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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6574683 No.6574683 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6574732
File: 97 KB, 343x500, bernie stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shiturn still would've been fucking garbage, that much is certain.

>> No.6574761

best timeline
>no fifa shit
>no movie games

>> No.6574763

3DO would be considered a serious console

>> No.6574772

i love the saturn but, n64 would've been a power house and most of the sales

>> No.6574780

I like how you think the Nintenblow Shittywhore is any better with its 10 game library.

>> No.6574786

At least over half its library isn't padded out with cringey JRPGs, weebshit visual novels, and poorly ported arcade games.

>> No.6574787

Bernie-poster isn't a nintendo fan, just a schizo.

>> No.6574794

>At least over half its library isn't padded out with cringey JRPGs, weebshit visual novels, and poorly ported arcade games.

Poorly ported? Get real. Nintendo had great 3rd party support on the SNES but the 64 was the start of them literally only making consoles to sell their own games. At least the Saturn has great hidden gems and lesser known 1st party games like Astal.

>> No.6574797

Saturn would have wiped the floor with the Turd64.Just like the PS did.

>> No.6574798

Saturn would have been a distant second.

>> No.6574807

The same thing that happened with the SMS/NES and SMD/SNES would happen here.
Nintendo would win in America, Sega would win in Europe.
No idea what would happen in Japan, but looking at Saturn's JRPG and shoot'em up library, Sega would probably take PS's place in those categories, selling just as much as the N64. Everyone wins.

>> No.6574809

>Poorly ported? Get real.
Check out the original Saturn version of Daytona USA.
>but the 64 was the start of them literally only making consoles to sell their own games.
Midway, Rare, Konami, Treasure, LucasArts...
N64 had good enough 3rd party support.
Boringly designed style-over-substance platformer with too few stages and mediocre gameplay. Goemon's Great Adventure on N64 and Klonoa on PSX shit all over that game.

>> No.6574820

The Sega Saturn would have won against the N64.

>> No.6574823

worse probably

>> No.6574830
File: 146 KB, 850x1053, Segata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Nintendo 64, but let's be realistic here, the 64 has no way to handle larger games (cartridge and all), so stuff like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest VII, Fear Effect 2, etc would inevitably be released on the Saturn and I think everyone knows what that means.

>> No.6574834

In japan the Saturn sold more than the N64, and as Segata here stated>>6574830
most developers would jump to the SEGA ship.

>> No.6574835

I think it would have been a repeat of the fifth gen - Nintendo wins, but Sega remains a force and does a lot better than they did in our timeline by virtue of being the only CD-based console.

There's no getting around the fact that sticking to cartridges put a serious limitation on what the N64 could do. In a world without the Playstation, it's not hard to imagine that FF7 and Metal Gear Solid still get made, and get made for the Saturn.

If you really want to imagine a sweep, Imagine Nintendo's original plan to make a console with Sony's CD drives goes through, and instead of the fucking CDi we get the Nintendo Playstation - basically an N64 with a CD drive, in 1995. It would have blown the Saturn out of the water in every conceivable way. Sega would have thrown in the towel an entire generation early.

>> No.6574837

Saturn would have won, with CD and full capcom and namco support.

>> No.6574843

Nigger please, if the deal with Sony went through the Nintendo Play Station would have been nothing more than other Sega CD, most people act like if Nintendo fuck it up but we are not talking mid 90s gaming industry we are talking early 90s gaming industry where most retards though that the future was FMV interactive movies.

>> No.6574849

I feel like I've seen this thread several times but no one ever mentioned what that would mean later in the Dreamcast / Gamecube era.

>> No.6574851

Modern video games would be in a waybetter place if sonynever entered the industry

>> No.6574857

>Atari Jaguar

>> No.6574863

>original Saturn version of Daytona USA.
It's great.
>N64 had good enough 3rd party support.
"Good enough" was my point. This spelled the end for big N.
It's good, and who cares if it's short? Who tf wants to play a long platformer?

>> No.6574867

Dreamcast would've curbstomped the Gaycube hard.

>> No.6574868

Didn't it was a mess to develop for maybe you are thinking on the 3DO?

>> No.6574869
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that would have been a good thing or maybe microsoft would have jump earlier.

