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File: 33 KB, 300x255, 1537a small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6557497 No.6557497 [Reply] [Original]

The guy who made FreeDVDBoot is going to make a PS1 solution that exploits the PS1's CD player so you can just burn games and play. https://cturt.github.io/freedvdboot.html
Looks like modchip and ODE fags are about to get BTFO and be very butthurt. Not to mention collectors who like to point out how the ODEs have compatibility issues. There will be no reason to own original discs other than aesthetic reasons.

>> No.6557504

ODEs are still preferable to media that relies on mechanical disc drives, but that's pretty rad nonetheless.

>> No.6557525

>scrolling through a menu and playing a game with issues is better than just grabbing a game off your shelf like you would with a real copy and having no issues

>> No.6557608

If this means we can finally play burnt ps1 games on a dirt cheap ps2 without painfully complicated modchip install (oh God so many wires) then I'm on board. Really I'm on board for making any console as easy to pirate for as the Dreamcast currently is, where you just burn a self booting disc and set off.

>> No.6557626

>scrolling through a menu

filled with everything released for the console yes, much easier than having 30 binders full of discs.

>> No.6557636

>hey staci scroll through this mountain of shovelware instead of grabbing a game off my shelf of curated favorites
You ODE fags and your buyers remorse is getting annoying, fuck off retard.

>> No.6557645

>not having curated games in one folder and everything else in the other

>> No.6557647

Yes I saw that, it's pretty cool although as soon as a good ODE is out for the PS1 I'm gonna get it and throw out all my burned discs.

>> No.6557649

Or you can emulate, doesn't need mods or hacks either and you get a better experience overall with a lot of improvements while not having a piece of trash lying around

>> No.6557654

Yeah nobody has ever heard of emulation before. Fuck off.

>> No.6557661

OH YEAH I'M SO BUTTHURT! that solution
came ou like 30 years latter lol

>> No.6557663

This guy did say he's interested in seeing something like this for every Playstation console. But he said he wants to focus on doing it for the PS4 with a BD-J exploit first, possibly as a long term project.

>> No.6557675

Okay. Mechanical drives, especially on Playstation consoles, are extremely unreliable and keel over if you look at them funny. While I’m happy this is a thing I’d rather ODEs just continue to improve and get near-perfect compatibility.

>> No.6557681

PS1 drives are really not that unreliable. PS2's are much worse.

>> No.6557691

Physical media is becoming obsolete. Its like saying you invented a way of making zeppelin travels 5% faster when commercial jets already exist.

>> No.6557697

i prefer physical media

>> No.6557701

This exploit gives you a path to boot ps1 or ps2 games using a hard drive without needing to buy a memory card with Free Mcboot on it. You can just burn the installer DVD and run it.

>> No.6557703

That’s fine. I prefer the SNES version of Doom for equally inane reasons. Preferences don’t have to be logical.

>> No.6557707

>PS1 drives are really not that unreliable
Dude, I've had FIVE PS1s die on me before PS2 even came out. Meanwhile my V7 PS2 still works like a champ.

>> No.6557710

PS1 lasers*
helps to include that missing word*, for autists

>> No.6557714

it is logical though

>> No.6557736

>burning cd that will rot even faster with a dying laser
i can do it too you faggot.

>> No.6557749
File: 27 KB, 400x300, __PS-X-Change-2-Disc-for-PS1-PSOne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have been bootdiscs for PS1 (that also work in PS2s) for literally decades.

You may need to figure out if you need the shiny or black backed version for your specific console but they definitely will boot backups, you just have to swap discs without triggering the drive sensor.

>> No.6557897

The point of ODE was never just playing backups, it's replacing highly fallible hardware with a more reliable alternative. Good project and I appreciate the breakdown article, dumbass OP aside.

>> No.6557959

>it's replacing highly fallible hardware with a more reliable alternative

this, its funny how the poor crowd just doesn't seem to understand that.
>hurrrrrr durrrrrrrrr just burn sum cdrs hrrrrrrr

>> No.6557963

why cant i burn???

>> No.6557987

The point of this is bypassing that. Burning backups that boot without any kind of boot disc. Technically we already had that with Free McBoot but you needed it installed on a memory card already or some way to boot the installer. The cool thing about that exploit is that it could spread between memory cards like a virus. This new exploit provides a way to initially install it without having a memory card with it already installed or needing to buy something to boot the ELF to install it. Just burn and install.

