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File: 52 KB, 316x315, Arc_the_Lad_2_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6591117 No.6591117 [Reply] [Original]

Arc the Lad collection

>First rpg on it's console
>amazing music by t-square
same folks who do gran-turismo's music
>interesting batttle system
>unquie story for the time
>good sprite work
>first console game in which you could transfer data from the first to the second
>tons of side missions and mini-games
>awesome secret characters that extend the story and have their own segments
>monster taming and arena better than Pokemon's and debut the same year
I would even argue that it was better than FF7 and held up much better, why doesn't anyone talk about this masterpiece?

>> No.6591127

probably because it takes like 200 hours to beat it and it has like 300 hours of optional content on top of that

>> No.6591131

yeah, that was good shit when you were a kid and had an allowance instead of a job.

I spent an entire summer playing this.

>> No.6591152

it's too kino for this board.

>> No.6591164

Not sure if this is still true, but back in the day it was super hard to find, and very expensive (lots of goodies, tho). The lack of marketing didn't help.

>> No.6591180

It was 69.99 for 3 fucking games I got it from toys R' US summer of 02'.WTF are you talking about?

>> No.6591208
File: 137 KB, 752x616, kukuru-ATL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If every RPG I pick up on a whim was as good as ATLC... What a surprise this series turned out to be.

Hopefully this crap:


Sold enough to warrant a new game.

>> No.6591220

Me too man, I was thinking of picking this up. I know a fair amount of japanese, (passed the n3) hopefully I can plow through.

The PS2 ones were shit though, they lost the flavor of the series, were done by a different developer and T-square was on some bullshit in those ones.

Darc of the deimos can suck a wall of dicks.

>> No.6591274
File: 277 KB, 800x1173, 292276-arc-the-lad-kijin-fukkatsu-wonderswan-color-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what's the story with pic related?

>> No.6591316

I always meant to play it, but how bad did it got Working Designed?

>> No.6591323

>those two look familiar
>oh shit, that anime I watched as a kid is based on a game?

That's my experience with Arc the Lad.

>> No.6591325

wasn't that bad, hardly even noticeable. They didn't really alter it that much.

>> No.6591338
File: 543 KB, 500x500, arc the Lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the anime didn't do it justice, many of the cast was allocated to one episode or didn't appear at all.

>diekbeck was in one episode
>choko didn't show up
>sonia didn't either
>gruga got white washed
>chongara didn't have any of his monsters
>iga barely did anything
>poco's magical abilities weren't shown
>Lieza didn't tame many monsters

>Gallawano did turn into the ultimate chimera, but was bitch made in the anime

>vacuum cleaner guy from one mission is the villain?

That shit was a mess.

>> No.6591426

Way better than legend of dragoon that's for damn sure.

>> No.6591894

haven't played it, I want to check it out though.

>> No.6592125

I just beat AtL 1-3 recently and it's pretty good. Arc 1 is good but it's pretty short. Arc 2 I think is the best of the three, it has that creepy suburban slums feeling to it, and the music is creepy too. Arc 3 is kinda weird but it has a unique feel to it that ends everything on a good note.

>> No.6592340

>Arc 2 I think is the best of the three
even japs believe it, that's why it have an anime adaptation

>> No.6592461

i cant afford this game.

>> No.6592676

This is all a quote:

It is a pretty good game I think.
You can feel Arc 2 in the game right at the beginning. Not as horrible as the Fire Guardian massacre but close.

The game has a Terminator like story. 500 years after Arc 3 the world is going to be destroyed and enslaved by robots. The leader is another of those ancient robots like Diek or Grolgalde.
I am not sure but I think that Grolgalde survived the God Tower and woke up 510 years later.
He was the machine god among the 7 robots if I remember it right.
It is still possible that it is a different robot from the 7...

Anyway, a girl named Finia (hinted as Kukuru's and Arc's descendant) is sent in time 500 years back to find help and prevent the future occupation. There is this horrible scene where everyone from the resistance group is slaughtered right before her eyes but she is able to escape using the time machine.

Elc is now living in Gislem doing hunter Jobs and... not much else. Plus Danger Dome.
Shu is pretty much the same.
He meets confused Finia on the first Job and decides to help her.