>> No.6574874

>that would have been a good thing or maybe microsoft would have jump earlier.

Based library

>> No.6574886

>Check out the original Saturn version of Daytona USA.
Now check out the port of Sega Rally that came out a few months later:

>> No.6574889

all of that would still exist but distributed in the n64 and saturn.

>> No.6574898

sega saturn got:
fifa 96, fifa 97 and fifa 98
n64 got:
fifa 64 ,fifa 98 and fifa 99 (also that World cup 98)

>> No.6574914

>the games worth shit were also available on pc
looking back not that much has changed.

I bet the average vr retard thinks only tomb raider was on PC from that list, but things like panzer dragoon, virtua cop, sega rally, virtua fighter, battle arena toshinden, nights into dreams, etc. were also released on pc

>> No.6574917

> nights into dreams, etc. were also released on pc
Has anyone actually confirmed the existence of this? I've seen the supposed press event about it, but has anyone actually seen a legitimate PC copy of NiGHTS into Dreams before the HD version?

>> No.6574943

Wait a second, there was no World Cup in 1964...oh.

>> No.6574949

>Daytona port being anything but utter shite
>being ok with paying full price for a game that's over in under an hour
Saturncuck cope is real.

>"Good enough" was my point. This spelled the end for big N.
Cool goalpost shifting, you first claimed N64 is only worth owning for Nintendo games which simply isn't true.

>> No.6574969

The Original Daytona port may be a rushed mess, but it does at least play well. No one is going to sit here and tell you it's a good port though like you're trying to imply. Now, why don't you take a look at say Sega Rally that came out only a few months later?

>> No.6574984

>Completely back peddles from his initial point and ducks the second half of the post
The fucking state of you, lad.

>> No.6574989

Shit, the money I spent on the arcade version fo Virtua Cop 2.
Thinking I was a badass by holding the gun sideways and doing all those theatrics you see in movies. Fucking hell.

>> No.6574993

Why are Sonyfags so obsessed with those two consoles if they won that generation?

>> No.6575002

>Muh Sonyfan boogeyman :(

>> No.6575012
File: 20 KB, 580x376, NotTheSameAnon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Nintoddlers incapable of grasping the idea that there's more than 1 person on this board with differing opinions and tastes than theirs?

>> No.6575049

I don't think that can be attributed to everyone who likes Nintendo here.
Just the loud, vitriolic few on /vr/

Example: I like some Nintendo stuff, but also believe they produced a lot of garbage as well. Same with Sony and Sega. Amazing.

>> No.6575061

That's kind of confusing when you make it the same size as the posts here, can you make it smaller if you do this again.

>> No.6575063

Prove me wrong.

>> No.6575064

Sega and Nintendo are just better

>> No.6575068


>Shitty 3D
>Hardly any sequels to classic IPs
>Some good stuff but mostly Japanese scifi robot on rails shooter crap

>Better 3D
>Hardly any FMVs or voices
>Mostly just kiddy colletathon games

>Released later due to less pressure
>It's pretty much Dreamcast with the power of a PS2
>4 joystick ports
>Games for it are half Sega IPs and half outsiders
>People buy it for Daytona/Sonic/Virtua Fighter

>Released at the same time as Dreamcast
>Uses those tiny disks
>Games for it are half Nintendo IPs and half outsiders
>People buy it because of Mario/Zelda/Metroid

>Some kids have the Sega
>Some kids have the Nintendoooow
>Some kids have it both

So yeah, best time line.

>> No.6575075

We'd probably have current-gen Sega consoles.

>> No.6575084

I mean this thread is just discussing which console would have won if Sony didn't make the PS1. There's no real blatant Sony Fanboyism going on.

With that all said, the most realistic scenario here is that all those third party devs that dumped Nintendo for Sony over CDs would have dumped Nintendo for Sega over CDs. So the N64 would probably be in the same situation it was already in, but suddenly the Saturn would now have all those 3rd party exclusives Nintendo didn't have from the likes of Capcom, Konami, Namco, Squaresoft, Enix, etc. So in the end the Saturn would probably end up in first, with the N64 in second. Who knows maybe the 3DO could have remained a serious contender as well?

