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/vr/ - Retro Games

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658485 No.658485 [Reply] [Original]

We make the worst retro game
>game has 20 numbers passwords and no saving function
>to continue you need to solve puzzles with no help à la simon's quest
>it's controls are buggy and oversensitive
>2D with around 3 colors+tones black, red and white
>end boss is either too easy or too hard - unbalanced difficulty
>fans still pray for a sequel and pay 900$ for a copy

>> No.658489

>The passwords all consist of similar-style letters and numbers such as I1l0OB8

>> No.658501

no continues

>> No.658504
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>parts of the game need real life physical objects to complete sold separately

>> No.658508

I don't promise a thing, but I might actually make this game just for the heck of it.

>> No.658512

You have a health bar but you still die in one hit. Health bar is pure cosmetic

>> No.658523

A /vr/ project thread would be something good to have here IMO. Something like what /vp/ is doing with their Generation /vp/ vidya.

>> No.658531

I thought that commitment is what this project wouldn't need, of all.

>> No.658536

>winning a "press the x button repeatedly very quickly"-style minigame twice in a row is crucial to get a good ending. Also you have to press it faster than masterbating Sonic.

>> No.658546

No air control during a jump.

RPG stats, you aren't told how they grow or what they effect. One stat does literally nothing. Another has a stupid name, isn't from the usual set like STR/DEX/INT and is disproportionally important.

Your projectile attack travels a short distance. Enemy's can travel the entire screen.

>> No.658548

Objects in the foreground hiding holes and enemies.

>> No.658559

>in Daggerfall
>there is a PER stat
>give it some points thinking it's Perception
>it's Personality
>start the game again

>> No.658560
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No moving while jumping or crouching.

>> No.658579

Sorry for saying something that was already said.

An 8 second music track that constantly loops and when you attack it briefly pauses the music.

>> No.658584

>you have to rapidly press the face buttons clockwise to fill up a gauge that constantly goes down in order to avoid the final boss's last attack. If you die, you start back from 6-1.

>> No.658586


have to beat a rock scissors paper match to finish the level, if you fail back to start and the computer cheats

>> No.658592

in addition, all your attacks make the same obnoxious electronic squeak that goes on juuuust a little too long to be impactful.

>> No.658618

>Your projectile attack travels a short distance. Enemy's can travel the entire screen.

Even better, yours can travel the entire screen, but it's slow and you can only fire one at a time. Enemy's can fire multiple attacks, are fast.

No damage invincibility frames, no knockback unless you're in the air in which case, you always gravitate towards the closest pitfall.

>> No.658697

1 life, no continues, hidden penalty for dying that can only be removed by resetting the game instead of restarting from the title screen

>> No.658781

>hidden penalty for dying that can only be removed by resetting the game instead of restarting from the title screen
oh god, did games actually do that?

>> No.658807

>die on collision with enemy
>have melee weapon with extremely short range
>make running enemies constantly spawn either side of the screen

>have areas where enemies are constantly firing bullets on the ledge you need to jump up
>items can only be picked up when your feet are touching the base of the item
>die from falling a height just above the average height between one ledge and another, have to walk off all ledges not to die (fucking Terminator)

>> No.658817
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What language/platform?
I make Flash games and I figure it'd never be worth applying

>> No.658823

I liked StarTropics though

>> No.658829

contra with no bullets

>> No.658835
File: 21 KB, 298x250, ResettiSSBB[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did someone say resetting

>> No.658837

>If you die, you start back from 6-1.
And there are 20 worlds.

>> No.658836



Please don't ask.

I'll get to work once the thread dies. Maybe.

>> No.658841


>> No.658845

Also the world design makes no sense, e.g. world 1 has 12 levels, world 2 has 9, world 3 has 16

Ans there's a warp zone in 19-14 that sends you back to world 7

>> No.658850
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I didn't realize his name was Resetti. That makes the game ten times more kawaii.

>> No.658847

And world 10 isn't even a world, it's just a boss battle

>> No.658854

Before moving to the screen with the final boss, you must hard-reset your system in order for the boss' life bar to move at all. There is no warning prompted by the game or any official strategy guide.

>> No.658857

>There's a pipe that will take you back to world 1 in the final stage. There are multiple pipes. They're random every time. One of those pipes has a special item that's required to beat the final boss.

