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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6579331 No.6579331 [Reply] [Original]

IMO yes Nintendo did save gaming, some people think they didn't for several reasons. But I'll counter-argue the common reasons why people don't believe Nintendo saved gaming:

>If Nintendo didn't do it someone else would have

This argument completely based on faith, and you'd need to have a ton of faith that a company would've entered a dead and dying video game industry after the crash. After the 1983 crash, literally no one wanted to have anything to do with video games anymore, from companies to consumers and retailers. If the video game industry was dead DEAD with no one, more specifically in NA interested in video games anymore, why in the world would a company attempt to market a video game system if no one is interested? To most companies, it wouldn't have made sense from a business standpoint as many companies and analysts at the time would consider that a company's suicide. Even if a company did somehow have faith they could revive the gaming industry, the amount of huge hurdles a company would have to jump through just to get a video game system into retailers, and in the hands of the consumer would likely have been too much for any company to handle.


>> No.6579332


It literally took Nintendo to give NES's for free to retailers with Nintendo doing all the work when it comes to displaying the system to get retailers to finally stock the NES, retailers thought Nintendo was crazy for doing this, with even one store manager saying "It's your funeral" I'm sure 99.9% of companies would've given up on reviving the industry knowing all the hurdles in front of them. Even if that company SOMEHOW did revive video games (which is extremely unlikely), do you think now irrelevant companies like Atari or Sega would've kept it afloat and as big for so long?! They're now considered irrelevant companies for a reason, they're run by idiots. How about Sony & Microsoft, two companies who had NOTHING to do with video games until Nintendo got the industry big. They wouldn't have even attempted video games if it weren't for Nintendo's influence.

>> No.6579334

>Only the console market crashed, people just moved on to PCs & Arcades after the crash, video games were still popular

This is a flat out false statement, video games as a whole were dead ESPECIALLY in NA. Most people completely moved on from video games, believing it to be a fad. Whether on arcade, PC, or console, video games were dead all around. Proof of this is looking at global gaming revenue between 1982-1985, where the ENTIRE video game industry revenue was dropping substantially all across the board, not just on consoles. I see most people try to argue that PC gaming revenue between 1982-1985 was going up which supposedly shows that video games weren't dying and that people were just moving from console to PC, however they ignore the fact that despite PC revenue going up, the entire industry revenue was drastically dropping globally which shows that the majority people left video games in general with the EXTREMELY SMALL minority moving to PC. Showing that video games as a whole were dying.

>> No.6579335

>The Video Game Crash Only Happened in NA, other regions were still playing games

I won't deny that the crash technically only happened in NA, however it's important to point out usually when a crash happens in a major market like the U.S, it's only a matter a time before the affects of the crash spread onto other regions, and with no real major console player in the other regions with strict quality control and less video game companies in general, it's likely the crash would've spread to the other regions as well. Also, while the crash did only happened in NA, global video game revenue was dropping globally, proving that the industry was declining overall and would've continued to go in a downward spiral if it weren't for the NES. The industry would be nowhere near as big as it is today globally without Nintendo, and that's a fact.

>> No.6579352

I see no lies here, but expect some XBox humping zoomshits from /v/ to storm in here any minute now to tell you you're wrong.

>> No.6579373
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Quit sucking Nintendo's cock you revisionist faggot
Nintendo wasn't even that big a name outside of Jap and USA until the 1990s and videogames did fine and would've done fine without them.

>> No.6579384
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This thread has been proudly brought to you by

>> No.6579434

Can anyone remind me why we care about this still?

>> No.6579505

Uh excuse me but there was never a crash, because all 12 of ZX-Spectrum owners were still playing Zniggy throughout the 80's without interruption before Nintendo, check mate atheists.

>> No.6579593

What was going through your mind as you typed that?
Did you actually think that you were being funny?

>> No.6579604

>PC gaming revenue between 1982-1985 was going up which supposedly shows that video games weren't dying and that people were just moving from console to PC, however they ignore the fact that despite PC revenue going up, the entire industry revenue was drastically dropping globally which shows that the majority people left video games in general with the EXTREMELY SMALL minority moving to PC. Showing that video games as a whole were dying.
>but PC gaming sales were going up
You've already contradicted yourself.
>well, the crash technically happened only in NA, but it's LIKELY it would have
>already complained in the first post about people making arguments about "well, X probably would have happened"
No retard, you can't discount an argument for being based on speculation, only to use speculation as a POINT.

Christ, that was a lot of words for a zoomer to claim they know about shit that happened before they were born, while contradicting themselves multiple times.