Other playable characters are Marsia, Anrietta, Alec, Lieza and Choko as a secret character.

The biggest problem is the language barrier. The game is completely in JP and there are not any known translations. I once found an attempt by a JP player (that is rare) but it seems to be long dead.

>> No.6592705

I have it for my ps1. Beat the first one a couple years ago doing all the side content. I've heard that your shit carries over. Should I start 2 already?

>> No.6592740

I've been playing a lot of PS era RPGs this quarantine, and Arc 2 is right up there with the best.

Absolutely. You can also transfer content back and forth between 2 and Monster Arena, and later to 3 (but to a lesser extent).

Damn, so Kijin Fukkatsu was the real Arc the Lad 4, uh? Hopefully we'll be able to play it in English someday.

>> No.6593457
File: 38 KB, 528x375, arc wanted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should I start 2 already?
Yes. Arc 1 is basically just a prologue for the massive Arc 2.

>> No.6593576

Yes. Just start Arc 2 you won't regret it. I know I said Arc 3 was kinda weird but after sleeping on it, it was kind of fun albeit quirky. I loved everything about Anrietta even down to how useless she is once you finally get her - I never had time to level her up. Anybody else like Choko a lot? She was like one of my favorite characters.

>> No.6593893

The problem with Arc 3 is that 2 had set such a high bar. 3 was good, but having it bundled with 2 made it completely overshadowed.

It's worth noting the first PS2 AtL is also actually really good. Shame they fucked the series up with the second PS2 one.

>> No.6594072

=Nah, Twighlight of the spirtis was dogshit

>everyone is dead
>1000 years in the future but nothing has progressed.
I get that there was a great disaster, but 1000 years and everything is less than 2, fuck outta here.
>general aesthetic of the first two is completely gone, and replaced with shitty lackluster semi-real graphics that aged poorly
>dull grey wash over everything
>none of the locales were interesting at all
>T-squared/ Masahiro Andoh was on some serious bullshit making the music it's as though they didn't give a fuck.
>forced racism instilled, monsters were fine as long as they didn't start shit in the original 2

Compare the arena theme of 1 &2 to Tots

>Enter Niedel and lobby arena fight


>Twighlight of the spritis arena town and fight


>characters are generic or unlikable
>Darc is a fucking asshole through and through

This is why is Arc the lad R: was made, everything after 2 is reconnected the fuck out of existence

>> No.6594079

I remember the anime being very boring

>> No.6594083

like I said earlier.....
also the humor was cut .....idk man the anime was pretty shitty in comparison to the games

>> No.6594290

Fuck off back to Mass Effect general, fag

>> No.6594315

never even played that, but it looks like the same kinda shit that TotS, hyper realdogshit that ages like milk.

>> No.6594425


Having to choose between her and perfect Hunter rank was a kick in the balls.
She's fun, but having Tosh/Shu/Elc permanently would be a better reward, imo.

>> No.6594450
File: 816 KB, 808x934, Choco_Arc_R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choko is deadly, also a pretty funny character and lightens up the mood. her sidequests really brought a whole new level to the game.

>> No.6594537
File: 126 KB, 374x435, Shu-ATL2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gun Ninja best boi.

>> No.6594708

Is it that good? I've had it on my shelf for something like 18 years, and I didn't get into it when I was younger. From the looks of the thread, I was a paste swilling retarded teenager and should give it another shot.

>> No.6594737

play it, you don't need a guide, but there are secret characters and secret shit, that will improve the quality of the game by tenfold, be sure to get them.

>> No.6594776

wtf were you playing having that on your shelf for so long? It was honestly I'd say Arc2 has to be up there in the top 3 of ps1 rpgs if not all rpgs.

The game had literally everything!

>> No.6595223

I figured getting a character to join your party is more important above everything else.

I know I loved Choko.

>> No.6596759

The ending to Arc the Lad 2 still blows my mind.
First time I finished the game I thought I did something wrong, I jumped on Gamefaqs, YouTube, Google, even tried some Japanese sites, but no...the end is just that fucking dark.