>World 10 is a boss rush with all bosses from worlds 1-9, if you die, you start back from world 1

>> No.658863

>if you enter the final boss stage without hard-resetting, it is impossible to beat him without starting all over again

>> No.658876


>> No.658890

>passwords are only made up of combinations of capital I, lowercase l, number 1, capital O, number 0
>in a font that makes distinguishing them nearly impossible
>passwords are 150 characters long

>> No.658909

You only get 1 health per life despite the screen being a cluster fuck of tiny, indistinguishable bullets and explosions at all times and the dying animation is like 10 minutes long.

>> No.658910

In dark grey at 6pt font regardless of resolution on a black background. Also the text moves around.

>> No.658916


>This is also the Product key that you need to active the game to begin with.

>> No.658919

>20 numbers
It uses Chinese, Japanese and Korean symbols.

>> No.658923

Sprite flicker will of course ensure that many of the projectiles cannot even be seen.

>> No.658925

>2D with around 3 colors+tones black, red and white
No, we can do worse
>Early 3d models over low-res prerendered background
>With platforming

>> No.658924

Same controls as the NES Dragon's Lair.

>> No.658932


I think it's worth adding that the mini bosses should also appear out of fucking nowhere and open with an attack that is muscle memory dodge tier.

>> No.658934

It also resets whenever you leave the screen, and it sounds like the 32x Doom soundtrack.

>> No.658939

At one point, you have to open the way to a secret dungeon by pushing a block. The button to push blocks is "reset" on the console.

>> No.658947
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Has been done

>> No.658949

Isometric can still be used to roughly calculate distance, look at Sonic 3d. We should go for full top down with extended platforming sections featuring lots of forwards and backwards jumping aka Mario & Luigi.

>> No.658951

Bubsy 3D?

>> No.658959
File: 58 KB, 325x480, Highlander-Jaguar-_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Bubsy had 3d backgrounds
I meant more along the lines of Highlander

>> No.658960

>passwords use obscure symbols are barely distinguishable from one another

>first person platforming with pixel perfect jumps and the camera is locked during movement. no analog sticks, you have to hold a button to move the camera with the d-pad. Camera controls are inversed

>> No.658970

It has 3D "backgrounds", but they have no textures at all, and the camera gets locked to a top down view whenever you jump. I think it has no shadows either. It is the definition of full retard development.

>> No.658968

>The button to select options in the menu is select

>> No.658975

Highlander had a static camera and you could get locked between two screens if an enemy attacked you on the edge.
Hell, Spoony did a very good recap of the infinite flaws of that pile of shit. And I agree with him in full.

>> No.658982

>this entire thread
If you need someone who can do professional design and documentation, I can pitch in.

>> No.658989

It should be designed on cocktail napkins

>> No.658985

The point is that we don't want it to be professional quality, though.

>> No.658995

Used cocktail napkins. Eat some wings first.

>> No.658991

>Pixel perfect jumps on small platforms
>Each platform has an enemy on it who will knock you out of the air with a projectile attack
>You have no projectile attacks

>> No.658994

written in crayon the same color as the napkin

>> No.659000

>can't knock back enemy projectiles with your weapon, so if they attack while you're jumping towards them, you're fucked

>> No.659003

>every time you press the jump button, another enemy spawns behind you

>> No.659001

Professional quality just meant it's neat and readable. Doesn't mean I'd make it playable.
Well, I would. Playable, but annoying to no end.

>> No.659002

The player has no invulnerability period after getting hit.
The player has a stun animation when hit.
The player's attacking animation takes a second to actually attack, and a long cooldown.

>> No.659008

>invisible damage tiles on the floor that drain all your health within seconds if you stand on them

>> No.659016

The game tracks body part damage
Body part damage persists beyond death
There is no jump button. You have to mash the button in order to build up strength to jump, then hold it down to jump, and release to land safely.
If your legs are damaged, the timing changes

>> No.659013

>The boss has an attack that will charm your entire party so they attack each other
>There is no way to negate this attack
>Charm does not wear off when you take damage

>> No.659018

We forgot the most important part.

>Deep engrossing story
>No wrap up
>The final boss cuts straight to the end credits which cuts straight to "the end" which returns to the title

>> No.659024

>You can run, but doing so requires you to rapidly mash the direction you want to run in. Pressing down just walks.

