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6555828 No.6555828 [Reply] [Original]

It's been more than 20 years and it's still an unstoppable, cultural force. Not a single other JPRG has achieved something of this magnitude.
Can we finally admit that this is one of the greatest, most significant videogames of all time?

>> No.6555847
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>> No.6555849

i like tifas boobs

>> No.6555882

Not as unstoppable a force as how fucking gay you sound typing all that out, holy shit man who cares

>> No.6555891

What has FFVII achieved aside from selling a lot of copies? Instead of jerking off about how amazing it is perhaps you can try making a well-funded thread.

>> No.6555968


>> No.6556040

It put JRPGs on the map and into main stream awareness and you'd have to be underage to think otherwise. It was also a huge seller for the playstation and for better or worse Cloud's style of character became a standard in vidya

>> No.6556043

This, and I like FF7.

>> No.6556060 [DELETED] 
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*laughs in your path*

>> No.6556236

it's a good game. I don't know what is it about PS1 hits that makes people so buttblasted.

>> No.6556263

I think you do.

>> No.6556287

I'd like this game more if it wasn't a straight line from beginning to end.

>> No.6556302

This. X was the beginning of Final Fantasy becoming nothing more than long corridors you run down towards a boss fight or a cut scene

>> No.6556309

Not as good as 1, 4, 6, 9 or 10.

>> No.6556862

Not op but I think VII nailed the "new age" kind of storyline that resonated with rising feelings of enviromentalism and resentment towards industrialism, wich continued into the 2000s, stuff like the planet as a living concious entity being harmed by bad use of technology by greedy people, the blurring of the line between magic and technology, plus angsty character arcs about being a genetic experiment on a setting that seemingly favors the natural, among other things. It wasn't the first to do something like this, but it was the one that made it cool, Captain Planet this is not. It also nailed a sort of "fantasy Blade Runner" aesthetic that so many pieces of media tried to replicate. Playing the game recently I kept getting this feeling that "this is where it started".

>> No.6557109

You're gay as fuck

>> No.6557117

I thought this site was for over 18 year olds

>> No.6557136

Yeah buddy, turn based games are like a fucking not-boring thing! I love the deep anime characters, a girl in a sport push up fighting soldiers! That's like.. top fiction or something!

>> No.6557143

t. Brainlet

>> No.6557148


>> No.6557157

Go back to /v/

>> No.6557160

You didn't answer the Anon's question at all.
All you said was it made JRPGs mainstream awareness, that it was a huge seller for the PS1 (which the Anon didn't ask for) and that Cloud's archetype was reused in future games.
But that doesn't answer the question at all because you just explained the legacy of the game and not what makes it good

>> No.6557171

I remember back in the day when Final Fantasy X was exhibit A for video games that had too many cutscenes and not enough gameplay. If only people then knew how bad things could get...

>> No.6557175

I recently played this on the steam release and I have to say that it's pretty meh (5/10 to me). I had a really hard time staying awake while I played it (fell asleep multiple times). I should use the term "played it" loosely as it hardly qualifies as a video game. Many JRPGs suffer from linear progression models, but this is one of the worst offenders I've seen of it. For most of the game there's no point to having a leveling up/item upgrade system because it's so linear. You go from one area to the next and all that changes is your numbers vs. the enemy numbers (and they change so closely that there's basically no change at all). You could technically grind I guess, but the game is generally so easy that there's no point to grind.

The combat sections are the worst. I couldn't believe how many of my inputs would drop and all I'm doing is simply choosing menu options. It's as if the game logic drops down to 10FPS during the combat scenes.

The materia system is pretty dumb too. It homogenizes your entire cast. There's no "healer/support/physical/magical" archetypes since every character has access to the same magic with hardly any difference in effect between which character uses it. The only difference between each character is limit break system, and since limit breaks aren't used that often it's not a big deal.

The things that I did like are the music, sound effects, and certain story elements. However these aren't the core part of a video game, so it hardly matters.

Shout outs to the w-2 item glitch and grinding magic pots though. Helped me fuck all the weapons in the ass later on. I beat emerald weapon with no knights of the round and no underwater materia thanks to how broken hero drinks are.

So overall it's just a really uninteresting spreadsheet simulator with a story that is good only when you filter out all the other garbage they shove into the story.

