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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6610003 No.6610003 [Reply] [Original]

Does /vr/ enjoy "baby's first RPGs (that isn't Pokemon)"?
For me, it's Paper Mario

>> No.6610010

are the golf and tennis games good

>> No.6610012

To be fair, I thought Paper Mario was a bit more challenging than the average RPG, what with the badge system and the timed inputs in combat.
I think most post-3rd gen RPGs could be considered "babby's first" with very few exceptions.

>> No.6610016

for GBC they're very good but it hinges on how fun you find the actual gameplay. The RPG elements are pretty interesting even if that sort of thing was much more common in sports games back then.

>> No.6610025

>baby's first RPGs
what is the big boy final rpg?

>> No.6610026

life itself my nigger

>> No.6610078

I remember loving Mario Golf on GBC when I was a kid but I grew up playing my grandfather's copy of some Jack Nicklaus golf game on DOS all the time.

>> No.6610316

Mario RPG actually it was my first rpg....
Opened me up to the genre, I really liked square's interpretation of the Mushroom Kingdom; it had some really nice locals and interesting character designs.

Paper mario was pretty cool too, I never played golf or tennis though as I avoided sports games
They were rpgs though? That's really fascinating

>> No.6610321

Do they have RPG elements? I’m not familiar but that seems like an interesting concept.

Mario RPGs are all pretty good. Pokemon’s fun but kinda repetitive/grindy. Also the Pokemon series is way less consistent than the Mario RPGs are.

>> No.6610332
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This was the perfect double pack to hook me on RPGs. Dragon Warrior 1 is incredibly simple and easy to play for a newbie to ease in, then Dragon Warrior 2 hits you with a brick wall of brutality that just tempts you that much harder.

>> No.6610337

>Do they have RPG elements? I’m not familiar but that seems like an interesting concept.

It's very linear and is essentially a glorified menu to get new equipment and set up your next match, but it was very cool for me as a kid to be able to walk around the club and talk to characters and everything

>> No.6610350

That sounds cool - I don’t think the later games had that. I might have to play them now.

Reminds me of DKC3 having the open world, shops, and characters to interact with. It’s shallow and it’s still 100% a platformer, but I like the extra RPG/adventure elements.

>> No.6610389

Mario Golf is better than it has any right to be.

>> No.6610408

Dragon Warrior 2 on the Nintendo Entertainment System

>> No.6610460

What kind of retarded declaration is this? How good does it have a right to be?

>> No.6610471
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It's an rpg, about mario, playing golf, on a shitty handheld. Literally who thought it would be anything but garbage at first glance?

>> No.6610490

Mario tennis gbc was the fucking shit

>> No.6610502

Golf IS turn-based...

>> No.6610503

literally any jarpig is babby's first rpg lol

>> No.6610565
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I feel like it's not so much a "retarded declaration" as it is "an idiom you are not familiar with" making me believe that you are young person. IMHO.

>> No.6611073

Romancing SaGa 2

>> No.6611078
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>> No.6611079

I've played a fair amount of Mario Golf GBC on 3DS and I can confirm it is a genuinely good game. Basically what it amounts to is a single player mode where you play through golf tournaments repeatedly to unlock more tournaments with the occasional minigame like "get this shot right" or "outgolf your rival in match play", with your characters' stats increasing as you play and you can choose how to upgrade them. It's not really that complex though and what it really boils down to is good golf gameplay with enough there to keep you playing. Golf games benefit from repeatedly playing the same holes anyway because mastery of them is part of the fun of the game. I'd say for its time it was a really great time sink for a golf fan.
That being said, Nintendo's Golf already existed on the Game Boy for half a decade beforehand and did most of the same things as far as I know.
As for Tennis, I couldn't get into it as well because I found transitioning to the 2D gameplay difficult although it seems to be a good adaptation of the good N64 Mario Tennis gameplay mechanics. It seems to be much the same as the GBC Golf game, single player story where you walk around and chat with people, participate in tournaments and have the occasional minigame, all while steadily increasing your stats.
Apparently this was a specific focus for the games. They figured the N64 was the party machine so the N64 Mario Golf and Mario Tennis were designed around multiplayer, while the Game Boy Color versions were designed around being enjoyable for a single player.

>> No.6611094
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>> No.6611292

Honestly, there's no point in being deliberately obtuse like that. It should be pretty clear that games like Pokemon, Paper Mario, M&L, etc., are targeted at a kid audience and thus are babby's first JRPGs. Kids just want something to easily breeze through, with fun characters and a simple, but memorable story. I have yet to see an actual child play through an obscure, grindy, 8-bit JRPG with no handholding.

>> No.6611458

Last Remnant

>> No.6611757
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>There will never be another Paper Mario game modeled after the first game
The shitty 3DS game was the worst thing to happen to the series. I'll never understand why Nintendo and the new fans are so keen on keeping that style

>> No.6611852
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>> No.6612245
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>I have yet to see an actual child play through an obscure, grindy, 8-bit JRPG with no handholding.
That's because they're boring as shit. If a kid can get through Super Mario RPG's battles, then they should have the skill needed to repeatedly select "Fight" in Dragon Quest (and sometimes Heal, and sometimes Hurt). They just don't want to.

>> No.6612250
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>kids are boring because they won't slog through my dinosaur tier rpg
what is wrong with you?

>> No.6612259

The RPG is boring, not the kid.

>> No.6612264

brush up on your linguistic skills, for my sake anon, I'm profoundly autistic.

>> No.6612296

There's just too much stimulation now. A kid these days can watch an endless supply of YouTube videos or Netflix series if they get bored. When I was growing up I would get home after school, no friends lived close by, I had seen all my VHS tapes a hundred times and the TV was nothing but reruns, what was I gonna do except butt my head against Ultima IV for hours until I uncovered something new?

>> No.6612348

Why don't you take some time to learn reading comprehension and context, anon? It's not our job to handhold you when >>6612245 made perfect sense

>> No.6612353

don't tell me what to do asshole, I tell you what to do!

>> No.6613074

Because Miyamoto wills it and Japanese are pussywhipped to their predecessors even if their way of thinking is dated and detrimental
>new fans
Same reason why /vr/ doesn't like change, because these are the games they're growing up with, so people criticizing the new games are automatically in the wrong in their eyes.

>> No.6613460
File: 60 KB, 480x360, EC08C01D-558E-4D90-8CB5-09D48A52B705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else play this? I loved this game.