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File: 16 KB, 480x360, godbye chao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6614424 No.6614424 [Reply] [Original]

>Chao will have a happy life in a faraway forest. You will neer see your Chao again.
>Once you say good-bye to Chao, you will never see that Chao again. Are you sure?
>You will never see your Chao again. Are you absolutely sure?
>All right. Say good-bye! Good-bye Chao. Take care!
>Chao has returned to a faraway forest. It will surely have a happy life.


>> No.6614437

So long little bitch

>> No.6614445

I miss those Neopets-esque gradients and linework.

>> No.6614486
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>10 minutes later

>> No.6614936

I wish they'd make a new chao raising game

>> No.6614939

Faraway Forest is just the Sonic version of The Farm.

>> No.6614941

literally the hardest decision six year old me ever made

>> No.6614948

ooo ooo

>> No.6614951
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>> No.6614960

the dark chao gets in front of me and goes "ooo-PAAAAW!!", many tiimes, as if he was spitting on my face
what to do with this little brat??

>> No.6614965
File: 19 KB, 236x261, C4863286-0610-451E-8234-6FFB36781524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe me, the game doesn’t let you go far enough....

>> No.6614968

>tfw didn't know you could shake the eggs to hatch them as a kid
>thought the literal only way to hatch them was to throw the egg at the wall
>tfw all my chaos were retarded and hated me from birth

>> No.6614975

we're in 2020... cant people mod this shit??

>> No.6614984

Some basedlord finally did a mod where the little shits drown after struggling too long in the water, but it’s kind of janky.

>> No.6614991
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gonna be honest: this thing is creepy as fuck
so i thought "hey there must be creepypastas of this thing out there"

are there? do not fail me internet, this shit got potential

>> No.6615130

how old are you?

>> No.6615163


>> No.6615256

The fact that they never made a chao garden game makes sega a bunch of fucking cowards.

>> No.6615589
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>> No.6615638

>mouth moves into several shapes while sonic shouts
I miss this game. I bought it on steam for like $1 though.

>> No.6615652

I remember I deleted my little brother's chao and he cried for almost an hour

>> No.6615789

is that a dx or a dreamcast thing

>> No.6616007


>> No.6616191

I made my little brother cry after I abused our first chao to death, so I reset the game and spent like an hour petting it into reincarnating.

>> No.6616239

>that mod where the chao can drown if it doesn't know how to swim

>> No.6616619


>> No.6617172

they could just make a mobile game..

>> No.6617202

VMUs are pretty mobile

>> No.6617376
File: 209 KB, 500x766, 7e5b919280de3e44ff48b2d1a2c47738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can this little cheese make it alive?

>> No.6617385

forgot to add
what are its stats??

>> No.6617391

Nudity 0%
Swearing 0%
Drugs 0%
Flexers 0%
Raw Talent 100%

>> No.6617634

Chao Garden was insanely complex and detailed for something that was supposed to be a side minigame

>> No.6617646

I am genuinely perplexed as to why they haven't touched the idea since 2001, lots of people who otherwise hate SA2 dig the Chao Garden.

>> No.6617710

This answers an admittedly fucked up question I always had: does anyone or anything actually eat chao? When they're young they are especially defenseless.

>> No.6617734
File: 49 KB, 623x702, 51859304-DBE0-4E5A-93DA-9880068C8B6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it’s decided, we need a new Chao Garden, but this time with:
Am I forgetting anything?

>> No.6617815

Drowning is already a thing in the Chao World Extended mod:

Funny thing is, the face-down-in-the-water animation is actually called "drowning" and is in the main game, albeit unused.

>> No.6618340 [DELETED] 

the races are pure scenery porn

>> No.6618809

chao races are pure scenery porn

>> No.6618814

A version of it appeared in the Sonic Advance games but I think that's as far as it went.

