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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 101 KB, 1280x720, Super+Nintendo+BitBloggist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6623210 No.6623210 [Reply] [Original]

post underrated and overrated SNES games
Aladdin. I don't understand why the fuck it's considered such a hidden gem. I guess because it's a movie game people are surprised it's not shit? which shouldn't be that surprising considering the fame of ducktales and spongebob games.

>> No.6623217

i forgot to add my underrated, sorry for being a retard:
EVO: Search for Eden. It's not perfect, but I think even /vr/ understates how good it is for such an ambitious concept. I wish a good dev team revisited/ripped off this idea for a PC or switch game

>> No.6623228

Chrono Trigger, horrible plot that makes no sense that was saved by time traveling as an attempt to patch it together. Miyamoto even said after development; "The only reason this game was successful was because of the advertisement campaign."
Secret of Mana. Superior in every way to it's sister game chrono trigger. The story is consistent and satisfying while the gameplay doesn't lock you into a waiting turn and relies more on skill and knowledge of enemies.

>> No.6623231

shit bait anon. try harder next time

>> No.6623241

>Chrono Trigger, horrible plot that makes no sense
fucking this. I didn't care much cause most game stories suck anyway, but it was such an underwhelming slog of gameplay too. I dropped it halfway through. I still have no idea what its rabid fans are jizzing themselves about

>> No.6623254

This bait doesnt work. You may as well just claim they are completely terrible with gameplay value at all.

>> No.6623265

Starwing/Starfox. It's just not very good.
Wild Guns. I like space cowboys.

>> No.6623336

thanks for the (you)s faggots

>> No.6623449

Rocky and Pocky. Or maybe it's cause it plays better with friends, which I ...didn't have back then...
Super Metroid. Not even the loudest metroidfags mention it as much as they should.

>> No.6623460

>Chrono Trigger
this but unironically. Not bad but absolutely overrated as fuck

>> No.6623727

Earthworm Jim. What a cluster fuck of level design. Sure some levels had some good ideas but overall it was a mess. Jim controls like ass, even more slippery than DK in DKC.
Sprite work was beautiful though I'll give it that and some of the music was great as well.

Gundam Wing. IMO this should be tied with Street Fighter as the best fighting game on the SNES. The controls feel soooooooo good, you can jump up and have fights in the fucking air and it has awesome graphics.

>> No.6623754

95% snes library

Puzzle Games

>> No.6623790

overrated? earthbout. it's still good, but not godlike.
underrated, uncharted waters New horizons. great RPG and a wonderful story for all of them super open-ended do whatever you want a great game for its time very underrated.

>> No.6623791

>gameplay doesn't lock you into a waiting turn
I love your bait, anon.

>> No.6623802

Thank point out people stupid taste on awful cartoon base games

>> No.6623804

>nice bait
Super Metroid = most overrated

>> No.6623951

Final Fantasy, take your pick. They both seem boring to me. I don't even hate the Genre because I adore the SNES Dragon Quest games. Something about Final Fantasy just puts me to sleep,

Dino City I guess? It's a licensed game but it's based on something so forgotten and is so far removed from the source material it might as well just be an original platform game about some kids riding on the back of their radical dino buddies.

>> No.6624140

Yoshi's Island

Mainly because Nintendrones are often defensive of this game whenever Yoshi's Island gets criticized.

The Death And Return Of Superman

This game gets a lot of hate. Yet I've been able to enjoy it, mainly because it has a great soundtrack, great graphics, and great presentation. The controls are flawed, but I can still beat the game without cheats. However cheats is what makes this game a blast to play through. Plus I am a fan of the Death And Return Of Superman storyline.

>> No.6624437

-I've started Chrono Trigger so many times through the years and I've never stuck with it long. Never understood how it's got such a holy status.

>> No.6625210

Final Fantasy 6
the second half of the game felt boring and didn't feel well executed

probably Treasure of the Rudras. cool battle system

>> No.6625780

mario world, yoshis island, alttp, every jrpg
gundam wing endless duel

>> No.6625834

Aladdin is overrated because there was a SNES version and a Genesis version that were different, so naturally console war fags act like the one on their preferred system is a flawless work of art when in reality, Aladdin isn’t in the top ten platform era available on SNES. And I say this as a SNES fanboy.

>> No.6625842

You oversold the bait when you implied Secret of Mana wasn’t a fundamentally broken game.

