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6580119 No.6580119 [Reply] [Original]

>Socket 370 PIII 800mhz + 1.4ghz (not shown)
>Asus TUV4X motherboard
>512mb RAM
>Geforce3 ti200 128mb
>Diamond Voodoo2 8mb (not shown)
>120gb HDD
>Win98 SE

Can I solder ram chips from a broken Creative Labs Voodoo2 onto my Diamond V2 8mb? Is there any penalty to mixing ram chips?

>> No.6580297
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I think I saw a video doing that. I wish I had the knowledge, equipment, funds, skills, and ability to solder and desolder components. It would be so helpful.


I am also trying to build a J-Win98SE computer but /g/ offered no help. I got the old Microsoft Natural Pro to pair with it, but I'd really like to have had the money and soldering/desoldering ability to get in on that FLX Virgo group buy.

>> No.6580343

Beautiful Voodoo5. How would you even get one of those without paying through the nose?

I kinda want to build an older P-MMX Win95 machine but I don't know what I'd play on it. I suppose I could build one for the sheer satisfaction of it.

>> No.6580562

thanks for the tutorial. I will order so RAM to upgrade my Voodoo2 to 12MB

>> No.6580728
File: 2.80 MB, 2016x1512, DOSbox_preparations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea. It is something I had from long ago and I have no idea if it still works. Once my country overcomes this COVID thing to open up for shipments from China, I intend on saving up for those new PCI Geforce FX 5500 in case.


I was also thinking of using 98lite Professional to regain the 95 explorer in my J-Win98SE build as I don't intend on connecting it to the internet meaning Internet Explorer integration would be pointless. However a P-MMX era machine would be great for a lot of DOS games.

Good luck to you, as that process looks tedious and difficult. If you have the equipment and ability more power to you. You can do so much good with the ability to solder and desolder.

>> No.6581223

Since you have to ask the answer is no. If you're unable to look at the parts and check if they're compatible there's no way you're going to manage to do it even if they are.

>> No.6581518

whats deh oldest and cheapest a computuh can get but still able to burrowso 4chan and cant emulate games at all im anti emulation you know im like a dommmdm

>> No.6581616
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>whats deh oldest and cheapest a computuh can get but still able to burrowso 4chan and cant emulate games at all im anti emulation you know im like a dommmdm

>> No.6581631

soldering can be fun once you're familiar with but an absolute nightmare otherwise. specially if you're dealing with tiny and/or fragile connections. I hate modding consoles for that reason.
but that upgrade seems fairly straightforward. the pads are all in place, it's only a matter of putting it together.

>> No.6582253

Is it possible to get an imac g3 to comfortably browse the internet? Like 4chan and youtube and stuff?
What emulators can it run?

>> No.6582256

Why don’t you give it a go and find out :^)

>> No.6582327

No. 4chan maybe, I was able to post from a p150/WinME rig 2 or 3 years ago.
In any case, using the modern internet on a machine more than 10 years old is going to be a chore at best and downright impossible at worst.

>> No.6582592

I dunno about Macs, but you can pretty comfortably browse the internet using Win2000

>> No.6582634

I wanna switch over entirely to the g3
What about emulators

>> No.6583698
File: 1.83 MB, 4032x3024, 46BB0570-3E1D-4D48-A701-82A8456149D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dual processor capable, currently a single PII 233
>256mb RAM
>Matrox G400MAX
>Aztech sound card
The Aztech gets cycled out for a variety of cards, but nothing too special. CQM sb16, awe64 gold, and this odd audician card I’m convinced is a chinese clone or something.
Being stuck with a 66mhz fsb blows though so I just picked up a 440bx board that I hope will let me flesh out some other processors I have lying around.

>> No.6583728

>cocreate instance failed
>class not registered

What the fuck? How do I install a Voodoo2?

>> No.6583862

Since this is a retro hardware thread I'd like to ask a game related question. Do any of you play the Windows 95 version of Mechwarrior 2. Not Mercs, Battlepack or Titanium versions, just software Win95 Mech2 or GBL. I just recently tried emulating these games on PCem and Qemu and noticed a strange bug with the M key function and just wanted to know if this occurred on original hardware.

The bug in question was pressing the M key caused the mech to glitch in some random direction instead of realigning the mech's lower half with the viewing direction.

>> No.6583904

How do dual socket CPUs work in Win9x?

Win9x doesn't recognize more than one core. So it reads it as a single core, right?

>> No.6584024

They don’t. 9x will just ignore the second processor, that’s why I’ve only got one in there at the moment. I’ve ran dual CPUs under Win2k which works but it’s only mostly a novelty, hardly anything supports multithreaded processing.

>> No.6585096

yeh degs
hoa du i make a peesee dat burn disk? Mm .mmmm

i want chepes posibil peesee it only need burn disk and take usb. internet/4chan opshunal

danke megadokammsmsmsmzmsmm

>> No.6585234

Of course it's possible. Just pull the latest chrome source, patch it to work, and build. Other than that no.

>I dunno about Macs
>I also dunno about PCs

>> No.6585262


>> No.6585859

You should be able to run 3rd or maybe 4th gen emulators. I had nesticle and genecyst running fine on a PII around then, but I have no idea what people were using on the Mac side for emulation at the time.

>> No.6586359

Do you also not know about chrome?