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File: 51 KB, 1148x425, ntwiypzkfhfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6579653 No.6579653 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the Sonic 3 sprite look so retarded?

>> No.6579659

Why is your post so retarded?

>> No.6579679
File: 55 KB, 262x272, Poochie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Simpson's Poochie effect.

>> No.6579680

Because it went completely cartoony.

>> No.6579691

They made his pupils too small.

>> No.6579734

people cry about his adventure look but he was already halfway there with his sonic 3 design

i still like it though. he's much more expressive then his predecessors and if you ask me the mania sprite could've used more from it instead of just being an oversaturated sonic 2 sprite with unfittingly smooth extra animation tacked on

>> No.6579737
File: 3 KB, 132x218, Sonic3TitleFullBody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To match the weird CG look on the title screen instead of the original design.

>> No.6579767


>> No.6579769
File: 195 KB, 1280x889, 2urO4Oa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks fine you stupid autists

>> No.6579804
File: 250 KB, 600x520, IMG_6524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6579809

>sonic mania


>> No.6579838

His arm is all long and weird in the old sprite. 3 sprite is better.

>> No.6580485

Based Sonic lmao

>> No.6580512

Every part 3 looks retarded

>> No.6580516


Sonic 3 is when the series took a steep dive.

The art style, the dumpy palette, the gameplay becoming stale, cringey CGI, etc

I had got it new and it was visibly, instantly recognizably worse than it's predecessors. I never completed it.

>> No.6580538

>sonic 3 bad
where did this abject zoomery come from? back in the day it was unanimously considered the best and for good reason. is it because there's no adware iphone version like the other genesis sonic games?

>> No.6580553

Why does your face look so retarded? Down Syndrome combined with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

>> No.6580736

Why is he wearing a crucifix.

>> No.6580804

Retroactive disdain for add-ons and upgraded editions. I personally think it's a result of modern gens hammering it home to the point DLC and "better" versions are expected and it's creating a rubberband effect that is reaching back so far.

>> No.6580812
File: 254 KB, 640x480, FBE92AA4-B388-4B93-B129-1E10D6EB701D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never completed it.

>> No.6580818


It wasn't unanimous, games like Sonic had their shills much like today. Just look at the 10/10 scores every first party generic blockbuster crap gets. It was no diffferent in the 90s. I remember Digitiser in the UK ran a bad review of Sonic 3 and the fanboys would send in angry spam mail for years.

>> No.6580828

Cause it was done by an american b-team which is why the physics were garbage

>> No.6580832

It was never considered the best. 2 is aways better

>> No.6580847

3 slowed gameplay down to absolute garbage and turned it into mario power up collectathon which sonic ahould of never been. Then sonic knuckles killed what was left

>> No.6580860

Sonic 3 is the best one and improved everything.

>> No.6580864

You said it seconds before I could. I had no idea there was so much vitriol for Sonic 3. The only criticism I have for it is that the second half of the game was chopped out and you were forced to buy & Knuckles to play it. But &K is awesome also so I won’t cry too much.

>> No.6580914

i've never heard anyone complain about the lock-on feature ever
i'm not talking about paid reviews from 25 years ago. i mean the general internet consensus
nah. sonic 2 has unanimous problems like metropolis zone that aren't equally represented by anything in 3.
>3 slowed gameplay down to absolute garbage
no it didn't. maybe play to hydrocity act 2 next time. but yeah sure i can't zoom off the screen and end up glitching into a loop-de-loop and dying like i can in 2. what a shame.
>and turned it into mario power up collectathon which sonic ahould of never been
literally what the fuck are you talking about? nobody's played this schizo candle cove edition of sonic 3 you apparently played where its a collectathon

>> No.6581719

& Knuckles is some of the best dlc for any game ever.

>> No.6581740

Not this shit again. It’s because of blind fucktards like you that Sonic Mania doesn’t look like the Sonic 3&K successor its supposed to be.

>> No.6581747

What the actual fuck are you talking about, zoomer?