>> No.6625869
File: 120 KB, 640x400, 74b7dc81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you didn't know, EVO is a sequel to a PC-98 game already. It's called "46 Okunen Monogatari the Shinkaron". Unlike it's sequel, it's a straight RPG.
There's a character in it named Lucifer Tyranno. He's a dinosaur who works for Satan.
If you like PC-98 RPGs I'd give it a go, it's pretty fun.

>> No.6625875

>mario world
maybe here. Everywhere else people only talk about SMB3, which is inconsistent in level design quality. The harder levels in SMW are challenging, the ones in SMB3 are just unfair. I hate those fucking sky levels so much

>> No.6625935
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Chrono Trigger has a legitimately great story, but it's very back-ended. That is to say, that most of the really good story moments happen in the game's last five hours. (After you get the flying vehicle.)
I don't want to go into spoilers because the writing does honestly get shockingly good all of a sudden. The story is so legitimately high quality that you can play it with the mindset that it's a visual novel rather than a JRPG if you want.
Apart from that, the soundtrack is legendary, and the presentation was years ahead of everything else when it came out. When I played it for the first time and I found out you could walk away from NPCs mid-conversation it blew my mind. The characters are also very likable, I've never met anybody who had trouble making a party of three characters even with the small cast.

The main things that it struggles with are the boring battles and very low difficulty. Pretty much every battle in the game can be beaten using nothing but basic attacks and healing, and the Haste spell exists. Combat exists only as a small speedbump between story moments.
It might have been better if it actually was a visual novel. Square might have thought so too, because the next game in the series is. (Radical Dreamers)

The game isn't great, it's certainly not perfect, but if you like SNES RPGs you'd be crazy not to do a playthrough. The game's only like twenty hours long.

>> No.6625952

I'll admit it's not as good as starfox 64 but there aren't enough rail shooters in the world for me to harbor ill will toward any of them. also I feel like everybody definitely already loves wild guns, it's not really underrated it's just rated

>> No.6626035
File: 17 KB, 256x224, Panel de Pon (J).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link to the Past
I can't fault the game for it's content, it packs a huge amount of stuff to do in one cart. But the combat is a huge downgrade from Zelda II. The enemy variety is a little better than Zelda 1, but combat never evolves far beyond "walk up to the enemy and hit them with your sword", which is pathetic for an action game.
The story is also really lacking even by Zelda standards. I certainly didn't get anything out of it when I was a kid or when I was an adult, and I've never met anyone who has a strong connection to any of the characters in this game. Closest I've found are a few furries who really like pink bunny Link. More power to them, glad somebody got something out of the game.
It's a decent game by SNES standards, but I can't respect putting it on a best games of all time list, as many people do.

Panel de Pon
I feel like everyone's heard of this game but not many people have actually played it. There have been plenty of sequels but none that I've played captured the warm, soft, happy tone of the original.
It's an obvious attempt by Nintendo to get into the Puyo Puyo market, but the games are very different. If playing Puyo Puyo feels like being an architect, Panel de Pon feels like being a demolitions expert. Less careful planning, more explosions.
The ability to make moves while combos are happening means that there's none of the downtime that Puyo Puyo has, but unlike Magical Drop you can get really long involved matches with lots of back and forth. It's just a classic versus puzzler.
The music and character designs are just charming. I love the chintzy old 90's shoujo anime feel to everything. Even though I never grew up with any of that stuff, the aura of innocent happiness still feels nostalgic to me.
I'd recommend it to anyone. There might not be any other game that's as fun as Panel de Pon while being as accessible as it is.

>> No.6626104

completely agree about alttp. its a shame nintendo didnt build upon zelda 2. if they had expanded upon the combat and sidescrolling aspect and made some qol changes like not starting at the very beginning when you lose all your lives, zelda 3 might actually have been good

>> No.6626121

Link's Awakening (GBC) is much better and deserves the praise ALLTP gets all the time

>> No.6626205

Fuck off JonTron

>> No.6626207

>pathetic for an action game
Good thing Zelda is an RPG series, then.

>> No.6626214

This is why I hate E-celebs. Not because they're shitty, but because you cocksuckers can't not talk about them.

