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File: 695 KB, 1800x1237, Sega_Mega_Drive_PAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6609696 No.6609696 [Reply] [Original]

ive read some sega fans say the megadrive can play any snes music better than the snes, is it true?
could it do this for example? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erKDJjWqjvs

>> No.6609698

Those Sega fan really delusional.

>> No.6609724

poo poo pee pee

>> No.6609726 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 683x817, 1594944332990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pissy fan and sh*t head

>> No.6609728

Here's some good SNES music

>> No.6609756

Robot farts

>> No.6609763

You keep posting this one as if it was bad, but it actually sounds like the Godzilla theme.

>> No.6609794

No they arent it can literally make any sound through FM synthesis.
SNES cant play real music like that

>> No.6609795
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t. Brap connoisseur

>> No.6609810


>> No.6609889

I mean the Megadrive is a 88 console while the snes is 90 ! What would you expect ? The mere fact that the Megadrive lasted so long as a rival to the snes is a miracle on its own !

>> No.6609897

The better statement would be: MD uses FM, SNES wavetabe to create their music.

In the end FM has seen a revival. It's simply nicer now than listening to muffled fart samples.

>> No.6609903

It kinda can, but the PCM in the genesis isn't as efficient as SNES', so to replicate 1:1 the music of a something via samples you need a LOT of space (here is an example >>6609794) to the point it's not practical to have it in one cartridge. SNES on the other hand can come close to FM (though not perfect) with way less space (see >>6609810)

>> No.6609908


>> No.6609954

Caca poopoo doody version of a song:
Akshully good version of same song: youtu.be/jFVAGO-RTZE?t=212

>> No.6609964

Ive red that op is not a faggget

>> No.6610174

>muffled fart samples
pero you literally just described the Genesis

>> No.6610176

ESL retard.

>> No.6610180

You have to go back

>> No.6610184

>being so schizoid that spicbabble lives rent free in your head
You first

>> No.6610202

that's cute pedro but really you have to go back

>> No.6610204 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 368x480, the weak should fear the strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok magapede, pero you're on the losing side of history

>> No.6610231

SNES can only play entirely sampled music, it's like a melotron. Megadrive's chip is a synthesizer, much like commodore's SID chip, prophet keyboard, moog organ, etc. So, the genesis can play any music and any kind of sound but it depends on the skills of the programmer in modifying the waveforms. SNES is much simpler but incapable of modifying its voices and playing anything other than the pre-recorded sounds.

>> No.6610239

>2 colors
snes even does video slow.

>> No.6610329

Still fake. Can see though whole bullcrap

>> No.6610331

>again this meme
Fook off wanker

>> No.6610342
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Gay post not relate to the bad apple.

>> No.6610348

Damn. You are clueless.
No way fag

>> No.6610358

Basic understanding SFC sound emulator: C700 vst https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QrZEzPlOm50 and SPC700 soundcard https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kMYUW4MAnOw

>> No.6611110

i'd like to see a genesis do this;

>> No.6611123 [DELETED] 

super smegtendos are spics too?
This is a good thread.

>> No.6611125

why have i never heard pan flute on the genesis then?

>> No.6611139

this sounds like you're saying the megadrive soundchip is more flexible, or can produce more varied sounds
clearly, it's not that simple, otherwise megadrive games wouldn't all sound similar
at some point, the complexity of a particular sound becomes high enough to warrant just storing the pcm samples rather than trying to manipulate an fm synth to produce the same sound, basically, more complex sounds require more memory, and memory was very much a premium in those days, even just for music
if memory wasn't a problem, they would have slapped a chip on there that just played streaming pcm and called it a day, because that's way simpler
so when comparing the capabilities of sound chips like these, you need to take efficiency into account as well, otherwise people will just post examples of demos with giant pcm tracks being streamed through them as if that has any practical use

>> No.6612326

ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XydJ8sF4AJU

>> No.6612372

Shit version ever
Hit that anon with fact.

