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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6624565 No.6624565 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6624572

I didn't and do not like the way these look, despite the ways that "slim" revisions typically improve on their predecessors. I used to have the PS1 that had a little LCD screen affixed to it, though. That thing was cool at the time.

>> No.6624575


>> No.6624598

/vr/ threads in a nutshell:

>Playstation 1 Slim design
>N64? Good or bad?
>Sega Saturn? Good or bad?
>Super Mario Bros. 3? NES or All-stars?
>Super Mario Bros. 3 VS Super Mario World
>Muh comfy Boku no Natsuyasumi muh comfy Harvest Moon and games like it ci vou plait
>Castlevania Symphony of the Night: was it good?
>Shen-moo: Be it based?
>Final Fantasy Numero Ocho, es bueno?
>Majora's Mask

>> No.6624605

Most of those wouldn't be a problem if the faggot mods would just ban 5th gen autism already.

>> No.6624625


>> No.6624627

you forgot about some big ones! the catalog sometimes has two or three "WILL THE RETRO MARKET CRASH GOD I HOPE SO" coping threads going at one time, in addition to endless "hidden gemz" threads and the same 30-40 people posting their setups over and over again.

I know it's obnoxious to beat this drum but this is a pretty slow board that is very, very cyclical. I think letting some 6th gen threads fly here and there would introduce some new discussions into here, for the better.

And for people afraid of the /v/ zoomies invading, they're definitely not going to flock to this board when we start talking about shit like...idk, Metal Arms or Whiplash or XIII or whatever.

I understand the people who are saying that 6th gen will never be retro, but the term retro is totally contingent on the age and experiences of the person assigning it.

>> No.6624634

yes, that would be a good thing. make this an even smaller, slower, and more cyclical board. sounds good!

>> No.6624658

I would rather have a board with less activity but more discussion than a board bloated with autists clogging the catalog with nothing but trivial 5th gen threads. 5th gen console posting is only one step away from becoming as bad as /v/'s console war shitposting, even SNESfags and Genesisfags aren't this autistic.

>> No.6624691

How can we move in any direction but forward, though? We've litigated everything. everything has been said. every opinion heard, every game seen, it's all been done over and over again. the 4th and even 5th gen discourse is fucking tired as hell. we've seen everything and said everything--fives times over.

>> No.6624728

So? go and make your own "retro" board for kids of 6th gen and 7th gen. So you can fit in with all those that call themselves "i am totally not a zoomer! I was born in 1999 so I am not like them!"

>> No.6624736 [DELETED] 
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Today I will remind them.

>> No.6624756

Thanks for reminding me that frogeposters don't matter, anon!

>> No.6624758

again, classic /vr/ boomer COMPLETELY TERRIFIED that someone under 30 might post a Battle Engine Aquila thread

SO SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6624761

why wouldn't we just lump in the retro games to the retro board

also 7th gen is not retro, yet.

>> No.6624774

wii u is retro but the wii isnt
skyrim is a retro game

>> No.6624781

Awesome game. Gungriffon edges it out though.

>> No.6624783

>I think
No one cares what you think.
>letting some 6th gen threads fly here and there would introduce some new discussions into here, for the better.
That will never happen, 6th gen will never be retro, faggot.

>> No.6624789

>MAke retro board for non zoomers
Imbecile kids

>> No.6624791

Don't forget:
>Sonic CD - What is the appeal?
>PSX - "I'm too young to remember print media"
>CRT - Eye cancer general

>> No.6624801

The 6th Gen is already retro.
The sticky is just a polite(ly disregarded) suggestion
6ixthgang is here to stay
You will cope and you will seethe

>> No.6624805

Ok then post your shitty threads

>> No.6624807

I had a copypasta along these lines. I posted it in every thread that contained reference to the dumb shit that counts as a thread these days. I got banned for it.

>> No.6624808

never heard of that, thanks for the recc

>> No.6624810

you guys always post stuff like this and I get the impression you really think you're laying down the law when in fact, it is very gay and homosexual for you to say things like this

it is the most naked admission of "reeeeeee! my childhood special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

>> No.6624814

Try united drop peace force (or along those lines). Gungriffon blaze is quality. One of my personal HIDDEN GEMS

>> No.6624815

>you guys
it's just the one anon, he's just on here all day and has nothing better to do.

>> No.6624817

If we allow 6gen, the only threads we will have is 12 persona thread

>this is my waifu
>why is this so based lol
>what does he mean by this

Or dumb halo shit.
Not to mention all the stealth cod posting
'Omg who remembers backlot, so retro lolololol'

>> No.6624819

yep, just what i figured. It's /v2k/ autist alright.

