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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6573387 No.6573387 [Reply] [Original]

This fucking game...

I had no idea how ridiculously HARD it gets towards the end of Throne of Bhaal. .

The amount of spells and complexity in combat it doesn't even do anything to help the player figure out wtf is going on and why the frikin' boss is immune to all my spells

this is why retro gaming is far superior to the hand-holding crap made for 2-year olds which passes for a modern RPG.

I like RPGs where its a black hole of digital confusion it has a sinister life all its own there's no cutscenes or goofy looking 3D characters but most important NO SJW BULLSHIT

I still hate Throne of Bhaal and these dragon battles are making me suffer and give up and cheat. It's not even fun, its retro gaming its not supposed to be FUN

>> No.6573391

the only reason I'm playing this is because I DON'T NEED A FUCKING YELLOW EXCLAMATION POINT FLOATING ABOVE AN NPC HEAD to tell me there's a quest.


thats why im forced to dig up old games like this FML

>> No.6573401

the game takes practice and lots of knowledge about enemies, spells and how to exploit the AI

I never used a full party, my first win was with a party of 4. Then I beat it with 2 characters. I know some people have beaten it with just 1 solo. So there's definitely room for improvement and it's not artificially hard at all.

>> No.6573480

BG2 is probably the most overrated RPG.

>> No.6573491

>I don't know d&d rules but I'm going to blame videogames instead
guess that's why modern editions of d&d have been simplified to the point of being dumbo-proof, which reflects on modern d&d games

>> No.6573494

>I don't like hand-holding in modern games someone please hold my hand so I can play retro games

>> No.6573916
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I ended the game at 16 yo and I'm half retarded.
You can save anywhere you like and brute force pretty much anything. I have finished it five times ToB included and I don't even play optimally, I use spells awfully and I don't use resources in a particularly intelligent way but the game doesn't requiere a deep understanding of the system, just a little patience.

>> No.6573925

>I ended the game at 16 yo and I'm half retarded.
best competitive players in all genres are retarded 16-20 year olds.

>> No.6573930

Sure, but competitive games are usually about having good reflexes and training a lot, so a literal retard could be good at them, while a tactics turn-based game is something completely different. Also I've always been awful at competitive games, Baldur's Gate 2 or ToB are just the kind of games that mostly require patience and discovering the cheesy shit that just works. That's just to end them, if you wish to play better, without save scumming or have self-imposed challenges there's lots of deep and things to be tried.

>> No.6573939

>, but competitive games are usually about having good reflexes and training a lot, so a literal retard could be good at them, while a tactics turn-based game is something completely different.
they also need game knowledge and strategy, reflexes don't matter if you don't have the right strats. meanwhile these crpgs just need basic game knowledge you can get by reading a gamefaq

>> No.6574059

>I don't know d&d rules but I'm going to blame videogames instead
This reminds me of playing Dragons of Flame on the C64 when I was a kid. With my limited English knowledge I managed to figure out that THAC0 and AC was about armour but I thought the higher your AC is, the better.
I kept discarding rings of protection because of this. (Still finished the game.)

>> No.6574081

>I had no idea how ridiculously HARD it gets towards the end of Throne of Bhaal.

The further you get the more ridiculously overpowered you get. You are playing the game wrong.

>> No.6574176

just dispel every enemy (with Keldorn if you want to spend even less synapses on the process) and cast Improved Haste on all of your melees and win. hell, even Greater Whirlwind works.
>It's not even fun
It's a ton of fun, you just seem like the type that is playing this game for cred so that you can later say that you played something "ancient" (BG2 isn't even an "obscure" RPG, and it's still considerably less obtuse than many other games in its genre). I don't think that's really healthy, you're just bashing your head against a wall for some vague sense of accomplishment when it's literally just a video game. A well-crafted and smart one, but still just a video game.

>> No.6574191

Honestly the amount of dumb shit I read every time someone makes a BG thread gives me a headache

>> No.6574198

It came in a drought, and was a drop of rain in a desert because every-fucking-one was making FPSes and RTSes. But it is not a bad game. It has bad parts, parts which I wouldn't do in a tabletop, but not a bad game.

