looking at things. Original consoles are imperfect as they're bound by technical limitations of that time. Why would you want to play Conkers BFD on N64 which constantly dips to 10-20 fps? This is anything but perfect. If consoles are what perfection looks to you, then consider emulators to be several levels above perfection.

>> No.6627349

All those emulators that "improve" games still have to be written with an understanding of how the underlying hardware works to make any of that possible. You think people magic the software into existence? The best emulators have relied on decapping ICs and scanning them with an electron microscope to understand the system's intricate inner workings.

>> No.6627354

>All those emulators that "improve" games still have to be written with an understanding of how the underlying hardware works to make any of that possible
Kind of yes and kind of no. PCSX2 is a relatively inaccurate HLE which, despite being that, can drastically improve PS2 games. The argument that something must be emulated to utmost precision first prior to applying enhancement isn't really reflected in real life.

>> No.6627402

As you get to later systems you don't have to worry as much about the bare metal since there are APIs and shit. But anything older you really do need to understand how the machine works because treating every IC like a black box can only get you so far. Even popular consoles like the SNES have a handful of games that behave differently in most emulators than they do on real hardware. Mega Man X2's demo is an example. The more obscure you get the more this is a problem.

>> No.6627423

I think my consoles will outlive me, but more importantly no one will care about my consoles once I'm gone. I don't expect my son to care about games from his father's time. I spend a lot more time indulging his hobbies with him than my own lately.

>> No.6627436

Kids have a weird relationship with gaming today I've noticed. The idea of going back to an old game seems incomprehensible to them. The way we might still pull out Super Mario Bros. 3 even after getting an SNES? Kids don't do that anymore. Once they stop playing a game and move on to the next that old game may as well disappear as far as they're concerned.

>> No.6627440

> But anything older you really do need to understand how the machine works
Luckily, everything prior to 6th gen is emulated in LLE.
>SNES have a handful of games that behave differently in most emulators than they do on real hardware
I would like a citation on that. Different in what manner? If it's outputting twice the FPS in Starfox compared to the real SNES it's not really a problem. Last time I checked higan/bsnes emulated everything perfectly, and bsnes-hd has some features on offer that would make you not want to go back to the original hardware.
>The more obscure you get the more this is a problem.
You have to be into really obscure stuff when emulation unavailability becomes a problem.

>> No.6627441

Ask me how I know you're a virgin.

>> No.6627453

You'd be surprised how much pussy you can get with a properly curated Neo Geo collection.

>> No.6627464

You're mentioning higan but higan is what it is because they literally decapped a bunch of chips from the original hardware. So saying the hardware doesn't matter is dumb. Higan couldn't exist if it didn't have the real system to study. That's why preserving the hardware is so important.

I also did give you a citation. Mega Man X2's demo. X will die in less accurate emulators during the fight with the giant reploid. He doesn't die if you play a real cart or a much more accurate emulator like higan.

>> No.6627465

I wouldn't know enough about that yet, he's only 3. Right now it's hot wheels and action figures. Once he's in the gaming age it'll be interesting to see how much he's into video games, and what kinds of games he enjoys. I'm looking forward to it!

>> No.6627481

I didn't say it shouldn't exist, I said it becomes useless after precise emulation of it becomes available. Let's even assume that higan doesn't exist and megaman x2 demo is only playable properly on the real hardware. Provided you don't have access to either emulation or a real snes before making the choice of the either, you're not really making a strong case for going with the SNES. 0.001% of library being problematic doesn't take from 99.999% not being problematic.

>> No.6627489

It's probably a losing battle but my only advice would be to try to steer him away from microtransactions. These games today are like goddamn casinos. My nephew is so hooked he'd rather ask for $50 to spend on randomized lootboxes than for a brand new game. I hate that it makes me sound like a crotchety old man but it's really fucked up and it happens FAST.

>> No.6627508

The ideal situation would be if every console were decapped and scanned so we'd have a blueprint of every machine. Then it doesn't matter what people do. You want to write an emulator? Here's the data. You want to build an FPGA clone? Here's the data. That's the real problem. We should really have all of this preserved and catalogued. The SNES is a special case because it's so popular. But what about the 3DO? There's no higan level emulator for that.

>> No.6627509

They won't. I'm technical savvy and I have all the equipment to repair anything ranging from a 70s pong console up to the seventh generation.

>> No.6627513

Yeah, nothing but projection ITT.

>> No.6627517

It's pefectly reasonable why 3DO doesn't have a higan level emulator, its library is shitty and thus there isn't much demand for it. You're approching this issue from an archivist perspective who's interested in preservation, I'm talking straightly from a pragmatic view of a person who just wants to play old games.
If you're interested in 3do there seem to be a couple of emulators with very high compatibility, check them out.

>> No.6628081

How about categories:

1) Lags - input and display lag. CRTs display lines on screen within nanoseconds of receiving them. Input lag is inherent to any current day home computer or device and even byuu admitted it's a fundamental stick point in emulation that will never go away. Runahead messes with the game mechanics and throws away any claim of accuracy.

