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655639 No.655639 [Reply] [Original]

Games you wish were translated.

For me, River King 2 for SNES.
I can't even find any info on it.

>> No.655659

I do wish Machi for the Saturn was available in english in some form. I've heard so many great things and yet I'll probably never get to play it.

>> No.655724


You might find more using the japanese title, Kawa no Nushi Tsuri 2.

>> No.655747

>Kawa no Nushi Tsuri 2.
Oh fuck, thanks man.

>> No.655821

Hope the first Famicom Detective Club game eventually gets translated.

>that feel when you're searching for fan translations and find a post from 5 years ago where some guy says he's working on it

>> No.656509

The Custom Robo games for N64.

Not retro, but Captain Rainbow.

>> No.656928
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Maka Maka. The fact that it's loaded with glitches thanks to lack of debugging doesn't make it look any less awesome to me.

>> No.657058

Megami Tensei 1 and 2 for the Famicom. The soundtrack to them is amazing and I really wanna play the games but the group translating it have not released any info in years.


>> No.657065

Fucking this


>> No.657074

糸井重里のバス釣りNo.1決定版! for the N64

>> No.657098

Shadowrun on the Mega CD looks pretty cool. All the other shadowrun games are fun. It'd be cool to play that one too, but its a text heavy Japan only release.

>> No.657102


>> No.657108

This thread finally did it for me. I am going to force myself to learn Japanese starting tomorrow so I can play all those untranslated games.

>> No.657213

Arino did a playthrough of it, check it out

>> No.657487

Moon Remix RPG.

>> No.657531

So much this. What is even happening with that project?

>> No.657539
File: 52 KB, 188x162, absolutelydisgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>River King 2

Brother, I sympathize with this sentiment.

>> No.657596

Oh god, why did you have to remind me of that abandoned project...

>> No.657772

dragon quest monsters 1+2 for the play station.

>> No.657776

Shiggy say to eat a wii

>> No.657849

Metal Slader Glory

>> No.657921

Romancing SaGa 2 mostly

I guess some of those Arkania/Dark Eye games look neat too.

>> No.657962

Is this related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaFszvhES4I ?

>> No.658067

Laplace's Demon


>> No.658098

Gihren's Greed

It will never happen. Best thing you can do is look up minor translations on the net.

>> No.658137


We share the same feels. I wonder why hasn't anyone translated it yet, it actually looks like an awesome rpg.

>> No.658175

How hard is it to create a translation patch for a ROM? There's a couple of games I'd like to take a crack at translating but if it's too technical I'll probably just not bother.

>> No.658197

Ace Combat 3. Not the shitty downgraded version we got in the West.

>> No.658203

It's like programming in assembly. Of course this assumes you don't use an editor. The tricky thing is remaining within the constraints of the game. For example, Shining Force 2 uses a bit of a fancy text compression method that limits what you can do.

>> No.658238

I'm pretty sure you can just increase the size of ROM and fit whatever you want.

>> No.659658

You can, but when you start messing with the number of characters in a message you have to start manipulating pointers. Adds a lot of work.

>> No.660397
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Saw it, loved it.

>> No.660421


do you even ironic ledditing?

>> No.660430

Samurai Showdown RPG for Neo Geo CD. It WAS translated recently... into French. English translation is in the state of "when it's done" since 2007. Also SEGAGAGA.

>> No.660449
File: 50 KB, 496x456, Yakuman_DS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro in the slightest, but fuck, I want to learn Mahjongg so badly

>> No.660479
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Any JRPG for a CD based console.

Luckily I have a friend that knows how to make reproduction carts, so he can make me Star Ocean and Tales of Phantasia for the SNES once I get the money for the original carts... but fuck, The Saturn has some cool looking JP games that I can only play by burning them to a disc.

Also, The Tingle games for the DS.

>> No.660486

Not a game really, but I wish the US had those pocket stations. It's been forever since I played FF8 but the completionist in me dies whenever I see one. I know it's basically for one summon, but having a pocket Chocobo would still be neat.

>> No.660484
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When the fuck is Aeon Genesis going to finish translating this?

>> No.660495

>The Tingle Games for the DS

If you're 'Murikan, have you considered importing? The game was released in Europe, so there is an English version, and the DS is not region locked.