>> No.6618826

reality is this existed


>> No.6619039
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>> No.6620264 [DELETED] 


>> No.6622002
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This comment...
Moist Krab

I once bought an orange rare egg off the black market for 600 rings. When I returned to the Chao Garden I hatched the egg. Now obviously I had heard on forums and the official In-game tips that your Chao's personality differs depending on how you hatch the egg. I tried to to get the good personality by shaking the egg for a while. The egg would not hatch... So, I threw the egg at the wall. I was so happy and proud immediately! I pet the chao and saw a sour expression on his face and questioned it. I pet him once more and saw it again. Now being as dumb as I an I thought: "He's so ungrateful! I'll punish him! He'll learn!" I then threw the Chao at the wall... He began to cry.. I felt heartbroken... I couldn't believe myself! I then pet him and hoped he would feel better; the same expression came up again, like he hated me! Again, being dumb I thought: "I'll do it again and fix him!" so... I threw him at the wall AGAIN. He began crying again. Again, I felt heartbroken and pet him. He yet again showed hate towards me. I took him to the chao transporter and choose the goodbye option. I heard this music, saw the sad illustration of the chao who had been abandoned and sent away with the bindle, and read the words "Chao will live a happy life in a faraway forest. You will never see chao again." I nearly cried. I ultimately chose not to in the end. I accepted this... That my chao just hates me... I got him named at the fortune teller; I went with the second name, Rascal. I returned to the Garden and saw him having headaches.. I felt so overwhelmingly horrible!! I took Rascal to the doctor and apparently he is alright! I know he isn't though... I know this is my fault. I will never EVER be mean to a chao again, or say goodbye to a chao. Rascal still gets horrible headaches to this day, and it's my fault... but Rascal does not hate me anymore! He shows great love towards me and I hope that his headaches will eventually be gone.

>> No.6622318

never relly watched jp sonic x, so
does he go "ooo ooo" as he should??? cuz in my dub i can only remember "CHAO CHAO!" (something like that)

if not, then what a fucking bullshit. because really, why not use the main games voices or VAs???

>> No.6622323

copr faggot tranny zooom zoom zoooooooooooooooooooooom zoomerino

>> No.6622904

I think so, yeah. The dub was just shit all around thanks to 4kids.

>> No.6622913

look who's having a beer

>> No.6623105

I joked that i threw them like footballs.

>> No.6623505

goddamn sonic fans are such fags
glad I stuck with Mario

>> No.6624591 [DELETED] 

wtf? chao could legit get sick??

are the bs the doctor tells you a bug or what?? ("NO IT CAN'T BE...! your chao is very healthy xd")

>> No.6625227

That's already a thing you fucking chao secondary filthy casual newfag

>> No.6625240
File: 242 KB, 350x433, BadIdeaFucko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6625290

People actually played the Chao Garden? I'm not sure who's more autistic here. Me, for not wanting anything to do with the pet raising/parental minigame, or you guys for devoting any time at all to a digital pet.

I've always kinda hated expansive minigames like this, Chocobo breeding, Triple Triad, Blitzball, the ant mining thing in Dragon Quarter, Gwent and now that I'm a grown ass man, I'm can actually feel my impending death playing these weird, unfun distractions from the core game.

>> No.6625324

I remember someone making a fanmade sonic application for the (phat) (hacked) psp's back in the day that raised those. I've never been into sonic much at all; what's their point?

>> No.6625337
File: 66 KB, 640x660, 1478004874783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahaha pain on lesser human funny XD

>> No.6625402
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enter the Chao race
>My Chao is the only one that's a Frankenstein-like abomination of multiple animals
I remember reading up guides online about how to make them look like Sonic or Knuckles, I thought they looked neat, but the steps seemed a bit too complex and takes way too long to me as a kid. Too much effort for something I didn't really care about all that much

>> No.6626116 [DELETED] 

You had all the time in the world...

>> No.6626135

archons visit to feed on this though

>> No.6626321

Aren't they basically slime creatures like Chaos though? You even see Cheese kinda wobbling like he's made out of water in the Sonic Heroes CG cutscenes. Can't imagine they'd be very nutritious.

>> No.6626326

They only do that if you were shitty to them in the first place.

>> No.6626327

What should that matter, I’m in charge!

>> No.6626337

All you had to do for Sonic chao was give them only green chao drives and animals in the speed category, how is that complex? I'll give you that it takes too long, especially since Sonic chao star green and slowly turn blue, but as a kid you have all the time in the world, i'd leave my TV on while I played my Gameboy or something waiting for those fuckers to change shape.

You could not get a Knuckles chao without cheating, there were several chao like that. I think you could get a Tails chao through Phantasy Star Online.