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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3 KB, 640x400, intro_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6593650 No.6593650 [Reply] [Original]

Dospack download by BasedDOSGuy: https://mega.nz/folder/CldGAahb#yn_8LkRHraywPgKJMp5pqA
(1.4GB for around 85 games)

This thread is for general DOS gaming discussion.

>> No.6593673
File: 35 KB, 315x250, cpsxwq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no C-Dogs
he had one fucking job

>> No.6593683

(You) have one fucking job. The OP Pack is a starter pack of sorts. These threads turn into share threads, so if you got some goods, pass it around.

Fully recommended that you don't share links from your main account. In case they get seen and deleted. Join in on the fun, my dude.

>> No.6593707

>dospackanon saving /vr/ from being absolutely and undisputedly shit and crap right now
you're a god among mere mortals

>> No.6593808

It’s good to be back.
This thread got me into classic FPS again, I’m currently playing Blood for the first time.
I’ve also been trying newer shooters inspired by classic styles, like Ion Fury and Dusk. Fun times.

>> No.6593819
File: 34 KB, 512x384, 1290457920355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fukken love these comfy ass dos threads

>> No.6593849
File: 39 KB, 706x416, ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using the template the original DOSPack anon provided and making an adventure game collection. I don't know what I'm doing so it may take a while before I release it but progress is steady. Keep an eye out for it in these threads.

>> No.6594217

Thanks anon.

>> No.6594246
File: 15 KB, 640x400, vrdos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to add in an ANSI splash screen?

>> No.6594351

Seems like you know your shit but if you are hurting for some more obscure (but good) adventure games you might want to look at the guide to classic graphic adventures: https://hg101.itch.io/hg101-presents-the-guide-to-classic-graphic-adventures
Its a very interesting read and if you want a copy, i can make a link or something. Everyone has a copy now thanks to the bundle for racial justice.

>> No.6594482

That'd be great if you could upload a copy. I'm honeatly just going through and adding things ive heard of or played demos of when I was a kid. If you hace some suggeations let me hear them too

>> No.6594563
File: 2.92 MB, 640x400, Lands of Lore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6595995


Just replace the dots and here you go. Coulnt make any personal recomendations myself i dont really like graphic adventures, i suck at them.

>> No.6596198

Thanks hoss

>> No.6596369

Thank you OP for reposting my pack again, keeping it alive makes it feel like my efforts were not in vain! Also make sure to check out the recently updated Win98 games section: https://mega.nz/folder/3t8nzSIS#947kyMN6Z80f8HS7q2XlqA

Good luck anon, feel free to tinker with the menu and add the games of your liking. If you release it somewhere, please be so kind to also link to the original (if you want to help make it more popular). If you have any questions just ask here.

That looks pretty cool anon, you made that? Ansi.sys functionality is embedded in DosBox by default (hence the colors work like they do in the intro screen), but i'm not quite sure if the 320x200 pixel support is possible too in DosBox. The following is taken from wikipedia:

"Once loaded, ANSI.SYS enables code sequences to apply various text formatting features. Using this driver, programs that write to the standard output can make use of the 16 text foreground colors and 8 background colors available in VGA-compatible text mode, make text blink, change the location of the cursor on the screen, and blank the screen. It also allows for the changing of the video mode from standard 80×25 text mode to a number of different graphics modes (for example, 320×200 graphics mode with text drawn as pixels, though ANSI.SYS does not provide calls to turn individual pixels on and off)."

>> No.6596446

You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar

>> No.6596564

Yea, I did make it. I figured it would be better looking than the ASCII one shown in the OP. I've uploaded it here if whoever is managing the pack wants to put it in: https://16colo.rs/paste/0ac51c3f

>> No.6596681

How do I even download this? I don't want to install something to download it

>> No.6596840

You don't have to install anything (as in running an install.exe), just download the archive and unpack in any location, then run dosbox.exe

>> No.6596923
File: 84 KB, 877x511, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean on download link. How do I download the actual file lol. A box keeps popping up telling me to install something.