>> No.6613105 [DELETED] 
File: 564 KB, 640x837, sopa de japones uma delicia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks i'm hispanic because i used twitter spicspeak ironically
>people actually took note of it this time
Sopa de japones strikes again

>> No.6613242

not a bad rendition, i wouldn't call it as good as a the original, though

>> No.6613249

english please, not everyone here is an american

>> No.6613320
File: 118 KB, 400x400, nigga-you-just-activated-my-trap-card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>english please
>not everyone here is an american
I've never seen a post contradict itself this hard

>> No.6613365

>shit version
clean the nintendo semen in your ears first

>> No.6613395

the joke is that americans are expected to understand some spanish words and phrases, and so they often show up in american media (tv shows/movies), but this doesn't apply to other english-speaking countries

>> No.6613409

I don't think you know what a joke is.
Especially since Americans are famous for having zero interest or need in learning other languages.

>> No.6613416

Which is silly because so much great literature was originally written in French and German which are already pretty close to modern English. Your patriotism is literally making you dumber.

>> No.6613745

>look mah i shitposted it again!

>> No.6613810


By comparison, the NES didn't do so bad.

>> No.6614430
File: 56 KB, 600x450, 2B4C4A47-9558-408D-9EBE-4EE691817973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clean the nintendo semen in your ears first - crybaby segfag (pic of you)

>> No.6614508

>this sounds like you're saying the megadrive soundchip is more flexible, or can produce more varied sounds
It is and it can, in the right hands.
>otherwise megadrive games wouldn't all sound similar
That's because a lot of US games use GEMS, and worse yet they use the default instrument set.
>if memory wasn't a problem, they would have slapped a chip on there that just played streaming pcm and called it a day, because that's way simpler
Memory wouldn't really have anything to do with adding an additional sound chip to the system. The Genesis has the ability to do that in the cart slot, just no actual games used it. It does impact streaming PCM samples, but there's ways to work around that.
>so when comparing the capabilities of sound chips like these, you need to take efficiency into account as well, otherwise people will just post examples of demos with giant pcm tracks being streamed through them as if that has any practical use.
This example isn't a good example though. On the SNES to do this kind of demo it ties up the entire CPU as sample data has to be sent to the SPC's RAM by the main CPU through a convoluted protocol. So while this demo is playing, the CPU is so tied up you can't really do anything else. On the Genesis though this isn't an issue. Streaming is just how PCM works on the System. You can have the Z80 stream PCM data from the cart while the M68000 is doing it's own thing completely unaware that it's happening. This is what allows us to get demos like this:

That demo instead of having one really big PCM track uses a bunch of smaller tracks to piece them together into a song. This greatly reduces memory footprint making it viable to use in games. On top of that it has no impact to CPU performance since the Z80 is doing it, so we can still run a game like Sonic at full speed. Basically when it comes to streaming PCM audio, the Genesis completely destroys the SNES.

>> No.6614535

Disgusts by this post. From logic standpoint, X68000 and Neo Geo completely destroys the Mega Drive/Gaynesis.

>> No.6614540

america is half spics by now, that's the joke

>> No.6614542

>instead of having one really big PCM track uses a bunch of smaller tracks to piece them together into a song.
this is what the snes does as standard

>> No.6614556

glad someone got it, was getting pretty worried
i know they're american, but c'mon

>> No.6614559

t. Imbalance pero

Here music use right version.



>> No.6614567

basically, the snes can do amiga-tier high quality sampled music as well, without bogging down the cpu, but commercial games don't sound like this for the reasons i mentioned before, space.
if your awesome track takes up 200k, well that isn't going to fly, how are you going to have 10 tracks and a game in your 2M cart? shit's gotta be really small

>> No.6614605

>this is what the snes does as standard
No, SNES uses very small single note instrument samples that are ADPCM based to do sequenced music. The Genesis demo I linked is using samples that are a couple seconds long of multiple instruments and streams them. The SNES could not do something like that because they wouldn't fit into Audio RAM and the CPU would be so tied up if they tried to stream it that nothing else could be done.

The example you posted while sounding nice is still just standard SNES music. Samples are loaded into Sound RAM and then aren't changed out frequently to avoid the CPU bottlenecks. It's not doing any kind of Streaming as far as I can tell, and it's limited to having samples that must fit in RAM. The Genesis Demo I posted doesn't have those limitations or issues because it's streaming the audio data off the cartridge.

