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6551668 No.6551668 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it make so many FF fans seethe?

>> No.6551669

It doesn’t, we’re good with it.

>> No.6551676

It's not my favorite but I don't hate it

>> No.6551679

Many "FF fans" started with this game so they see nothing wrong with it. It may be a different story in Japan who got every game sequentially and had a lot more fans from the ages when FF was about mages and airships that were just normal ships with propellers on them. FF7 is very futuristic compared to all the past games, and that tone shift surely put off some of the older fans.

>> No.6551682

For the longest time VII was incredibly popular and a lot of people who've barely played any Final Fantasy would say with absolute certainty that it was the best in the franchise and one of the greatest games of all time
With time, that movement's died down and the pushback against it has too

>> No.6551684


It was an old vs new thing back in the day, FF7 was a pretty big departure from the other games in the series in terms of setting, style and graphics.

It's old now though so now they hate on FF13, which in on schedule to be embraced by all in about 5 years.

>> No.6551689

I've only played two FF games all the way through without getting bored and dropping it. FF1 and FF7. Make of that what you will. Then again I mainly play western CRPGs not consoles and/or Japanese stuff.

>> No.6551698

That's a valid experience, much moreso than "FFVII is the greatest game ever because gameinformer told me so even though I haven't touched any of the others"

For the record, I really like VII myself too, but it had a lot of awful drones, and that kind of thing always causes pushback

>> No.6551715

I never understood the hate for 13. It's not a hidden gem or anything, but the combat system was pretty good and up until the very end the concept of the story was alright, or at least how I interpreted it. Major drawback was the cast, who besides Fang was pretty bleh.

>> No.6551720

I would'nt say I'm an FF fan in particular, I only own this one and 2 (4) but I think it's really fun. I would have preferred a more traditional turn based game, sure, but that's what I have dragon quest for lol.

>> No.6551721

>story and combat were good
Yeah, I'm guessing you didn't actually play the game or else you wouldn't be saying that

>> No.6551724

VII was as "futuristic" as VI and it being unpopular is japan is a meme

X and VII are the most popular ones in Japan

>> No.6551726

Coming on the heels of FF6, you thought it was going to be everything and more. New platform with better graphics, etc. What did we get?

* materia system = gay;
* summonable monsters = not more interesting than in FF6;
* variety of enemies = incredibly limited;
* characters = boring;
* story = boring;
* setting = very limited and cramped;
* music = meh;

Most of the FF7 fanbois love it because it was the first FF game they played. However, if they'd played some of the earlier ones, they'd have been left lacking like the rest of us. I was unimpressed at the time and that didn't change when I replayed it some years ago.

>> No.6551728

My first FF game was VIII. VII is considerably better than VIII as far... everything goes, really, but it looks pretty terrible even for its time so graphics quality is the one thing VIII has over it.

>> No.6551735

as someone that also played II and III here in the US, i would venture to say that you are in the minority, like profoundly in the minority if you're saying this game left you "unimpressed" in September 1997.. i mean, this is coming from someone who would actually be assholish enough to say that FFVI is the greatest no matter what any other lateFFfag would say, which it absolutely is. but unimpressed? that's fucking laughable. the Gold Saucer song alone, which was the first thing I heard when visiting a friend who had an import PS and VII that summer, is enough to let it stand tall for posterity as one of the greatest games of all time.

>> No.6551738

sounds like an angry nintendork who didnt let that anger go in 23 years, pretty unhealthy stuff

>> No.6551740

I have not met a single FF fan that dislikes FF7. Even my friend whose favorite FF game is 1 on the NES likes FF7.

>> No.6551765

It's more like people who disluke FF7 make FF7 fans seethe. They live rent free in their head, especially the schizos that accuse everyone who didn't like it of being NIDF.

>> No.6551893

lol what were the good parts then? Not the characters, that's for sure. The story is cool if you think of whatever-the-fuck-they're-called, the giant monster guardians that basically rule the world, from an Ancient Aliens viewpoint. They were outsiders that came down and took control of humanity. I have no idea now what the game actually had them as, but I do remember something near the end put a hole in that idea, but only a little. The idea of a inverse world with everyone living inside of it that floats over the real world was a neat idea too.

Combat I don't remember other than it was fast and fluid. You were more a coach standing on the sidelines giving orders to your team rather than deciding each character's actions yourselves. Considering the AI was pretty good (ie it knew to use fire on a fire weak enemy even if you forgot that) I didn't have problems with it.

>> No.6551894

I played VI first and VII blew my mind. Those two are still my favorites.

>> No.6551903

But I love it.

>> No.6551908

The hate for 13 is purely because it took FOREVER to get to the part where the gameplay was good. Not to mention it had a bad habit of cockblocking you hard core (worst example is Snow getting his summon and then his part just ending so you didn't get to play with it) Once it got to the point where you could do everything and the bosses were hard enough that you had to really pay attention to role shifting it was a lot of fun but fuck it took like 20 hours of tutorials.
Also the story was told in a shitty way with world building all being optional files you just sat there and read.