>> No.6597068
File: 37 KB, 315x315, Kingsfield1_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>First rpg on it's console
Wat? I thought that was Kings Field

>> No.6597070

srpg sorry

>> No.6597496

I know the ending to Arc 2 was really epic, it was both beautiful and dark. It really finished off where Arc 1 left off nicely.

I don't know how Arc 3 could compare to those two games after that actually. It actually left me wanting more so I started Arc 3 immediately.

>> No.6598118

I'm really curious about the reaction to Arc 3 in Japan. In the West we got all three games at the same time in one bundle, so 3 got a really cold reaction because 2 was such a great game. In Japan it came out 3 years after 2 so I'm really curious if was more postively recieved.

Still a good game though.

>> No.6598131

>(hinted as Kukuru's and Arc's descendant)


>> No.6598573

yeah, 3 felt light as fuck in comparison.
There wasn't even a sense of danger in the game.

Also the sprite work was much worse as they were trying to integrate it with the 3D elements of the background .

The music wasn't on either T-square most have been focused on something else and rushed it.

The cast was diverse in the second having almosts all human ethnicities and ages combined with monsters and robots. The third was basically shitty shonen tropes.

We had a full monster arena and esentially a battle tower with 2, here we got a pocket playstation add-on

It was a downgrade
in every sense

>> No.6598637

not to mention the unfunny reoccurring jokes like spicy and that shitty gang,.

Also all the monsters introduced in this game like dryad and rats were pretty shitty.

>> No.6598768

I don't remember there being side content in the first game

>> No.6598854

I remember Alec was hugely overpowered with the Romancing Stones equipped and he can spam heal for 0mp.

I know. I actually thought Spicy was funny in a pathetic laughable way, but still pathetic. The gang was weird.

>> No.6598995
File: 13 KB, 249x203, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forbidden dungeon?
I actually cheated the forbidden dungeon by repeadidly opening a chest with revival potion, letting party members die whenever they ran out of mp and having kukuru revive them at full hp/mp.
Killing her off when she ran out and using the revial tonics on her.

>Amidar challenges that lead to extra summon pot stuff.
>Romanciing stones in which you can easily miss the third.
they just lacked the charm of the NPCs and scenarios in the first two.

it felt really campy and in comparison.
The great disaster lasted for all of a fucking hour, I don't think it would have set the world that far back. I mean sheesh. NOBODY KNEW HOW TO REPAIR A FUCKING SHIP?

>Any fucking hunter

Also the monsters they introduced were ass compared to the original
>kangaroo rats
wtf is this shit compared to the crazy ass shit and down right spooky shit from the first two

>undead monks
>shadow assasins
>giant golems
>those huge nasty flies

Generic tropes sure, but they actually looked intimidating
NO MONSTER ARENA as well? That's abject ass, we can't carry over all those cool ass monsters we captured, instead we have "cardish" collecting?

> Romancing Stones equipped and he can spam heal for 0mp.
So could everyone in the 2nd if you fused the romancing stones

Also the last boss fights were pathetically easy, while the second's was somewhat challenging.

>> No.6599098
File: 325 KB, 2048x1365, 3bCBFGE_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the first rpg on the PSX

>> No.6600216

Arc the Lad; June 30, 1995
released only in japan
Arc the Lad colllection
April 18, 2002
US release

November 3, 1995 jp release

August 31, 1996 US release

Nah, b.

>> No.6600227 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 314x232, 1594667587703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATL3 has it's moments.

>> No.6602029

sure, that was one.
But it just felt as though it was a different series entirely with arc the lad slapped on.

>> No.6602223

>sucking Diek

>> No.6602237
File: 472 KB, 585x798, arukuradu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why is Arc the lad R: was made, everything after 2 is reconnected the fuck out of existence

Can you elaborate?

>> No.6604306


>> No.6604776
File: 191 KB, 1080x800, arc R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, haven't played it, but everything got retcconed out of existence after 2.

> The world is actually in working order unlike 3, cities,
>tvs and airships are functioning
> no darc of the deimos fuckery or generic protognists in 3

>> No.6604837

I thought the first one sucked and didn't bother with the rest. I've considered playing the second game but not if it means having to suffer through the first one.