>> No.6558059

I work in a game store and have seen literally hundreds of PS1s. They really don't fail that often. Sounds like you were doing something wrong. PS2's fail a lot more.

>> No.6558139


>> No.6558149

But disc rot is for people in swamps unlike broken lasers which is for.... Every single one

>> No.6558298

Yeah, I'd still rather have an ODE for dying lasers. That's the fucking point.

>> No.6558304 [DELETED] 

UniROM exists.

>> No.6558309

If the kind of exploit talked about in OP was discovered for the PS1 flashing it would be easier.

>> No.6558316

Just played a shitton of burned discs kid. Didn't help that my first PS1 was launch day system, you know the ones notorious for having shitty lasers. Pulled the ole walmart swap every time another one broke.

>> No.6558323

>Pulled the ole walmart swap every time another one broke.
my nigga. did that with my ps1 too. decade later did it with xbox 360

>> No.6558324

I miss the days when I used to peel those 360 warranty stickers with the help of a hair dryer.

>> No.6558423

Ive had 3 original PS and 2 of them failed, one being the laser(died while being moved in my backseat of car somehow) and the other probably had a bad capacitor or something because it just died
Also had 2 PSones and one had the spindle break(granted this was after years of doing disc swapping to play burned games)

>> No.6558519

Are you retarded? Did you even read the post?

>> No.6559136
File: 77 KB, 800x600, AFateWorseThanDeathAudiopfhaggotEdition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not come across a single playstation that wasn't mod chipped, but cool I guess.

>> No.6559149

Where I am originally from nobody had a mod but we also didn't get broadband internet until 2002.

>> No.6559150

>relying on optical media
are you retarded or just pretending?

>> No.6559167
File: 90 KB, 1016x521, DS4024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's not. compatibility issues eventually get patched out and usually only affect a minority of titles, while calibrating new, chink lasers is virtually impossible and so is finding a good burner from the late '90s/early '00s for anything less than 3, maybe 4 digits. than on top of good media itself becoming exceedingly rare.
then you throw all of these variables together and it's the very definition of a crapshoot. maybe the dying psone from your childhood can still read staples cds burned with your laptop dvd drive. congrats. but keep in mind you're the exception, not the rule.
not everyone has a pic related lying around to tune the pots properly. and by doing it blindly you're the equivalent of a monkey with a wrench.

>> No.6559170

the problem are not the chips. the problem is relying on shitty optical media. even back in the day most burned games skipped. you had to buy from "reputable" vendors who used good media and burners.

>> No.6559172

2002? that's pretty early, i knew only one other person who already had broadband when i got it in 2006, he had it since 2004

>> No.6559250

>I have my PS1 modchipped so fuck everyone else retards lol im so fricking smart
>No I refuse to look at other applications for this, I just unplug my PS1 when I go to visit friends

>> No.6559302

>is going to make a PS1 solution
have you actually read (and understood) the page?

>there's really no reason this general attack scenario is specific to the PlayStation 2

that's like saying "I'm working on exploiting the PS1, I already finished the logo".

>> No.6559403

dunno pretty much every ps1 that i've come across have been chipped. would've been more useful 20+ years ago imo, but whatever.

>> No.6559420

fuck off poorfag, nobody cares.

>> No.6559595

WTF there was broadband in my shithole town in 2000.

>> No.6559610
File: 26 KB, 500x300, 112_Big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea well, what can you expect from a place on earth that is apparently too insignificant to even bother drawing on a lot of simplified maps
we're most of the size of japan, not some tiny island, yet it's not on for example this map
even when it is on a map, it's often right at the edge, and heavily distorted

>> No.6559648

Such is the life of being Australia's backwater.
Fuck even PNG got in there before you did.

>> No.6559667
File: 14 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels bad man
but na i don't really care that much

well except that guy i heard once get confused when someone said "australia and new zealand" and sounded genuinely shocked that they're not the same country, that one got to me

>> No.6559687

You've got the last laugh at the moment at least, you guys have basically beaten 'rona for the time being, meanwhile I'm watching fuckwits cause a spike around me because they couldn't go a fucking month without swapping spit as a greeting.

>> No.6559694

Neat. Ps1 modchips are still cheap though so it doesn't matter much to me that I got one for mine.