>> No.6574204

>It came in a drought
Sorta, but that drought was already being dealt with by an entire line of Interplay / Black Isle backed products like Fallout and Planescape: Torment. It's not exactly that the BG series was some sort of a solitary revolutionary, although it's evident that it won the popularity rankings among all of its Infinity Engine cousins and even some rival franchises (Might & Magic comes to mind).

>> No.6574214

Yeah because tabletop campaigns are always perfect and never garbage
SoA has literally no bad parts, it's a perfect game from beginning to end.

>> No.6574221

>SoA has literally no bad parts
Irenicus Dungeon is dull enough that there are mods that skip it.

>> No.6574226

Tabletop campaigns where the players and the DM understand what do each other want are perfect, yes. If you haven't played any then I feel bad for you.

>> No.6574229

Irenicus dungeon is a beautiful and well designed dungeon, I can understand wanting to skip it to go steal some shit already on repeated playthroughs, especially if you don't play with suckers such as Minsc and Jaheira.
But it is really, really not a bad dungeon.
The slight changes made by SCS for example, also make it very interesting compared to the rest of the game. Very limited tools to complete it, forcing you to either play perfectly if you want to 100% it or to get the fuck out as quickly as you can if something goes wrong.

>> No.6574237

>Tabletop campaigns where the players and the DM understand what do each other want are perfect
Also a pipe dream. Campaigns are a relic of some bygone era or otherwise a meme; no one considers the hobby to be a serious pastime worth spending 10-12 sessions on, maybe three at best. If you somehow sort out the sheer amount of flakes and incompatible players you still won't have enough for a campaign. Or maybe I'm jaded due to how dusty all of my books are at this point.

>> No.6574238

Who gives a fuck about your alledgedly perfect tabletops sessions loser, first off this is vidyas we're talking about, second the amount of bad DMs, bad players, and bad campaign books, is far superior to the amount of good phes.

>> No.6574241

>suckers such as Jaheira
don't diss one of the better tanks like that

>> No.6574246

Fuck the "canon" party, I'd leave her in her cage if I didn't want the ring of wizardry from her questline

>> No.6574248

>Fuck the "canon" party
Never inferred that I'm a fan of the canon party myself, but Jahey is just pretty useful

>> No.6574249

They are a bygone era because the hobby got bought up by a big corporation who caters to these:
But one can dream.

>> No.6574256

>They are a bygone era because the hobby got bought up by a big corporation who caters to these
I live in a country where the gaming culture has nothing to do with your tired /tg/ takes, and only a fraction of my books are D&D related, but even then, there's nothing inherently contradictory between having a good time and playing the 5th edition. Still, even over a decade ago, the utopia you're describing in the post was rare.

>> No.6574265

Explain to me how the fuck big PnP corps are catering to me with their latest releases when I've hated DnD since 3e.
You are a complete fucking mongoloid

>> No.6574278

>Or maybe I'm jaded due to how dusty all of my books are at this point.
Definitely fa/tg/uy ennui. Long campaigns haven't disappeared.

>> No.6574534
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>> No.6574698

I never play the expansions for bg 1 or 2.

They're both annoying. I beat em both once and skip them in replays. I thought the ending to 2 was more satisfying than ToB.

>> No.6574848

TotSC is debatable because it's just a dungeon crawl that's awkward to clear. ToB, though? As a story continuation it underscores the struggle for godhood pretty well. The content is also way more interesting than the questing in TotSC.

>> No.6574975

ToB is a shitty dungeon crawl with linearity up the ass. Finish it once and never touch again.

>> No.6575027

Jaheira is top-tier just because she can cast Insect Plague.

>> No.6575035

>I thought the ending to 2 was more satisfying than ToB.
The Ascension mod is the real ToB ending.