>> No.6575105

Funny those Four joystick ports are more mentional then the modem and or online games xd

>> No.6575114
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Yes, the 5200's influence can't be understated.

>> No.6575284

I can’t imagine having this much of a victim complex.

>> No.6575317

>if PlayStation never existed
well things would at least be better than they are now, so it would’ve been an improvement I say

>> No.6575405

Would Xbox exist without Sony's success as a newcomer?

>> No.6575516
File: 334 KB, 960x960, typical sony consumer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies and footballfags made the playstation popularity. Before the PS1, everybody on my ghetto, school and game center used to play different genres of games. Since the ps1, 99% of these people stopped playing anything besides sport and movie games. Then, by the ps3/360 era, the same faggots who pirated the shit outta the ps1/2 were shitting on people who had a wii or 360 because muh piracy. It's the kind of people who loves to talk about technology but they just spit technical specifications without actually knowing what any of those words means.

Just like Apple or whatever other cult brand, playstation is a "lifestyle" for people that wants to brag about how much money they can spend instead of playing games.
pic related is Sony's target.

>> No.6575536

Did you forget that sports games (Especially ones from EA) were part of what made the Genesis/Mega Drive successful?

>> No.6575549

I would kill myself

>> No.6575552

/vr/ would be about 6 million times better

>> No.6575569

Saturn outsold the N64 in Japan.

>> No.6575583

But N64 sold more software.
It'd have been 4th gen 2: electric boogaloo with both systems being very even worldwide, maybe even more so since NEC fucked up with the PC-FX, granting the Saturn a place in the Japanese market.
But this is all more or less impossible. Once video game consoles proved to be viable, it was obvious bigger companies like Sony and MS would get in, and if it wasn't them, it'd be some other one. It's not like they were the only 2 that tried to get in, and Xbox was still a failure in Japan, but MS still throws money at the Xbox brand and even panders a lot to the japanese market (all those 360 hardcore otaku exclusives), even though they're not making profit, because they can afford some loss if that means their brand is still present. Big corporations like them can take it. Not Sega.
In an idea world, soulless corporations wouldn't exist, and companies like Nintendo and Sega, who only work on video games as their main thing, would be the top dogs. But this is not an ideal world.

>> No.6575585

saturn was also on the market for less time

>> No.6575636

Probably not.

>> No.6575638

>But N64 sold more software.
But in a world without the PS1 I'd imagine the Saturn probably would have done better as those third party exclusives like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, etc. would have ended up on the Saturn due to it being the only viable CD based system for them. And those would have probably boosted software sales significantly.

>> No.6575639

Not mentioned in this thread: Final Fantasy VII would have been a very different game. Maybe "cinematic" games would be less common.

>> No.6575640

Because Japan had all the games worth a shit.

>> No.6575646

If PlayStation never existed, it would probably have been the SNES-CD aka Nintendo Play Station.
Also, Saturn probably would have worse 3D since it wouldn't need beefing up to match PSX.

>> No.6575680

>Maybe "cinematic" games would be less common.
No, Nintendo and Rare made sure that would not be the case. So many N64 games with their unskippable cutscenes.

>> No.6575704

Son, you never played a Sega CD game before? "cinematic" games predate the PS. It would happen with or without Sony.

>> No.6575709

No, Final Fantasy VII would have just been released on the Saturn instead.

>> No.6575712

This is incorrect because both attempts at cinematic games were also failures so people were moving away from that. And even then the cinematic style games on sega cd and pc fx are not the same cinematic style that was on sony consoles and would later become the standard.
To pretend that modern gamea would be in a similar position if sony was never involved is a straight up lie.

>> No.6575714

Likely not in the same form

>> No.6575728

Didn't the saturn have garbage architecture so games like MGS/Crash Bandicoot and FF VIII would have been impossible to run on it?

>> No.6575740

Square Enix had a set idea in mind for FF7. It's why they dropped the N64 for the PS1 for it. So they probably would have gone to the Saturn for it and we would have gotten the same game. The only area the Saturn would really struggle with that game is the transparency effects in battles. The game is mostly low poly 3D models over 2D Backgrounds, and battles run at 15fps with fixed and controlled camera angles. The Saturn should be able to handle that just fine save for the transparencies.
Final Fantasy 7/8/9 would have been fine on the Saturn. The setup of 3D characters over prerendered 2D Backdrops is pretty much what the system is designed to do. MGS would have probably been fine since most of the time it's on a flat floor so VDP2 planes would be able to do a good chunk of the drawing. Crash Bandicoot is just an advanced streaming engine with fixed camera angles, so again the Saturn should be able to handle that.