>> No.6557190

All valid reasons but it's still good

>> No.6557208

>no grinding
That's a good thing
That's a good thing
>combay slows down
Thats good, allows for planning
>only difference is the limit system
Which is huge in the last disc

>> No.6557237
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>You didn't answer the Anon's question at all.
Bro can you not read? He asked what it achieved, aka it's legacy.

>> No.6557261

No, legacy is not really much of an achievement in itself, saying a game sold a lot of copies, or is well-known is not descriptive. Why don't you actually talk about what makes the game good, rather than its status

>> No.6557290
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Because that's not what he asked for, dipshit.
Just for you though : The characters were likable (Tifa, Barret, Red 13, Cid, Areis and Cloud all had cool story moments, growth (less so for Areis here but that's more cause she takes off and well...we know what happens) and all while being insanely likable), the story was cool, had a lot of shocking moments that stuck in your mind (Areis fucking dying was HUGE at the time and is still a really powerful moment even if the impact is lost because everyone knows about it) and had a huge scope (you traveled the earth, a bunch of different environments, visit space and even travel under the ocean) and the fact that the ending made it unclear rather or not the earth had saved humans was a nice bit of pondering that really stuck with you (before the EU ruined that), the combat was fun and you had a shit load of options and fun ways to break the normal game, top tier music all over the place, lots of end game mega bosses to flex on and a ton of side quests / little secret stuff for you to explore and have fun with that reward you with cool stuff like summons, optional characters and limit breaks.

Only thing that would have made it better in my mind is if the characters all had defined classes but that's an issue with 6,8 and 12 as well so I kind of give it a pass.

>> No.6557306
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>No grinding
I didn't say that. I said that you don't need to grind for most of the game (I would say only grinding for the weapons is necessary unless you're really experienced at the game). Technically you can still do it.
>Materia being a good thing
Could you explain why you think this? I should have said this in my post, but this kills the hype of replaying the game for me since it doesn't matter what characters I choose to have in my party in each section of the game. Also it kills the whole "change character during your playthrough" because it's annoying to switch materia around. I would genuinely like to read why you (and others) like the system.
>combay (combat?) slows down
I didn't say it slows down, but the game logic get's fucked up. The input drops were really annoying, especially during the tougher fights like the weapons and a few of the bosses. This is the flaw in the games engineering. I don't get how this "allows for planning" when we could have had the same system without input drops? I am lost in your logical jumps.
>difference in limit system is huge in the last disc
I want to agree to this because some characters are clearly better than others due to this system, but I did not find it a big deal at all. Mainly because double cutt materia and knights of the round invalidate all limits. I could not make omnislash worth using over knights of the round. Also, only emerald and ruby weapon put up a threat, but every other enemy in the game can be easily beaten by spamming the attack move with their ultimate weapons (which again, makes every character feel the same).

I'm actually interested in a more detailed explanation of your comments.

>> No.6557310

I'll also add that the tone of the game managed to straddle the line between funny and serious without making the entire game a joke or making it overly dark and humorless. There's a lot of small funny moments in the game that endure you to the main characters but don't ruin the overall tone of the plot.

>> No.6557324

I disagree. The striking difference in tone bounced around far too often and took me out of each feeling too quickly. For instance, I'm running around a run down slum part of midgar only to run into a giant house that shoots rockets at me. This contradiction completely takes me out of the hopelessness that these people are feeling around the slums. Or I'm running around the spooky mansion in Nibelheim and I run into some half naked dude swinging on a chain. The hell is this shit?

>> No.6557331

>This contradiction completely takes me out of the hopelessness that these people are feeling around the slums.
You missed the entire point. The slums are shitty but the game makes a point to show that these are people, which means they aren't just all depressed and junk all the time. That makes their death via Shinra just deciding to murder them all for cash way more awful

>> No.6557428

>he typed out Areis three (3) times
Wanna know how I know you have dyslexia?

>> No.6557432

It's a great game if you put yourself into the mindset of the era, now it's not impressive at all, doesn't help that the translation makes the story feel messy. It's fun and that's what matters really

>> No.6557489

Why do you find it fun?

