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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6585965 No.6585965 [Reply] [Original]

Yoshi's Island? I think you mean Baby's Cryland.

>> No.6585967

Can't argue with this, the game would have been better without the baby crying.

>> No.6585981

just don’t get hit scrub

>> No.6585987 [DELETED] 
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>>I let myself get in while playing a Mario game!

What a thing to let everyone know.

>> No.6585989

Played this game once for about 20 seconds then never again. Babies crying is the worst noise on this planet why would I voluntarily subject myself to that

>> No.6585998
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>playing Mario games when you get hit a lot
Sounds like you don't like Mario games. Why pretend you'd like it if it weren't for the crying? You were lulled into a sense of false security by the begging being very easy, he floats by default, can get hit over and over; THEN it got harder and the baby flew away. You didn't expect to suck, but like all other old Mario games you did. Now you're salty and trying to make it into a meme.

Also, if crying babies bother you this much you're basically catering to your feminine instincts and that's gay.

You don't get hit in Mario games. If you do then just go ahead and give up. It's not the baby's fault.

>> No.6586010

I never got that bitching about the crying.
WHen playing it as kid not once did I think "I my, if only that crying wasn't there, then this game would be SO much more enjoyable.", it's a fucking baby, a baby that is suddenly knocked off its host, of course it's gonna cry! And of course it's annoying but that's the whole point, it's the incentive and what you get for getting hit.
I would have found it weird for Mario to stay completely docile when getting knocked off.

>> No.6586015

That's a mistake, though. Yoshi's Island is a really good game.

>> No.6586036

I don’t want to play the whole game on mute though

>> No.6586045



Repelled by a baby crying, Jesu Christo....

>> No.6586048

>baby suddenly knocked off its host
You have a strange understanding of human anatomy, where are you from anon?

>> No.6586051

It isn’t just the crying; YI has the worst sound effects of any Nintendo game. Thankfully, there is a rom hack that revises the whole soundscape of the game.

>> No.6586075
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Kiddy Kong's crying is worse

>> No.6586080

Humans must be the only animal on the planet whose offspring causes a rage-inducing racket when mildly inconvenienced. How natural selection in the form of "Dashing that fleshy screeching noisemaking shit generator's skull against a tree" didn't breed that out is beyond me.

>> No.6586095

My older sister thought it was annoying but I thought it was funny.

Consider it a reason to not get hit.

>> No.6586107

Seriously. They’re useless dead weight for like 5 years and they’re nothing but a resource drain for the first couple. Ffs other animals will kill their own offspring if it attracts predators. Checkmate evolutionists?

>> No.6586161


That's indeed a good question. Even though a noise maker should attract predators it clearly had an evolutionary advantage. I'm just guessing here but it could be because of the development of humans walking upright and the corresponding development of tools with the now free hands. When they were still nomads it allowed the mother to always carry the baby in a basket or sth on her back so it didn't make any really loud noises (just like you can see in primitive tribes today still, then when humans settled, they built fortified areas and the tribe could fight off predators, so it seems that then it was an advantage to cry as loud and whiny as possible, probably to instinctively have all the females of the tribe care for you, the loudest criers got the most attention and therefore the best chances. And this seems to have stayed until today.

>> No.6586180

>And this seems to have stayed until today.
Except today the "the loudest criers got the most attention and therefore the best chances" extends into fucking adulthood.

>> No.6586185

is that why you're so successful?

>> No.6586192

what are some retro games where you drive bulldozers over fields of crying babies

>> No.6586197

No, it isn’t. It’s overrated trash like 90% of Nintendo games.

>> No.6586204

You know, it’s quite possible crying is recent (on an evolutionary timeline of 1000s of years) adaptation, you stupid nigger?

>> No.6586250

Evolution is a hoax

>> No.6586269


I know, right?

Let's go back a few thousand years and ride dinosaurs with Jesus!

>> No.6586278

hey, it's that schizo who was posting cats in the mario 64 thread

>> No.6586286

Worst game I've ever played. I emulated the game on my SNES to see if it were any good, I stopped playing once I got annoyed by a crying baby Mario. Who came up with this shit? Yoshi's Island is a huge dumpster fire. No wonder they never got around to making Super Mario World 3.

>> No.6587757

Chrono Trigger?
I think you meant HOMO NIGGER

>> No.6587765


>> No.6587773


>He actually gets hit...zoom zoom.

>> No.6587776

Gee this opinion sure seems legit and unbaised. Companyfags are so cringe

>> No.6587850

The game is mostly really easy, you're likely to only hear crying for literally a few seconds per level. Its not that bad.

>> No.6587935

who the FUCK stickied this?

>> No.6588520

>No wonder they never got around to making Super Mario World 3.

There was no Super Mario World 2. The game was treated as its own thing and just called "Yoshi's Island" in Japan. It is Americans who needed a fake sequel cash grab to make the game sell there.