>> No.6575760

also keep in mind that the downfall of the saturn was that nobody used the hardware correctly because it was way more complicated that even n64, most games didn't take advantage of the second cpu, but with interested developers later games maybe could make real transparencies and other effects posible by making the 2nd cpu take care of all the calculations necessary (if possible, I have no clue if that's feasible).

>> No.6575871

There's actually a lot of myths in that statement. Quite a few Saturn games use the 2nd CPU. The typical set up is to have the 2nd CPU do your polygon calculations and the other CPU do the game logic.

Real transparencies are possible as well. The System supports 50/50 blending and additive blending which can be used for transparencies. The problem is the interaction between VDP1 and VDP2, and the fact that VDP1 transparencies have some technical issues. They are slow and the use of distorted sprites can cause transparencies to become corrupted. Throw in that they may end up erasing other sprites or background objects due to how VDP1 and VDP2 interact and you can see why most developers opted for the mesh effect. The myth of "Saturn can't do transparencies" is really more that it's difficult to work around those issues with them.

Finally the N64 is actually pretty complicated too. Some developers even stated that they found it more complicated than the Saturn.

>> No.6575878

>fifa 64

>> No.6575904

Presumably if the Nintendo-Sony deal went through they would've eventually released a successor system that was more powerful and still used CDs and it would've been a success. But Sony was getting all of the profits from CD games so would it be a success for Nintendo, or just a success for Sony? And why would Nintendo have ever gone through with the deal considering how unfair it was to them, honestly?

>> No.6575909

I should have worded it better.
I knew about the VDP shenanigans, but its quirks are so inconvenient that almost nobody bothered doing transparencies.

ah, so the 2nd cpu acts as a gpu all along, or is more to it?
I know the saturn was built to do 2d first and 3d second, rumors are that early on they didn't even considered putting dedicated 3d hardware until they got the memo that polygons were the new meme and frankensteined that 2nd cpu and all that.
those rumors don't convince me though, sega was a pioneer at least on arcades with their virtua games after all.

>> No.6575914

The truth is the PS1 was basically a dream to develop on. Sega seemed to have sorted out the SDK issues later on in the Saturn's life, but Nintendo seemed to resist the idea to their own demise. Sony's openness to outside tools like the performance analyzer basically makes early PS1 games and late PS1 games look a generation apart. I don't think a tool like this could have been possible for the Saturn considering how the limitations aren't about wasting resources, but not using them/correctly.

>> No.6575931


just imagine, a world with no Sony shitters

>> No.6575937

The 2nd CPU can be used for whatever you want it to do, using it to do the polygon calculations is usually the typical use. It's not really a GPU in that scenario either. It's just calculating the geometry and then determining what polygons to draw and then makes the list of VDP1 commands that tell VDP1 what to draw. This isn't that far off from what other 3D based systems were doing at the time, the quirk is just how VDP1 draws things as distorted sprites and knowing how to use things efficiently.

The system was designed to do 3D from the start, one CPU just wasn't fast enough for what they wanted, so they added a 2nd one. The design was pretty much finalized by late 1993/early 1994 though.

>> No.6575959

Kek there's always one autist who tries this whataboutism whenever FF7 or MGS is brought up as popularizing movie games.

>> No.6575961

I first thought the Saturn would have just taken the place of the ps1 but a bit less successful but the Saturn was boosted once Sega learned about the ps1 so the original Saturn may have been closer in power to the Atari jaguar which may have been too weak for final fantasy. In that case Final fantasy 7 could go to the DD64 instead. The industry would not be as mainstread to non gamers until a few years later. It would have been really good with lots more 2d games released.

>> No.6575962

>Imagine not leaving in the "Saturn vs N64 (Saturn obviously being king)" timeline

>> No.6575973

Crying about who's about it tisms won't change the fact you can't skip cutscenes in ocarina of time anon.

