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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6610059 No.6610059 [Reply] [Original]

Real time strategy games; discuss the genre so dead that not even a retro gaming board can get a thread going about them

>> No.6610060


>> No.6610069

But why it die

>> No.6610103

Idk man Red Alert 2 was pretty rad. Also not retro but fuck the autists, Battle For Middle Earth, Empire at War and some other 3D ones were really quality.

Back to the retro, Red Alert 2 was so late 90s it almost hurts (if it wasn’t so great). The obnoxious techno soundtracks, the action movie unit call outs and the hammy acting was all so perfect.

>> No.6610105

I like it when the little men go bang bang bang and the zergs go reeeeeee

>> No.6610115
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>Frank Klepaki soundtrack

Motherfucker I will chronosphere you into the marianas trench

>> No.6610124
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Battle for Middle Earth 1 and 2 had the best cavalry system in any rts ever. They dont just attack infantry, they fucking smash into them at top speed. I wish other games had adopted this.

>> No.6610129

2 rite, m8. I remember having a permanent save file on helms deep just so I could constantly bring in my cavalry over and over.

>> No.6610131

Random thing, but my blood and hair are inside a art sculpture sunk to the bottom of the Marianas

>> No.6610153
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Are you a supervillain?

>> No.6610161

Easy there, Marina Abramovich.

>> No.6610191

You wish you were interesting enough for that to be true, even if it’s gross. You know what’s way more interesting than you? A golden age RTS like Command and Conquer Generals.

>> No.6610207

Can I have some shoes?

>> No.6610265

>Star of Vejle is Denmark's largest free-standing steel sculpture, created by artist Kristian von Hornsleth and his team of engineers over the last four years. Its purpose: to be a DNA storage unit for 10,000 years or more. Measuring 10m3, the sculpture is one of a pair, the second of which will be filled with DNA from more than 3,000 people worldwide, before it's dropped 11 kilometres into the Mariana Trench. "I want to monumentalise our fear of dying, to give people hope. You'll know that there's a piece of you in the ocean that will be there after you're gone," he says. He hopes that the sculpture will one day be used to reconstruct and clone humans from their genes.

The giant star will carry a chest filled with blood and hair samples -- "like a tiny foetus," says von Hornsleth. The corrosion-resistant stainless-steel surface and lack of oxygen at such depths will keep the star's polish intact for millennia, so it might one day catch the light from a passing bathysphere.

I'm not cool enough to have been the only ones blood in the sculpture but I still find it to be a novel but fun thing.

>> No.6610267

Fucked that green post up but you get it

>> No.6610272

Unfortunately, the only RTS I've ever spent sizeable time into was Battle for Middle Earth which was released in 2004, but it seems like a cool genre

>> No.6610285

Thats a shame, the second one makes the first look like a pre alpha

>> No.6610292

I'll have to look deeper into the genre sometime, I liked running everyone over with cavalry, using Ents and Trolls (Ogres?) to throw stuff, and smashing walls with Balrog

>> No.6610326
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The trolls were fun indeed. Unfortunately its hard as heck to get it running these days. Age of Empires 2 still runs like a dream, has an HD rerelease, and still receives new content, but doesnt have that cavalry system, or fantasy units

>> No.6610430

Does Earth 21X0 series count as retro?
I liked that series. Skynet-led USA especially.

>> No.6610782


>> No.6611039


>> No.6611163

Noooooooooo you cant just smash through my bunker wall and destroy my perfectly planned base!

>Hahahaha Ultralisk go raaaaaahhh

>> No.6611167


>> No.6611172

I was kinda disappointed at the AoE2 definitive edition. Music is pretty gay, and graphics a bit too smooth, makes identifying units and buildings at first glance less easy. It's also really demanding on the system.

>> No.6611175


>> No.6611203

Try others. Use lower difficulties and/or reduce speed in necessary (you'll learn and revert that eventually). It is a cool genre.

>> No.6611542
File: 581 KB, 640x480, Red-Alert-Free-Download-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this on the Dune thread but it's more relevant here
Been playing Red Alert 1 myself. I'd only played RA2 years ago and it was fun as hell(march).

I suck at ra1 but it's a great game. I've only played 4 missions so far.

>> No.6611668

Played the Remaster recently, going back to OpenRA now

>> No.6611698

Total war series had cavalry smashing through units and sending individual soldiers flying

>> No.6611802

wtf did you take the same marine biology course as me?

>> No.6612470

If your pc can handle it, check out remastered. They put so much effort and care into it, and it really shows. Its like a team of autists were given unlimited funding to make the definitive version of CnC and RA1. You can even press spacebar to change to old graphics on the fly (its fun spamming spacebar to rapidly switch between the 2 during a fight). Theres torrents floating around too if you dont want to buy it.

