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/vr/ - Retro Games

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661181 No.661181 [Reply] [Original]

Your favourite video games companies that don't exist anymore. Here are some of mine:
- Data East
- Jaleco (strangely enough, few years ago they made this wonderful doujin game: http://indiegames.com/2010/02/freeware_game_pick_perform_das.html )
- SunSoft
- Irem
- Hudson (fuck you Konami!)
- Toaplan (fortunately many key members formed Cave)

>> No.661225
File: 20 KB, 282x225, rareware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they might as well be dead

>> No.661224

Hudson for me.

>> No.661270
File: 48 KB, 256x351, Blaster_Master_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was the shiznit

>> No.661302

RIP Rareware. You were too beautiful for this world.

>> No.661321
File: 256 KB, 630x474, BY HUDSON SOFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Komania, give me Bomberman
and Bonk too
Sunsoft is alive, but making iOS games

>> No.661326

Sunsoft still exists.

They make mahjong games for iOS now though.

>> No.661341

Gonna have to say Hudson too.

Also Capcom, as they're dead to me at least.

>> No.661348

Definitely Hudson.

Bonk's Revenge was the first game I ever played.

>> No.661349


>> No.661356

Considering that pretty much everyone who worked on Capcom's old games is no longer with them, they may as well be a different company.

>> No.661357 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 602x339, 0f9d51fd742afe89eaaeaff427816c9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Square isn't dead, silly

>> No.661360

yeah it's called platinum

>> No.661361

Rare, Hudson, and Capcom. I miss EA/Activision not being so bad as well.

>> No.661383
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>> No.661393

It goes way farther than that. Arika, Crafts & Meister, Game Republic... all founded by former Capcom staff. Capcom has always had a problem with talent retention.

>> No.661394


Does anyone from the nintendo era even still work at Rare? I thought only the Stamper brothers were left when Microsoft bought them

>> No.661405

Black Isle

>> No.661409
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>> No.661418
File: 72 KB, 640x480, n64_bfd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even thought Rare is still alive they only make Kinect bullshit. So yeah, Rare is typically dead.

If I knew back then that Conquer's Bad Fur Day would be so freaking expensive in the future, I would buy it when it first came out. And N64 is the only retro console I don't like playing emulated.

>> No.661424

I think Grant worked with Microsoft for a while, but he already left. I doubt anyone is still there.

>> No.661434

I liked Working Designs, they aggravate some otakus, but I loved the effort they put into their releases. Lunar games on PSX are absolutely beautiful releases.

>> No.661440

New World Computing
Westwood Studios
Ensemble Studios

>> No.661449
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>> No.661446


Would you happen to have a working link for this? Looks charming, but the link in that article no longer works.

>> No.661458

>iOS games
right, so they're dead.

>> No.661457

Takeru was founded by one of the developers of the original Mega Man, wasn't it? Explains the similarities in Cocoron.

>> No.661463

Maybe that explains why Arika did the 3D Classics games for Nintendo, since former Zelda Oracles staff might be at Arika now.

>> No.661473

They treat their employees like shit. Its no wonder people leave whenever they get the chance. I hope the Ace Attorney team leaves as well.

>> No.661468

Another EA victim, right?

>> No.661470

Damn you anon... It still hurts

>> No.661476


Worse, Molyneux basically sold them out

>> No.661490

>Ensemble Studios

Right on the feels.

>> No.661629
File: 580 KB, 533x754, sample_majirunba0106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try clicking on "Chokotto DiaRunba" at the beginning of the article:
A sequel was also released few months ago:
If anyone could find me a free download link for this game I would appreciate it.

>> No.661648

Actually the president of Working Designs opened Gaijinworks.

>> No.661652
File: 22 KB, 300x350, taito_logo_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hudson will be missed, yes.

Another company that might as well be dead: Taito.

>> No.661662

OPs pretty much listed them all. Well done.
RIP, lost kings of gaming. (;_;)7

>> No.661664
File: 12 KB, 150x196, Looking_Glass_Studios_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking Glass Studios. Dem Thief-games, man...

>> No.661667
File: 5 KB, 300x225, westwood studios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce? From everything I've always read he fought tooth and nail to get them alive and fucking hates EA.

Also, posting another. These guys created the RTS genre (Dune), made one of the best RTS series ever (Command and Conquer), and made a fantastic RPG series. (Lands of Lore)

>> No.661709

Electronic Arts before they became Hitler. Remember Desert Strike? NHL 94? Nnnnggggggggggg

>> No.661807

But...Taito is still alive and makes games. Surely, the last console game they made was Bust-a-Move Universe for 3DS and they're now focused on iOS and Android but I'm pretty sure they'll make a nice comeback.

>> No.661821

It must be nice to be positive.
Next stop, street performances for Zuntata members.

