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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 13 KB, 224x225, pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6602539 No.6602539 [Reply] [Original]

How did they get away with charging TWICE for the same fucking game?

>> No.6602546

they didnt "charge twice" for the same game since you eere only supposed to buy one of them

>> No.6602550

Kids are fucking retarded. If you didn't own both editions you were a nobody in school and not a real pokefan.

>> No.6602556

Not even remotely true. Sorry you were retarded I guess

>> No.6602560

retarded faggot

>> No.6602563

Sounds like you were the only retarded kid, mate.

>> No.6602564

What about Yellow?

>> No.6602571
File: 64 KB, 540x820, 135DB7CA-3DF7-4B68-B7CA-A8F7CAC7F60D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You weren’t meant to get both idiot. You’d get one and a friend or sibling would get the other so you could trade with eachother to complete the Pokédex, it was meant to be a social game. Which granted is a strange choice since rpgs especially back then we’re played by friendless weirdo shut ins.

>> No.6602573

Literally fucking everyone owned both. You didn't want to delete your save if you wanted to start a new game. You can't tell me this wasn't calculated. Also sorry you grew up poor.

>> No.6602575

>buy both
>have no way to trade with yourself to complete the dex
sounds like you are the dumb one

>> No.6602579

I didn’t know a single kid, not one (1) who had both.

>> No.6602582

You could borrow the gameboy of one of your friends retard.

>> No.6602590

If it’s and issue of poverty, then why didn’t you just have your parent get you a second GameBoy, also why complain about having to get 2 copies if it isn’t an issue?

>> No.6602594

>dude just give me you GameBoy
no kid was stupid enough to do that, there would be like a 20% chance you’d get that thing back

>> No.6602612

Same, not saying it didn't happen but I didn't see it. Mostly families with 2+ kids buying red for one and blue for another.

>> No.6602621

I was even more stupid, because I gave it fucking back after I borrowed it. And the kid never even became my friend and had a more advanded GBA. Should have simply told I lost it with a cold face.

Why was I so retarded.

>> No.6602626

You weren't even born when the game cam eout were you? Most kids only had one of the 1st gen games, maybe, just maybe, there was one or two kids who also got yellow after they got either blue or red. I didn't know one single person that owned both red and blue back then.
Filthy zoomers talking shit out their ass smdhfamalam

>> No.6602643

I was born in 1992 you nigger.

>> No.6602693

Didn't know anyone who owned both. The point was to trade with your friends, not waste time playing through both versions on your own and trading with yourself you sad sack of shit.

>> No.6602703

God, you were probably that spoiled brat who bragged about getting all the pokemon to level 100 through the missigno duplication glitch and acted like anything you said was important to anyone but you.
>literally 1st grade when the games released
>years away from middle school
Gen 3 was probably more up your alley, unless you were too cool for nintendo games by that age because you wanted to impress everyone so badly.

>> No.6602708

Way to reveal yourself. It was pretty obviously a gimmick to encourage trading mons with other kids during recces.

>> No.6602719

Nintendo games became shit after the Gamecube. I found gen 3 shitty. No day/night cycle. No radio. A region which is mostly just water. I also didn't like the washed out color palette. So no thank you. I rather played based Digimon World 1 and 3 and Yugioh Forbidden Memories and of course Final Fantasy games. Only autists play handhelds inside.

>> No.6602720

Retard. I mean I had Blue and Yellow, but that because my mom gave it to me as a gift. No one had Red and Blue

>> No.6602727

>Only autists play handhelds inside.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.6602739

Why would you rather play on a small screen than a real TV?

>> No.6602740

Every Pokemon game is the same, not charged twice, but ten times, or how the hell many there are, it's the same crap as Fifa games, just small improvements.
I like Pokemon but their games are crap, you played one, played them all.
I went through Saphire first and I thougjt it was great, only went a bit through Yellow, Fire Red, Crystal. I just couldn't take the crass redundancy. Every game has that ghost tower, casino, cruise, bike track, etc.
Recycling at its finest.

>> No.6602741


>using shortened word mons
>not using elegant shorthand pMons

Zoomers gonna trash.