>> No.6624824

We already do.

>> No.6624827

persona 1 and 2 are already retro, my retarded friend.

>> No.6624830

Me? Or in reference to those advocating for /v2k/?

>> No.6624832

>trying to play coy
you aren't good at that either lmao

>> No.6624835

Yes, and luckily they stay on /v/. If ps2 is allowed, all we will have is p3-4 threads. Then other threads asking 'whats the difference bettwe p4 and p4 golden?!'

>> No.6624838

>and luckily they stay on /v/
I guess it's time to start posting P1 and P2 threads?

>> No.6624839

Ok I filter them all and your stuff

>> No.6624841
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Please do!

>> No.6624845

Lol ok. Clearly, you need to learn to read. Im gonna be clear so your tiny mong brain can comprehend. Im not in favour of 6gen on this board, for the reasons stated above. How you could think that only proves your total ineptitude at basic reading. Go and take mummys handgun and shoot yourself you dumb fuck.

>> No.6624847

See, literally "I wanna piss people off, like the 20 or less something I am and you can't stop me, grampa"
And then you wonder why you should fuck off back there? I wonder? This is why stupid kids should fuck off. So, fuck off.

>> No.6624849

Stay "safe" out there anon, it's a dangerous world :^)

>> No.6624853

Agreed. Hes only a post away from calling everyone zoomer/back2leddit. School shooter in the making. 'Wah, I cant talk about my retro metroid prime/shadow the hedgehog games'

>> No.6624857

People like you have made /vr/ trash that isn’t worth saving.

>> No.6624858

>samefagging this hard
why do you always do this?

>> No.6624862

>Not worth saving
Why? because I don't like 20 somethings shitposting "BRUH, OH NO NO NO NO, DOGE MEME, WOJAK, PEPE"?

>> No.6624864

lmao he's trying to play coy again, fucking why

>> No.6624865

"retro" is the most zoomer thing there is, though

>> No.6624870

Im 30 years old and leave the house often you total peado.

>> No.6624871

literally what? is this projection of the highest order?

>> No.6624872
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Shows what you know

>> No.6624873

What's this stupid shit?

>> No.6624881

>"look, I'm not samefagging!"
can you be more transparent lmao

>> No.6624882

Every other thread here is full of pathetic, bitter old men like you screeching about muh zoomers and shitting on people, just look at the poor retard who posted his PSX haul. This place has massively declined in the last 5 years or so.

>> No.6624886

Is there any real downside to using a PSone over an original model PlayStation?

>> No.6624890

Feel free to return to /v/, because you can't live without your pepes and wojaks, "bruh".

>> No.6624892

>Super Mario 64, what a shit game lolamirite?

>> No.6624896

Ive got better things to do than samefag. I use my phone because fuck sitting on a chair being antisocial. I like my couch, because my dog can sit on my lap and my wife can watch netflix while I school unemployable turbomongs like yourself. Now go and drink some bleach.

>> No.6624901

yeah sure you do, that's why you're posting on /vr/ right?

>> No.6624904

This is precisely the sort of irredeemable garbage post that I’m referring to. You killed what was once a special thing.

>> No.6624912

>I can't shitpost my memes that only kids like, you ruined it :(
You can keep posting this all you want, I won't change my mind. You pretend I don't know how kids of your age think and act? I was one, so you can't outsmart me.

>> No.6624914

Go back to your persona threads you fucking child.

>> No.6624918

>you can't outsmart me
yeah you're so clever that you managed to singlehandedly ruin this board you claim to hold so dear.
Don't worry, I'm in those threads too while I'm monitoring this one.

>> No.6624920

What exactly are you babbling about you demented codger?

>> No.6624926

>Cornered, the little mongrel now throws his usual tantrum
Just the usual.

>> No.6624928

>Just the usual
this is one of the most autistic things I've read in years, but you can't direct attention away from your tantrum by accusing someone else of throwing one lol

>> No.6624929

You can’t even make coherent posts.

>> No.6624937

All I did was point out the decline in atmosphere/quality here (which I’ve literally watched unfold, presumably along with him) and he started incoherently squealing about Pepes and kids. I don’t think that he even knows what the discussion was about anymore.

>> No.6624940

>Now deflection
Ok kids, the next step is accusing me of ruining your zoomer lives, and how you hate me. So go on. Your fucking manipulation won't work here.

>> No.6624945

what the fuck are you talking about holy shit lol

>> No.6624947

Remember that we could be talking to people who are literally experiencing the onset of Alzheimer’s/dementia

>> No.6624951

And yet, you go on to post 2 persona threads to prove how great the content is. Well done pebblebrain.

