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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 125 KB, 800x561, bomberman64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6588421 No.6588421 [Reply] [Original]

>Bomberman 64 essentially changed the basics of Bomberman (which had remained largely the same for years) by bringing the single-player mode into a 3D Super Mario 64-style world, clearing many of the obstacles and shrinking the arenas in multiplayer, and automatically giving the character several of the abilities he'd normally get through power-ups. All said, B64 effectively neutered Bomberman of fun.

Was he right, /vr/?

>> No.6588427

It was a 3D plarform adventure game, not a classic bomberman game. It's a pretty nice game on its own, great ost too.
There is a japan-exclusive "Bomberman 64" that was released in 2001, that one is a traditional 2D bomberman, probably the best 5th gen one after saturn bomberman. Better than the dreamcast online one too.

>> No.6588458

this game taught me taht i can jump by throwing a bunch of shit off a ledge and then they bounce off each other and then i jump on them.

just like in real life!!!

>> No.6589583

I actually haven't played 64 (or any of the 5th gen Bomberman games for that matter), but it did something different. It wasn't exactly your average Bomberman game, but that's fine. It really didn't 'neuter' the series if there was 4 more 3D games that came out after this (Hero, 64: Second Attack, Generation, Jetters). If a game did neuter the series, it would've been Act Zero. Some games in the series got mediocre/negative reception, but the only game that does not get defended is Act Zero.

>> No.6589590


>> No.6589679
File: 114 KB, 639x497, saturnbomberman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Grid-based Bomberman shits all over 3D Bomberman so hard it's not even funny.

Also, post your favourite Bomberman game.