2) Colours, flickering, artifacts, are constantly slightly off - and that's even with cycle accurate emulation. Now each of these things by themselves mightn't be a big deal, you can sweep it under the rug, but it's all these little details, over time they add up to a lot.

3) There's no standardization. with emulation. So even your altered game may also be a good one, your experiences and reflections on the game can't be directly compared to other people who played the game differently. Like most of the bad things about emulation, this is much more relevant for difficult games that depend on reaction times.

4) Just as the flickering etc. are different so can game mechanics under the surface. Think also about how games sometimes slow down because they can't quite keep up - now when you're emulating the machine you're going to give it the speed it demands. Cycle accuracy is supposed to be the holy grail of emulation that would reproduce glitches like this but if that were the case then there would never be any graphical glitches either.

>> No.6628084


>> No.6628152

>1) Lags - input and display lag. CRTs display lines on screen within nanoseconds of receiving them. Input lag is inherent to any current day home computer or device and even byuu admitted it's a fundamental stick point in emulation that will never go away. Runahead messes with the game mechanics and throws away any claim of accuracy.

I'm hoping this can be resolved with OLED eventually. I had a conversation with someone who said its theoretically possible for an OLED to rapidly turn the LEDs on and off in succession to replicate the raster scanning of an electron beam. If done right suddenly even lightgun games start working again. The challenge is the sheer amount of current required for such a feat and that there's no real benefit to image quality so its an unlikely feature to be included by the manufacturers.

>> No.6628162

Whoa that was a load of bull.
>1) Lags - input and display lag. CRTs display lines on screen within nanoseconds of receiving them. Input lag is inherent to any current day home computer or device and even byuu admitted it's a fundamental stick point in emulation that will never go away.
You can connect PCs to CRTs same as you can connect old consoles to LCDs, it is not a fault of emulation. You can achieve lower latency via runahead+crt compared to the og hardware
> Runahead messes with the game mechanics and throws away any claim of accuracy.
Doesn't have any basis in real life
>2) Colours, flickering, artifacts, are constantly slightly off - and that's even with cycle accurate emulation.
Slightly off from what? You can tweak colours in any way you like through emulation and shader settings. Insinuating that the original representation is the ideal that should be strived for is hilarious.
>.So even your altered game may also be a good one, your experiences and reflections on the game can't be directly compared to other people who played the game differently.
are you a speedrunner or something? your social circle ostracizing you for emulating doesn't have anything to do with emulation's flaws
>Think also about how games sometimes slow down because they can't quite keep up - now when you're emulating the machine you're going to give it the speed it demands.
Yes, LLE emulation leaves you with the choice of retaining the inherent slowdown by accurately emulating the cpu or eliminating them altogether. Can you understand the benefits of having the choice of playing the game in the way you deem preferable?

>> No.6628221

Some of us know how to repair shit

>> No.6628343

can you give me one example of actual perfect emulation? i would honestly welcome it but i'd like to hear your bullshit a little more.

>> No.6628350

Cope? I sold my consoles the moment emulation became good. Consoles only hold you back.

>> No.6628359

you keep using that word...
refer to >>6627337

>> No.6628454

What's the downside of having the option of playing the games exactly as they were designed? Sure its nice to also have the option to eliminate slowdown, upgrade textures, and all that but why are we promoting one over the other when both can be options? Don't go George Lucas for no reason.

>> No.6628481

That's hardly an option when we're talking about the original hardware, it's a given without any alternatives. It is, however, an option on emulators, if you so desire to gimp your experience for authenticity.

>> No.6629049

I made a living fixing them for 15 years, there are very few issues I can't address.

>> No.6629084
File: 3.57 MB, 4032x3024, 0uh1flx8fun41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't dread it.
Nothing lasts forever. That always has been and will be in this world.
Just take care of it the best I can and enjoy it while it's around.

>> No.6629091

>You ever heard of a little 5th gen console called the Saturn?
>As a matter of fact I do heard of it

>> No.6629092

I concur. It's retarded as shit.


>> No.6629101

Bro idk why you keep going. You lost as soon as your wife decided what to do with your possessions. You aren't a man, you're a sad little boy.

>> No.6629103

>dude check out my sweet vintage car
>yeah, I didnt use cellulose based paint, I just used basecoat and lacquer system

Gee anon, thats a lot of extra work compared to, you know, just plugging a console into a crt.

>> No.6629110

Gotta make way for the sprogs lad.
Besides, its not like a decimated my collection. I just went from 500 plus to 200 plus. Got rid of surplus. Dont be jealous because ive got a sweet little woman. Adult life is compromise.

>> No.6629141

I don't know what a "sprog" is. Also, I would absolutely never """"compromise""" (nice cope) in exchange for sex.