>> No.6624954

I don’t even know what Persona is.

>> No.6624957

Really? and what are you experiencing? the golden age of pepes and wojaks?

>> No.6624960

another bewildering post, what the hell

>> No.6624961

the PlayStation was far superior to the PSONE
why did they use plastic for the laser carriage? that shit failed so fast

>> No.6624964

/vr/ decline from a slow, tight-knit, niche board to a bunch of crotchety old men yelling about kids they’re imagining on their lawns. It started getting bad ~2 years ago when we picked up in speed (relatively).

>> No.6624967

If its not you disregard. That little faggot who cant read is spamming board with persona threads. Persona is a shitty weeb rpg about teenagers who probably have to save the world and confess to each other. If you check /v/ out, you will notice a quarter of all threads are about that shitty series of games, so to be a clever little cockshaft hes spamming the slowest board with 5 (!) Persona threads.

>> No.6624969

If you aren't a kid post your old hands then. Go ahead. I challenge you. I can even pull a motherfucking white hair of my beard, if you prove me wrong. But I am extremely confident, the only ones bitching about "le grampas that are bitter" are all buttblasted kids.

>> No.6624970

I'm sorry but what's wrong with posting retro game threads on a retro gaming board? Games you don't like aren't the boogeyman anon, just don't participate in those threads.

>> No.6624972

how is he buttblasted if you're trying to get him to post pictures of himself on here to prove how old he is?

>> No.6624974

No picture, no respect, little brat.
If you are a kid, you can't pretend your opinion is relevant in a board made for people that are in their 30's or close.

>> No.6624979

I’m in my 30s, and I’ve been posting here since my mid-20s, before board-killing, gatekeeping insanity like showing off gray hairs would have been posted here without the slightest hint of irony. Fucking A, man.

>> No.6624982

No problem with anyone posting whatever they want, go for it, oc is in dire need. But come on, why is there another 5 persona threads, all that have gona up within the time that this >>6624838 was posted. Just read it, he literally admits intent to spam board with persona threads.

>> No.6624984

>no picture, no respect
Why are you angling so hard to get someone you keep calling a 'child' to post pics of themselves?

>> No.6624992

Why are you singling out persona threads and not all of the megaman or doom threads on the catalog?

>> No.6624993

Sure you are 999 years old now. Fuck off.
They all post like kids or zoomers. This bullshit of "but bitter people ruined it!" literally wouldn't happen if people acted their age. No sane individual acts with those retarded jokes that kids use in /v/

>> No.6624996

Because doom threads arent posted one after the other within the space of 15 minutes. Same reason I dont single out all the zelda/mario/sonic/why is this console better than that threads. Clearly, we have an epic troll on our hands.

>> No.6624997

okay but then why do you keep asking "kids" to post pictures of themselves in this thread you psycho?

>> No.6624998

I just call kids the faggots of 25 or less
Stop playing your idiotic unfunny cp jokes

>> No.6625000

I just read the rules and I didn't see anything like that in there. What are you even upset about then?

>> No.6625001

Which posts have I made, specifically, which fit your "zoomer" criteria?

>> No.6625003

>I just call kids the faggots of 25 or less
what did he mean by this?

>> No.6625020

Actually, no, if all you using is CDs.
But phat is more sexy and has community mods.

>> No.6625060
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>> No.6625071

holy based

>> No.6625076
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>> No.6625084
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>> No.6625093

Doom sucks

>> No.6625101

Rule 10. Once again, demonstrating those excellent reading skills. You are either esol or american.

>> No.6625112

/vr/ has been really weird these past weeks. Weirder than usual. I assume a discord raid? Or just maybe 1 very dedicated shitposter.
Anyway, PSOne is really one soulless looking piece of shit. Only the early A/V models have soul, especially the original japanese model with the original smaller pads.

>> No.6625114

>weirder than usual
what do you mean? I agree that there's been way more animosity than usual but other than that, I haven't really noticed anything

>> No.6625117

Since ps5 was announced theres been a lot more 6 gen posting. Stolar bro was posting lots and now the new trend is to post a half dozen persona threads.

>> No.6625120

you're this anon, aren't you?

>> No.6625130

The original PlayStation model is peak Sony design.

>> No.6625245

Ps1 is trash, but at least it was better than the n64.

>> No.6625251

yeah what the other anon said. More prominent shitposting than usual. it's probably 2 or 3 guys organizing the shitposting from a discord channel.

>> No.6625252

you're this anon, aren't you?

>> No.6625257

Now he is shitposting "you are this anon, aren't you?" as if that was smart or something.