>> No.6557492

I don't know, I think the materia thing is cool so you can play with anyone you want, story is entertaining, combat is cool. I just like the game, not much thinking about it

>> No.6557535
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No bully

>> No.6557961

>Materia thing is cool so you can play anyone you want
I would consider this a bad thing. I don't know why it would be fun. Does it really matter who you play?
>story is entertaining
I agree, atleast some parts of it are really good. However, you can just read these parts again instead of spending hours going through the game again.
>combat is cool
I disagree. The enemies are too easy so there's no thought behind it. Since it's a jrpg, there's nothing to do action wise. The only enemies that provide any difficulty are the special weapons. They can either be frustrating or really easy depending on your familiarity with the game. Could you explain more?
>I just like the game, not much thinking about it
Alright, but you should explain your opinions more. That's what thinking is all about. People should think about their viewpoint before saying it.

>> No.6558053

It has the best plot and characters in video games by far, and is unironically too smart for most players

Also the New Threat mod makes FF7 the greatest game of all time, gameplay included

>> No.6558204

Look man I just like to play fucking games I don't give a fuck about writing an essay just to please you an explain why I enjoy something you don't. It's a fucking game I don't care if Square wanted it to mean something else and make pretentious bullshit out of it

>> No.6558207

What a racist card.

>> No.6558213

If you really need an explanation I really don't give a fuck about the system or the obvious game design flaws, I unironically just like the feel and atmosphere of the game and you can tell they put a lot of heart into it, i'm not a gamedev so IDGAF

>> No.6558303
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>> No.6558372

So you don't want to explain yourself? Are you a sociopath or something?

>> No.6558406

>why don't you want to write out a paragraph only to have people either ignore it, claim it's full of lies and your taste is shit or nitpick it to death in an attempt to 'prove' your opinion wrong
Not even him but you should never be forced to explain that stuff.

>> No.6558409
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> I really don't give a fuck about the system or the obvious game design flaws
I envy you. I started caring about this and now I'm literally incapable of enjoying a JRPG. Every single JRPG battle system is SHIT. Strategically pointless, just fucking awful, and yes that means FFX, SMT Nocturne and Panzer Dragoon Saga. I can't play Zachtronics games or Chess or Go or Stephen's Sausage Roll and then go back and play some braindead JRPG with such a restricted possibility space where there's always one or two extremely obvious best moves at any given time (you're hurt?-->use cure. enemy weak to fire attacks?-->use fire). They're visual novels with hours and hours of boring time-wasters stuffed throughout, and they should all be remade with action systems because at least they're effective at what they set out to do (tests of skill regarding timing, or presenting visual spectacle and feel of empowerment) rather than fail utterly at challenging the mind like typical turn based systems do. They grind things to a halt and deprive the player of seeing characters actually act like action heroes and instead have them act like statues. See how miserable I am? Don't end up like me, a whole genre is now shit to me, so many games I'd have otherwise enjoyed if I didn't think about it.

>> No.6558472

>he lets a dead general live rent-free in his head

lol, jrpgtrannies

>> No.6558634


This statement doesn't need to be said, it's already understood.

>> No.6558661
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Nobody is forcing him to explain anything. However, what's the point of spouting something like "this is great" or "this is fun" (or any other type of opinion) with no explanation to your thoughts? I ask why while giving my thoughts on his opinions and he becomes super defensive about the very idea of either defending himself or giving out his own thoughts. In-fact this person is getting angry at the idea of giving an explanation for his opinions. What the hell is the point of a discussion of something when people aren't discussing things? What the fuck do you think all this shit is for? Even memes have discussion within themselves.


>> No.6558696

Because 4chan sucks for talking. It's WAY easier to shoot someone else down than it is to defend a subjective point.

>> No.6558759
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I don't know anything about any general. I only see faggots seething over a genre with great games, fun stories, and cute waifus. And JRPGs aren't even my favorite genre, I prefer action-adventure, platformers, and even shmups!
Now shut up and lick them clean, lil bitch.

>> No.6559774

I have autism, it's that simple really. I'm not good with words, I don't want to give a shit argument for retards to pick apart. Thank you but I'll keep liking this game

>> No.6559975

>Can we finally admit that this is one of the greatest, most significant videogames of all time?

but that has been the consensus since more than 20 years.

>> No.6559994

>FF7 faggot has a mental disability
like clockwork

>> No.6560857
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>I have autism
Hmm. What are you doing here then?
>I don't want to give a shit argument for retards to pick apart
You shouldn't call other people retards for obvious reasons.

>> No.6560872

>talk about what makes the game good, rather than its status
like its reputation has nothing to do with how great it is, wow