>> No.659021

I like that. That way, even though you die in one hit, the health bar has a function. Then you not only have to worry about the enemies and the ridiculously hard platforming, but you have to memorize where the damage tiles are to progress to the next level because some of them are necessary to run over quickly to get to the end of the level, and f you run over a single unnecessary damage tile for even a fraction of a second, you won't have enough health to run over the others and make it to the end of the level

>> No.659026

>stamina meter
>only 3 full seconds of running
>doesn't recharge

>> No.659027

The game breaks your console and tv and then catches fire

>> No.659029

>game has you get used to using tons of items and abilities
>final boss is in a format different from the rest of the game
>can't use any items or abilities on him
>he has six forms

>> No.659034

>the game summons a minotaur in your living room to fuck your face while you try to play the last eight worlds

>> No.659030

>Deep engrossing story
No. Just make it a massive clusterfuck and then make the game open world so you cant tell what to do.

>> No.659031

You have to press two buttons to attack. One to grab your weapon, another to swing it. You need precise timing or you'll just attack with your fist which will hurt you if you touch an enemy with it. Actually, it counts as a double collision with the enemy, you'll be damage twice.

>> No.659040

it has to be a deep engrossing story so there won't be any closure. it can still be open world and have no direction

>> No.659037

Where can I get a rom of this.

>> No.659046

Nawww man, a good story with a shitty end is like precision scarring. If it has no good element there is no incentive to play, which is why we need a good element which bombs at the very last minute.

>> No.659047
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>> No.659048

Screen shots from the back of the box only depict scenes which were cut from the game.

>> No.659050

The game makes fun of you and when you die crude pixel art of an animal fucking your mother pops up

>> No.659052


Tag lines in broken Engrish detailing features not actually found in the game.

>> No.659054

So lets recap

>Health Bar
-all enemies kill you in one hit
-touching enemies kills you
-area hazards do not kill, just take healths rapidly
-a single slow bullet projectile. Can only have one on screen.
-a short range, low damage melee weapon with a windup before the attack and a cooldown after
-Pressing a direction walks. Mashing a direction runs.
-Pressing jump does nothing. Mashing jump builds up power. Holding jump jumps. Releasing jump braces for landing to prevent falling damage.
-falling over 25% of the screen kills you. Ledges are 30% apart.
-No Saves
-No Continues
-20 character password, made up of I, l, 1, 0, O, B and 8 only, in small, hard to read font
-Using a password locks out the good ending
-20 worlds
-All world have a random number of levels
-Except World 10, which is a boss rush
-All worlds have a boss
-All warp zones lead backwards

>> No.659056

>You have to jump by pressing up.

>your player character doesn't look anything like the art on the box

>> No.659057

Legend of dragoon pls
What are you doing
Oh god why

>> No.659060
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Levels will be completely horizontally symmetric from the middle, including enemy placement, and the direction the enemies are facing.

Enemies facing away from you as you progress through the second half of the level will run backwards or shoot their projectiles backwards through their own bodies to damage you.

>> No.659064

I don't think you should die in one hit or you won't get the experience of >>659002 and Ninja Gaiden/Castlevania hijinks of getting hit into pits of doom.

>> No.659068

You die in TWO hits.
This can be upgraded to three hits if you wear armour
You cannot jump in armour

>> No.659074

The game has a revolutionary untested autosave system

There is only one level. The final boss is at the end of the level. It takes 30 seconds to get there and beat him. The level adds more and more enemies each time you beat the game until it can handle no more enemies and crashes. Then it saves.

Every time you try to restart the game it autoloads the file and then crashes and saves.

You can't remove the save battery because it will break the game.

The game was $70. It came with a pamphlet by the company saying if you have any problems with the game send it in with $20 and they will send you a new copy.

After two years you get the package. You open it up and all it is is 50 copies of a picture of a man smiling at you.

>> No.659081

You have a gigantic healthbar and take only one peg of damage from enemy hits.

However, if you get hit by an enemy, you fly slowly backward 1 pixel per second until you reach the nearest bottomless pit where you then fall straight down.

>> No.659082

>three hits
This is already easier than many games.