>> No.6604875

it's not that bad, it's kinda "homey" and nostolgic
the pixel art, funky beats by t-square, etc. What was so bad about it?

>> No.6604893

The only thing I know about this game is that one of the bonus discs contains a cheat code for a CD system file browser that can load other discs and be used for piracy

>> No.6604954

Off the top of my head, the story and characters were the most cookie-cutter jarpig tripe imagineable, the gameplay was bland and simplistic, there was zero strategy involved since the main character was stupidly overpowered compared to everyone else, the level design was uninspired and repetitive etc. That's all I remember. I hear the sequel is better but that's hardly saying much.

>> No.6605021
File: 35 KB, 302x302, cast07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he story and characters were the most cookie-cutter jarpig tripe imagineable

Finding the 5 egg-macguffins and shit was cookie cutter sure, but you gotta realize this was lead up to something much greater. The two games were meant to be one, but deadlines so you know....Also you have to realize this shit was made in 95' there weren't that many jrpgs to go around back then. I know it was made the same year as chrono, but still was still rather new...

I mean idk, I had never seen anyone like Chongara in a game before. Also samurai like Tosh weren't around much either back then at least.

>he gameplay was bland and simplistic, there was zero strategy involved since the main character was stupidly overpowered compared to everyone else

Thing is, you weren't using the others correctly.

All arounder, he's good in this game but he falls off and just becomes a healer in the next.


The key to using Poco is to use is buffign skills every move, so that he levels up quickly and powers everyone else up.He has healing, buffs, and long range attacks, pretty damn ok if you ask me

standard healer with a bit of martial arts, don't worry about her, just level her up till she can revive. don't worry about her, will become an NPC in 2!

He's a pretty damn good mage, level him up in the next game he will be useful

damage dealer supreme, better than Arc actually, he will be extremely useful in the next game

He's ok,

Funny guy, but kinda useless, keep the kelak leveled up though healers are always good to have around.

>else, the level design was uninspired and repetitive etc.

You didn't do the forbidden dungeon did you? Do that 50 level drudge and tell me how this one isn't challenging.

If complete it......

You get an absolutely deadly side character that adds hours of extra content and story to the next game

>> No.6605039
File: 96 KB, 800x579, ArcTheLad-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second game feels much better overall, there are more modern elements involving the mob, human experimentation and crazy occult shit. Also the party is the most diverse I've ever seen in a game in both age, nationality, species and performance.
Aside from the story the second has tons of side quests that flesh out the world. Some will have you preventing mobsters from stealing from a bank while others, doing shit in ruins.

You can also tame monsters in the second game and have them duke it out on the extra- CD'S Arena!

It also has something similiar to the battle square /pokemon's battle tower x20, with all sorts of challenging maps, endurance shit and fabulous prizes to be had. After a certain point you can have party members enter too.

Two is an overall better experience and honestly one of the best games I have ever played.

Just slog through one, go through the forbidden dungeon and get the secret at the bottom and you will have an amazing time.

>> No.6605047

Yes, you're not the first one. Shame, tho.
I feel like lots of people give up on good series because of the less-than-stellar first game. Suikoden suffers the same date.

>> No.6605128

One of Chongara's monster summons enable you to make floors to get out of reach treasure chests.

>> No.6605156


>> No.6606168

Not reeetro!

>> No.6606252
File: 46 KB, 400x615, Sephi-what...Sephiroth...nope, never heard of him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6606728

yeah the contrast between the first two and third's were vast.

The first had a diverse cast from many ethnicties, ages, even speices, while the third's was a bunch of teeny boppers and velheart.

shit sucked.

>> No.6607120

I just started Arc the Lad thanks to this thread
About 4 to 5 hours in, just got the karate man and then progressed to the tourney where I got my shit kicked in

>> No.6607435

Did you remember to get the romancing stone 3 from arc's house?

>> No.6607438

2 from arc's house I meant*

>> No.6607907

Yeah I got 3 of them so far, the final one is at the bottom of the treasure dungeon right?