>> No.6575074

People who like these games are fucking retards. Same goes for the morons who recommend difficulty mods
>install SCS
>cast haste on my party
>they get tired so try to rest
>no resting possible because 100% chance of encounter
And this is these retards push for - no fun allowed forced difficulty like this was a fucking moba. It's all about jerking off their puny egos.

>> No.6575083

listen you schizophrenic freak, SCS doesn't increase encounter rates and you can rest in safe areas if you wish to be 100% safe from rest encounters, the game is not bad because you you're a braindead retard, go back to /v/eddit and stay there monkey

>> No.6575121

I'll take
>gross misrepresentations of mod gameplay
for 500$, Alex.
Even if SCS had a component that does what you're describing (it doesn't), the point of SCS is that you can install each of its components however you want, and the modified difficulty slider allows you to adjust the SCS effects on the gameplay in any balance between comfort and challenge that you might prefer.
>no fun allowed forced difficulty
I take it you never heard of Improved Anvil, a mod designed behind closed doors of a paywalled forum where Fighter/Mage protagonists have received secret flags that render them useless, Valygar got buffed to autoinclude levels while all evil companions got deliberately omitted in overhauls because the author loves Valygar and dislikes evil companions, and the game insists on you having any of its pet classes (good-aligned Necromancer, Riskbreaker, Vagrant) in the party as they have special boons that specifically exist to counter the mod's challenges. The author rewarded a few of the people that beat his mod in creative ways by banning them from the forums or, if the playthrough was reported on a different forum, discrediting their playstyle.
Compared to that, I assure you that SCS, let alone the more restrictive and challenging mods like Tactics or Ascension are peanuts.

>> No.6575137

>the modified difficulty slider allows you to adjust the SCS effects on the gameplay in any balance between comfort and challenge that you might prefer.
This is false, and it's cute that SCSfags would straight up lie like that / be ignorant about what they're playing.

The whole 1st level of Irenicus dungeon has 100% rest encounter chance. If you go to the djinni place, mefits will spawn every. single. time.

The difficulty slider doesn't affect this. The fine-tuning options in the options menu doesn't have a setting for this either.

All the above proves SCS is a difficulty mod the likes of Ascension and equally cancerous. Yall have been warned.

>> No.6575147

Oh and before you think you can foresee this nonsense, you can't. I very reasonably read what the setup was offering components-wise. Nothing that warns you there'll suddenly be no resting allowed in the irenicus' dungeon because fuck you basically. Totally lame.

>> No.6575167
File: 25 KB, 1022x281, literally scs readme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh and before you think you can foresee this nonsense, you can't.

>> No.6575171

Yes let me just read a 1000 page guide book to DnD as well because the retard developer is too daft to warn the player of this during installation. This is literally mindbogglingly flabbergasting

>> No.6575174

>install difficulty mod
>game is difficult
wow what a fucking shocker, off yourself cretin
and by the way every component from SCS is optional, so you could have customized the mod however you wish, which means you could have removed this 100% rest encounter rate from Irenicus's Dungeon if you weren't such a mouthbreather

>> No.6575181


>> No.6575189

>the retard developer is too daft to warn the player of this during installation.
I'm going to assume that the developer figured anyone who wants to mod their game will actually bother looking up what it is they're installing. If you didn't want the very explicit "Make the starting dungeon slightly harder" component to affect your gameplay, maybe you shouldn't have installed it, or at least could have clarified what the mod author meant (most players who delve into installing SCS have no problem with beating the Irenicus Dungeon without resting).

>> No.6575203

>it's another schizo meltdown episode
Still fucking baffled about the fact that if this moron spent half the time he spends shitposting actually playing the game, he'd probably be good enough to stop spouting his retarded bullshit

>> No.6575205

It's the fucking readme you utter mongoloid

>> No.6575221

>just want to talk about IE games and SCS
>literally impossible because this fucking spastic has to spam his deliriums every time these games are mentioned
Why don't you just play something else instead of putting your nerves through this, do something else, nobody takes you seriously

>> No.6575231

Haha yes except SCSfags continuously preach it's NOT a Tactics style difficulty mod when it's exactly like that. Its sole purpose is sucking the fun out of the game because hurrr you might be smart to buy dispell arrows SO WE HAVE TO REMOVE THEM. Or not let you rest in irenicus' dungeon without warning. Just lol.