>> No.660514


There are 3 total though. Only 1 or 2 were released in Europe.

>> No.660526

Take my advice... dont you ever try to learn japanese... your backlog will be doomed forever.

>> No.660563


After they finish SRW: Gaiden.

>> No.660927

Rosy Rupeeland was released in Europe, in English and whatnot. Tingle's Balloon Fight was only released as part of the Japanese Club Nintendo. Love Balloon Trip has also never been released outside of Japan. I own the first two

>> No.660941

Not sure if its old enough but definitely deserved a translation. Klonoa Heroes for the GBA.

>> No.660967
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Madou Monogatari for the Saturn.

If I'd be willing to bother to swim through 900 kanji, I'd have the script dumped by now - after that translation, script re-inserting, and recompression is needed. The last two could be tricky as the script files also include stuff like positioning and jump points, and all files in the game use a custom compression (for which there is an open source decompressor, but no compressor).

>> No.661143

and Xenon (come on, we need all the classic Kanno/Umemoto games in english)

>> No.661245
File: 116 KB, 723x712, Shining-Force-III-Scenario-2-Saturn-JAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shining force 3 scenario 2&3 on Saturn.
I own and played the 3 of them numerous times, and it's definitly my favorite tactical RPG (and i'm a huge fan of that genre).
The 1st scenario was translated, but 2&3 only in jap....
The games are still amazing, but knowing that you're missing the plot is annoying as hell, especially since from playing scenario 1 ou know that the story is awesome.

Also, Samurai Shodown RPG (Neo.Geo CD)
I played the shit out of this game (the only good cd exclu, with Brikinger of course... ), luckily I'm french so I'll oo be able to play it with emulator, but I would have liked to play the real thing in english on my Neo-cd...

>> No.661293
File: 38 KB, 300x300, psxa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like fun. Me and my friends are dying to play this after watching kacho play it

>> No.661431

Scenarios 2 and 3 have been fan-translated. You can patch the game isos and play them in English.


>> No.661443

>Custom Robo

Made me sad that no one translated it yet ;-;

>> No.661448


I played this, is not that great compared to the sequels, but the spin offs are awesome.

>> No.661498
File: 424 KB, 600x854, Summon.Night.Craft.Sword.Monogatari-.Hajimari.No.Ishi.full.1244287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the third summon knight game
not technically retro, I know, but I would love a translation of this game and I have seen GBA stuff here many times before

>> No.661538

Wasn't someone already working on a translation project on that one?

>> No.661541

I'd be interested in this,too. Although I have a slightly warped view of the franchise due to being introduced to it through one of those "Corrupt" series where someone intentionally glitches up a game with hilarious results.
From what I've seen 2's great, but 3... not so much.

>> No.661571


2 is great indeed, 3 is a little more complex and kinda confusing and 4 is a comeback to the roots with some new stuff, but sadly it isnt connected to the other games even though it is in the same school used in Tokimemo 1.

>> No.661765

That's awesome, I never play emulators, or isos, I never even used a patch, i'm really bad at all that stuff.
I usually only play on actual systems with real games, but for Shining Force I would definitly make an exception and try to understand how that shit works...

Thank you anon!

>> No.661895

This thing looks hilarious as fuck.

This thread is making me depressed.

>> No.661920
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Actually, that game is supposed to be Super Famicom's Takeshi no Chousenjou. Of course there are others infamous kusoge for the Super Famicom like Love Quest.

>> No.661967

Toukon Heat

Turn Based Wrestling RPG

>> No.661984

beat me to it. I want this so badly I can taste it

>> No.663861

Wonder Project j2
Although I think there might be a fantranslation out there somewhere

>> No.663863

Retro: Old Fire Emblems I guess.

Not Retro: Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier EXCEED

>> No.663871

I know enough Japanese to play it now but for the longest time I wanted it to be translated. I should play it soon.

>> No.663872

Cross Treasures.
I know there's a partial translation going on, but so much of the story, items, menu points is still untranslated.

>> No.663902

I found out recently that Sakura Taisen 1 and 2 got official translation and re-release for Windows version. In Russia. No plans for English release. Fuck you SEGA.