>> No.659079

>the box comes with a piece of paper written in gibberish, and a password that you input on a website to get instructions on how to decode the paper, which is a scavenger hunt detailing where to find another piece of paper that has instructions on how to beat the final form of the boss by inputting a complicated button combination to destroy his shield

but it doesn't actually tell you which website

>> No.659085

>getting hit by an enemy makes you fly backwards 10% of the level
>getting hit while wearing armor makes you fly forwards

>> No.659084

>20 numbers passwords

You think that's bad? Take a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_owDUBxm7w

>> No.659090

Note the part where you can't jump if you're armoured.

>> No.659091

and the armor cannot be removed

>> No.659094

>but it doesn't actually tell you which website
When you finally find the website, you discover that it was shut down in 1996.

>> No.659098

You can't run either.

And it was never archived.

>> No.659102

I don't know if it's because I'm a little bit drunk and I have this open in another tab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiJy2GT_fBQ but that was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

>> No.659106

My fucking nigga.

>> No.659108


You have to defeat each letter in the password before you can enter it. Getting killed during entry gives you a new password. Entering that password takes you back to the password fight in which you died.

>> No.659115

>fly backwards 10% of the level
>levels are essentially 4 miles long from the character's point of view

Camel - Lady Fantasy

>> No.659117

>You have a health bar but you still die in one hit. Health bar is pure cosmetic

You have a health bar, but all enemies and enemy bullets drain all of it in one hit. The only things that drain a small portion of it are actions that most players will commonly make, such as falling from high places, bumping into walls, etc.

Also there are items that reduce life, too. Their containers are located in parts where it's easy to mistakenly use your weapon to hit an enemy, but instead you end up breaking the container and picking up the item.

>> No.659120

Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Pictures at an Exhibition

God this game is the embodiment of prog rock

>> No.659128

>You have to defeat each letter in the password before you can enter it.
The most common letter is the hardest one to beat.

>> No.659129

If the game sees you have been falling for so long you will die when you hit the ground, it just kills you in mid air like Action 52.

>> No.659135

The game requires a copy of War And Peace. The game asks you to find a certain word on a certain paragraph on a certain page on the book to make sure you didn't pirate the game. The locations it gives you are wrong. If you fail or can't find the word in 3 minutes, the save is deleted and the game autocorrupts meaning you have to reinstall it which is a pain in the ass

The game does not come with a copy of War And Peace.

>> No.659151

The game must be installed from 5 discs
To play the game, you must insert disc 6
Disc 6 only contain the main menu. After you start the actual game, you are prompted to insert Disc 5

>> No.659157

>getting killed in the password screen

Okay you win

>> No.659158

So, we need some character/enemy designs and backgrounds too, so I can make this

>> No.659162

>game tells you to enter words from the Bible
>refers to page numbers, not verses
>doesn't tell you which version
>they mean the original Aramaic New Testament

>> No.659168

The character is a fat guy in a trenchcoat and fedora. The coat has no cloth movement at all

>> No.659172
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If you die the password mechanic shuffles as well. Effectively changing every password in the game into something else completely at random.

>> No.659175


The password letters cast healing spells on themselves. Each time the spell is cast, the letter changes.

>> No.659176

Oh, and they all have a shit eating grin

>> No.659171

All the enemies fly outside your reach but can stun you with a screech and then come down and pick you up and drop you in a hole and you can't do anything to escape

>> No.659181

This process can take up to 60 seconds and is unskippable

>> No.659186


The colors are poorly matched, making the character look naked and well-endowed.

>> No.659196

Most of the story is written in finnish
The rest is google translated into english

>> No.659192

Dev team can't into math and all your attacks do 1/8th of the intended damage

The translator working on the game translated everything up to the first town and then lied to his bosses about it being complete.

>> No.659194

One stage has enemies with bullets that only stun you, and they don't even take any amount of health away. However, when you get hit by these bullets you get pushed back.

The only part of the stage where these enemies appear is during a series of jumps that require pixel-perfect timingto make it, and the enemies are positioned in a way that you can't reach them at all with your attacks, but they can fire at you without a problem.

Said stage has no checkpoints. If you die, you start from the beginning of the stage every time.

>> No.659212
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>> No.659208

Every time you beat a level, you get to hear a 16-bit voice (a la NBA Jam) say "Yeah boiii" in the voice of Flava Flav.

>> No.659219

What the FUCK is wrong with you, Anon?

>> No.659215
File: 73 KB, 524x468, 1367458211877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please.... no

>> No.659216

All the enemies move like those annoying red demons from Ghosts and Goblins. There are medusa heads in every level.