>> No.6559970

You’re the only one who has no idea what’s going on or any of this means gramps now put the name back on

>> No.6560494

Hopefully this tanks the cost of official physical copies

>> No.6560498

Disc rot is a meme. Die Gabe you fat kike

>> No.6560549

>shitty optical media
Die Gabe you fat kike.
Optical media is the king of data storage for longevity despite what the video game and digital distribution industries want you to think

>> No.6560618
File: 119 KB, 600x300, PS1-upside-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably depends on the model but old PS1s are notorious for the laser crapping out.

>> No.6560630

He's talking about bad quality discs, anon. Some people's PS1s are super picky. Not as bad as Saturns, though.

>> No.6560668
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>> No.6560736

>good burner from the late '90s/early '00s
literally retarded

>> No.6560810

Those don't work with multi disc games.

>> No.6561062

How many multi disc games don't give you a save point between discs?

Are you saying this is a softmod for PS1?

>> No.6561085

will this make the price of PS1 consoles go up?

>> No.6561136
File: 4 KB, 277x182, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because of the upcoming PS1 FPGA
>i-is this a s-softmod
Pic related

>> No.6561240

i've owned 3 psx's, one just plain died (couldn't tell you why, i was younger and couldn't diagnose it), the other two's lasers eventually had trouble reading discs, i ended up playing psx games mostly on my ps2 instead

>> No.6561272

how "good" of a scope is really necessary to calibrate ps1 lasers?

>> No.6561304

>optical media
>king of anything but shit
>at a point in which tape is making a comeback

tell that to the autists over at club.myce.

honestly I wouldn't know. but I don't think the software and documentation is available online, either.
there are some homebrew but they're not exactly accurate.

>> No.6561308

Link? Who is working on this?

>> No.6561313

Do you feel smart? I hope you do. Anyway, I just went ahead and went to the OP link since no one seems to actually be discussing the method itself. Looks like it's a header to load a PS2 softmod directly from a burned DVD. I doubt very much this will ever run PS1 games in native mode or be implemented on native PS1 hardware, regardless of one idly speculative paragraph.

>> No.6561325
File: 41 KB, 500x500, artworks-000430799694-d0xfpp-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like it's a header to load a PS2 softmod directly from a burned DVD. I doubt very much this will ever run PS1 games in native mode or be implemented on native PS1 hardware, regardless of one idly speculative paragraph.

>> No.6561596

Depends how "good" you want to calibrate them

Why would I bother telling aspie zoomers anywhere else anything? There are plenty here.

>> No.6561734

>cd rotting
Discs last longest of all external storage you can choose from. Like 100 years. They will outlast the actual system.

The mechanical parts that break should be not that hard to fix.

>> No.6561773

>FPGA PSX Project is creating Hardware, Playstation, FPGA, Open source.
Looks like someone is even more worthless than you.

>> No.6561791

you that faggot going around calling people zoomies just to get a reaction out of everybody?

>> No.6561813

not this thread again...
>physical games bad durrrr
>digital amazing
>this link proves it

>> No.6561823

>stuttering and skipping music and fmvs good
>disc rot good
>decade-old lasers and chink replacements good
and let's not forget
>I love rolling a dice on whether my burner/media/laser/board combo is actually going to read burned discs satisfactorily enough

>> No.6561861

>i cant afford to buy games so physical media bad!
go be poor somewhere else desu.

>> No.6561863

original copies suffer from the same limitations.

>> No.6561942
File: 54 KB, 570x680, 1593383752804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool, but it's about 15 years too late

>> No.6561958

And now for something completely different:
WipeOut XL on XStation

>> No.6561960

>WipeOut XL on XStation
in case some of you don't understand why this is a third-degree burn: https://jira.cybdyn-systems.com.au:2053/browse/CSGC-105?filter=-5
>Created:01/Mar/2018 09:13:27 AM

>> No.6561963

good. fuck cybdyn. I gave the fucker more chances than anyone else in this board.
no more. hang the aussie.

>> No.6561983

Correct me if I'm wrong but this means

>you can create Free McBoot Cards easily instead of buying one,
>or simply run the same shit from a DVD
>play burnt patched PS2 games without any console modification at all.

But it still doesn't affect the PS1 side of things. Because PS1 mode on the PS2 disables DVD so isn't vulnerable to a buffer overflow in the DVD firmware.

>> No.6561986

Wouldn't the same initial overflow on the DVD just let the PS1 game play?