>> No.6626236

>Link to the Past
absolutely. I was replaying it recently and got too bored to finish it by turtle rock. The only other alternative to "walk and hit" is "throw boomerang and hit while he's sitting there frozen". But what really bored me is that none of the side quests are interesting, all they get you are pieces of heart which make you overpowered. The sword upgrade quest is literally walk frog to house. And so much tedious backtracking between dark and light world for stupid shit.
also this. Ages and Seasons are better than alttp too

>> No.6626624
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>> No.6626653
File: 930 KB, 2443x1551, 20200722_003822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK where they thinking

>> No.6626660

they thought that having great music would compensate for that shit
it worked

>> No.6626734

nice bait , wise was on crack for this soundtrack. Game sounded like an early DOS paperboy hack. Shame it didn't live up to the first

>> No.6627236

EVO is a great concept, I don't think anyone denies that, but the grind gets to be unbearable. and the fucking 3 second music loops, holy shit just kill me

>> No.6627246

FF6. Game is boring af even compared to most good rpgs
Actraiser 2. Pretty good action game but people convinced themselves otherwise because it's not equal to the prequel.

>> No.6627364

I think Earthbound is overrated as shit. It's satisfactory at best but people shit themselves over it.

I don't know if I'd call it underrated since it's pretty well known but Tetris Attack isn't mentioned often enough in great SNES game lists.

>> No.6627367

Why do I keep thinking Grant Kirkhope was the one that did the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack?

>> No.6627390

This. Also who tf ever has ever thought of SNES Aladdin as a "hidden gem"? Even if partly due to its genesis counterpart and the warring, nobody not even MJR himself would consider it a hidden gem. Then OP says something about how it must be because it's a movie game people assume it's bad, then he says people would be wrong to consider movie games bad considering the fame of ducktales and spongebob, what a retard.

>> No.6628053

because the story and the way it's presented is extremely unique. I'm not baiting, I honestly believe as of 2020 it's the only well-written RPG, and it makes sense cause it was written by a real, passionate and talented writer, not by some nerds who had never written a story in their lives let alone cared about "show don't tell". Itoi wanted to make a children's story and found that the DQ game format made the most sense to him, so he begged nintendo to give him a chance. That requires a clear vision and some balls. Itoi also had a strictly "hands-off" approach with the music, he gave Chip Tanaka and co. freedom and they made music that sounded good to them, not just good for a soundtrack.

but yeah, I understand that if the story/music/urban fantasy atmosphere doesn't resonate with you, it'll be a mystery why the game is so hyped up cause the gameplay mechanics etc. are just good, nothing amazing.
Mother 3 had way better gameplay and was more polished. The story is messy and tries a little too hard though

>> No.6628063

>I don't understand why the fuck it's considered such a hidden gem.
A disney game. Made by capcom in the early 90s. This game was not hidden in any definition of the word.

>> No.6628076

>This. Also who tf ever has ever thought of SNES Aladdin as a "hidden gem"?
the world isn't /vr/

>> No.6628080

I agree with you, i'm not the retard claiming it's a hidden gem. the people who overhype this mediocre platformer are

>> No.6628115
File: 1.86 MB, 1280x1313, 1587926277500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or maybe it's cause it plays better with friends, which I ...didn't have back then...
mfw playing super bomberman with 3 friends

>> No.6628147

Man I can't tell whether you're a kid or there is something wrong with you but your first two links are saying "underrated", underrated is completely different to "hidden gem". You could say any game is underrated. Your link on jontron's top 20 SNES games has nothing about underrated in it. Let's see:

>17. Aladdin. Disney games were had an unusual high quality. The graphics and design were among the best for the console, and the jumps are just so satisfying.

Racketboy's article had Aladdin listed the most POPULAR and KNOWN games. And no, I'm not watching a youtube video.

>> No.6628151

Also don't act like you're agreeing with that other guy. His point was that anyone calling it a hidden anything is bonkers.

>> No.6628156

>Your link on jontron's top 20 SNES games has nothing about underrated in it.
Sorry this should read: Your link on jontron's top 20 SNES games has nothing about hidden gem or even underreated in it.

>> No.6628159

who the fuck is jontron

>> No.6628190
File: 91 KB, 800x547, 145840-the-firemen-snes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it overrated, underrated or accurately rated?

>> No.6628210

Just go away and never come on this board again. You're annoying people.

>> No.6628234

Super Metroid is already mentioned enough and probably overrated.
The music was mostly ear-rape and the controls were subpar compared to the sequels.
I liked the game but everytime I read some idiot blindly praise the music and the controls, I can't help but wonder if he's retarded, delusional, or nostalgia-goggled.

A Super Metroid with controls on par with the sequels and better music, now that would be a masterpiece.

>> No.6628321

Do you mean the Nintendo System OP?

>> No.6628330

i can tell you're an autist by the fact that you're arguing semantics like an obnoxious plebbitor. I've seen it called hidden gem, and i don't even give a fuck about what johntron says i just copy/pasted the first few google results for "aladdin snes hidden gem".
>And no, I'm not watching a youtube video.
how convenient. The title itself calls it a hidden gem and his viewers agree.