>> No.659224

After every few levels, there should be a tedious, mandatory mini-game that involves an entirely new gameplay mechanic. Maybe a driving section with cheating AI?

>> No.659241

"I'm hungry, bring me some food"
>18 translations later
"They with hunger. Selling food on the streets smile."

>> No.659239

A shmup with nonexistant hitboxes, and you can not move in a curve.

>> No.659247

Jesus. That's too far.

>> No.659251

The entire game plays in permanent slowmode, including the music.

>> No.659261

>>to continue you need to solve puzzles with no help
I actually like this.

>> No.659260

An auto-scrolling stage in which you navigate a ship through a winding, narrow path, and touching the walls make you start from the beginning.

>> No.659267

The music is also low end genesis sound card port tier music.


>> No.659297

There is a timer that times how long it takes for you to beat the game. If you don't complete under a certain time limit, you have to start from the beginning. To get the good ending, your timer has to end with a zero. And other time and you have to start over. There is no onscreen timer and there's no way to check it within the game.

>> No.659298


>> No.659291

I can also help. What style would this be in? 16-bit? 8-bit?

>In the year 19XX, the evil Viron, king of the Dark Dimension, invaded our world. Now you must fight his evil forces to save Orange City and the world!

>In King's dark dimension, turn 19XX year in evil in our world. Now you must fight his evil forces to save the city and the world orange!

>> No.659320

Some enemies would be in 8-bit, some 16-bit, and some low-res 3d models

>> No.659316

I thought we were making the worst game ever?

>> No.659317

Through the game, you find several items which don't seem important at all, and they don't seem like anything special in the descriptions. However, some of them are required to finish the game.

If you don't have those items, you'll die without any explanation in the middle of the last stage. There is no indication at all as for what the correct items are.

Also, one of them is given to you by a NPC that acts really nice to you. After he/she gives the item to you, you must kill him/her. If you don't, the game will continue normally, but right after you defeat the final boss, that NPC will appear and kill you.

Passwords do not keep track of having killed this NPC. The game will always assume you didn't when using a password. He/she is found in early stages.

>> No.659327

As bad as possible without looking intentionally bad. Whatever style you want.

>> No.659331
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Every time you die, you get this screen with Lavos shrieking in the background. The volume also turns itself up every time.

>> No.659341

Every time you fail a jump, a voice says "where did you learn to jump". Sounds the same as that one jaguar game AVGN reviewed.

>> No.659367
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The game should not scroll horizontally and should instead load a new background whenever you reach the edge of the screen. There should be pits to jump over on the edges so the game pauses briefly mid-jump to load the next screen. Pic related.

>> No.659358
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>all the lines spoken by npcs are translated 35 times through bing

>> No.659379

It does the same thing vertically, like in kid kool. You have to jump over the top of the screen constantly, jumps are floaty as fuck.

>> No.659380

shmup with pokemon style grid movement

>> No.659389

Reminds me of this:


>> No.659410

>if you sit too close to the screen in a dark room and watch the full 20 minute (unskippable) intro, you will have a seizure and go into a coma for the next eight years, and when you wake up, you will be a vegetable
>a literal vegetable, like, corn

>> No.659450

That was so lame and I laughed so hard

>> No.659447

>it's made by 4chan
there ya go, worst game ever

>> No.659462

corn is a grain, not a vegetable

>> No.659487
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Is this BAD enough?

>> No.659532


>> No.659537
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It's been done.

>> No.659538

I'm feeling 8-bit

>> No.659563
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>> No.659663
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>Even better, yours can travel the entire screen, but it's slow and you can only fire one at a time. Enemy's can fire multiple attacks, are fast.

>> No.659685

>go through it all and get the hint
"attack the glowing red weakpoint"

>> No.659689

>It features 20 required jump puzzles to move on to the next section of the screen.

