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File: 37 KB, 425x325, 225551-dragon_force_screen_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6599649 No.6599649 [Reply] [Original]

Red pill me on Dragon Force. Did working designs ruin this one?

>> No.6600307

I didn't beat it (and have since sold it years ago), but I played it when I was a bit more forgiving of their localization. I can't remember anything too egregious outside of side-characters making jokes.

My brother and I still say "One more... dumpty-cake" all these years later (if you play as the evil-looking emperor chick, one of the first mid-bosses is a fat hentai reject whose death quote talks about dumpty-cakes lol).

>> No.6600392

dragon force was...and still is a great game. it kinda plays like ogre battle but the map isn't free roam, there are roads between locations etc. instead of having a small party in ogre battle you have a herd of troops with various classes that perform somewhat like rock/paper/scissors but a bit more complicated with more variety of troops than 3.

it's one of the few saturn games i can get to emulate nearly perfectly so i still replay it.

if you like jrpgs...or jSTRATEGYrpgs then def give it a go. the menus are confusing at first but you get used to them. worst case scenario look up a manual online.

dragon force is a solid 8.532 out of 10.32 for me. that's a good score.

wish i still had all my saturn shit. traded it all in for a ps1. ps1 was better, but idiots will pay so much for saturn crap. i would love to make money on them.

>> No.6600539

I really don't get the hate for Working Designs. Without them the games would have most likely faded into obscurity and not be as beloved as they are now.

Plus their dubs were quite good for the time compared to some earlier dubs.

>> No.6600556

Because they inserted lol so randumb bullshit and dated as fuck pop culture references. Victor Ireland is a nonce.

>> No.6600576
File: 485 KB, 960x1016, memesfromlonngago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took over 9000 hours in paint, but here you go.

>> No.6600596

not to mention WD would often arbitrarily increase the difficulty of their games' enemies and bosses, doubling and even tripling hp/atk/def stats, which makes some of their games a tedious grindfest compared to the equivalent JP version
not sure if that happened with dragon force though, maybe they lightened up on that one

>> No.6600616

It gets a bit easy when you use Mages and have a tank like General

>> No.6600620

>not "the hardest mettle..."
Step it up senpai.

>> No.6600631
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I honestly don't know if you're pretending to be retarded or actually retarded.

>> No.6600661
File: 156 KB, 1152x982, SSF 2016-10-31 23-08-34-72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i laughed at some dialogues when i replayed it. definitely less boring than the dialogues of a lot of jap games from that era. the story isn't very interesting anyway. it's all about addictive gameplay and great music.

>> No.6600690

I'm largely in agreement with you on all accounts. Absolutely solid strategy game all around. I played it about fifteen years ago and had a blast. Still have the same copy and used it as a test for a Pesudo Saturn cart. Apparently if you use one of the carts that is a 1M/4M/Backup cart it will refuse to load the game. If it has a physical switch to set the mode on the cart you should be good. I'm guessing if it works with a legitimate copy a burn should work as well, though as you pointed out emulation efforts have produced solid results for this Saturn game in particular.
Yeah, Working Designs is the retro gaming monkey's paw. You get your wish but with some sort of downside.
I forgot how fucking nonsensical these pre-battle quotes could be. How often did these make sense when said one after another?

>> No.6600710

Except the large majority of the games they brought over have faded into obscurity. As far as the modern gaming scene is concerned the games they brought over might as well not have existed and when it comes to retro game discussion only a small few like Lunar are fondly remembered. Most of them aren't remember really remembered for the game itself as they are for having their balance get fucked up because Working Designs thought making grindy JRPGs even more grindy amound a bunch of other bullshit was a good idea.

>> No.6600808

when they revealed the dark knight is a girl I thought it was another feminine blond anime guy

>> No.6600910

>Spend an hour taking over a 10 general fortress
>Have other army's in surrounding areas to catch people fleeing

>Let me tell you this, im a man
>Apart from all the SCREAMING and YELLING outside, everything is normal

>> No.6601017

I got a little disillusioned once I realized the only thing that actually matters to beat the game is gathering all the kings, and the last boss scales to your kings so not even their levels matter. You can let almost the whole map get taken over and it won't get in the way of winning.
Of course, there's also story events to find around the map so it's not like beating the last boss is all there is to do.

>> No.6602075

Loved the shit out of that game and went through hell back in the day emulating it to play it again.
Played it with about 5 different nations but only ever beat it with Goldark since he was bad ass as fuck and the villain.
Game is a lot like a few other country conquest games out there like Brigandine and those games have lots a replay value in them.
It's worth a play just the at least try it out though you will learn to hate those 3 dipshits that come every month to attack your leader.
Legit the only bad thing about the game is those 3 assholes but there is a way to kill them off and replace them with 2 really weak assholes that can get stuck on the map.
Damn shame that whoever owns the IP now never released it digitally outside of Japan since it was available to buy I think on ps3.

>> No.6602341
File: 189 KB, 1152x982, SSF 2016-10-30 22-26-16-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes sense reasonably often

>> No.6603342

I have a physical copy for Sega Saturn but I haven't played it yet.

>> No.6603641


>> No.6603671

Is the sequel as good as the first game? I see there's a fan-translation.

>> No.6603783

the colors are more washed out and above all, the map is too zoomed in, so you can't watch other factions fight one another, which was one of the things that made 1 so comfy.
apart from that, it's very good and the translation is excellent. (i had a game breaking bug with that patch on one of my runs though, had to switch to the jap version)

>> No.6604268
File: 63 KB, 930x772, 1548979367371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started playing this game today! What the FUCK am I doing/supposed to do? I don't get it at all!

>> No.6604280

>Red pill me on Dragon Force.
It's like a simpler Kichikuou Rance

>> No.6604316
File: 709 KB, 2592x1944, Through_the_fire_and_flames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Izumo is the best and easiest for the skills of its generals and very strong samurai warriors. Pretty easy to defend too since there's only 2 paths. The samurai are only really bested by dragons which pretty much defeat everything. Working Designs added some shortcut buttons which are handy but not necessary, so they didn't adversely affect the game. It is still a great game to me for its simplicity, and fun enough I've beaten the game with every nation. It was a great cheap find in the back of Electronics Boutique, as they were starting to hide the Saturn games since everyone else wanted Playstation games.

>> No.6604347

It's fine. Try to be less of a faggot.

>> No.6605573
File: 79 KB, 550x543, 2vfhil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traded it all in for a ps1

>> No.6605609

Send your guys into other guys and take over their shit. And don't be Gongos, because he's an idiot who lets everyone escape.

>> No.6605616

he has a good theme though