>> No.6561991
File: 25 KB, 624x528, b9r920k529zuszor2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bro this is totally better than just popping in a disc

>> No.6561993

it unironically is, who the fuck thinks having less options is a good thing?
the only downfall of emulation is accuracy.

>> No.6562041

I don't think so because at the moment this still uses ESR. Again I may be wrong but, ESR can't play PS1 games burnt to DVD because the PS2 disables DVD once it enters PS1 Mode which it must do in order to play PS1 games.

As it stands somebody would still have to write another piece of software.

>> No.6562383

>Why can't I have things for free??????
Die commie.

>> No.6562406

These must've models using lasers other than the 440BAM (considered the best laser).

>> No.6562414

all the lasers are pretty cheap. the AEM and BAM are just the least worse but that doesn't mean they'll last you forever.

>> No.6563596

>you that every adult on 4chan?

>> No.6563867

To be fair, she knew Bezos when he was a bald loser with nothing and acutally put money into the business before it ever got off the ground.

>> No.6563973

I remember just burning a copy of the cd breaker and booting that with the pressed ps2 boot or just the mcboot but it was so long ago i might be talking out of my ass.

>> No.6563976
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>> No.6563980
File: 106 KB, 1024x806, 1585959188455-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another poorfag cope thread

>> No.6564015

Not him but communism means equality and basically the opposite of a welfare state. Do you even know about gulags?

>> No.6564016

Look up what a strawman is and stop being illogical with your image macros.

t. an anon that knows that discs last forever, consoles that are chipped beat emulation (obviously) and am too poor to own a collection of whom hates capitalism but doesn't have a degree.

>> No.6565992

true, the claim seems to be that they're working on a PS1 version of it though

>> No.6566101

does this work on ps2 cd games like ridge racer v?

>> No.6566762

no ps2 games that i know of actually use any CD features besides just the one data track, so i imagine you could just burn the cd image onto a dvd and it'll work

>> No.6566769

The welfare state is a band aid on the gaping wound upon society that is capitalism. An appeasement to stop us from rising up against our masters.

>> No.6566773

Also the dude sent dick pics to his best friend's wife. The bitch looks just like her. He obviously has a type but fuck with that kind of money you can have basically anybody you want. How dumb can you be?

>> No.6566831

women should be embarrased to have this statistic

>> No.6566840

Without a master there cannot be an apprentice.

>> No.6566841

>to be fair
Is it though asshole? How much money?

>> No.6567254


>> No.6567524
File: 267 KB, 728x1034, 1423543178558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this means we can easily install FreeMcBoot to memory card?
Or simply just have all the relevant homebrew on USB flash drive?

>> No.6567965

What is being described here is a method to burn homebrew to disc that will boot directly so yes, it should be possible to burn a disc that boots into a file manager and easily copy the bootloader files directly onto the memory card.

>> No.6568118

>The guy who made FreeDVDBoot is going to make a PS1 solution that exploits the PS1's CD player
Where did you even heard of this? His official website clearly doesn't talk about any of this, just the PS2 exploit, and google searching it only gives results for the PS2 exploit and PS4 homebrew stuff he did.

>> No.6568346

Yes, this does mean fucktards will be paying $10 for a CDR to install FMCB

>from which youtube channel did you get your opinion?

>> No.6569012

Is there any advantage to FreeMcBoot over just running the exploit, and run home brew from USB flash drive directly?
Other than USB loading?
Also is there a scraper for OPL?

>> No.6569028

>i first posted a completely wrong guestimation of what this is so let me try to redeem my name by posting again my basic understanding after being spoonfed how it works

>> No.6569050

Rich people fake divorce for tax reasons, it may be one of those cases.

>> No.6569053

>just found out about this
>get my old Slim PS2 SCP-7704
>DVD version is compatible
>test a game before burning anything
>Disc couldn't be read
is it dead?

>> No.6569070

Then I'll just fucking burn another one??

>> No.6569092

you Europeans and your weird PS2 models. it probably is, but you shouldn't be relying on it anyway.
get a pre-modded MC and stream the games. there are a couple ways to do this if you're invested enough.