>> No.6576061

> Saturn was boosted once Sega learned about the ps1
This is a myth. There's interviews with Hideki Sato (the guy that designed the thing) that confirm that they designed the system for 3D from the Start. The only "late" change was adding in a 2nd CPU around late 1993/early 1994. And that was because they didn't feel that the performance was high enough to handle ports of their 3D arcade games.

> In that case Final fantasy 7 could go to the DD64 instead
Lol, no. Square would have still gone to the Saturn regardless of it's 3D specs because of CDs. The N64DD was essentially vaporware and even then it gave you no more space than the max you could get from a cartridge.

>> No.6576103

>Nintendo seemed to resist the idea to their own demise
Part Nintendo, part SGI.

>> No.6576237

PC gaming would be a LOT more popular in the states, as consoles would still be seen as primarily for children without the playstation branding to appeal to the wider audience of normalfags.

>> No.6576284


>> No.6576305

PC would be the main platform by now and Nintendo and Sega would be dead companies

>> No.6576346

anyone who perpetuates the "saturn wasnt made for 3d" myth is just a retard who doesnt actually care about retro at this point

>> No.6576349

the saturn probably would have taken the place of the playstation, but not as successful, since it was still a cunt to develop for, unlike the playstation

>> No.6576352

>I think it would have been a repeat of the fifth gen - Nintendo wins
nintendo didn't win the 5th gen
half the stories i read about people looking forward to and getting the n64, also said they didn't end up playing it much, and got a playstation a year or two later

>> No.6576357

an n64 with a cd drive sounds compelling, but they also needed to drop their unified rdram architecture for devs to be happy

>> No.6576390

Why would've FFVII been different. It was clear Squaresoft had a cinematic vision which is why they dumped to n64.

>> No.6576401
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If SONY never would have entered the home console market, out of sheer envy and the ensuing hateboner for SEGA and nintendo, gaming in 2020 would be still awesome and exciting. Corporate greed is the cancer that destroys everything.

>> No.6576402

exactly, they picked the platform based on their idea of the game, not the other way around
the saturn could have done ff7 as it was on the playstation with hardly any changes

>> No.6576415

Take into account the launch prices of the saturn and n64. Saturn was twice the cost. Who knows how that would've affected things. Capcom and Konami might've brought most of their games over to the n64 instead.

>> No.6576439

the winner would have been the one with widespread piracy. Probably the saturn.

>> No.6576620

>And why would Nintendo have ever gone through with the deal considering how unfair it was to them, honestly?
This is what boggles me the most, especially when Yamauchi was supposed to be a "ruthless" business man

>> No.6576742

Europe would have gone full sega saturn.
Saturn would have get better performance in Japan and North America.

Also n64 would have sold more systmes like 64 millions units, but saturn would have reach 100 million units. Maybe in North America Saturn and n64 got even, but Europe and Japan Saturn win easy.

Tomb raider II, III, IV and V would have been in Saturn. Same goes for Residen evil series, etc... (add also full Capcom, Konami, Enix, EA, Namco and Square support)

>> No.6576962

N64 sold more worldwide, and even in the only market the Saturn excelled at (Japan), the N64 still sold more software than the Saturn.

>> No.6576967

Nintendo would have a monopoly over the vidya market, given SEGA's consoles were rushed pieces of crap incapable of living up to Nintendo's better worked and planned consoles.
So if Microsoft never entered the market, we'd still be playing mario golf, mario kart, mario tennis, mario knitting, mario wrestling, mario football, mario basketball, mario olympics, mario chess boxing, mario cheese rolling, mario underwater hockey, mario horse race, mario beer pong, and so on
On cartridges. With DRM.

>> No.6577079

Not true Steamfag. PC gaymers have been saying for years that console gaming would be dead. It's 2020 now and consoles are still on the market.

>> No.6577094

Europe only gone the way of the football nothing else

>> No.6577097

The Saturn would have probably still been shit.
The Dreamcast, however, wouldn't have been dead on arrival.

>> No.6577098
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>everyone in this thread seems to agree that the nintendo and sega rivalry going on for all eternity is a far better outcome than sony ever entering the competition
Would this be true at all?