>> No.661836
File: 17 KB, 300x163, Sega-AM2-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Forgot to mention AM2 which is responsible for many great hits like Outrun, Virtua Fighter, Space Harrier, Virtua Cop, Fighting Vipers, Shenmue, Virtual On and the list goes on.

>> No.661859

Don't forget that Taito is not the colossus it used to (therefore the fact that it's owned by SquareEnix now), so it's understandable that they don't make console games so often. Just like Treasure which is currently working on a 3DS game. If things were so bad, Taito would be absorbed by SquareEnix.

>> No.661898

>Taito would be absorbed by SquareEnix
True. Good thing it hasn't happened yet, that would be sad.

>> No.662396
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>tfw no Populous 4

>> No.662578
File: 43 KB, 640x640, 1796008-treasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're dead to me. They haven't put out a new IP since Ikaruga. Everything since ha been sequels and re-releases. They're a small company so I understand the licencing games like Bleach for a quick cash in, but back in the day, they would go on about how they have no interest in doing sequels.

As soon as they canceled their spiritual successor to Ikaruga I gave up on them

>> No.662639


Shame, because Astro Boy and Gunstar Heroes sequels are both fantastic games--better than Ikaruga.

>> No.662680

shame because those games are about 8 years old

>> No.662698

But Sin and Punishment 2 was fantastic

They still got it they just need to do more shit. They've only made like 3 sequels and they weren't that bad at all.

Treasure is still good.

>> No.662709

>back in the day, they would go on about how they have no interest in doing sequels
At least for every IP they don't make one sequel after another like they did when they were working on Konami (Bleach DS doesn't counts since it's a licensed game).

Moreover, new ideas don't always work so well. Take for example Stretch Panic.

>> No.662730

Speaking for Sin and Punishment 2 here's an interesting story of me:

>Me playing Sin&Punishment 1 on VirtualConsole.
>"Looks cool but damn, the controls are so weird. This game would be more comfortable with Wii Remote and Nunchaku".
>One year later, Nintendo annouced Sin&Punishment 2.

Nintendo, I love you! And of course I love Treasure for making such an awesome sequel.

>> No.663660
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>> No.664859
File: 81 KB, 306x400, OriginSystemsIncLogos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EA just had to bring their name back just to drag it through the mud.

>> No.664867


Up until 2000 just about every game they made was at worst " Just OK"

>> No.664880

I never realized how much I loved Bomberman until I knew there would be no more
I've got two XBLA Bomberman games
A WiiWare and three VC
The game in my DS this very moment is Bomberman II

...shit man...

>> No.664917 [DELETED] 
File: 273 KB, 775x1151, 16643712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only there was a game like that:
By the way when will the console version of Magical Drop V will finally come out?

>> No.664924

If only there was a game like that:
By the way when will the console version of Magical Drop V finally come out?

>> No.664927

I'm pretty sure by about the time DK64 was released Rare had burnt all the goodwill it had with programmers. Rare was not exactly a company you wanted to work for after working there, by many accounts. They kinda treated their employees like Zynga does.

Rare was already in decline, that's why Nintendo was so willing to throw them to MS.

>> No.664929
File: 99 KB, 375x500, 6650455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a new Bomberman fan, good for you. There are so many old Bomberman games for you to enjoy.

>> No.664961

Irem isn't dead, but at the same time they are, they were making games still up until the quake/tsunami hit, and then they had to cancel their big game release which was another disaster report game, thinking it would offend people after the disaster, so the majority of the developers left irem to form a new studio, irem just deals in anime pachinko/slot games now.

>> No.664963

Shiny (fuck you Atari)

Kronos (fuck you Eidos)

>> No.664987

Pretty much that. As about Nintendo giving away Rare without so much thought was because Rare was asking too much money for a full buying off. And in comparison with N64 era where Rare helped a lot with N64's sells, in Gamecube era Nintendo could make it out easily without Rare. At least they made a great Zelda-like Star Fox game before going to Microsoft (fuck you Star Fox Adventure haters). And with Microsoft, Rare made another great game, Kameo. Unfortunately, that was Rare's last gem.

>> No.664995

Dude, treasure is literally like, 3 dudes in a basement nowadays, it takes them forever to make a game now for a reason, stuff like Bleach cash-in and Sin and Punishment 2 came out as fast/like they did because they weren't the only ones doing all the development.

It's mainly why they just have Radiant Silvergun digital downloads as their main revenue stream at the moment. We'll see where this goes.

>> No.665007

>Keeping Irem's spirit alive
>Making games like these: http://granzellagames.com/granzella_home/index.html
Yeap, even Irem's spirit is dead for me. There goes my dreams for Gunforce 3.

>> No.665036

Huh. Well I know IREM was big on doing giant April Fool's games within Playstation HOME, so we know where all that came from now. Guess the guy just really likes VIRTUAL WORLDS.