See above. That's not streaming audio off the cart which is why it's not bogging down the CPU. For what the SNES is doing in those examples, the Genesis can do as well with it's PCM channels:

>> No.6614607

32x add on?

>> No.6614617 [DELETED] 

32X is PWM, not PCM. The Genesis has 6 FM Synth Channels, channel 6 can be used as a DAC to play PCM audio. With well written software mixing you can get more than one channel out of it. There's various sound drivers out there both from officially released games as well as homebrew that have anywhere from 1-4 PCM channels going. The exmapleI linked is able to do 2 PCM Channels with pitch control.

>> No.6614623

32X is PWM, not PCM. The Genesis has 6 FM Synth Channels, channel 6 can be used as a DAC to play PCM audio. With well written software mixing you can get more than one channel out of it. There's various sound drivers out there both from officially released games as well as homebrew that have anywhere from 1-4 PCM channels going. The example linked is able to do 2 PCM Channels with pitch control.

>> No.6614626

Post two? Hah nerrdd!

>> No.6614637

Is fixing typos not allowed?

>> No.6614893

ok keep being a manchild

>> No.6614952

Isn’t that you?

>> No.6615215

i'm not the fanboy retard shitting on a good tune just because it's on a different console

>> No.6615329
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>this thread again
yes, it could

>> No.6616036
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>> No.6616761
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I like it!

>> No.6616803

>look how good this sound chip is
>*plays stremed PCM*
he even says it at the very beginning "... if ROM storage wasn't an issue". well guess what, rom storage was an issue, if it wasn't, the consoles would have been designed with a simple buffer and dac to play pcm streams. playing pcm is not an impressive feat, it would have cost less to produce a chip that only played pcm, they didn't do that because rom space was too small to just have pcm music

>> No.6616806

>megadrive's sound chip is more flexible!
>megadrive covers of snes songs sound like megadrive music
>snes covers of megadrive songs sound like megadrive songs

>> No.6616828

The genesis was really good at harsh metallic sounds.

>> No.6616843

mmm, like a quartet of farting robots

>> No.6617598 [DELETED] 

>snes covers of megadrive songs sound like megadrive songs
Note quite. Sure the instruments sound the same because they sampled the Genesis for them, but the way the notes transition between each other doesn't sound the same, and then Genesis songs that use all 10 Channels are going to have a tough time going to the SNES that only has 8 channels. And then there's all the tricks people pull to split some of the FM Synth channnels into more channels, or splitting the PCM channel into more channels, etc.

Stuff like this would probably be difficult to do on the SNES:

Or this where we have tons of pitch shifts happening while a note is playing with tons of decay effects:
On the SNES you only really hear that if they actually use a sample for that. Which doing that is very wasteful and limits how many different samples you can have in Audio RAM at a time.

>> No.6617606 [DELETED] 

>snes covers of megadrive songs sound like megadrive songs
Not quite. Sure the instruments sound the same because they sampled the Genesis for them, but the way the notes transition between each other doesn't sound the same, and then Genesis songs that use all 10 Channels are going to have a tough time going to the SNES that only has 8 channels. And then there's all the tricks people pull to split some of the FM Synth channnels into more channels, or splitting the PCM channel into more channels, etc.

Stuff like this would probably be difficult to do on the SNES:

Or this where we have tons of pitch shifts happening while a note is playing with tons of decay effects:
On the SNES you only really hear that if they actually use a sample for that. Which doing that is very wasteful and limits how many different samples you can have in Audio RAM at a time.

>> No.6617612

>snes covers of megadrive songs sound like megadrive songs
Not quite. Sure the instruments sound the same because they sampled the Genesis for them, but the way the notes transition between each other doesn't sound the same, and then Genesis songs that use all 10 Channels are going to have a tough time going to the SNES that only has 8 channels. And then there's all the tricks people pull to split some of the FM Synth channnels into more channels, or splitting the PCM channel into more channels, etc.

Stuff like this would probably be difficult to do on the SNES:

Or this where we have tons of pitch shifts happening while a note is playing with tons of decay effects:
On the SNES you only really hear that if they actually use a sample for that. Which doing that is very wasteful and limits how many different samples you can have in Audio RAM at a time.