>> No.6577561
File: 63 KB, 800x552, fifa 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Europe likes football games, fighting games, sport games, racing games and adventure/arcade games (at least in the 90s)

>> No.6578103


>Take into account the launch prices of the saturn and n64. Saturn was twice the cost. Who knows how that would've affected things. Capcom and Konami might've brought most of their games over to the n64 instead.

Nintendo had intended on releasing the N64 at $250 in 1996 until Sony engaged them in a price war by lowering the PSX price to $200. Sony did this a year earlier to Sega as well. In this alternate scenario, you'd probably have an N64 launch of $250 and a Sega price reduction to $300 in Autumn of '96. If I recall correctly, Sega had eventually responded to Sony's lower price by late '95 causing them to begin hemorrhaging a great deal of money due to their more expensive B.O.M.

Actually, if there is any validity to the late-Saturn buildup caused by the rumored Sony specs, we might have a scenario where the Saturn was a bit less powerful (think 3do, Jaguar with an extra year's worth of tech advancement) with a more moderate cost of production. Sega would probably break even with an MSRP of $300 in '96. Nintendo was making profit at $200 (no CD drive and a simple, yet advanced, unified RAM two processor setup) and would have made bank at $250. I still think third parties were already trending toward working with the low-cost CD medium and moving away from Nintendo's monopolistic policies in any case.

>> No.6578609

>given SEGA's consoles were rushed pieces of crap
When will this myth die? Sega's consoles weren't rushed nor were they pieces of Crap. The Master System and Genesis were safe and calculated evolutions of their previous systems.

The Master System is the SG-1000 but with more RAM, more colors, and an additional video mode that allows for more colors per sprite and backgrounds.

The Genesis is the Master system but with an 68000 CPU added, more RAM, an additional sound chip with the YM2612, and an additional video mode added to the VDP2 that allowed for an additional scrolling background layer, more sprites, higher resolution, and more colors.

The Sega CD is a logical add on that for the most part adds additional features Sega wanted in the Genesis but had to cut due to cost concerns. These systems were designed over years and for the most part ended up being very clean and easy to use architectures. Far less complicated than the NES, SNES, or N64 for what it's worth.

Things didn't get crazy until the 32X which was rushed out in under a year as a knee-jerk reaction to the Jaguar. The Saturn though wasn't rushed. It was in development for years and most of it's specs were nailed down by late 1993 contrary to popular myths. The only last minute thing done was adding in an additional SH-2, not because of the PS1's specs but because the performance wasn't up to what they wanted for porting Model 1 and Model 2 games. The issue with the Saturn was it was a 3D console designed by people with no experience doing 3D so they stuck with what they did know, sprites and sprite scaling/transformations. While it works, it's a very odd way of doing 3D and was confusing to most developers.

>> No.6578614

Sony would have made Saturn games, and Nintendo would be just as fucked.

>> No.6578615

Squaresoft* would have made Saturn games

>> No.6578619

Why do people here make an assumption Nintendo wouldn't use CDs if PlayStation didn't exist? The entire reason why they made another cartridge-based console is because they wanted to stick it to Sony and show that nobody actually needs CDs for games.

>> No.6578629

Nintendo went with cartridges due to piracy fears, not to stick it to Sony. If they wanted to just stick it to Sony they could have kept the deal with Philips and made a CD Based console.

The big issue is the N64's hardware is heavily reliant on cartridge based media to run well. It's why the N64DD requires the Expansion Pak to help act as a buffer to load data into. Just slapping a CD-ROM drive on it wouldn't work without extensively redesigning the system. Things that the Saturn and PS1 can do with ease like streaming data off the disc probably wouldn't work too well on the N64 without redesigning a lot of the system.

>> No.6578653

Who cares? Disc based systems were a mistake

>> No.6578656

Sony doesnt make games Thats their biggest problem

>> No.6578674

What about the universe where Sega and Sony teamed up to make the Sega Playstation? Why can't we live in that timeline?

>> No.6578675

>Disc based systems were a mistake
Only N64 fanboys say this. Discs allowed for larger games at a cheaper cost. And no, it wasn't all wasted on CD Audio and FMVs.