>> No.6579627

Just let the thread die, this zoomer narrative on history has more holes than a sieve

>> No.6579778

>This argument completely based on faith, and you'd need to have a ton of faith that a company would've entered a dead and dying video game industry after the crash.
I think it requires a pretty deluded degree of faith to believe that only Nintendo, that Japanese playing card company from the 1800s, could revive the video game industry. Even if would happen a few years after it otherwise would have, eventually this technology would take off. Are you seriously suggesting that once tech improved to the point that you could play 16-bit or 3D games in your home, no one would have put out an affordable piece of hardware and make millions? That every company would just look at the 3D games in the arcade or PC, think "huh, I wonder if we should sell that to people in a console....naaaah"

>> No.6579785

It was pretty humorous, you stick in the mud

>> No.6579839

Actually Sega saved gaming. Nintendo was just super popular in North America, but everywhere else, Sega dominated. Try living outside your country for once and stop listening to e-celebs spreading this lie that Nintendo saved gaming.

>> No.6579902
File: 19 KB, 345x353, jack_tramiel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo saved gaming? What the hell is a Nintendo? We got that Jap house working for us, HAL, they make good games. Most people are buying a Commodore machine for games AND word processing, anyhow. What does Nintendo have to offer?

>> No.6580020


>> No.6580049

Is another episode of "the crash was worldwide.
t. amerifat"

Here that never happened and everyone was still enjoying atari.

>> No.6580069
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>> No.6581279

IMO people who blog on /vr/ are faggots

>> No.6581283

All I see in this pic is that chick about to get BLACKED on the couch.

>> No.6581289

>even when he sees a picture of a NES he can't stop thinking about black dicks

>> No.6581294
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>> No.6581312

they didn't kill yourself ameriburger

>> No.6581364
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You're right. U-S-A!!

>> No.6581375

If the nes was never released I still think eventually someone would attempt a console. Without the nes it is possible that Sega and Atari would not have attempted to bring out their consoles which would mean even the ps1 would not get made. PC gaming would still be happening the same including amiga so I think doom would still come out unchanged. Video games were seen as a bit of a fad so much so that adults still thought of games as space invaders and pacman clones well into the early 2000s. It is possible that the trend of the nes having hardware acceleration to make the console seem 10 x more powerful would not have taken off and in the 90s a mainly cpu driven console similar to the atari st would be released in 1990 with atari style joysticks. Eventually in the 90s gaming on pc would be fairly popular so there would be attempts to have console systems that use pc components, people will praise that ideas of something not seen since the early 80s.

>> No.6581445

>muh virus
kek you can tell how hard this tendie was seething while writing this

>> No.6581479

Who the fuck cared about yurop in the 80s?

>> No.6581506
File: 534 KB, 2344x1122, Nintendo-AVS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You woud've still of had nintendo in the United States even without the NES, you could've gotten this Atari / Nintendo Colabolation if it wasn't for a Connecticut Leather Company and their Adam expansion model for the ColecoVision and the Home Computer rights of Donkey kong be longing to Atari.

>> No.6581513
File: 221 KB, 800x954, Warsaw-Pact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you forgotten about the USSR and their Satellites

>> No.6583007

Atari was in negotiations just to fuck over Nintendo. They never would have released the Atari Nintendo System, just like how they never would have released the Mirai if they had the NEO GEO rights from SNK.

>> No.6583464

>I see no lies here
Mostly because you're just as young and clueless as the OP.

>> No.6583469

>Here that never happened and everyone was still enjoying atari.
Funny, we were all still enjoying Atari here in the States, too. I don't get why zoomers insist otherwise.

>> No.6584205

Video game markets were extremely insular in the 1980's. What happened in America had no bearing on the rest of the world.

TLDR fuck off muttboy

>> No.6584219

The "crash" was literally just us in America and it was one year of a sales dip. The sega came out the same day as the nes in Japan.
There were still cool games coming out
This video game crash shit is such a jome

>> No.6584224

Segas console came out the same day...

>> No.6584663

The crash has been ridiculously overstated in recent years but unless you were the proud owner of a not-radioshack in the early 80s it basically just meant every department store had a big bin of c64 games out in the front.

People were still buying and playing in droves. Just because there was twice as much glut as there were stomachs that could take it doesn't mean it was a dead or even dying market.

>> No.6584674


Anytime I hear someone claiming the video game market "crashed" in 1983, I cringe.

>> No.6584890

You get all the Japanese computer systems in the alternate tineline.

>> No.6584958

>samefagging this poorly
I shouldn't have even given you a (You).

>> No.6585649

t. Xbox humping zoomshits from /v/

>> No.6585757

The only countries in the world that matter are America and Japan

>> No.6588292


wasn't nintendo just a punk ass company out of Kyoto at the time tho? Acting as though they were the only one who could have overcome the major hurdles when several players were bigger in the market way before them in Japan that could've spun to a console.

And thats ignoring the also small but otherwise healthy euro computing market.


not especially in NA, pretty much only in NA. Other territories industries were smaller than the US's before the crash. And they didn't crash in those other territories.

purist speculation based on faith like your first point.

but ok.

>> No.6588297