>> No.6617724

Imagine suck UK composer suck

>> No.6617736

Search up SNES FM style (SPC700 custom) playlist
Here idea. >>>>>>6609810

>> No.6617751

Does a decent job with CV IV


>> No.6617765

More fart gas again that ruin perfect music.

>> No.6617938

oh god my ears they're fucking bleeding
No that anything could save SMW's dogshit soundtrack

>> No.6618407

I did listen to that, the instruments sound correct, but it suffers from the same note-progression that most SNES games have. There is a distinct pause between each note because it doesn't recreate the proper decay effects you can get with FM Synthesis. Listen to the two examples I gave and then show me the SNES replicating them properly with all the note transition, pitch shifting, and decay effects going on, and without losing any channels in the process.
Also pulls of Megaman X pretty well:
>More fart gas again that ruin perfect music.
When was the last time you actually heard a legitimate fart? Because I don't think you actually know what one sounds like.

>> No.6618502

Megaman X? Here all.

Most definitely recreational https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rDWbl3YKjj0&list=PLhHaXqzqDeURyifvWIdA5CxMybh_HFltU&index=45&t=0s

>> No.6618503

Last you had in your hearing trash.

>> No.6618827

Sounds sterile and flat because it's not replicating any of the decay effects. You can hear the distinct pauses in between each note as a result. To add insult to injury they added awful reverb to some of the tracks to try and hide this. The Sonic 3 tracks sound really off because of this. The final boss theme in particular is way off.

On top of all that, is any of that being played off a real SNES? As all I see are SPC files and the video looks like it's just an SPC player being used. And when I use an SPC player with settings set to "Mimic SNES DSP settings" suddenly it sounds a lot more muffled and reverby.

>> No.6618832

And again, show me the SNES pulling of something like say Alien Soldier which is almost always using all 10 channels the Genesis has available.

>> No.6619008

Using C700 VST to work with.
Yes, you can play it on real hardware like Super NT.

>> No.6619015

Might best rendition ever composed.
Interesting video.

>> No.6619461

Jesus, Marble Zone almost sounds like Master System sounds with reverb added.

>> No.6619493

>"Sonic 1 GG/SMS Marble Zone"
anon.. it's supposed to

>> No.6619554

>Real Hardware
>Super NT
Pick one.

>> No.6619602

Listen to the Sonic 3 Final Boss Theme. It sounds truly awful, there's random midi trumpets in it and again the note decay is completely absent.

>> No.6619748

Chosen both.

>> No.6620401

On the Genesis, those farts are crisp clear, not muffled!

>> No.6620407

k SNES brap lover

>> No.6620626

t. pero ESL

>> No.6620631

>birches over great rendition
Is own earbuds not work, anon?

>> No.6621259

Super Nintendo can be so fun to listen.

KoF - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YQMreSMHbdA

Kirby - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PYcga6Zs6_k

SoM - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6aSeqllSP8o

Original SPC

>> No.6622121

Fuck outta here. PCE/TG16 sounds even worse than the SNES one.

>> No.6622169


>> No.6622757


>> No.6622776 [DELETED] 

that's not the pce-cd one retard, the actual pce-cd arrange is amazing.

>> No.6622781

that's not the pce-cd one retard, the actual pce-cd arrange is great

>> No.6623786

How Ys III sounds in wavetable synthesis than?

>> No.6623812

Beautiful compact music.

Best gal - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NYjHOFMfj5M&list=PLhHaXqzqDeUTyfOW05OOxTMakO0EFzdH-&index=12&t=0s

>> No.6625086

Answer: No

>> No.6625185

The real tragedy of the SNES was that it could have had incredible chip-style music with single-cycle samples, but everybody insisted on muffled pseudo-orchestral instead. Almost as bad as 5th gen. consoles trying to do 3D.

>> No.6625186

always was more into the sega system than the megadrive

>> No.6625218



>> No.6625775

>lazy port from arcade and home second party RPG
Weak competition

>> No.6625785
File: 91 KB, 760x1051, reploid_bass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megaman tracks sound godly on Genesis.