>> No.6608047

phew ,yup......At the bottom of the forbidden dungeon. Get it before defeating the boss

>> No.6608486

>the boss
Uh which boss?
I just tried doing the fire stone part but got game over'd during the Arc and healslut solo fight
Guess I gotta grind out some levels on main guy

>> No.6608775

The boss at the bottom of the "treasure dungeon" forbidden ruins,

You can do it now , but be warned you have to climb all the way back up...... It's well worth it though.

like I said earlier in the thread
there is a chest with a revival potion near some stairs , abuse that and that kukuru cheat I told you about to make it easier.

Everyone will be well leveled by the time you make your way out.

>> No.6608862

Thanks pal. I can't believe I slept on Arc all these years.

>> No.6609067

oh another thing, be sure to do all the amidar training sessions, you get some things from there if you do.

Also in next game never be in a hurry to go anywhere or progress the story, take it slow and easy. Always check the hunter's guild everywhere you go.

for the next game there is going to be an area as a reward for completing the forbidden ruins, and you can get said reward fairly early, else you will have to wait a little bit, not too long but still

and be sure to talk to the npc every screen when following them to get the reward, it's phenomenal.

>> No.6609115

A little story.
I only played the Collection when it was re-released as a PS Classic, and...I HATED IT.
The first game had this repugnant, old style I really disliked. The monster designs, the font used for the text, everything was awful in my eyes.
However, months later things came down and my parents couldn't afford to pay for the internet, so replaying games I already possessed became one of my main distractions.
So back to ATL I went, and the experience was completely different. I started getting really into this world and it's characters, I barely slept trying to finish all the Hunter quests, I even cried a good amount of times when playing through the three games, so damn good.
Lunar SSSC and EBC also made me feel that way, not sure if it had something to do with what I was going through or not, but I'm already considering giving Arc and Lunar a play after I'm done with Grandia (another great game, by the way).

>> No.6609313

Elc: It makes me wonder what we were fighting for. Arc died, and for what? So we could inherit this desolate and hopeless future? We didn't stop the world from ending, we survived it. And now we are left with nothing.

>> No.6610915

I mean the first one didn't look that bad, a little bit dated, but not offensive to the eyes.

Yeah it was truly a classic , those hunter's missions truly gave insight into that world.

yeah....I wasn't expecting that either, and honestly the final area was one of the most intimidating of the time peroid.

>> No.6611019

You probably appreciate RPGs more when you don't have a lot of money and can relate to the indigent young main characters and the simple way of life. Growing up in a small village isn't any different than growing up in the suburbs compared to societies these days. Obviously too RPGs are set in some indiscriminate unknown time in the "past" not the modern era and people back then didn't have a lot of money.

>> No.6611198

I mean arc wasn't the "past" persay when released, the tech seemed about 80's-90's, they had tvs planes and even giant robots idk.

>> No.6611773

I saw it at best buy when it came out and there was only one copy in stock. Why do you think just because you bought it it must have been easy for everyone. Have you ever heard of smaller towns?

>> No.6612046

Arc the Lad is steampunk with fantasy elements but at the same level of technology as modern humans (1995)

>> No.6612431

Sweet Jesus the Forbidden Dungeon just ate up 5 hours of my life
On the plus side now I'm over powered as fuck so I can steamroll the rest of the game

>> No.6612691

I cannot afford this game.

>> No.6612840

the reward is well worth it, she adds so much extra content to the next game , and she will help quite a bit in the arc arena side disk, remember what I said earlier

>> No.6613126

The Forbidden Ruins only took an hour for me, what the fuck, going down and going back up? What did you do wrong? You don't have to kill any enemies at all just go use the stairs.

>> No.6613298

I cleared out all the rooms on the way down lol

>> No.6613342

Too irrelevant, too obscure.
In a genre as demanding of your time and hinging as much on stories as jarpigs, I don't have time for anything more obscure than Suikoden. What's the point if you can't discuss the story with lots of other people?

>> No.6613367

>What's the point if you can't discuss the story with lots of other people?
You really can't just enjoy a game without having people to discuss it with?

>> No.6613370

Does the pope shit in a golden chamber pot?

>> No.6613378

Do I need to smack you?