I can run dosbox etc. I just can't download the initial file

>> No.6596951

Fucking love Lands of Lore, 3's my fav though. I recently played through 1 and the end dungeons supposedly have a bit of cut content, like a door that can't be opened with an item behind it.

>> No.6596989

You should be able to click that away, it works fine on for example Firefox without any extra downloader. Which browser/OS you on?

>> No.6597004

I don't know why these people won't use archive.
Just download a full set set bro
The closest to "every version of everything" but is missing some of the larger CD-ROM games.
Not as autistically complete as TDC but has more of the big CD games

>> No.6597008
File: 42 KB, 1725x862, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opera and Chrome. The little box on the left at the bottom pops up and downloads it that way instead of directly to my hdd?

>> No.6597017

Oh, that's actually how Mega works, it's first downloading it to your cache, then at the very end when it reached 100% you will be prompted to save it to your HDD, and it will be instantly there.

>> No.6597062

Hmm seems like an odd way to do it

>> No.6597073

If I already have Exodus do I need this?

>> No.6597143
File: 15 KB, 560x306, cowwar_screenshot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need Total Dos Collection in addition to Exodos because you're missing shit like pic related

>> No.6597150

>101.9 gigabytes
hell no

>> No.6597151

You sir are a faggot from reddit

>> No.6597170

>smaller than your average modern video game
>too big

>> No.6597176

That's like 95% shit you have to wade through. I knew, I tried.

>> No.6597186

You need Total DOS Collection, ExoDOS, and
never shut up about it when seeing other people's suggested selection of games. How else would you truly enjoy videogames.

>> No.6597290
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6597306
File: 110 KB, 800x938, 173538-links-386-pro-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Links 386 Pro included
Based. Don't pass this up just because it's a sports game; it really is one of the all-time best DOS games.

>> No.6597408

Nice work! But I have some problems regarding the scrolling speed of the mouse in Warcraft 2... I've tried some tips I've read only like modifying the dosbox.conf file to reduce the cycles but it doesn't seem to work... Halp?

>> No.6597596

i believe there's a slider for scroll speed in the game's options menu itself. If that doesn't yield your desired result, you will have to A) change your mouse DPI or B) change DosBox' sensitivity scaler.

Normally you could type CONFIG -set sensitivity=(number between 0 to 100) in the DosBox commandline before starting the game to change it for that session alone.

Or you can open the dosbox.conf file with notepad and find the line that says 'sensitivity' and change it there (0-100).

The latter solution will permanently change it for all games though.

If you want to change it for warcraft 2 only, you'll have to edit the respective .bat file in the warcraft 2 folder and add CONFIG -set sensitivity=(number) at the top and add it once more at the bottom to reset it to the normal value again (50 i believe) when you exit the game.

>> No.6597763

is lands 2 worth playing? i dabbled a bit but the transformation mechanic was a bit annoying.

>> No.6597805

I mean, it's great in it's own way, but the transformation is really annoying, since sometimes it's random and sometimes purposeful. I love shitty FMV though and there's so much of it in the game lol.

>> No.6597832
File: 37 KB, 580x334, df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the DOS-Pack. Through it I've delved into Dark Forces and Warcraft 2 for the first time in 20 years. Super nostalgic, man. I love it.
I have the 1.35 version. What's new in 1.37?

>> No.6597843
File: 2.94 MB, 480x360, Dark Forces 2020.06.24 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have the 1.35 version. What's new in 1.37?

>- revision 25 june 2020: despite the previous message, i had some time to sneak in another update! Added 4 'hover' games (find them in the 'Hovers' section: Hi-Octane, SlipStream 5000, Terminal Velocity and WipeOut (contains soundtrack). Also changed version number to 1.37.

>> No.6599903
File: 177 KB, 1507x1440, Downloaded the image to Messenger_Lite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Win98 Section
based based B-A-S-E-D

Dos game pack updates are a highlight of my week

>> No.6599993

Jesus Christ, have you ever played a first person shooter in your life before?

>> No.6600004

Can you shut up, whiny faggot

>> No.6600040
File: 2.93 MB, 480x360, Dark Forces 2020.06.24 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here get even more annoyed you little faggot.