>> No.6625789

It not really that bad. Anyway. Which’s alternative soundcard SFC use? YM based FM synthesized module or a Roland cut cost stream channel? Probably some IIGS modifications soundchip.

>> No.6625795

Closet one here.

>> No.6625817

eh that's good but it has "muffled tin can" snes syndrome

>> No.6625823

RockMan guitar never feel muffed.

>> No.6625931

>but everybody insisted on muffled pseudo-orchestral instead
that's just rpgshit mostly square
>Almost as bad as 5th gen. consoles trying to do 3D.
ok hipster

>> No.6625995

Indeed smart alternate route.

>> No.6626867

Hipsters love low framerates.

>> No.6626918

Bad thread.

>> No.6627486

Very much.

>> No.6627703

it did, but they added a fuck-ton of reverb to hide it

>> No.6627710

>It's supposed to sound like shit
Interesting. Mission accomplished I guess...

>> No.6627714

This is cool and all but could a full playable Sonic game also fit on the cart as this music?
Honest question. I dont know how this shit worked.

>> No.6627740

this guy's absurdly good at doing Mega Drive covers and has only gotten better over time.

>> No.6628496

No one said PCE-CD. Where the fuck is your 'tardwrangler when I need her? You need your 'tard nap.

>> No.6628661
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>> No.6629223

Just correcting the retard I repleid to, there is no YS3 for regular PCE you stupid cunt.

>> No.6629250

Checks other NEC/Nintendo/Sega music channels with less sub

>> No.6629258

Great playlists
1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wSZCEVcujbg&list=PLhHaXqzqDeUTcluMhOOot78tMXgElB25Q&index=18&t=0s

2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X13ADwjNmi0&list=PLhHaXqzqDeUTcluMhOOot78tMXgElB25Q&index=32&t=0s

3. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hX0rRtbKYHk&list=PLhHaXqzqDeUTcluMhOOot78tMXgElB25Q&index=22&t=0s

4. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Eao604vFEwk&list=PLhHaXqzqDeUTcluMhOOot78tMXgElB25Q&index=26&t=0s

5. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4H0iMQY4J8g&list=PLhHaXqzqDeUTcluMhOOot78tMXgElB25Q&index=28&t=0s

>> No.6630857


>> No.6631179

genesis can technically have more channels than the snes when using its addons, and has a more analog sound to it, which could be better or worse depending on your preferences. Snes has better sample usage, but sega has better synths due to its fm stuff. The genesis couldnt dream of doing something like plok's ost, but has some stuff like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1BnRTPrghA that would be lost on the snes. Each has its ups and downs.

>> No.6631451

... and?

>> No.6631454

>worst synths due to awful fart-m stuff.

>> No.6631536
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>> No.6631546


There two methods here.

>> No.6632143

Very 30s or 50s

>> No.6632165

>How to spot a retard

>> No.6632190

it could do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBwmRJBKNOE&list=PL-vD6rIjXrcIh0j_Yj7D8s4e8-3cklsd_&index=4

>> No.6632197

>on left pic
A definitely needed game for tranny genesis player.

>> No.6632213
File: 341 KB, 512x384, 458073717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, the genesis can play any music and any kind of sound

>> No.6633436


could some connoisseur tell me if this is actual SNES quality? doesn't seem muffled at all

>> No.6633451

ignore this post, it's clearly not snes quality

>> No.6634032

>how2be a manchild snes fanboy

>> No.6634038

and you are a retarded cunt that doesn't deserve to reply me, fuck off.

>> No.6634104

>being this mad that PCE Ys3 sounds like shit
I'll pray for you.

>> No.6634179

>being this retarded at all

>> No.6634213

>play any snes music better than the snes

While I guess Toy Story proves that this is *technically* true, in practice, the answer is a massive no, and I can't imagine anyone with any idea of what they were talking about making the claim in the first place.

The genesis sound chip was difficult to make music for unless you A: Had a lot of time and patience, or B: were atechnically minded person who understood the hardware - which many otherwise-highly-talented musicians with a 6 month deadline to produce an entire game's soundtrack are not.

With time, knowledge and tools, the Genesis can produce some really amazing sounds, but the SNES was just leagues easier for musicians to get quick results in.