>> No.6575238

>just want to talk about IE games and SCS
Then fuck off to your obscure dead forums because no one here wants to talk SCS except for select few schizoids who were willing to sink 2 hours into installing this piece of shit. Nobody else did nor would ever want you, it's pointless to turn the game into a tryhard fest

>> No.6575246

How tf is it bait? It takes to 2 hours to install this thing and it DOES NOT WARN YOU of huge annoyances like the duergar dungeon thing during the process. These people actually expect to read the documentation of every single component and likely the entire changelog.

It's schizoid mentall illness to consider this reasonable, but AGAIN, it takes 2 hours to install SCS and you have to sit in front of it as well. No sane person goes through this process except schizos.

>> No.6575250

>look at me I'm a mongoloid
I think we all get it already, do you have something new?

>> No.6575253

Why do you refuse to read the readme?
Do you discuss it with your psychiatrist?

>> No.6575254

Not an argument when he throws in an extremely obnoxious unchangeable in-game component that you can do nothing about except start altering your installation. Inexcusable, insane carelessness dev-work wise. Worthless mod.

>> No.6575256

Why do you spend more time shitposting aboit a mod than you do installing it and call anyone a schizo after that?

>> No.6575260

>without warning
pretty much everyone who has ever played SCS installs things on the fly and consults the readme if the naming of they want to cross-examine the meaning of the component.

you are mad cause you are bad, you've been utterly disproven twice that SCS tricked you into installing "bad" components, you're shitting up the thread, and you're comparing SCS to Tactics, which is... just no

>> No.6575264

Why do you refuse to read the readme?
Why do you get angry with anyone but yourself when you suffer the inevitable consequences of that refusal to read the readme?

>> No.6575265

I did read the readme, you pathetic schizo. What kind of mental backflips do you perform to expect every component desc to be a required read when trying to play the game? Don't bother responding. Everyone else notices what kind of people this mod is addressed towards.

>> No.6575270

I think he should sue DavidW for not including "Warning : do not attempt to install this if you're retarded or suffer from any other form of mental disability" in the weidu installer

>> No.6575273

>and you're comparing SCS to Tactics
You are right it does not deserve the comparison because IT IS WORSE than tactics. It actually is! I literally never experienced bullshit of the same magnitude in anything Tactics related. Because why would they take away the ability to rest in the very beginning? Incredible.

>> No.6575276

Not you didn't read it. You said so yourself when you said it doesn't warn you.
Why do you refuse to read it?

>> No.6575280

You didnt ever play Tactics and showed your repeated failures in installing SCS in the first place, everyone could follow your "progress" with this game and I don't see in what tineline you tried Tactics, and I don't see in what tineline you spent more than 10 minutes playing SCS either.
So why do you keep talking about it?

>> No.6575281

I truly applaud Dave for being autistic enough to give you the 1x rest just because there's dialogue for it. It's like the ultimate smug fuck you to the player
>I haven't informed you of this pretty significant restriction, and I'm quite certain you'll waste your 1x rest not knowing it's actually in your game, but enjoy! If you do complain I'll just smugly hindsight you away saying you should've known better. I'm sucha great person hahaha!

>> No.6575285
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just like. dispel magic

>> No.6575289

Seriously now, what's your major malfunction? Between us.

>> No.6575294

Of course I fucking skimmed the massive table of contents and whatever readme there was on the github page. I fucking INSTALLED it in the first place which only 1% of people ever do because it takes hours, didn't I just say that? That's not the problem at all. You are retarded.

>> No.6575296

>I haven't informed you
But he has
Why do you refuse to read the readme?

>> No.6575297

No you didn't. You do nothing but keep proving you didn't.
Why do you refuse to read the readme?

>> No.6575304

Don't respond to me.