>> No.6551912

Nah, I love FF 1,3,4,6,7,8,9,10 and 12. My first FF games was 5 back when I had just found out what emulators were.
Nice try though.

>> No.6551920

I wouldn't say 6 was futuristic, but was clearly meant to be the equivalent of our 1800s with a rise of technology versus the older games which were more middle ages with castles. 7 flat out has televisions, cars, etc and the technology level there is almost indistinguishable from our current level, which is far more futuristic than the classic dungeons n dragons style of FFs

>> No.6553145

It's not the best or worst game, it's good and bad dependent on what it was held up against. Compared to II? Oh hell yeah, VII is great game. Compared to IX? Dog shit. Compared to XIII? God's gift to mankind. Compared to XII? I'd rather play Gay Pirate Star Wars. VII on its own? Only loyal fans remember specific things about it, as someone that's never fully played it but watched multiple (unbiased) YouTube videos explain it in its entirety, It's just a story about a bunch of eco-terrorists that get caught up in a personal pre-established vendetta between two anime characters, one who could've been more honest about who's after him and the other wants to cause the apocalyse for shits and giggles. No one ever really retrospects that Cloud is a HORRIBLE human being. "Not Interested" was the red flag. He wanted money for a job he knew involved bombing a reactor. Suddenly had a change of heart when Shinra dropped a plate on the Slums and blamed him on it. Nah, you started this.

>> No.6553156

It only makes "fans" of FF1-6 seethe, and really FF6fags only seethe at it. Not like their opinion matters, FF6fags are currently the most annoying subset FF fans right now.

>> No.6553172

What's that FF shitposting group on FB? Shinraposting or something, I don't know the full name but I was once a part of it and oh my god there was a nigger in there who wasn't even a mod who had so much influence that he got two of my friends banned just for telling him off and catching him out in bullshit because he refused to accept that Fabula Nova broke up into 3 games all disconnected because XIII's launch was fucking god awful.

>> No.6553209

>What's that FF shitposting group on FB?
Don't know, Fagbook is for retards.
>he refused to accept that Fabula Nova broke up into 3 games all disconnected because XIII's launch was fucking god awful.
Fabula Nova was always intended to be three games (XIII, XIII Versus, and Agito XIII) but the development was so fucked that it made sense to make XIII-2 and Lightning Returns out of unused assets from XIII while Agito turned into Type-0 and Versus became XV.

>> No.6553216

I'm aware of that, they were always 3 games. I'm referring to the fact that Fabula Nova itself got dropped and Versus was salvaged into XV and the XII typed being used altogether by the other two games. That happened BECAUSE of how bad XIII was; he refused to accept it. As do all niggers.

>> No.6553246

its the most publicly known so normalfags who might have played it once forever ago think they know anything about the franchise
I cant tell you how many dumbasses I had in highschool that had no fucking grasp on the story beyond "omg sephiroth walked in the fire hes soooo cool" or "aeris die its so sad qq"
I still think its a fine game and fun, not my favorite in franchise but its good

>> No.6553254


FF7 is the OoT of the franchise.

Both are incredibly popular and highly touted by the mainstream, but there's a reason why there aren't threads or articles proclaiming that it's the best - because that's not controversial.
On /v/ being contrarian in addition to attempting to cut through hype, it's settled on FF6 and 9 as the great old ones, with X and 7 as top tier as well. You've seen all 4 touted as the best on /v/ so you could argue they're among the best 4, but that's the ranking I see them most often in.

t. Nincel who played it for first time in 2019 and is now a fanboy

>> No.6553264

>pretty much a straight march from the start with no real exploration(even FFX the second most linear had things like optional paths, chambers of fayth, hidden things like al bhed primers, belgemine fights etc)
>you get like 1.5 towns to visit
>main party are various levels of unlikable
>crystarium locked for fairly large portion of the game
>equipment system is barebones for most of game
>story is heavily reliant upon data logs
>combat can be kind of ok sometimes but othertimes it feels like a drag just building stagger so you can do real damage
>can only directly control 1 character(Even FF12 let you manually input commands for other characters)
>game over if currently played character dies
>really bad case of reused models

>> No.6553460

I started with II, then played III, then when VII hit, I was blown away.

>> No.6553468

How many 7 tards does it take to screw in a light bulb?

>> No.6553524

Can we put an end to this "II is bad" meme? I'm in disbelief that so many faggots think this opinion is valid when I and III exist.

>> No.6553607

It isn't the game itself, but how overrated it is. It's one of the go to games for the postmodern "gamer" to latch on so they fit in and look like they actually play videogames.

>> No.6553615

>Compared to dog shit? Dog shit.
Struggling the figure out what you meant by this.

>> No.6553803

He meant that your bait is discarded due to your improper grammar.

>> No.6553824

i found many of those fags tourists who never played anything before FF7 and would scream "bring back old medieval period FF!!!!!!!!" despite all of the past games having literal robots, airships and futuristic tech mingled with it

>> No.6553841

Their post contains no improper grammar, tryhard.