>> No.6634232

nah, both can produce either shit or great music depending on the composer, you make it look like all snes music is good.

>> No.6634246
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the Mega Drive was capable of


>> No.6634293

>both can produce either shit or great music depending on the composer

That's exactly what I said.
All I added to it was that the bar for entry was lower for composers working with the SNES.

I'm fully aware that there's plenty of garbage ear rape music on the SNES.

>> No.6634764

>cancelled shitgame
>Irrelevant post

>> No.6634770

>how to be blue zoomer cocksucker

>> No.6634778

Be nice.

>> No.6634779


1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RIft236as98

2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uBBwpf8h7rw

3. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EXSvoH81Zzc

4. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5w_G4J1U1FE

5. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pmfkRZfdFPM

>> No.6634783

Then why does doom sound like ass on genesis and banging on snes?

>> No.6634818

Don't get butthurt

>> No.6635269

Doesn’t matter. It overextended by segfag.

>> No.6635463

not him, but the thread isn't so much about whether either system can produce "good music", you can make good music with anything
the point is how flexible the sound systems are, how varied the sounds they can make are

i think the snes can produce more varied kinds of music, even the most technically impressive megadrive tracks still sound unmistakingly like megadrive tracks, this tells me that the types of sounds it can produce is quite limited
the snes on the other hand, being a sample-based system by design, can sound very different from game to game, and it's not as easy to recognise a track as being from a snes (you can only really guess from the small sample sizes and limited quality, and some hardware effects like it's reverb)

>> No.6635576

>All I added to it was that the bar for entry was lower for composers working with the SNES.
Which is again not true, a lot of composers did great music on the MD without much issues, it's just americans that sucked.
>not him, but the thread
I was replying an specific post, retard.

>> No.6635589 [DELETED] 

>even the most technically impressive megadrive tracks still sound unmistakingly like megadrive tracks
Complete bullshit, considering how many different systems used FM synth back then it's actually much easier to recognize a SNES ost that focuses on gimped samples.

>> No.6635590

>even the most technically impressive megadrive tracks still sound unmistakingly like megadrive tracks
Complete bullshit, considering how many different systems used FM synth back then and the very different sound engines they used, it's actually much easier to recognize a SNES ost that, they consist on gimped samples that are pretty easy to recognize.

>> No.6635604

so you're agreeing with me that it's easy to recognize fm synthesis from natural music?

>> No.6635618

>moving the goa lposts
You said megadrive tracks, lying faggot, and even then SNES music is actually just as easy to recognize as FM ones, but for bad reasons (muffled, cut notes, lower expression potential, low sample rate etc).

>> No.6635621

>You said megadrive tracks
i said "sound unmistakingly like megadrive tracks"

>> No.6635627

Yes and I already proved you wrong, are you retarded or something? It's FM music but you can't guarantee that it's on the mega drive because many other systems used FM as well.

>> No.6635631

fine, it sounds like fm sythesised music
are you trying to say fm synth sounds anything like natural music?

>> No.6635637

No, are you trying to say snes music sounds like "natural music"? i'm lmaoing at your life

>> No.6635679

moreso than megadrive music, ahem, fm synthesised music

>> No.6635686 [DELETED] 

Not really, sure it's sample based but very crappy samples, its limitations are so distinct to the point that "snes music" becomes a thing itself, it's faar away from the thing it's referencing. FM synth on the other hand is an instrument itself with its unique sounds/potential and it's fucking great.
It's like comparing a broken recorded to a piano.

>> No.6635692

Not really, sure it's sample based but very crappy samples, its limitations are so distinct to the point that "snes music" becomes a thing itself, it's faar away from the thing it's referencing and trying to imitate. FM synth on the other hand is an instrument on itself with its unique sounds/potential and it's fucking great. It's like comparing a broken recorded to a piano.