>> No.6569105

there's been an installer for a long time now, it will be pretty cool to have a self-booting fmcb installer
and yes, while self-booting games dreamcast style would be pretty cool, fcmb only needs a memory card, which you need anyway, and has things this can't do, like skip the bios boot animation, so i'd keep using that if you have it already

>you Europeans and your weird PS2 models.
he probably just mistyped it, and it's an SCPH-77004
the only difference between US and EU model numbers is that US ones end with "1" and EU with "4" (4 isn't just eu though, it includes all PAL countries)

>> No.6569107

>he probably just mistyped it
Seething apologist

>> No.6569120

I know, it's actually 77004. but Europe gets a ton of unique models nonetheless.
some really exquisite PS1 revisions were only made available in Europe.

>> No.6569126

Yes. This should be obvious.
Yes/sort of. But ftd for you so effectively no.

>> No.6569240

Underage fake being 18+ for stupid reasons, you are definitely one of those cases.

>> No.6569243

I mean lasers break man. ODEs and FPGAs are the only real long term solution to this. A lot of these consoles are already mostly broken. What about 50 years from now?

>> No.6569245


>> No.6569247

>What about 50 years from now?
You'll be 62 and still dumb as a sack of rocks?

>> No.6569257
File: 4 KB, 267x130, D0EA1E4B-0FC9-4721-B1CF-D76486D1E45F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>box of rocks

>> No.6569307

>the only downfall of emulation is accuracy.
Spoken like someone who has never emulated a DS or Wii U, those require some serious muscle.

>> No.6569320

a mid range rig can run cemu, what the fuck are you talking about?
and literally any toaster can run DS

>> No.6569357

>and literally any toaster can run DS
Yeah if you disable half the shit and only play 2D games. Unless you've gotten yourself a recent processor good luck getting full frames.

>> No.6569403

Sorry, it's SCPH-77004.
And I'm not in Europe, I live in middle East so ordering a pre modded MC is not really possible.
And not to mention ordering a replacement optical drive.
I could look in flea/scrap market but I doubt I get a suitable one or just get busted/stolen PS2, and the seller would just raise the price if he sense you need it badly.
Anything from 2010 can ruin DS, do you mean 3DS?

>> No.6569430

if you're hellbent on making it work, you could try cleaning the lenses with isopropyl alcohol and a piece of non-abrasive cloth, or a cotton swab. that alone probably won't work but you should do it anyway.
next step would be disassembling it and tweaking the pots on the laser. you need to be very careful, look up tutorials online. realistically you'll only need to boot a disc once, so you mod your MC. from there on use a USB stick to boot files.
even so burning the lenses beyond repair is easy when tweaking the pots blindly. if you do manage to get it working, look into booting games from USB, lan, etc.

>> No.6569447

I tried cleaning it, didn't help much.
>pot tweak?
I feel as if the motor isn't spinning fast enough.
Or maybe the laser Burned off completely?
Can you use the MC worth free mcboot as regular MC to save games?

>> No.6569495

I couldn't find any particularly good videos but you can search "ps2 pot adjustment" on youtube to get an idea.
it's possible the motor is dead but the laser going blind is much more likely. alternatively, assuming the PS2 is chipped, a component on the motherboard (which controls the laser) might be dead.
you can use the modded MC to save games yes. but there isn't much space left after you install freeMC.

>> No.6569531

It's how Gramps do.

>> No.6569628

Don't get it

>> No.6569634

have you been around children? don't ask them to explain their jokes, there's no point

>> No.6569637

On one had I'm dissapointed because I was sitting on about 40 to 50 PS1 that I could mod chip my self with mod chips I could make and sell them as modded systems. On the other hand. I'm sitting on 40 to 50 systems that their value has just gone up and I don't have to do anything to them now.

>> No.6569730

>They really don't fail that often. Sounds like you were doing something wrong
hello, zoomer retard born yesterday. sony's original run of playstations had faulty laser assemblies that would wear out from sliding along its track. sony fixed this problem in much later revisions. shut the fuck up, you dumb moron. men are speaking.

>> No.6569737

Well I doubt he has a hundred of those. I have >50 PS1s and only about four or five of them are 1001's or what ever with the RCA A/V jacks in the back. I think one or two of those are actually working, but it's been years since they've been tested.

>> No.6569743

>but it's been years since they've been tested.
i'm sure they do last a long time if you don't use them...

>> No.6569910

replacement disk drives

>> No.6571028

I work with actual retarded children. They make more sense than many people here. Pretty scary.

>> No.6571032

I cant run hi-res mode for ps1 games on my raspberry pi so it looks like shit

>> No.6571053

You're too retarded to set your stuff up properly then. Every single PS1 title runs at more than full speed with 2x resolution on a Pi 3B

>> No.6571059

not sure whats wrong. Spyro runs choppy and glitched audio when i turn high res mode on.