>> No.6553868

>ESL unaware of how native English speakers talk during casual conversation

>> No.6553889

Some people like it, some people don't like it and some people like other rpg better.Only some Sakaguchi cultist(and not everyone are like that) hate it because it was the begin of Kitase's era
But well, Sakaguchi was a idea guy like inafune. Koichi ishi , tanaka and Kawazu made FF the big franchise (and Tokita, Kitase and Ito helped to became it even more bigger)

>> No.6554047
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>Struggling the figure out what you meant by this
>Struggling the
Yeah that's improper grammar. Not sure why you felt the need to samefag about it.though.

>> No.6554053

the idea that grown adults would "seethe" over a video game is embarrassing

>> No.6554334

>Compared to II? Oh hell yeah, VII is great game.

I unironically like 2 more. In fact it might even be my favorite FF now after replaying the PSP version recently. 7 probably beats out the NES one though.

>> No.6554451

Usually in the older ones the robots were remnants of some long lost civilization there were recently rediscovered. FF7 makes it front and center that all technology is current and accessible for everyone. Still not as bad as 8 though with that one ultra futuristic city with space teleporters and space stations.

>> No.6554474

but it was fantasy futuristic. 8 gets a pass from me.

>> No.6554864

>Compared to II? Oh hell yeah, VII is great game.
Let me guess, you just heard FF2 is that bad game and thus decided to hate on it? FF1, FF2, and FF3 are all fun games. No need to sperg out over it just because you don't have nostalgia for it.

>> No.6554887

It's not their opinion. They're just parroting whatever they heard their favourite e-celebs say. None of them really played FF2.

>> No.6554959

the fuck are you hating on II for?

>> No.6554973

They're not FF fans. They're Nintendo fans and they're still upset about Square jumping ship.

>> No.6554984

Kinda this, but FF VII is on Switch now so a lot of die-hard ninty fans might be over it already.
Also there's other people who might hate FF VII for other reasons. I for one don't hate the game, but I hate the fanbase a lot, truly the worst fanbase of any game ever and it isn't even close (see: FF house)

>> No.6555069

What happened with 5?

>> No.6555101

We dont play games around these parts

>> No.6555481


That FF House bs is an isolated incident don't let that paint the fanbase

>> No.6555483

Even if it is one case, it only gives you an idea of the many other similar cases there must exist with FF fans.
Final Fantasy managed to do really awful things to the western youth. If only Dragon Quest caught on instead...

>> No.6555493

It makes me seethe just like all other FF games including the older ones because it's a fucking stupid boring storygame disguised as an RPG. VII was particularly bad in that it dressed itself up even more than the previous entries by including some vapid, angst-filled, dumb story that seems like it was written by a brain-damaged 12 year old emo, overdone cinematic bullshit, horrible, jarring changes in graphical style, fucking badly done minigames as part of the main fucking plot, and so much else that I'm surprised it wasn't laughed out of gaming when it was released, but of course by then the new generation of "gamers" who didn't care about actual, real games were out in full force and would buy anything marketed to death and rated 10/10GOTYAY by paid off reviewers.

>> No.6555580

It's fine but it just never gripped me the same way. I don't HATE it but I also never feel the need or desire to replay it. When it comes to the class changing gimmick I liked it more in FF 3 DS

>> No.6555838

Who gives a shit, played it in 2007 and I still think it's the greatest game ever made, nothing comes close, not even FF6

>> No.6555976

it just impressed most people because it was their first JRPG on a new console.

>> No.6556603

I used to be a bitter FFVIfag jealous of all the attention FFVII received while also misremembering the game I only played once like 20 years ago and consuming nu-FF7 character interpretations. If anyone actively dislikes it, I imagine they're in that camp.

It's only fault is the convoluted story being made seemingly more convoluted because of the shoddy translation, but I really like how the story had so many "things" going on. It felt pretty epic.

>> No.6557342
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>Coming on the heels of FF6, you thought it was going to be everything and more
>setting = very limited and cramped;
> if they'd played some of the earlier ones, they'd have been left lacking like the rest of us
Uh-huh. What's your favorite configuration of the "town" tileset in FFVI?

>> No.6557358

You might as well make a video game RPG a storygame, as you call it. If you want a full-fledged RPG experience you won't be able to find it in a video game, you're gonna have to play a pen and paper tabletop RPG, anything else is just a limited approximation of the real deal. Better that it plays to the strength of the medium, which is what games like FF excel at by pulling back on role-playing and instead emphasizing audiovisual spectacle.

>> No.6557364


>> No.6557390
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FFVI and FFVII are very similar gameplay-wise

>> No.6557414

FFVI fags hating on VII will never stop being funny, mostly because the games are more similar that what they think. Sometimes FFVI fags feel like they're trying to be DQFags

>> No.6557430
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>> No.6558886

Even worse is that in World of Ruin Jidoor is still green and lush. They couldn't even be bothered to shift the colors to brown like it should be.

>> No.6559000

> * materia system = gay
Stopped reading there.

>> No.6559001

One of the FF house "people" moved on to make a cult based on Suikoden, so yeah I think the game is irrelevant, they just leeched from something popular.