>> No.6625262

the poster count didn't go up when you posted, you're at least one of the other posters in here, and probably the one I suggested given how similar your approach to syntax is.

>> No.6625265

Nope, I'm >>6625112
Anyway, what's your argument? You didn't notice the shitposting incrementation? Why are you trying to defend shitposting?

>> No.6625267

I'm just pointing out that you're talking to yourself to enforce an apparent consensus.

>> No.6625271

Nope. I actually posted how I hate the /v/ autism. Then the shitposters came in full force trying to "piss me off". I am sure they will try again.

>> No.6625272

>the shitposters are after me
what do you mean?

>> No.6625279

So you're fine with the bernieposter, for example? Shit got dense the other day and I still see the guy trying to force it in a couple threads.

>> No.6625287

Honestly, I don't really like it, but, well, if it was against the rules you'd think the sticky would be amended to reflect that. Until then I can't actually complain about it beyond finding it lazy.

>> No.6625292

Bernieposting could be considered:
-low effort (it is, just the same pic every time with the same shiturn "joke")
-spamming (see above)
-trolling outside of /b/ (obviously aimed to instigate console wars, not even trying to hide it)

>> No.6625298

I don't see how it's any more low effort than waifu threads, off-topic music threads, general threads, or any other meme that gets posted on here. I understand how you feel, but honestly, it doesn't seem to be in violation of any actual rules.

>> No.6625301
File: 21 KB, 400x208, F1EDCCDB-C182-4B04-9BA7-45E0506669A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang?

>> No.6625323

>waifu threads
just threads for people to dump video game-related art (even if you find it "offensive" because somehow cartoon characters being sexy is non-PC or whatever), but nobody is trying to troll.
>off-topic music threads
Off topic? For example?
>general threads
Yeah those guys should go to /vg/, the doom guys. But again, they're not trolling at least, they're not shitposting in other threads posting Doom guy pics saying "Puke Nukem sucks" or something silly like that all the time.
That's the main difference with the retarded bernie poster and his "shiturn" posts.
Hah, that's not the usual bernieposter pic, but good impersonation.

>> No.6625331

>off topic
how about this one that's on page 1? >>6610452
>but they're not trolling at least
if you say so.

>> No.6625338

>I know it's obnoxious to beat this drum but this is a pretty slow board that is very, very cyclical

That's what people love about it. We want a slow circlejerk board.

>> No.6625346

>how about this one that's on page 1?
Could do without the pepe honestly, but still it's just guys posting retro video game music. It's on topic and not trolling.
>if you say so
I never go on Doom threads so maybe they're full of shitposting, but they don't leak outside of the containment thread, is what I mean- Bernieposter appears in several threads to spread his autism. Doom should still go to /vg/ though.

>> No.6625348

Sonyfags ruined /vr/.

>> No.6625349

>retro game music is on topic
it's barely on topic, it's as on topic as bernie posting is, especially since it involves such piecemeal discussion and boils down to people just dropping links

>> No.6625351

OK bernieposter.

>> No.6625356

multiple people posting and enjoying retro video game music =/= 1 guy posting the same jewish businessman trying to derail threads with console war shit

>> No.6625361

The evidence here >>6625345

>> No.6625362

samefagging again? Anyways, it's just as 'retro' as bernieposting, since it amounts to almost no discussion and is only 1 degree of separation from actual discussion. (bernieposting is consoles + shitposting; music threads are specific games + offtopic posting)

>> No.6625370

>bernieposting is consoles + shitposting
Uh oh, you said it. Shitposting. Not allowed.
retro games + offtopic is still OK because retro games is ontopic. Also I don't get what's "offtopic" about posting actual video game music.

>> No.6625374

Don't try to argue with Sonyfags.
They can't handle people liking other systems.

>> No.6625383

off-topic posting isn't allowed either. Off-topic posting is just as 'against the rules' as shitposting is

>> No.6625470

>"reeeeeee! my childhood special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yet you are crying because the board won't recognize YOUR childhood

>> No.6625472

please don't try and turn this into a dick measuring contest about who's crying, the beardposter already won.

>> No.6625618

Stupid kids pretending they don't do the same in other boards, that are for their retarded gen
Like /vp/, /mlp/ and /v/
I really can't wait for the now 5-7 year olds to grow up and post so they can laugh at your "old farts" like you do with us, and then you will "NOOOOO SHUT UP" and suffer the same, don't worry, kids
You are just a step from becoming old farts

>> No.6625619

Why do you keep bumping this thread?