>> No.6571060

no you don't

>> No.6571096

original hardware can't either so I don't see your point
plus those 32x32 textures look awful on extremely sharp polygons

>> No.6571130

You aren't the only retarded child in the world, retarded child.

>> No.6571147

I've already got a pretty servicable way to play PS1 games but this is nice news. I hope other disc based systems get solutions soon.

>> No.6571163

Not to be controversial or anything but good luck finding a ps1 that doesn't have a modchip

>> No.6571250

I'm one of the few people in the world that has wanted that specific thing for a long time

>> No.6571252

>is going to make a PS1 solution that exploits the PS1's CD player
he doesnt say hes going to do it, he just says it would be a cool idea

>> No.6571254

i don't think it will be quite as easy
the CD-DA format is way simpler and more fixed-function, unlike DVD, where there's way more room for fuckups in the implementation
not to say it's impossible, but it probably won't be quite so free

>> No.6571279

I like having real physical copies of my stuff, with cases and the stuff they come with.

Hey it's my nostalgia, I'll waste my money how I want.
If I really only cared about being able to boot up games and nothing else I'd still be using free mcboot, or alternatively just emulating.

So this changes nothing for me really, I'm not going to suddenly throw my stuff up on ebay and switch to burned discs.

>> No.6571438

This is very true, I don't know anyone who had a ps1 back in the day that didn't have it modded.

>> No.6571564
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>hey guys have you heard about this new thing called emulation

>> No.6571789

So I managed to get it working, the motor had issue, it was spinning slowly so I just have it a little push.
Now I managed to get fmcb on the memory card, but nothing seems to work, I tried launching ulancher, but I jut getting black screen.
I even formated the MC.
Any idea? I'm using scph-77004 with fmcb 1.966,

>> No.6571920
File: 168 KB, 861x429, videos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"from which youtube channel did you get your opinion?"
>His YouTube channel still only has the first three videos he uploaded for the PS2 exploit and nothing else
Again, i'll consider this "PS1 version" of the exploit something that OP got out of his ass until there's concrete proof of it.

>> No.6572457

could be an incompatible USB stick. PS2 is picky about them. try an older USB 2.0 one, the oldest you can find.
77004 should be compatible with freeMC so that's not the problem.
the important part is that you got freeMC on your memory card. from here on is just throubleshooting.

>> No.6573283

Can i play burned PS1 games on my PS2slim?
Also its gotta be flipped upside down to read discs

>> No.6573760

Is this thread real

>> No.6574883

has anyone made a program to patch roms with the dvdboot & ESR yet for ps2?

>> No.6574971

if you use freemcboot and enable autoloading esr discs you can just patch them with ESR and boot them, anon. You don't need both.

>> No.6575802

Im sick of this purrayysturationu crap. Why are you riding me like a tommy gun ?

>> No.6575823

>ignorants still believe communism is about free shit
Communism is about (you) working for free, which is way different.

>> No.6576452
File: 85 KB, 1280x640, Ulmer-and-Porter-1280x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6576542

Nah. Communism is about you working for free and me getting free shit.

>> No.6576549

have *you* been around children? they're better at explaining their nonsensical jokes than most functioning adults

>> No.6576576

OK but how will that fix my broken CD drives

>> No.6576589

Stop calling the whole cd drive a "laser", retard

>> No.6576657

>you being forced to* work for free and me barely getting enough free shit to make a living, let alone having time to play decades-old games*
fixed it

>> No.6576757

You're wrong trumpster. I have it on good authority from a rich old commie that I'll get everything I want for free if I vote the right way.

>> No.6576801

>relying on a disc drive

What could go wrong?

>> No.6576841

This is indeed true. Every one I pick up in my country is already modchipped. It's actually rarer to find an un-chipped one.

>> No.6576890

this seems to be true for every 3rd world country. but even in the US chipped PS1s are common enough.
sometimes they're easy enough to uninstall, though. assuming there are no cut traces or video signal mods.
the real problem is that most people yank the shielding/heatsink off.

>> No.6577181

With free mcboot and popsloader yeah

>> No.6577183
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Bootdiscs have been around forever, the reason theyre not more common they can cause hardware damage.