>> No.6575305

>Because why would they take away the ability to rest in the very beginning?
readme explicitly says that the component lets you rest once.
>I literally never experienced bullshit of the same magnitude in anything Tactics related.
Oh boy. Tactics' Improved Ilyich is literally a component built to troll people who don't read the readme by throwing you into a joke fight with ridiculously inflated enemies on the very first floor of the dungeon. Tactics also restricts your resting by making it certain that if you try to rest, you will be ambushed not by mephits, goblins or duergar, but, mercilessly enough, squads of invisible assassins.
Could you, please, remove yourself from the discussion on things you have no idea about? It's trolling. I refuse to engage you anymore myself. I encourage the thread to do the same. You aren't as much of a moron as it seems; you're rather deliberately acting in bad faith to ensure that people get annoyed. You know too much about the games for someone who installed a mod once and considers the games to be for retards, but are deliberately leaving transparent bait to ensure a diarrhea tornado. Nicely played, but the jig is up.

>> No.6575309

>readme explicitly says that the component lets you rest once.
Yes but he hasn't read it
>You know too much about the games
No he doesn't
Every time he starts typing it's to probe that he hasn't even finished the vanille games and doesn't understand fuck all about it
He throws a couple buzzwords here amd there and that's it, he showed nothing but that he fundamentally doesn't understand how these games work, on all aspects

>> No.6575313

I agree with the rest though, he's just a bored mentally ill spastic who needs attention

>> No.6575315

Well, yeah, we are on 4chan and schizoids defend these things to death like it's their close one's lives being on the line, but that doesn't change a very simple fact that changes like that should have been communicated outside the readme in a mod that hails itself as a fair mod and not a Tactics like frustrating atrocity.
This thing actually made me quit playing because the quality of my playthrough went significantly downhill knowing how screwed I was having a perma tired party, which is inexcusable in a mod that's supposed to provide fun challenges and enhance the experiences - not make it more frustrating.

>> No.6575316

Why do you refuse to read the readme?

>> No.6575320

>that should have been communicated outside the readme
But why?
It's literally a readme
Why do you refuse to read it?

>> No.6575321

I know a shitton about BG so you're wrong, but nice try.

>> No.6575324

>perma tired party, which is inexcusable
Why are you angry with anyone but yourself for sucking at this game?>>6575321

>> No.6575326

It wasn't even emphasized or communicated properly in the readme because again, I skimmed through multiple docs about the contents and basic info that should have been sufficient to have a good experience.

>> No.6575330

You know fuck all, I've literally never read a single post where you said anything true about any aspect of the game whatsoever. Period.

>> No.6575335

It was emphasized properly, you just had to read it.
Why do you refuse to read it?

>> No.6575337

Who tf are you and why do you claim you know me? This is hilarious. This website is hilarious.

>> No.6575341

Everyone who spent 5 minutes in a BG thread these last 6 months can recognize your repeated spamming

>> No.6575342

I don't know where it is. You're free to point me to it.

>> No.6575353

Please for FUCK'S sake of the lord almighty, tell me you have a shrink and have had an appoinment scheduled recently.

>> No.6575354

What is your major malfunction and why does it make you refuse to read it?

>> No.6575360


>> No.6575362

Stop responding, troll.

>> No.6575365

Alright I'm off, I'll let you simmer some more, hopefully next time I come back to this piece of shit board you'll have killed yourself.

>> No.6575369

And that settles it. Who uses these acronyms aside from underage discord users. This isn't even amusing at this point, you're just getting your kicks out of bullying people online and purposefully being contrarian to cause even more sadness. Pathetic and heartless behavior, which is a classic trait of this wretched community.

>> No.6575375


>> No.6575384

Honestly kill yourself

>> No.6575390

Sorry kys*

>> No.6575398

We'll see how you'll feel 5 years down the line when you remember what kind of scumbag you used to be making light of depression and suicide. This isn't funny you know. You're not being epic. You're just proving yourself to be a typical uncaring teenager in-between wasteful sessions of League and masturbation bouts which only exascerbate your life problems. But hey at least you said a mean thing on the internet. I truly applaud you, sir.