>> No.6600064

Don't be mad just 'cause you bad.
Honestly though, you're not doing awful or anything, hardly getting hit. I think a lot of people that play older shooters like that are just used to moving around like a coked out jackrabbit.

>> No.6600087

This game is a lot darker on the PS1, I found it pretty boring.

>> No.6600098

Cry harder you waste of oxygen

>> No.6600114

PCem pack 1.0


Win3.1 0.6


>> No.6600116

So.. No then? Exodus has everything this has?

>> No.6600117
File: 67 KB, 230x230, chen vibrating.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6600191

eXoDOS is not optimized at all. All games in this pack received some love one way or the other (patches and other improvements), just open the readme to see. Plus it's 1.44GB of good games vs 500GB of shovelware shit. This shit is ready after you download, just click and play.

>> No.6600223
File: 41 KB, 226x188, vr-seal-of-quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your service

>> No.6600224

Neat, but how do we use this?

>> No.6600252

I want to play the games as they were intended, not with 2020 improvements. Does that mean I shouldn’t download this pack?

>> No.6600269

I mean you clearly dislike this whole concept so you probably should not.

>> No.6600295
File: 3 KB, 640x400, dosbox_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for reminding me this game exists!

decided to add it in myself with revenge of the mutant camels, download this file and add the contents to the "SHMUPS" folder and overwrite where necessary.

(btw there's an open source version of Cdogs in the works: https://cxong.github.io/cdogs-sdl/ )

>> No.6600298
File: 3 KB, 320x200, rgame386_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops I forgot to paste the Mega link: https://mega.nz/file/LwhmSAxB#rlyFLF1rmqsNYQg0FnZRktLOMX9eb68QlvGTy3oDQco

>> No.6600304

>He hasn't played Museum Madness yet

>> No.6601558

The PCem DOS pack is pretty much stock or official patches with zero modern enhancements, but the game list is completely different. The text files in the two PCem packs have game lists.

>> No.6602127

Just wanted to say thanks for your pack. I've been having a great time with it. I had SkyNet as a kid but the family computer was too shit to run it properly (and i was too scared to play it). For years I've tried now and then to get it work but there's always been an issue. I beat it for the first time last week because of this pack! Now i'm playing through Dark Forces. The Steam version sucks in comparison. You've def triggered my desire for old FPS.

>> No.6602951

So much atmosphere in those 2 Terminator games (Future Shock, SkyNet). As a kid i remember being sucked in, and actually feel scared when you heard the metallic clunky sound of a terminator coming around the corner. It was revolutionary for its full mouselook and ability to enter buildings. It was a bit overwhelmed by Quake's release at the time and it somehow didn't become one of those games that were discussed at school. I think many people don't know this, but i believe this was Todd Howard's (Fallout etc.) first game. It used the same engine (Xngine) as Daggerfall and sported giant open areas but also had a myriad of issues.

>> No.6602980
File: 21 KB, 400x300, 68376917_10212607940507322_3221500848123150336_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Adventure game pack anon here. Do you have any advice about making a batch file run games that have isos with data included? I saw in your Tomb Raider project you got it to run without an iso image. I could just mount the iso files but that's proving to be a pain in the ass. A lot of these old adventure games have Isos for some reason.

>> No.6603037

Play Police Quest II y'all. Is dope.

>> No.6603105

You will need to mount the ISO for each game separately then. Best is to use D as the virtual ISO drive. Example:


Also after use, it must be unmounted again so that other games can use the drive again (as if you remove a physical CD-ROM from the drive). Type "MOUNT -U D" to do that.

Example of mounting a game's iso and running it and afterwards unmounting it again:


Maybe watching this video will help also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUPWJbbCYtE

>> No.6603408

Thanks dude

>> No.6603596

So i gotta ask, what's wrong the the eXoDOS pack?

7k ish DOS games + launchbox

>> No.6603624

>what is a use case?

>> No.6603645

is there a scummvm pack i could get hold of with my grubby paws?