>> No.6577230

>mfw my silver PS2 just up & froze like a overheating error on a PC for the first time in 30 years

should I be worried that's never happened before,the entire screen just up & froze ;_;

maybe it was the disk itself

>> No.6577245

That's unusual. One of the best things you can do for PS2s is clean the lens and disc drive as they tend to accumulate a lot of dust. The whole thing is held together by philips screws so it's easy to get in, just be careful lifting the lid off.

>> No.6577313

This is unfair. She and Bezos started Amazon. I'm not a feminist but I know how to read. That said, Bezos did her dirty. It's not like SHE cheated, he decided to fuck some plastic hag.

>> No.6577345

I have a original Playstation and a PSone all unchiped.

>> No.6578119

Reading beyond a single sentence in an unsourced image on 4chan makes it harder to feel righteous anger at all times, though.

>> No.6578176

Im not interested in freemcboot

>> No.6578180

then chip it

>> No.6578524

How will this affect Monster Rancher's monster generation. Surely it'd make different monsters.

>> No.6578889

> Being so poorfag that you can't a PS1

You're living in a shithole, literally

>> No.6578893

Then have fun trying to swap a disc while it's upside down you stupid motherfucker. You deserve to suffer for your retardation. You absolute imbecile.

>> No.6580345

What? You could softmod a fucking PS2 for free literally a decade ago and play burned ps1 games. What is actually wrong with you people?

>> No.6580352

I'll keep an eye on this, thanks OP.
I got one of those action replay things but it doesn't work with multi disc games.

>> No.6580362

I cant afford freemcboot

>> No.6580431

PS1 only has PS1 mode on PS2 isn't accessible form PS2 mode

>> No.6580435


>> No.6580438

for dreamcast yeah, for PSX it was a fake

>> No.6580456

The point is freemcboot requires someone with a modded PS2 to bootstrap you a memory card. Availability comes and goes depending on Sony's lawyers running a ban wave through the internet. This exploit means you can make your own freemcboot from any retail PS2.

>> No.6580471

I made my own Freemcboot with an action replay that has a media player capability (exploit via an usb drive IIRC), but yeah, this method is simpler because it doesn't require anything special apart from a blank CD-R and a burner

>> No.6580626

>The point is freemcboot requires someone with a modded PS2 to bootstrap you a memory card.

That's wrong. You can pick up Agent Under Fire for 2 dollars and exploit it that way, which I what I did literally eleven years ago.

>> No.6580709

I did mine with Xploder.

>> No.6581417
File: 190 KB, 1200x1018, video-game-polystation-D_NQ_NP_23335-MLB20246933614_022015-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big if true.

I have an unmodded Fat and I want to play some games on it.

>> No.6581556

it's like 5 bucks

>> No.6581597


>> No.6581602

You live in communist China, anon?
I'm pretty sure even there you could source one.

>> No.6581607

Listen man i just cant. I dont even own a ps2

>> No.6581642

Uh no, the exploit in the OP allows you to boot free mcboot with nothing but a burned DVD. You fucking clueless moron. You didn't even read the OP of the thread you are in. You haven't the slightest fucking clue what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.6581716

>what is PS-X-Change

>> No.6581734

Is it out yet?

>> No.6581886

i don't see any part of his post which is wrong

>> No.6581890

you could use the even older independence exploit to get the freemcboot installer going, that's what i did

>> No.6582062

>I've included uLaunchELF recompiled with DVD support as the default initial program. It presents a menu which allows you to select any of the homebrew programs you chose to include on the disc (and also allows booting from USB).
Hmmmm burning the iso you're given allows you to boot any elf you want from a USB drive. Surely that doesn't include the Free McBoot installer. Also what's that? You can add your own homebrew software to the iso if you don't want to launch it from a USB drive? I don't think we can install Free McBoot that way either because he didn't give us a memory card to do it with. False fucking advertising what a liar!

>> No.6582068

Also if you still don't get it I googled Free McBoot. The first result has a link that takes you to another link that takes you to this guide on how to use freedvdboot to install it. https://www.psx-place.com/threads/tutorial-fmcb-installation-with-free-dvd-boot.30211/ It's not like this info is hidden from you. I got here from literally the first result for fmcb on google.

>> No.6582075

You can't play burned PS1 games without disc swapping or a modchip.

>> No.6582082

he said "This exploit means you can make your own freemcboot from any retail PS2."
what exactly are you misunderstanding here?