>> No.6575404

Just end it bro
Ain't nothing to it

>> No.6575491

>we are on 4chan and schizoids defend these things to death like it's their close one's lives being on the line
I thought you were being self-aware there for a split-second, if you cannot see why this statement you made applies to yourself then seek a psychiatrist

>> No.6575495

holy reddit

>> No.6577217

git gud???

>> No.6577365

Cast breach?

>> No.6578173

As a fan of both retro and modern games, a lot of games that have come out over the last 5 or so years have an option to turn off objective/quest/map markers. But you wouldn't know that because you're a 45 year old sperglord neckbeard or larping as one.

>> No.6578928

most modern crpgs don't really have quest markers on top of npcs, at least pathfinder, poe, etc didn't.
I think, like baldur's gate, they just catch your attention by giving any important npc nametags whereas the non-important ones would be commoner or miner, etc.

>> No.6579969

Am I the only one who hates Jaheira because of her absolutely awful and grating voice acting? That masculine Eastern European accent is disgusting.

Now if someone like Jennifer Hale had been her voice actor I'd be all in in her step-mom and step-son fetish.

>> No.6579985

I love her BG1 voiceset, and I do enjoy taking her along in BG2 so I can NTR her with Viccy

>> No.6580004


>> No.6580027


>> No.6580043
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>> No.6580079

>Nature, take the life she gave!
jaheira's voice acting is great, youre just a pleb

>> No.6580210

Jaheira is the equivalent of an overweight eastern euro nagging wife who's also a chain smoker. You'd have to an alcoholic slav to actually like her.

>> No.6580220
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I have an Icewind Dale save from a couple years ago I gave up on. My party went through some snowy mountain and ended up in some crypt, only for that crypt to have this giant boss room that had a ton of spellcasting skeletons and undead. They were strong against attacks and spells that undead are normally weak against, and I just couldn't beat them. Tried all sorts of things but couldn't figure it out. I assumed my party composition was the problem but I wasn't about to re-do the last 15 hours I put into the game.

Is lowering difficulty level really my only solution? I feel like I'm cheating if I were to do so. More generally, in terms of gameplay design, shouldn't RPGs have more than one way to go about handling situations like this, just like you certainly can in their tabletop equivalents?

>> No.6580280

What, like, that guy? https://youtu.be/I00hs-Kv8sY?t=1346

Why didn't you just cast a fireball or something - like the guy does. But that's why I always recommend a party of 2 fighters with a cleric or multi-classed clerics. Too easy to get stuck with a meme party of cleric, thief, and mage or combination thereof.

>> No.6580284


I don't think that was the boss/area I was in. I remember going down some VERY narrow downward passages to find the chamber where the boss and his 9,001 spell-spamming skeletal henchmen were.

I did try to get the enemies all huddled up in one area for an AOE spell, but couldn't pull them back to the doorway with a single character because 1) they have retardedly long casting range, adn 2) they don't chase at all!

>> No.6580285

Kite them you fool.

>> No.6580292

>2) they don't chase at all!

>> No.6580294

Must be this. https://youtu.be/a4GN5toPJCg?t=241 Oddly I barely remember this fight, but I must have just lured like he did.

>> No.6580298

If it's >>6580294 then yes you can have them chase. Have 5 of your guys stay back near the door have one guy stick to one of the walls either left or right and have enemies chase him to your group.
t. literally finished IWD 2 wks ago.

>> No.6580301


Odd. When I played it, as soon as I catch the attention of one, the entire room's attention is on my puller. And if were to pull too far back near the door, they just stop and wait for me to come back so they can rape me.

I've beaten six different Wizardry games so I don't know why I have so much trouble with this technically-easier RPG.

>> No.6580327

Oh shit, actually found my save where it was. I had no idea it was that early in the game. I only had 2 characters at that point. Only later expanded the party to 4. It must be a really easy section, anon.

