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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6610330 No.6610330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

dae play exclusively Japanese games? Aside from a few gems like Sim City, Doom, Quake and some golden age arcade games like Robotron 2084 and Defender, western developed games just seem inferior.

>> No.6610552

Weird opinion. If you only tend to enjoy certain action game genres like platformers, fighting games, beat em ups, and shoot em ups, then I can see how you could think that. But Western games are far superior in every other genre, be it FPS's and sims like you mentioned, or adventure games, strategy games, flight simulators, and of course RPGs. Unless you really think JRPGs are superior to real CRPGS, in which case -- LMAO.

>> No.6610560

Dae? Who the hell is Dae?

>> No.6610570

jApanese games > rest of the world, thats even common sense, why do you always have to be such a special snowflake?

>> No.6610574

if it's somehow common sense (which really just means common opinion) then that's literally only because things like mario and pokemon are really popular

>> No.6610590

>I believe my opinion is common sense and you're a snowflake for thinking otherwise
Seeing as this thread won't go anywhere meaningful, I'm more interested in what "dae" is. Is it a fucked way of typing "Do ya?"

>> No.6610595


>> No.6610601

dae is like bae but instead starts with a "d"

>> No.6610608

Name one jap RPG better than Deus Ex
or one stealth game better than Splinter Cell chaos theory or thief 2

>> No.6610610

>Dae Haircare
>Buy Dae on Amazon
>.dae files
>America Dae Jobs
>Differential-algebraic systems of equations
But I did see that Urban Dictionary explains it as "Does Anyone Else," so I'll assume that OP is a moron, thanks

>> No.6610617
File: 61 KB, 300x258, youre-a-fuckin-fag-stop-with-the-gay-homo-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deus Ex
>Splinter Cell chaos theory or thief 2

>> No.6610626

Yup go back to play menu based RPGS, that’s more your speed for a tyke like you

>> No.6610634

>2009-tier macro from a fucking site called memegenerator
>using some shitty acronym from Reddit or wherever
lukewarm IQ

>> No.6610637

ya, go back to your shitty western games faggot

>> No.6610675

Most of this board is retards crying about reddit spacing and someone comes in here using actual reddit terms and no one notices.

>> No.6610693
File: 29 KB, 497x427, your you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6610715

why they don’t bring back Booty?

>> No.6610726

At least the west wasn't cucked yet in retro times.
Yesterday I saw a new "game" announced for ps4, called Gamer Girl... go see it for yourself, you wouldn't believe me if I told you what's it about.

>> No.6610746

I don’t see the problem with that? It’s good to have diversity in gaming.

>> No.6610749

its' because we don't go on that website youf ucking faggot. go back there.

>> No.6610750

mike and bootsy fight over revenues so james decided to kick bootsy amd keep mike lol
btw the guitar guy just decided to walk away and go to construction work.

>> No.6610751

Diversity more like "let's turn video games into interactive flicks"

>> No.6610752

i guess bootsy really was bad luck

>> No.6610754

Mike was also jealous of bootsy being good at games.

>> No.6610757

That sucksed.......boosty and karl were
Good characters..........karl made some good somgs for jame i thought they were close freinds..........o

>> No.6610758



>> No.6610759

>gaming diversity
>FMV about some twitch thot
every time someone says diversity it means shit

>> No.6610762

Dude, muh generic tolkien dungrons and drugins dice roll simulators!

>> No.6610765

I blame western developed games for the fall of gaming. Starting with Goldeneye, leading to Halo, from there, call of Duty, now fortnite. Ironically, fortnite is owned 40% by thr Chinese Communist Party.

Japanese games dominatef retro gaming. They remain to this day the only games worth playing as they're not dealing with any kind of influence by purpetually angry nerds on twitter.

I dont say this as a weeaboo. The only Anime I've ever watched is Death Note, and aside from recognizing thier prowess at creating good video games, I don't give a fuck about Japan.

The fact of the matter is that Westerners aren't completely fucking insane in the way that Japanese people are. No westerner would ever in a million years come up with something like Katamari Damacy or Super Mario Bros.

>> No.6610771

Diversity is great. Problem is that these lunatics see it as little more than introducing token characters for twitter points. It's just a bunch of high strung losers looking to outdo eachother. None of these people actually care about the groups they claim to represent. They just exploit them for internet clout.

See: TLOU2 for a recent example. Druckman doesnt give a fuck about women. He's looking for twitter points and an easy bang. It's the most tranparent con you can manage.

>> No.6610772

that's the whole grift of the diversity cult. untalented people use their race/sex/gender identity/whatever to get people to pay attention to them when no one woudl otherwise b/c it's supposedly for a good cause, all the while everyone ignores the black, female, etc people working in the industry/art form who actually are talented and maek good things, probably because the things they make are too challenging for the diversity cultists in the first place, lol. this grift started decades ago in arts and literature so it was inevitable that itd' eventually migrate to video games.

>> No.6610776

So, in short, western culture is a big clusterfuck

>> No.6610792

well mainly american culture but since american culture ultimately gets exported everywhere else in the west becaue of american cultural hegemony basically yeah

>> No.6610793

Gamergate ended 6 years ago, we won, get over it.

>> No.6610797

We did it, reddit, we destroyed video games in the west

>> No.6610801

Yes we won, Trump won, Anita and her gang are gone and a laughing stock among gamers

>> No.6610825

CRPGS have much deeper dialogue and combat interactions. Real time with pause is far more malleable and interactive than selecting attack or magic on a menu.

>> No.6610826

>Chinese Communist Party.

Still better than Silicon Valley liberal faggots working at triple A’s

>> No.6610828

Deep dialogues! NOW we're talking!
The dwarves are attacking us aaaaaa

>> No.6610834
File: 38 KB, 635x448, 2E796E87-EAFB-498A-A610-BF8E2F2E30CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


son of a submariner

>> No.6610835

based amerimutt

>> No.6610836

So why are you still whining about diversity in video games?

>> No.6610837

Not him but the problem isn't gender diversity, it's the lack of gameplay diversity.
Western games can be categorized in the same 1 or 2 engines, and then non-games movies.

>> No.6610839

The CCP is socially conservative, they don’t tolerate the tranny faggot shit.

>> No.6610840

Yeah. A few exceptions sure, I never put much thought to it until a couple years ago when the whinging from westcucks really started to ramp up

>> No.6610862

Yeah, sure. Don't choke on that communist cock, goblinolander.

>> No.6610878

It's true though. Pretty revealing former communist nations are also more conservative than countries under Amerimutt hegemony.

>> No.6610891

The old school commies are conservative, the new school ones are marxist brainwashed in the educational system.

>> No.6610908

Ok but China isn’t “new school”

The west is way more faggy and degenerate than they are. We allow thugs to riot and loot in our streets, China beats the fuck out of rioters and crushes them with tanks and don’t give a fuck about it.

>> No.6610920

what the fuck is bae?

>> No.6610964

And you’re equally brainwashed by right-wing propaganda, the only difference is that right-wingers are under the delusion that they’re brave “free thinkers” all the while parroting the exact same talking points about SJWs, cultural marxists and trannies

>> No.6610967

>brainwashed by right-wing propaganda
thats the real epidemic going on right now

>> No.6610969

>wanting X is the same as being against X
didn't know this is what woke fence sitters believe, hilarious

>> No.6610985

Based Mike, based Bootsy and based James. Wish they’d get the band back together.

>> No.6610997


>> No.6611002

>right wing

Uh being a leftist isn’t the same as being a liberal, leave that faggot shit at home

>> No.6611006

Nice buzzword conservatard