>> No.6578676

Fuck sony

>> No.6578679

I didnt even own an n64. Disc based systems suck. Discs are the reason modern games are what they are. And no im not saying cd audio and fmvs. Take your straw man somewhere else

>> No.6578695

>Disc based systems suck.
> Discs are the reason modern games are what they are.
That was going to happen regardless. It was already happening in the PC market and it wasn't really Sony or Sega's doing. Squaresoft was the one that really started that trend on consoles with FF7 and everyone else capitalized on it. CD's didn't really do that either, you could see the writing on the wall with JRPGs like FF6 and Chrono Trigger.
> Take your straw man somewhere else
You first.

>> No.6578805

Discs are objectively inferior to cartridges in all ways but storage size. Even then the increased storage only encourages laziness.

>> No.6578837

see correction: >>6578615

>> No.6578861

>Discs are objectively inferior to cartridges in all ways but storage size.
So, the most important thing, by far.

>> No.6578864

>Discs are objectively inferior to cartridges in all ways but storage size
You forgot cost. And storage size and cost are arguably the most important factors in game media.
>Even then the increased storage only encourages laziness.
Only by devs that would already be lazy on cartridges anyways.

>> No.6578882

>Sony-Nintendo GameCube vs Sega-Microsoft Xbox
>SoNi uses a Linux/BSD variant for their consoles
>MiSe uses a proper Windows machine making it perfect for porting
>Imagine the handhelds.

>> No.6578956

>jarpigs and moviegames don't become popular and steal people's interests from arcade games, thus the arcade scene would still be booming

>> No.6578970
File: 178 KB, 256x334, Sony_Imagesoft_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6581116

Darkest timeline.

>> No.6581165

surprised nobody has posted that simpsons skit of all the countries skipping in a circle
guess there's not really that many people here who despise sony
it's almost as if it's just one or two really loud people...

>> No.6581659

>Finally the N64 is actually pretty complicated too. Some developers even stated that they found it more complicated than the Saturn.
Sort of for different reasons though.

The Saturn genuinely has a difficult and unusual architecture that is hard to master, but at least it has explicated roles for the different pieces of kit.

N64’s architecture isn’t that complicated, it’s just hard to optimise due to running on a single memory bus, and the completely free-form programmable nature of the hardware that sets no hard rules.

>> No.6581703

Who cares?

>> No.6581704

>he still thinks im talking movie games
Fuck off man.

>> No.6581768

>Disc based systems suck. Discs are the reason modern games are what they are.
Why is it that the ability to store 650mb (and later much more, with DVDs and Blu-Ray) made modern games suck? And wouldn't cartridges eventually get to the point of storing gigabytes?

>> No.6581805
File: 170 KB, 695x390, zeldacart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And wouldn't cartridges eventually get to the point of storing gigabytes?

>> No.6581810

You don't need that much space for videogame data.
>b-but muh FMVs and CD-quality music...
Fuck off.

>> No.6581819

>Discs are the reason modern games are what they are.
>And no im not saying cd audio and fmvs.
>Take your straw man somewhere else
wait, what?

>You don't need that much space for videogame data.
you do if you want large worlds with high resolution textures
i do think games are rediculously huge today, but that doesn't mean i think 650M is too much for a video game
do you really want to be stuck with 64x64 textures forever or what?

>> No.6581828

Did you not see the post i responded to? He brought it up not me

>> No.6581832

I genuinely think that is graphics peaked around the ps2 era we'd have better games

>> No.6581846

ah my bad, i should have read the previous posts

i'd probably agree with you, to be honest
the size cap is quite a bit bigger though, the ps2 supports dual layer dvd's (8.5GB), and of course, games can come on multiple discs (don't know of any multi disc ps2 games, though)

>> No.6581950
File: 2.96 MB, 720x400, CHAGE and ASKA - On Your Mark. I'd say Perturbator - Assault or The Cult of 2112 is a better fit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Corporate greed is the cancer that destroys everything.

>Nintendo and I are practically family
>Sega was just a small, family owned corner-shop/arcade before Sony showed up

All 3 were/are large corporations that are contractually obliged to make as much money for their investors as possible.

>> No.6583341

Nobody except murricans wanted n64. I guess Saturn would rule.

>> No.6583468

Nobody outside Japan wanted a Saturn.