>> No.6613404

Imagine blowing 300+ hours in a jarpig only coomlectors care about (and they only talk about coomlecting it, not the actual characters or story) when instead you could have played FF10, enjoyed yourself more and had more people to talk about it with/potentially befriend them over it?

>> No.6613407

Too bad FF10 isn't retro buddy
I play games to enjoy the games, not to circlejerk about them with others

>> No.6613436
File: 959 KB, 327x251, CheapFickleAfricanmolesnake-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or FF9 or earlier, my point still stands.
Good games are 10x more enjoyable when you're not the only person in the world who's played them.
And by any normal person's (read: none of us) definition of retro, a game that came out before 9/11, before most every social media site still widely used today, while SE was still known as Squaresoft, and is old enough to vote and watch porn, is absolutely retro.
Pic related if you disagree to any part of my post.

>> No.6613439

I don't think you even like video games, you only use them as a social tool.

>> No.6613441

You couldn’t smack me if you tried you limp wristed Mary

>> No.6613442

Some things are not a socializing medium, they are introspective by nature

>> No.6613450

No anon games are only good when you can discuss them with your basedboy friends and cum in each others mouths

>> No.6613463

I like video games, I just don't like obscure, cringy shovelware.
I also don't use games as a social tool, if I were I would only like the most popular Nintendo series+FOTM indies or FOTM zoomer shooters, open world games, and SJW interactive movies with absolutely zero in-between.
I'm all about that in-between. Those series which aren't total normieshit but are deservedly more popular and better than those beneath them that only 5 coomlectors on a mongolian basketweaving forum have played.
Give me Final Fantasy, Castlevania, Mega Man, Contra, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken, SoulCalibur, Halo, Mortal Kombat, GTA (I know I just said I hate super popular games but it's that good), Metroid, Twisted Metal, etc. and I'm a happy chap.
What video game series do you enjoy most?

>> No.6613469

You don't belong here

>> No.6613472

>I just don't like obscure, cringy shovelware.
You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about, shut up you faggot zoomer.
And your obsession with "coomlectors" is retarded. Aww whats a matter? Anon got mad that retro games are expensive and that he was a little baby when they were dirt cheap?
I'm emulating Arc the Lad 2 right now and it's fun as fuck. You CLEARLY don't know shit about video games and you need to get the fuck out you basic bitch child.

>> No.6613483
File: 564 KB, 640x837, sopa de japones uma delicia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like mr. samefag is salty that nobody cares about his obscuro cringe!
LMAO and you're calling me poor?

>> No.6613492
File: 18 KB, 533x177, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with emulation you retard, you were the one whining about collectors in the first place.
Now why don't you kindly fuck off from the thread about a video game you've never played and never intend to play

>> No.6613509


>> No.6613514

death by epic cringe holy fuck
who even lets normalfags this normal use a computer, fuck off retard

>> No.6613517

One I've never played, and from the looks of it, not many others have or ever will. LMAOing at coomlectors that blow $$$ on shit nobody else cares about when they could buy like 20 actually good and relevant games for the same price. LMAOing even harder at fags like OP who think it's better than even FF7 (8 and 9 are way better). Ditto to the fag a week or so ago saying the same about PDS. Sopa out

>> No.6613521

Unironically kill yourself

>> No.6613526

why are you entering a thread about a game you don't like, screaming about how you don't like it, telling people to talk about something else instead, then getting mad when everyone rightfully calls you retarded? why are you so fucking retarded?

>> No.6613570

What's wrong with circlejerking? It's even more fun than playing video games.

>> No.6613623 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 270x278, 1579593246275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, look at that IP count not rise.

>> No.6614364

Is the PS2 Arc the Lad any good? I just discovered I own a disc only copy of it that I got from Gamestop's discount section ages ago

>> No.6616183

it lacks the charm of the ps1 ones, and the main character is kinda a dickhead

>> No.6616281

Same as everything else they did. Awful localization and gameplay changes.

>> No.6616881

it's hardly noticable in this one

>> No.6617801

What was even the point of Arc Arena?

>> No.6618163

Battle your captured monsters with a friend who also has Arc 2? I haven't tried it yet.