>> No.6629150

Sprog roughly translates to 'in-a-few-years-a-school-shooter' in the states.
I didnt exchange anything for sex, we went out for a few years, got married and after a few more years when I knoecked her up I sold about half my shit (mostly dupes or games I simply wouldnt play agin) which is funny, because most of the emucucks get upset about hoarding, but when you sell a little off, they lose their minds.
Ive never exchanged anything for sex. Never needed to.

>> No.6629254

What I meant was, you sell your belongings and call it a compromise. What did you settle for, if not sex, exactly? Why was she bitching about it and how is that your problem?

>> No.6629262

Probably because to collect for the neo geo and still have a place to sleep means you are in the top 100 richest in the world.

>> No.6629268

Why does emulation and real hardware have to be a binary thing? Both are fine ways to play games. I sometimes play games via emulation and sometimes play them on real hardware with a flashcart or something. What matters is the games.

>> No.6629351

I sold up because I didnt need two or three copies of the same across systems. I asked her to get rid of some clothes, she asked me to get rid of some games. With the spare cash we went on a little holiday before little vic came along. Hes getting to the age where I can play some popo long (bubble bobble, he speaks cantonese to his mam, english to me). It was time to downscale. She didnt force me to do anything and with the new space we actually had a place to put the cot. Still got my massive crt and all the consoles. Except the fat versions. Besides, when you love someone, getting rid of junk really isnt an issue, ive had to do much harder things (working 70 hours a week in the run up, very strainful, but life is tough).

>> No.6629661

so graphical inaccuracies, frame skips and sound glitches are not gimping yourself and a better experience because you can render the picture larger? why shouldn't i use original hardware and a proper upscaler? Please don't tell me it's so you can save a few bucks.

>> No.6629670

this is a troll right? you want to talk about idiocy and you bring up investing in oil? you single handedly brought the entire board down.

>> No.6629706

Dont forget he apparently owns a hotel, yet, thinks cars (fcards) are for stupid americans. I dont know how anyone can own a business without a car. >>6629670

>> No.6629752

How about you plug a fork into an outlet you little shit

>> No.6629795

ds touch screen and taking stuff on the go, ds is comically cheap anyway

>> No.6629886
File: 48 KB, 250x241, 1560704453575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arcade games are shit
>my wife said

>> No.6629896

It's almost like you can collect what you really want and then emulate the rest, what a concept

>> No.6629909

It's almost like you can emulate everything and leave collecting for the mentally deficient.

>> No.6629915
File: 824 KB, 2611x1817, Msl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To each their own bro

>> No.6629917
File: 68 KB, 324x493, turn_off_lights_19916160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me while I emulate that sunrise. Ah there we are, just as good.

>> No.6629919

shame about the game coming to a crawl every now and then

>> No.6629939

With all the video solutions available today like the RetroTink, RAD2x, Akura boxes, etc. I dont' see why anyone would enjoy emulating. If you're talking about using roms ON actual hardware, that's fine though.

>> No.6629942

Is that only on emulators?

>> No.6629947

no, that's how it runs on aes or mvs

>> No.6629953

I buy all my bullshit without even telling my wife, I cannot imagine her "making"me get rid of anything hahaha

>> No.6629957

You say this as if the games run any differently on an emulator

>> No.6629962

You developed a bad habit of burning money on useless plastic junk and you should ask her for help.

>> No.6629983

I value authenticity for somethings.

>> No.6629986

Then cycle accurate emulation is right up your alley.

>> No.6629996

You get to a point in life where you realise its better to have a nice car or block paving or whatever than it is to have a super cool youtube worthy game collection. Besides, vidya aint my only hobby, it was kind of a stealth move, get rid of some dupes, keep the drum kit. But why am I arguing with these wizards, chances are, they unironically play dating sims/vn.
Also, arcade games really are pretty garbage. But thats just like, my opinion man. Besides, if I could get hold of hang on, I would downsize further. You hit 30, get kids and have to say goodbye to a little piece of your inner manchild.

>> No.6630730


>> No.6631982

I have a good job and this stuff is like my 4th hobby. I can't imagine broke people doing this. Maybe it's not for you

>> No.6633756

1.it won't
2.take care of your collection
3.make backups of all your game files in case it goes away
4.repair if necessary
5.emulate to try before purchase
6.stay silent about it so price on ebay doesn't skyrocket before at least 2100

>> No.6633775

I enjoy my collection in its current state, mostly made up of consoles I got as a teen. I don’t think I’d replace them if/when they stop working. I’ve enjoyed them enough. I don’t need them with me my whole life. Yes, emulation will be enough past a certain point. I won’t be bothered looking up second hand stuff when they’re all about to break too.

>> No.6633814

Not him but I am 32 and I'm glad I don't have a car. It's useless.

>> No.6634593

I move on because there's more to life than my Sega Genesis.

>> No.6634970


Really based and logical, i think the exact same way. Keep it up man.