>> No.6602752

Pretty much. This one time in a kids party, me and a friend took the game of a third kid we didnt like and secretly traded away all his good and legendary Pokemons, including Mewtwo, to our own games and replaced them with shitty 'Mons named like "FAGGOT".
Good times.

>> No.6602759

no1 owned both. where is this anger coming from lmao, did other kids bully you into buying both and make fun of you???

>> No.6602762

Yellow was the best version. Surfin' Pikachu, automatically get Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander.

>> No.6602850

The only kids I knew with both were spoiled little brats whose parents had divorced

>> No.6603180

We had dozens of people with either version.

>> No.6603314

What kinda ghetto school you went to?

>> No.6603331

I've literally never met anyone who bought both.

>> No.6603335

Red for you and Blue for your brother.

>> No.6603363
File: 19 KB, 367x355, 41MlTPiIwkL._AC_SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picking both? Pathetic

>> No.6603773

>Brother plays blue
>he chooses Squirrtle because Squirrtle is the best

>play red
>choose bulbasaur because charmander is a bitchboi who can't do shit against misty

u mad?

>> No.6603801
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 647738e3fa6577c3e6bc0e6be0ddd480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of retard buys both versions of a pokemon game? You have nobody but yourself to blame for the series downfall for enabling their predatory anti consumer practices.

>> No.6603895

>If you didn't own both editions you were a nobody in school and not a real pokefan.

Everyone made fun of the kids who got both versions and traded with themselves. Sorry you never found out.

>> No.6603914

>everyone made fun of the rich kid

>> No.6603934

This as fuck. Soijournos invented "mons" a few years ago, no surprise to hear zooms repeat their gayness uncritically.

>> No.6603940

>all these assblasted boomcucks falling for the bait

>> No.6603960

The rich kid was playing his neo geo. The kid with two gameboys had an over compensating single mother as their only friend.

>> No.6603962

>two gameboys

>> No.6603970

In my school everyone made fun of the kids who got ONE version of pokemon.

>> No.6603986

People usually bought one. I got them both, a new gameboy, a link cable, and some other stuff for Christmas one year. I had a spare gameboy so it made sense.

>> No.6604065

I owned Silver and Gold but I never knew anyone who owned Red and Blue

>> No.6604256

Because that would been really mean, you bastard

>> No.6604327

>no its 2
>no youre wrong 1+1=2


>> No.6604337

>kid is nice and let’s you use his game boy
>”fuck, why didn’t I steal it?”

It sounds like you’re more retarded now, nigger.

>> No.6604338

I have red, blue, yellow, silver.

If pink was real i would have bought that too.

>> No.6604346

Back then everyone knew they were the same game and it wasn't even well known all the pokemons weren't in each game, or at least it wasn't when I was growing up. Nor did anyone even give a shit about catching them all despite being the primary objective

>> No.6604364

I got blue from my friend. My pokemon yellow save still works since buying it back in the 90s,

>> No.6604940


did none of you have siblings with a gameboy? My older sister gave me her gameboy and I bought a link cable.

>> No.6604952

lol nobody owned both, my friend had red and I had blue. We also both owned gamesharks so we didn't even bother with trading like we were supposed to and just hacked the fuck out of the game and battled our super powered pokemon with the link cable.

>> No.6604953

hey anon, I just wanted to tell you, great story man.

>> No.6605057

You're supposed to have friends to trade with. Only autistic losers bought both copies.

>> No.6605082

I had red, my sister had blue. Pretty simple.

>> No.6605138

I had like 3 Gameboys you sad poorfag.

>> No.6605340

Anon, did you fall into a coma in 2009 and just wake up?

>> No.6605354

>not getting a shiny cyndaquil and showing it off to literally everyone because no one else had one and no one knew how you got it or how they could get it
>not being fucking confused how you got it either
>not being known as the kid with a "red gyarados cyndaquil"
>not getting your gameboy stolen and crying while you pedal as fast as you can to the kids house before he steals your precious cyndaquil
His mom was yelling at him when I got there, so he didn't get to steal my precious friend. But I was fully prepared to murder him, I had put a big stick on the back of my bike which I was going to clobber him with.