Worth noting, it has all PC missions, as well as the console exclusive ones and expansions.

>> No.6612592

Why Dune 2000 was so damn hard? What were they thinking?!
I could never get to late-game missions when it was actual, and even now I looked up some tricks how to beat it.

>> No.6612607
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>It's purpose: to be a DNA storage unit for 10,000 years or more
That was... optimistic

>> No.6612608

>Dune thread
There is one?
Old C&C games hard as hell, but fun too.
C&C2 and newer got a lot easier, you no longer get stamped with infinite waves of enemies.
Try to play Tiberian Sun and addon, it's fun.

>> No.6612612

Huh? It wasn't hard at all

>> No.6612630

Well, with walls of turrets and fast uncemented refineries at the start it can become a beatable game, but if playing normally in second half with trying to build your base as pretty as you can, you'll just get stomped very fast with hordes of units out of nowhere.

>> No.6612636

Seconding that it wasn't hard. It was tedious in some places but nothing more. The only major difference after the original was the rock-paper-scissors autism, which made Siege Tanks a joke among many other things.

>> No.6613062
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I agree, the music in AOE2 was fucking awesome

>> No.6613718

I want RA2 and TibSun to get the same treatment

>> No.6613861

Met the guy at a booth outside a Flaming Lips concert. He was definitely... eccentric. That was a weird day. Wayne drank a Starbucks cup of his blood he pooled out of a recent leg injury he had the day before and he was in like a Joker getup and the camera on the microphone just stared at his new lipstick that was just his stained blood. Jokers lame as shit but that was rad. Everyone was tripping balls and crying at the concert.

>> No.6613873

>The only major difference after the original was the rock-paper-scissors autism
Can you elaborate? I don't understand enough of this game balance.

>> No.6613886

me too anon...me too...

>> No.6613918

I'm playing Starcraft versus with a mate, it's pretty okay but we have some issues. The only viable strategies we can come up with is either a rush at the start or bunker up and tech until you can amass a doom-ball of the best unit. Both tactics are pretty boring but the one who executes them correctly wins every time. Are we missing something?

>> No.6613923

I disagree completely. The second game is wonky. Buildings can take almost no damage, a single enemy unit going past your defences will just wreck your entire base in no time at all.

>> No.6613945
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Dune 2000 has weird difficulty spikes, yet the AI is retarded and prone to abuse. It's not hard, it's tedious.
I've been struggling with Atreides mission 5 - the one in which you have to capture Starport and Harkonnen barracks. It took me forever to beat it, because Harkonnen has an ARMY of tanks that murder everything that comes near the base, up until I realized that I can pull the Harkonnen defenses one by one and lead them to my turret cluster of doom. AI will autistically chase one lowly trike while being shot at by a wall of 8 turrents.

>> No.6614005

That's not what I'm talking about. That mission can be beat with you sitting on your base and growing your forces.
But in missions 7-8-9 you have maybe 2-3min to build your base and forces before you'll be drowned in infinite waves of enemies. The only way to survive it is spam your base with uncemented refineries and walls of rocket turrets.

>> No.6614087

Total War, though as spectacular as it looks it depends on the game for the cav to do much of anything.

>> No.6614207
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x830, swgbef pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys heard of Expanding Fronts?


It's like a fan made version of the HD AoE pack but for Galactic Battlegrounds. It also adds in new factions too.

>> No.6614857

Ah Galactic Battlegrounds, the game that was only good because it was a repaint of AOE2. And because you could massacre gungans. Still played the hell out of it

>> No.6615071

A tank needs like a dozen shots to kill a soldier because muh damage types. Similarly a trooper in Dune 2 had a rocket launcher that wrecked everything but in 2k you'll need like 20 to one-shot a regular infantry guy.
This concept is not entirely without merit, but in 2k it's most of the time just retarded.

>> No.6615113

Nah, I thought you gonna told some new tricks how to survive in late-game, but infantry is really not an issue.

>> No.6615190

>but infantry is really not an issue.
Not from a pure gameplay viewpoint.

>> No.6615937
File: 753 KB, 2832x1890, IMG_1586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thematically, 'Destroy' is hands down the best RTS track, ever. It's the Allied response to 'Hell March', and pretty chilling - the moment when a reasonable civilisation finally abandons diplomacy and attempting peaceful resolution, and turns it's thoughtful mastery over the climate, energy, light and time to just fucking eradicate an entire nation, literally delete them from history, because fuck 'em, they've been told already. You can't help but get swept up in the cold fury of it.