>> No.6603703

Google "scummvm collection". First result on internet archive.

>> No.6603742

I feel embarrassed for not thinking of something so obvious myself but, thank you!!

>> No.6603997

Anon, just upload a win95 pack with a 1998 spec and absolute zero in it

>> No.6604247

Who /tapan kaikki/ here?

It's almost like a 90s version of Hotline Miami.


>> No.6604286

pointless without a freesync monitor

>> No.6606113


>> No.6606120

Great contribution anon

>> No.6606129

looks more like "take no prisoners" or "teleglitch" with how spongy your character is

>> No.6606140

Hotline Miami was so incredibly overrated in retrospect. It's also hideously ugly for some reason.

>> No.6606431

Download the vrdos.ans file and put it in the DOSGAMES folder.
In INTRO.BAT, you will find the old screen from line 4 to 28 (All the ECHO stuff). Either remove that or comment it out.
Add, in it's stead, TYPE VRDOS.ANS
Save and it should show the ANSI file instead.

>> No.6606727
File: 21 KB, 1282x827, 606431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice!
I thought you meant literally "type" and not putting in "TYPE VRDOS.ANS" at first

>> No.6607649

Pack creator here, are you the same anon as >>6596564 ?
Would you like me to add the splash screen to the pack itself? Haven't tried it yet, but assuming it will work, i guess it will look nicer than my ascii art. If so, how should i credit you?

>> No.6608597

Oh my God thats comfy

>> No.6608951
File: 71 KB, 689x790, dos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a Dos Adventure Game Collection I've been working on for the last few days. Thanks to BasedDOSGuy for his batch files and all his help answering my questions.


>> No.6609709
File: 6 KB, 452x82, yes_thatisme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea sure, if you like it enough to add it, please do! You can just credit me as AnsiAnon or something, I really don't care too much.

>> No.6611516

>I want to play the games as they were intended
Get Total Dos Collection. It's just the games without any pre-configued dosbox bundled in. Games with copy protection are cracked, if an uncracked version was available it's also included as a .ex_ file

>> No.6611543
File: 124 KB, 708x465, covert action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotline Miami is ugly because it has crappy sprites with 3D and lighting effects added. That style reeks of indie. If games with "retro" graphics would cut back on the effects, they'd actually look like an old PC game with mediocre graphics.

>> No.6611552

I already added it to the main dospack archive (dospack.7z), i'll mention your nickname in the readme later, thanks.

Sidenote to other peeps: the mega link now contains two .7zip archives, one is the default (dospack.7z) and the other is dospack_ce.7z (community edition). The community edition is the same as the base one except that it has all the community requested games added (from a few threads back). As a result, the CE edition is somewhat bigger in size.

>> No.6611660

Thank you DOSanon for this, I just wanted to play Dark Forces (I already own it) with sane mouse-look and didn't want to spend a day figuring it all out! Much appreciated

>> No.6611739

My pleasure anon, pretty much every FPS in the pack (except for Doom and Wolfenstein which by default don't support the "Y-Shearing" technique unless a port adds it, such as Zdoom) received mouselook support if available. Together with the WASD introduced controls i think it has an edge over 'vanilla configured' dos fps (keyboard).

>> No.6613929
File: 21 KB, 294x338, WinEntPack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for an easy way to play the Microsoft Enterntainment Pack (SkiFree, Rodent's Revenge, Taipei, etc).

Is it available anywhere?

>> No.6614131



Seems to be a somewhat earlier leaked version but made compatible to run on 64bit. Doesn't include SkiFree but that's also on archive: https://archive.org/details/SkiFree_1020

>> No.6615469

that is some fucking comfy shit

>> No.6617509
File: 2.96 MB, 480x378, Conan the Cimmerian 2020.06.22 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6618584

Still no good way of adding X-Com?

>> No.6619256

PCem Win3.1 pack.

PCem DOS pack.

>> No.6622225
File: 3.00 MB, 480x378, Conan the Cimmerian 2020.06.22 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6624003

Can anyone suggest some good DOS shmups that aren't included in this pack?