Also is catching monsters even worth it in Arc 2? Is there a segment where you only have Leiza and and a bunch of monsters? Because right now I have a full party of monsters and no reason to use them over my human characters & robot.

>> No.6618230

arena is worth it. You get some pretty nifty prizes and later you can use it to level up your humans really fast.

>> No.6618313

No, but there's one dungeon in the entire game where you can only use monsters and the reward is so damn worth it. I remember beating it with a solo Paunduit 'cause I didn't care for the other guys.
Oh, I think there's some changes in ATL3 depending on the monsters you captured in ATL2, but I'm not 100% sure.

>> No.6618317

this, I got my dudes to like 300ish and the final boss was made my bitch.

>You get some pretty nifty prizes
revial potion +51 is is the ultimate equip item and also there are many other cool prizes for endurance.

>> No.6619946

OH SHIT! I forgot about her, yeah once you get to Holn, be sure to do that.

Also when you get to Clenia Isle do.....

>>6609067 in the small patch of forest in the upper section.

>> No.6620167

Damm. You guys make me want to re-play this. I never really tamed any monsters with Lieza and I've never even booted up Arc Arena.

>> No.6620173

wtf dude you missed so much by not doing it!
It made leveling story characters so easy it wasn't even funny. Just capture everything in your path and do a couple of arena challenges and then you get the option of using your main party.

There was this endurance challlenge in which one had to last as many turns as rounds as they could with their party.

I had choko and tosh doing work and had arc as a healer equiped with the ultimate romancing stone, I gained like 60 lvls from that. (Remember to set everyone to manual ) Also i got some dank prizes from that.

I honestly wish this got as big as pokemon, challenging folks in this game would have been fun as heck!

>> No.6621906

Ok now I realized my mistake. I just have a thing for not capturing monsters in other games because of Pokémon lol. But I'll definitely try to do it next time.

I followed the shittily-written official Working Designs strategy guide and I was severely under-leveled going into the last boss it was just Elc and Sania left with Sania transferring her turn to Elc who just kept attacking even my Choko died early. I beat the game that way though.

>> No.6622738

The PS2 was already out at the time and the Dreamcast was already dead. You really had to be paying close attention for Arc The Lad to be on your radar. And it's not like anyone had experience with the franchise prior. Three games or not, it's a hard sell. "Hey, spend $70 on an entire series worth of RPGs you've never heard of for a system that is already obsolete."

It may have had a better reception had the games come out naturally over the course of the PS1's lifespan instead of mashed together in a late release anthology set. No disrespect to Working Designs--they probably couldn't have released it any other way. But the combination of this and Growlanser Generations is the reason they went bankrupt.

>> No.6623172

>You really had to be paying close attention for Arc The Lad to be on your radar.

yeah I was actually.
In 02' I was desperate to play the good games I missed because I was too young and stupid to play them previously. I might get a bit bloggy, but many will relate.

>turn 13 in 01'
>discover gamespot and rpgamer due to parents getting internet
>just have been listening to nintendo power for the last decade
>realize that there are a whole library of games I missed because I was too young to have played them.
>start going through all the FF games and chrono games
>think to myself that there have to more good games out there that are hidden
>get Lunar 1+2 after hearing good reviews
>see that arc the lad is being released by working designs too
>thinking that those were good, I would try out that one out too.

>"Hey, spend $70 on an entire series worth of RPGs you've never heard of for a system that is already obsolete."

We all know that hardly anything comes out on a console within the first year or two. What Rpgs were there? Final Fantasy X, dark cloud and okage.

>Growlanser Generations
I have that too! Good stuff.

>> No.6625087

How popular is Arc the Lad in Japan, exactly?
I follow some JP artists on Twitter (mainly guys that draw or share retro game art) and it's not the first time I see Arc.

>> No.6625135

It was big when it launched, but kinda fell off after 2. Especially with monster arena. It outsold pokemon in it's initial launch.

Three was kinda average/
Four and five sucked hardcore/.

>> No.6625138

Great series, each game had different battle engines and there was so much to do.

>> No.6625152

The sudden rise in popularity might have something to do with Arc the Lad R.