>> No.6580341


I have a full party. Is Icewind Dale doing that quantity-scaling crap? Like remember how Pool of Radiance would throw a billion goblins at you the more party members you had, and the stronger your party members were? Fuck that, I'm going to use cheats.

>> No.6580347

Nope, but the character SHARE the experience so if you roll 6 party and spread out the XP pool onto a bunch of multiclasses that don't tank very well, you're in a for a bad time.
I went tankiness and utility, had 2 fighter/clerics with a comfy 19 CON at level 5 by the time I got to kresselack's tomb. I didn't even have to lure anything haha, they make short work of every skeleton there even without buffing up.

>> No.6580350

Also icewind dale is crazy bullshit with the character creation cause you can add party members at any point in the game. So what's the natural progression going to be like? Well, brawlers will excel early and when you get to a point where you grind out a new character in 5 minutes on a stronger mob, the need to have pre-made completely disappears.

>> No.6580364
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Sounds like what I should do is start a new game... solo it as much as I can, and only add a new party member when I run into a complete wall of impossibility. And then do the same thing when I run into the next one, and so on.

I'll give that a try. Thanks Anon-sama!

>> No.6580373

You sure could, but again IWD is unlike BG. You can add/remove chars at any point, backtrack and grind a char up to a decent level fairly quickly. In fact that's what I did when I got stuck because a thief was needed (I didn't realize somehow slaughtering every NPC was an option).
But yeah I have 100~ saves in IWD kresselacks tomb is like 17th so you' weren't far into it.

>> No.6580397


I'm not sure I can grind on anything in Infinity Engine games. I remember, in all of them, once monsters are dead, they're dead.

Sometimes Baldurs Gate 2 had random overworld encounters but I don't recall BG1 or IWD1 having that feature (not yet played IWD2)

>> No.6580487

You can abuse getting ambushed during rests. Like in an ice cave there were these ice golems which netted good XP so I sat there for a few minutes resting. But still it's not hard to just do it on anything that spawns, like I said later I needed a thief to progress pacifist so I just backtracked, i didn't have prior knowledge of any particularly worthwhile mobs.

>> No.6580510

Oh and IWD1 and BG1 definitely did have random spawns. BG1 was especially notorious for spawning absolutely bonkers numbers of goblin archers or what have you in spots you already explored so that was pretty cool. It wasn't as pronounced in IWD1 save some ghost here and there, but BG1 could absolutely screw you over with those spawns.

>> No.6581978

>BG1 was especially notorious for spawning absolutely bonkers numbers of goblin archers
Bandit archers. BG1 doesn't have goblins.

>> No.6582243

Kobolds actually.

>> No.6582357

The bandit archer ambush is worse because they spawn in a circle around you.

>> No.6582578

It's not about a single ambush. When you choose to travel or rest, you are fully aware what the consequences could be, you are prepared, whereas the unannounced spawns at unexpected intervals almost always catch you off-guard. Being suddenly put into a situation where a bunch of heavy hitting, fire-arrow spewing kobolds spawns in numbers of 20 is an annoyance to say the least, and if you are in an area that happens to be full of ankhegs and the game chooses to spawn SIX of them for some god-knows-what reason, then you will surely find yourself in a world of trouble. Basically BG1 finds ways to overwhelm your party, no matter how strong save some very late game setup, that no other infinity engine game possibly would.

>> No.6582608

running away is almost always an option, particularly with invisibility's duration

>> No.6582975

Do you have autism by any chance? I will be understanding if you do.
I will spell it out for you though: I never asked you for a solution to a "problem", my post wasn't about getting stuck and lacking a way to resolve the situation. There is always a way and not hard to figure out. I was describing the feel of the game and how BG1 is more volatile in that regard.

>> No.6583013


Yeah mate, you're a little bitch

>> No.6583605
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>> No.6583835

Bro it's fine I was just baiting you and you fell for it. I couldn't rest but I beat the dungeon. Had like 30 healing potions to spare. Like it was annoying but not the end of the world you know? It's just a game.