>> No.6625623

it is already ruined, who cares about it anyway? better to contain the stupidty here than to spread it in more threads, which is what the dunce shitposters want

>> No.6625625

It’s just pathetic that you won’t address any criticism itt but keep bumping the thread pretending to be a new person, over and over again. Why do you do it?

>> No.6625631

>One can't go and take a break from your stupid antics and come back
If I wanted to pretend I am somebody else, I would change ip.
Anyway, here is your future

>> No.6625635

You need to take a break from this board permanently.

>> No.6625638

More like I need to break your motherfucking skull, miserable pig

>> No.6625640

Do you always threaten people just because they find you clownish, or am I a special case?

>> No.6625642

Do you always post stupid things and pretend they are witty and clever because you are 20 or less? oh I already know the answer.

>> No.6625646

So why’d you ask the question you psycho?

>> No.6625657

To shit further on your corpse, of course.

>> No.6625659

Could you post that beard hair like you threatened to earlier?

>> No.6625662

Why? it doesn't matter, I confirmed you are in fact, 20 or less.

>> No.6625664

You haven’t confirmed anything, not even that you have gray beard hair, because you never actually posted it!

>> No.6625728


>> No.6626182

Acting tough on 4chan is always a special mix of hilarious and pathetic.

>> No.6626219

Being condescending is a special mix of you being an unironic weakling that sit on his basement, "pathetic".

>> No.6626697

I traded it in to GameStop like 15 years ago when I was like 12 or 13 because I had PS2 that played the games and I was desperate for the money....

did I fucked up?

>> No.6626712


>> No.6626726
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>also 7th gen is not retro
Yes it is. It's been over a decade, old man. Even 8th gen is nearly retro, now.

>> No.6626853

Anon, I'm just here to laugh at your internet tough guy act.

>> No.6628032

No way dude. OG model PlayStations are a dime a dozen and the slim ones go for less, no worries dude. For as big of a hit as the PS1 was, it's a console that does not hold up, in a lot of respects. Just look at the response to the PlayStation Classic. it got crickets.

This is the one instance in which I understand what people are saying about how 6th gen and beyond is not retro, because I think the general public has viewed the PS1/PS2/PS3 and their libraries to have been decidedly improved upon by later iterations, because the nature of video games in the modern era still owe a lot to their 5th gen fore bearers.

>> No.6628038

>haha its cool dude dont keep your retro consoles
go back to your ebay subreddit pls

>> No.6628042

He's not wrong though, I just buy a new PSX every time one of my old ones craps out. Literally a diamond dozen.

>> No.6628047

it's very obvious you two are in cahoots.

>> No.6628054

Holy shit the absolute state of this board

>> No.6628056

>PSXchad in cahoots with a PS1cuck.

>> No.6628057

Wow damn sorry I put a line space in there. le reddit, amirite? PlayStations are not worth anything. It was an extremely popular console with a mild failure rate. Systems in perfect working order can be had basically anywhere for peanuts. I'm not telling that guy to throw his system away, he already said he got rid of his.

>> No.6628061

you're saying it was a good thing he just got rid of it, because you're an ebay vendor who posts on reddit.

>> No.6628064

I did this same exact thing when I got a PS3, but with my PS2. I dumped like 70+ games for basically nothing just to squeeze some money together for a game or two.

The good news is that I didn't really have anything that goes for money, the vast majority of the PS2 library goes for nothing. It does still stink to have to re-buy games I used to own though, in questionable condition.

>> No.6628067

Yeah you would need a couple hundred PlayStations to make even a nickel on eBay, margins on video games are totally fucked. Everyone knows what that shit is worth and no one is gonna overpay.

>> No.6628071 [SPOILER] 
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>pay no attention to the ebay vendor behind the curtain
>oh the margins, the margins arent very good! how could I ever make enough shekels to rub together from those margins!

>> No.6628074

>Don't you dare join my already flooded market
Kill yourself

>> No.6628106

this board being absolutely lousy with the weirdest kinds of spergs is why I keep coming back day after day

>> No.6628113 [SPOILER] 
File: 375 KB, 1024x1249, 1595448805031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you keep coming back because you're here forever.

>> No.6628123

>I just come because I love to laugh at the losers and weirdos!
You know that phrase, of you become what you hate?

>> No.6629157

I kept PS2 because my backwards compatible PS3 didn't run PS2 game like PS2 runs PS1 games and it ended up dying eventually anyways so I'm glad I've still got a working PS2

>> No.6629171

I’m glad you do too fellow gen6 chad

>> No.6629232
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>mfw found one at the local thrift store for around 7$

When I popped in my copy of ape escape it changed from english to japanese!