>> No.659696

aniki do you even hoshi wo miru hoto

>invisible towns
>exiting a town places you somewhere on the map that's nowhere fucking near the town
>no canceling menu commands in combat, if you pick magic you have to pick a spell, if you have 0 mp tough shit you just commited to casting a failed spell
>HP and MP are rounded up so fucking far in the display that enemies are literally doing "fractional" damage that does not display, so you get hit for 30 damage and your HP goes from 50 to 49

>> No.659708


>> No.659720

>you can be hit into a corner by stun bullets, and get trapped by an enemy that repetedly shoots you
>falling into a pit doesn't kill you, it's just to high to jump out of so you have to reset the console to start over
>each level has a different time limit, the timer is not shown, you don't get a gameover when the timer runs out but have to restart the level if you don't finish it fast enough

>> No.659773

>Your hitbox is your sprite+1 pixel in each direction
>Enemy weapons use the same rule
>Enemy touch damage use the same rule
>Enemies hitbox to damage is -2 pixels each side

>> No.659781
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oh jesus why - why would they do that, I don't think ed gien is as much of a sadist as those game designers

>> No.659802

>there are two hitboxes, one tiny one for interacting with platforms, one huge one for interacting with bullets and enemys
>start to move left, select to move right, up to ready a jump, left to ready a weapon, b to fire weapon or jump

>> No.659985

>getting killed in the password screen


>> No.660078

Colors needs to be shittier. Its not enough of an eyesore.

>> No.661180

Every so often, pressing a button will also activate what an adjacent button does. Like run you off a cliff.

Very rarely, a certain difficult button combo will activate a really powerful move. But only when there's little to no enemies on screen. You'll never be able to figure out how to do it again because it's random every time.

>> No.661390

It comes with an add-on, a nigh-imposible to use controller, clearly meant for some hypothetical race of 3-handed people from the moon. This is required to play the game, as it has a single button, used to bypass the start screen as an anti-piracy measure. Switching the controller causes the game to freeze.

>> No.661407

Make that a single additional button, bit of ambiguous diction there.

>> No.661413
File: 30 KB, 530x291, miyamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Japanese version is godly
>PSD expensive

>> No.661427

player character should be a vaguely human-looking blob of pixels that is so jagged-looking, it's practically two squares stuck together

with two frames of animation

>> No.661435
File: 63 KB, 356x394, reset.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be one of these, in a spot that could easily be mistaken as a screwhole.

Sorry for shitty pic, google images.

>> No.661438
File: 39 KB, 546x277, iteclado_alphagrip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use this controller. The game only uses 3-4 buttons. Sometimes, it'll feel like the buttons don't work. That's because every time you press a button, the layout is randomized.

>> No.661450

Make the protagonist miserable, and make his death animation as if he was happy to die.

Or he just takes his own life.

>> No.661460

That actually looks pretty functional.

>> No.661471
File: 491 KB, 200x154, friday_gif_collection_07.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only characters allowed in the password are O and 0 and the game only flashes the thirty digit password for three seconds.

Yfw It's caps sensitive

>> No.661469
File: 87 KB, 600x800, powerglove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an early waggle controler which weighs a ton and is hard to keep hold of
>it requires 12 batteries of a non-standard size which have to be ordered from the developer
> the cable is extremely short and pulls out of the console and time you try to waggle it

>> No.661504

When you finish the game, it just ends on the 'congratulations' screen... it doesn't go back to the title or anything, your progress isn't saved...

I always hated that

>> No.661521

contra with a revolver and limited bullets spread throughout the stage.

>> No.661527
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>> No.661542
File: 23 KB, 229x249, 1365705309516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Major plot twists involving heritage and betrayal.

>> No.661553

/tg/ style WH40K plot twist in a fantasy setting, but after you've invested in the fantasy setting and none of your previously acquired items or levels have any use.

it takes around 50 hours on a single run to reach this point.

>> No.661559

When you beat the game there is no winning screen, it just cuts to the title.

>> No.661562

The Jaguar controller merged with the N64 one, and with some feature related to motion controls like PS3's sixaxis.

>> No.661579

>has complicated mazes that take up 85% of playing time
>extended periods of pitch black platforming
>unidentifiable sprites for items bad guys etc.
>pixel perfect jumps frequently
>first level is hardest level
>backtracking for items/you can miss required items to access last level

>> No.661589

>randomly generated maps with invisible traps and a timelimit
>beutiful epic overworld theme, interupted every few seconds by battle theme which is the crazybus music

>> No.661593

read maps as mazes

>> No.661604

in order to get a map you need to complete a maze

a map only reveals the maze you just completed, except for one which reveals the over-world.

there are 12 maps in the entirety, each maze contains monsters, the mazes are unlit and require the use of torches that can only be bought from fighting monsters inside the maze.