>> No.6628335

he's not me, autismo faggot. You're the only annoying one here, get the fuck out of my thread.

>> No.6628363

Mona Lisa is such a bad picture, just a women portrait meh. Overrated.

To all who are bashing on Chrono Trigger or Super Metroid.
If you can’t acknowledge greatness, even if it’s something you don’t like personally, then your nothing else but an idiot or contrarian.
I’m not a fan of CT either but how some people here talk over it is just pathetic and wrong.
Atleast put in good arguments and make our board look less stupid.

>> No.6628373 [DELETED] 

>i can tell you're an autist by the fact that you're arguing semantics like an obnoxious plebbitor. I've seen it called hidden gem, and i don't even give a fuck about what johntron says i just copy/pasted the first few google results for "aladdin snes hidden gem".

Holy shit how fucking retarded are you?

You said it was a hidden gem, I patiently went through all your examples except for the video one and they were all a load of horseshit that had nothing like hidden gem in them. Nothing related to hidden gem in any way.

Now you're saying I'm autistic because I pointed that out? I have hardly never seen such a load of fucking bullshit even on this board. You fucking ape, you should be apologizing and saying yeah I was right about that and it was a terrible error of yours. What you did there was the sort of mistake you could go for years on 4chan without seeing - cause that's what I've done.

There was nothing "convenient" about me leaving anything out. You know I actually read the second part of your post first and I thought oh maybe I will go check that out, but after read that absolute shit then it intolerable even for me. I don't get paid enough which would be a lot to deal with people like you.

>> No.6628378

>i can tell you're an autist by the fact that you're arguing semantics like an obnoxious plebbitor. I've seen it called hidden gem, and i don't even give a fuck about what johntron says i just copy/pasted the first few google results for "aladdin snes hidden gem".

You are really incredibly retarded. You said it was a hidden gem, I patiently went through all your examples except for the video one and they were all a load of horseshit that had nothing like hidden gem in them. Nothing related to hidden gem in any way.

Now you're saying I'm autistic because I pointed that out? I have hardly never seen such a load of fucking bullshit even on this board. You fucking ape, you should be apologizing and saying yeah I was right about that and it was a terrible error of yours. What you did there was the sort of mistake you could go for years on 4chan without seeing - cause that's what I've done. The only "hidden gem" here is this level of retardation, you know it's like so rare that anyone would be at this level it almost makes it valuable, like a thing of wonder.

There was nothing "convenient" about me leaving anything out. You know I actually read the second part of your post first and I thought oh maybe I will go check that out, but after read that absolute shit then it intolerable even for me. I don't get paid enough which would be a lot to deal with people like you.

>> No.6628391

Don’t waste your time on someone who just googles 5 links. Copy pasting it in and using them as arguments which makes them completely invalid.
He didn’t check his own links.

>> No.6628619

>You are really incredibly retarded. You said it was a hidden gem
i said it's CONSIDERED a hidden gem. I'm not engaging with your spergout. In my own experience i've seen it considered a hidden gem. I'm not reading any more of your drivel.
sorry for not writing a research thesis on proving that i've heard people call a SNES game a hidden gem. Such a preposterous idea! as if there aren't people out there who call fucking earthbound and banjo Kazooie hidden gems

>> No.6628730

Overrated: Secret of Mana. Very Grindy and I didn't like the ring system. Delayed every fight. Bosses are real pain especially the last one.
Underrated: Terranigma. Mainly because Americans didn't play it I suppose. It's the best RPG on the Snes by far. The story and themes are more advance than ff6 which seems child like in comparison.

>> No.6631490

Based fireman

>> No.6631545
File: 38 KB, 720x697, 60E81C26-647F-4612-894E-75CF753A9E76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The story is consistent and satisfying
A sword is your father and a tree is your mother...

I'm playing Chrono Trigger on the DS for the first time in my life (i'm 28) right now and it fucking blows Secret of Mana out of the water but i was never really a Mana fan since i grew up with Evermore

>> No.6631568
File: 90 KB, 320x320, 9F6FA806-D7B9-4E68-B4C3-B79655BED57D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking kys how can anyone have such shit taste

>> No.6632203

assuming i don't give a shit about vidya stories, should i play this or illusion of gaia first?

>> No.6632216

IoG first, Psycho Dream, D-Fantasy (1996) and lastly Terranima.