>> No.6635715

i think i'm starting to understand why you prefer what the megadrive does
while the sounds it can make are limited in scope, the sounds it can make are at least always clear and sharp, it doesn't sound like a compressed version of something else
this is fair

>> No.6635745

Yeah you should care more about the quality that the limitations of something, even the same tune can sound very differently in FM depending on how you handle it:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZicT5k4gTxQ (shit)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkO9sUmCOSc (good)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuBaZR97uwk (excellent)

>> No.6635791

doom was rushed and i believe the music was just run through a tool to convert it just as a first pass without any real work put into it. Plenty of people have made alternative versions of it that sound much much better even without using any of the 32x hardware.

>> No.6635795

also, doom on the snes, while much better than 32x, does not sound banging. it's fucking reverb city

>> No.6635809

Another gem from Mega Drive


>> No.6635821

snes music like this just makes me want to hear the original source of whatever it's supposed to be a low quality recording of, which in this case, is genesis music. lmao

omake 4 and 8 are very good though

>> No.6636004

>likes mentally challenged PCE Ys3 music
>implies others are retarded
you poor, deluded, hideous fool.

>> No.6636009

>dislikes PCE Ys3 music
you poor, deaf, thing

>> No.6636013

>implicitly confirms that PCE Ys3 music is mentally challenged
oh dear.

>> No.6636469

Somewhat off-topic question:
Would it be possible to put a code injector on a Genesis cart that would soft-overclock it, or is that a strictly hardware thing?
I know that modder guy in Estonia also does overclocks (in addition to audio/video mods), but I was wondering if it could be done in software via a cartridge.

>> No.6636480

>in software
no anon, that doesn't make sense
to overclock these systems you need to replace the clock crystal with a faster one (not always that simple though, because that could just fuck up the timing for other things and make the system not work)

>> No.6636494

Ultimately the Genesis' sound won out at an aesthetic level. No one makes "retro music" sounding like the SNES. What's the point? Might as well just use a module tracker and get the same aesthetic of sample-based music but far far better.

>> No.6636537

why make music with Genesis FM chip when you can use YM2151 or YMF292 which are significantly better?

>> No.6636573

noone really makes megadrive sounding music, either, it's usually even simpler chips like nes or c64 which get the attention

>> No.6636631

Megadrive cannot play any snes music, it doesn't do muffled.

>> No.6636718


with genesis you get a little bit of everything and genesis homebrew is kinda popular these days. ym2151 is nice but there's no pcm or square waves built in and no tracker that'll compile to run on hardware (unless someone's made a vgm player for x68000). same with the saturn chip. no tools and it's kinda dumb anyway. modulation routing between all 32 channels but no adpcm decompression. instead of that sega decided to throw in a 68000

>No one makes "retro music" sounding like the SNES

more might if snestracker matures. snes music programming sucks ass. there haven't been many attempts and none that got anywhere near as far as something like famitracker.

>> No.6636721

Because that's what people do. The end.

>> No.6637010

Great list.

>> No.6637635

That isn't true. Everybody uses the genesis chip for fart modulation music.

>> No.6638197

>incapable of modifying its voices

lmao what
read the specs again kiddo

>> No.6638239

Holy shit this thread is still going

>> No.6638246

Fun fact, Neo Geo used the same processors as the Genesis

>> No.6638341

SNES was so good at orchestral soundtracks.

>> No.6639198




>> No.6639383

Same goes for X68000. Prep for you.

>> No.6639502

Post one (1) SNES tune as cool as this

>> No.6639521

Slashed back https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QqObcGmMtN0

>> No.6639524


>> No.6639559

Holy moly! Golden jackpot.

>> No.6639629

More wacky than cool, still good though.

>> No.6639731


not that hard



>> No.6639812 [DELETED] 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wweTFEIIT14 try harder next time konami
Not a fan of the second one though, Follin did fake guitars better

>> No.6639834

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFRqZaPjSG8 try harder next time konami
Not a fan of the second one though, Follin did fake guitars better

>> No.6639917





>> No.6640049

this same thread happens every day. they make the same arguments, and nobody changes their mind. then it dies and they start over

but they usually link some good vidya music so I approve

>> No.6640062

It's not fake, retard. Sega CD games stream their audio through the PCM channel.

>> No.6640484

SNES had the technically superior and supported PCM sampling so it's not true in that regard, but the Genesis's soundchip was so distinct with its dirty and gritty synth, I actually like it better than SNES in most cases.