>> No.6581881

>back in the day it was unanimously considered the best
Where? When? 2 has always been considered best since its release

>> No.6582568

wrong. why do you think sega prioritized things like a multitude of playable characters back in the adventure era and only recently backpedaled and started pandering to the sonic 2 zoomers with this sonic-only endless recycling of chemical plant where you just go fast and there's no depth? the actual genesis-era fans grew out of the series and so the evolutions 3&k brought to the series became irrelevant and sega could just market off sonic 1/2 nostalgia since they were the only ones zoomies gave the time of day

>> No.6582574

the smirk and small pupils give him a derpy face.
he literally does look like a downy.

>> No.6582590

>muh awkward pregnancy pose
>muh mdma pupils
>muh weirdly pissed off expression
>muh horrifically elongated noodle arms
what's to like about the 1/2 sprite, exactly? are you just bitching at 3 for innovating?

>> No.6582836
File: 43 KB, 600x728, 268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, it's hip to dislike 3&K Now?
The 3 design was always far fucking superior to 1 and 2
>Lifeless eyes and face
>Dumb mohawk of quills on a bald head rather than a proper mane of them
>Retarded arm loop like he's singing 'I'm a little tea pot'
>Gigantic pointy shoes

>> No.6583218

i like sonic 2, but 3 is just cooler. yes, i rate them on their cool level, thats how rating games should work. sonic 3 looks cooler, and has cooler characters, sonic 2 looks boring

>> No.6583252

they were trying too hard to make S3 look like a SNES game instead of the tried and true SeGaesthetic of the first two games

>> No.6583419
File: 608 KB, 650x2000, 1251425535720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6583441

>muh mdma pupils
Your pupils get bigger on psychoactives as in they literally dilate, not smaller, you clueless fuck.

>> No.6583447

Aaaand I should've read the last line.

>> No.6583571
File: 383 KB, 1368x459, Sonic Sprites Walk BG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6583694

>Your shame can be put to rest today anon

>> No.6583712

>giant gloves
>too shiny
>right foot isn't parallel with left foot
>small pupils

>> No.6583793
File: 124 KB, 771x1037, IMG_6525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic is Christian

>> No.6583839

Thanks I spit my coke everywhere.

>> No.6583860

opinion discarded

>> No.6583964

Exactly, I never heard anyone complain about this until I started coming here

>> No.6583971

Here we fucking go

>> No.6585008
File: 51 KB, 1148x425, edited for a whiny faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that look better to you OP

>> No.6585109

Fix his shoes, change position and get rid of his grin.

>> No.6585110

Change position of his hands*

>> No.6585114

Mania sprites are so good.

>> No.6585195

that's a smirk

>> No.6585202

You couldn't post this in one of the many preexisting Sonic thrreads?

And to answer your question it's because his hands are too big, and they gave him a visible mouth.

>> No.6585971

The Sonic 2 prototype animation is better than the one used in the final game.

>> No.6586191

hate to break it to guys but uh sonic always had a mouth? not sure why him having a visible mouth is a problem

>> No.6586193

yeah no he didnt need the mdma pupils i hate it

the smaller pupils are totally in-line with how sonic's concept art always was. not sure why you autists are so fixated on it

>> No.6586238


>> No.6586287

Pleb filter

>> No.6586770

desu I thought you meant the mania one. I like the sonic 3 best of them, followed by the original.

>> No.6587114

3 looks offputting like it has no perspective.

>> No.6588087

People have been trying to discredit Sonic for years, even the classic ones.

>> No.6588564

Crucifixes are pagan, though.

>> No.6588687

Doesn't look as good as 1/2/CD but still miles better than nu sonic.

>> No.6588734

I don't really get the hate for 3's design, just seems better to me in every way; The cocky smirk gives him more character, his shoes aren't as retardedly long and awkwardly pointy feet aren't perfectly parrel which is a much more natural idle stance and his arms are in a somewhat natural position. The other is super awkward the more you stare at it; He's got his arms pulled waaaaaay the fuck back while both his feet are facing straight forward. Go ahead and try to mimic that pose yourself and realize how stupid it is, like he's getting ready to thrust his hips out.

Seriously the arms just ruin the original design

>> No.6588754

they all look roughly the same
cringe worthy fucking autists