>> No.6583617

You dropped the ball with the RAM cartridge

>> No.6583872

Wow you're soooo smart

>> No.6584031

That's fine, I'm a weeaboo anyway.

>> No.6584069
File: 223 KB, 1000x729, bernie-stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistakes have been made

>> No.6584096

3DO M2 would have came out and shit all over n64 and Saturn. It produced far superior graphics than n64 and had insane particle affect and reflection capabilities. Not to mention real textured polygon count at 600k, and wasnt 'theoretical' like shitendo shitty-four. Nintendo considered 3DO MX tech for the cube at one point.

>> No.6584207

Will western cucks ever learn

>> No.6584269

"Western cucks" M2 shits all over anything from the 5th gen, faggot. They only canned it because ps1 was dominating the market and n64 seemed like a beast, even though it sold like dog shit. Sega Saturn beat the n64 in Japan with sales.

>> No.6584271

The 3DO was completely mismanaged and it was bleeding money. The company that ran Might and Magic was owned by them and took tons of jabs at their corporate bean counters for being incompetent.

>> No.6584292

No shit. Mismanaged or not M2 would have still been a thing and been the graphically superior performing system if it's time until dreamcast came along. That's OK though cause m2 was reincarnated into the Xbox 360 and shit all over gaystation for years.

>> No.6584463

3DO was trash, kys

>> No.6584545

SNES-CD gains popularity until the affordably priced Saturn hits the market and does what nintendon't.

>> No.6584556
File: 174 KB, 852x960, IMG_20200628_075228_198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sony, Sega, and Nintendo fanboys on suicide watch. You're projecting so hard right now.

>> No.6584624

Fuck, I want to live in a world where Sega is still Nintendo's main rival.

>> No.6584632

Then what are you talking about?
>Thinks all that space was only used for FMVs and CD Audio.
Let's look at a game like Grandia on the Saturn. It takes up 2 Discs at about 550MB each give or take. Music is compressed with ADX, so it's not CD Audio. All the Music and FMVs take up about ~350MB per disc. That's still about 200MB per disc of data for the rest of the game. So no, it's not all CD audio and FMV.
Yet you've still failed to explain what is inherently bad about Discs and what particularly bad thing about modern games they directly caused.
Without the PS1 though the Saturn probably would have taken it's place as all those third party games that got made on PS1 over N64 due to CDs, would have gone to the Saturn most likely.
If anything 3DO would have basically taken the place of the Saturn and the M2 if even released would have been their Dreamcast.

>> No.6584714

The answer is that both of them would have done very well and it would have likely been close to a repeat of the Megadrive vs SNES era.

Remember the Saturn launched almost 2 years before the N64. You think all of those PS1 developers would have just waited around for the N64? Of course not. A huge percentage of PS1 games would have simply become Saturn titles.

Namco made games for the Genesis. You think they would have just sat around and completely missed out on capitalizing on their arcade hits at the time? Of course not.

The Saturn having Namco games alone would have changed everything.

It would have also been the only system to have Tomb Raider. That's huge.

>> No.6584780


>> No.6584998

didn't the sports stuff start with mega drive?

>> No.6585002


>>no fifa shit
>>no movie games
Sega already did that with Sega CD....

>> No.6585010

>Xbox exist without Sony's success
best timeline then. xbox brahs eat shit.

>> No.6585016

>were also failures so people were moving away from that.
don;'t expalin the ton of FMV games they tried to shill on PC and Playstation. dumbass.

>> No.6585024

nice music video. on the mark!

>> No.6585032

lol. xboners were a mistake. only the fame and wealth of MS kept xboxes alive. 3DO's sponsor's were never as rich as MS.

>> No.6585063

Playstation and N64 were absolute garbage though. Sega were still courting actual fucking videogames while Sony and Nintendo started the style-over-substance bullshit that ruined the industry. Sega would dabble in style-over-substance with DC as well but still bring in actual games, but by then no one cared about ACTUAL FUCKING VIDEOGAMES which is why DC and Sega died.

>> No.6585190

>Sony and Nintendo started the style-over-substance bullshit
/vr/ already agreed that Sega was the definitive style-over-substance developer.

>> No.6585243

No it didn't.