>> No.661610

The music gets stopped by sounds effects. All of them. And they sound like the ones in Atari 2600 games.

>> No.661608

I agree with this anon:
If you can make the models inconsistent it would stand out even more. As if they outsourced different enemies.

>> No.661613
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>> No.661636
File: 56 KB, 640x464, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this

>> No.661672

>And a keycard every time you want to use it
>Oh shoot, the card was printed on acidy paper with UV sensitive ink

>> No.661674
File: 32 KB, 640x429, 1225298598-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.661696

While the number of stages in each world is random (i.e. World 1 has 12, World 2 has 9, World 3 has 16), at least half of them are ice levels. If you're unfortunate enough to have picked up the armor, you cannot proceed because you can't leap over the gaps and are unable to stop yourself once in motion.

>> No.661714

The music is 8-bit renditions of popular music, but with sound effects and random noise added to disguise that fact

>> No.661832

You have HP/MP bars.

Depleting either is a game over.

To extend this to the earlier ideas of environmental and enemy damge:

Environment always does HP, enemies always do MP. Except for one world where it's reversed.

>> No.662254

>falling into a pit doesn't kill you, it's just to high to jump out of so you have to reset the console to start over
reminds me of falling into a spike pit as super sonic and waiting for the rings to run out to die

>> No.662265

>pressing a just makes a large crude sprite of a monkey appear, laughing at you
>the sound of the monkey laughing at you is such high quality it takes up 3/4 of the game data

>> No.662287

That actually makes sense. "You are failure, start over"

>> No.662318

>One equippable item at a time
>Must equip specific keys to open corresponding doors
>Some rooms are filled with toxic gas that drains your health, but this can be avoided by equipping a gas mask or air filter
>You need to un-equip your mask and deliberately lose health in order to unlock doors in some of the aforementioned gas rooms

>> No.662351


I do believe we've done it, gentleman.

The absolute worst game of all time.

You terrible bastards.

>> No.662432

Too bad this doesn't works in Game Dev Tycoon.

>> No.662472

Guise remember.

Extremely difficult=/=bad game.

You are doing a terribly hard game,but not actually a bad game.

>> No.662495

You must not have read the whole thread.

>> No.662517

kojima pls

>> No.662652

oh god, this thread.

my sides have ascended into the heavens

>> No.662740
File: 138 KB, 1236x1600, le gabeface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaben has blessed this thread.

he says, "Do it, my sons."

>> No.663313


>> No.663391

Slow SNES Square-stlye scenery panning everywhere

>> No.663396

>random bushes in the background can kill you if you touch them
>clouds are in the foreground for some reason

>> No.663459

>flying hotdogs shooting ketchup at you
>doesn't fit the tone of the game at all

>> No.663486

low enemies make fart noises

>> No.663578


>> No.663593

Guys, is this shit actually happening? Is someone gonna try making a real game out of it?

>> No.663840

all the in game music is public domain muic - mary had a little lamb and that kind of thing. the oscilators are out of tune with each other and when a sound effect is played it always cuts out the melody line rather than the bass or harmony part

>> No.663891

The passwords also use a color system for each character. There are 10 colors. Yellow, orange, brown look similar.

>> No.663908

No. They'll do a few graphics and then get bored.

>> No.664001

>space horror game
>each boss is a mascot of a fast food company

>> No.664004

I thinkit ahould be called something annoying like Gutblood: the bloodening guts of 1000 bloods bloodened part 8 version 3.14159 Mega ultimate nuclear platinum special omg directors cut edition. And make references to previous versions in the game that do not exist.

>> No.664015

"Sequel to the best selling Gutblood franchise!"

>it's the first game

>> No.664021

or you could go the nonsensical jrpg name route
>wings of valiently forever nights: destiny of infinte journeys ultimatum

>> No.664459

"As seen in the Dendy Chronicles!"

>> No.664475


The music is taken from this game:


Your nose starts bleeding after listening to it for more than 10 minutes.

>> No.664485

Hahaha this

>> No.664537
File: 11 KB, 300x150, Zorg-300x150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure evil.

>> No.664554

front of box depicts steam punk setting

set in high fantasy

>> No.664812

Better yet, the box depicts some moe animu girls sitting at a table in a futuristic setting, singing.

The game is a platformer set in a classic fantasy world, and none of the girls in the cover appear in the game.