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File: 24 KB, 768x672, 45845854854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6536673 No.6536673 [Reply] [Original]

What's the definitive way to play this game?
I had the GBA version back in the day but I've heard people here say the colors are not as good as the SNES version and there's a color hack out there for it.

>> No.6536679

SNES, unhacked, Woolsey translation, anything else is pleb tier.

>> No.6536698

what about the extra bosses and shit? I guess they're kinda lame but eh.

>> No.6536741
File: 145 KB, 386x800, Celes_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SNES version is the most vanilla of all, has no extra content and is bugged to no end. It's still the best sounding and looking version so far and most bugs can be fixed via patches.
The GBA port has bugfixes, a new translation and additional content (new espers, new dungeons, new bosses, new items and a bestiary) but looks and sounds like shit, even after applying the 'restoration' patches.
The PSX version has bugfixes and only offers a bestiary as additional content but comes with horrendous loading times.
The mobile version has the same additional content as the GBA one but looks atrocious. The controls aren't so bad on a touch screen though.
The PC version is a port of the mobile version and it looks and plays like shit out of the box. There's a modding scene dedicated to improve it though, and you can mod it to look great but it's still handicapped by the mobile UI which doesn't play well without a touch screen.

In the end, it's just a matter of what you want. If you don't care about additional content then go for the SNES version with bugfixes and a re-translation patch.
If you really want the additional content, then it depends on your level of tolerance for either bad graphics, butchered music or terrible controls.

>inb4 muh t-series

>> No.6536816

>SNES version with bugfixes and a re-translation patch
>Game crashes or does weird things like Terra's sprite being replaced by Gau's during the Figaro escape scene
Gotta be careful when combining them.

>> No.6536829

>bugged to no end
Yes, FF6 has a good chunk of bugs.
None of the bugs were even remotely game breaking. I don't know why this continually an issue for people.

>> No.6536856

>None of the bugs were even remotely game breaking.
>missing a sketch with Relm can fill up your inventory with garbage or even erase all your save data
That doesn't sound bad at all.

>> No.6536860

SNES, original translation. You can apply some bugfix patches if you want.

Save it for a replay in X years, but Dragon's Den drags out FOREVER. It's like a 10 hour dungeon, not really that fun

>> No.6536863

not him but the first thing you learn about sketch is its useless and the only good use for it is to fill up your inventory with tons of items and get amused by the billions of weird glitches it can cause.

>> No.6537040

You keep making this thread. Are you the same person who was making paper-thin BoF generals?

>> No.6537050

Shut up you fucking schizo

>> No.6537051

I don't know what the original would have over TWUE for everyone recommending the original.

Afaik TWUE is the original with all the bugfixes which can't be understated, you can fucking corrupt your save using Relm's sketch originally,spelling/grammar fixes to Woolsey's script and uncensoring to some asses and titty pixels. What's the issue?

>> No.6537060

>Woolsey translation
This is all you need

>> No.6537087

>Renaming the monsters and spells when that was part of Woolsey's translation

Why would they do this?

>> No.6537091

SNES version with the bug fix / translation patch

>> No.6537098
File: 67 KB, 825x667, cloud in ff6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloud? In MY Final Fantasy 6? It's more likely than you think!

>> No.6537105
File: 64 KB, 829x666, PhntmTrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, there's no way we could keep the perfectly serviceable GhostTrain that fits, it simply must be PhntmTrain!

>> No.6537110

No matter what, you'll be playing quite possibly the best JRPG ever. I found my original copy from 1994 a few weeks ago. Can you believe that shit was like $80 at Walmart when it came out? If you adjusted for inflation it'd be over $150 today. Well worth it, IMO.

I got my girlfriend to play it on the SNES Classic Mini and it was fun playing through it again, but now that I've got a nice little CRT I'm going to replace the capacitors in my old SNES and start playing stuff as it was originally played. I recommend you do the same, OP.

>> No.6537126

-AtmaWeapon Ultima Weapon UltimaWeapn
-Presenter Angler Whelk AnglrWhelk
-Tritoch Valigarmanda Valigrmanda
-Atma Ultima Buster UltimaBustr
-Doom Fiend Fiend
-Goddess Goddess Goddess
-Poltrgeist Demon Demon
-Scimitar Zantetsuken Zantetsuken
-Illumina Lightbringer Lightbringer
-Atma Weapon Ultima Weapon UltimaWeapon
-Sky Render Mutsunokami Mutsunokami
-Minerva Minerva Bustier Minverva Bust
Might as well just call it the Woolattery Uncensored Edition

I'd support a version that changed zero script and names and only uncensored the sprites and fixed serious bugs, but then there are already patches that do those two things so might as well just use them

>> No.6537206

How does FF7 compare? Still haven't even touched that one. These fucking games take too long to beat.

>> No.6537219


Hmm, I'm almost 40. I started with the original Final Fantasy on NES over 30 years ago and played every one that got localized. For me, FF7 was the last "good one" and everything afterwards kind of fell off IMO. Still, it's hard for me to go back and play FF7 because it's 3D graphics are primitive and extremely dated; I don't think they aged well. The remake is good but it's only a part of the game. FF6, on the other hand, was released years into the SNES's lifespan and developers were really hitting their stride. It's aged extremely well, it's definitely the best of the series.

If I had to rank the series I'd probably do it on a pyramid with FF6 at the top and FF4 and FF7 below it. I really like FF4 but it also hasn't aged super well compared to, say, FF6. FF6 is a must play if you play no other Final Fantasy game, though.

>> No.6537273

>How does FF7 compare?
FF6 perfectly balances gameplay, storytelling and side content. FF7 takes everything FF6 has to offer and increases it exponentially.
While FF7 alone sold a lot of PSX, the release of that game is precisely when the series got its trademark issues. In essence: a convoluted story, complex combat mechanics that differ entirely from the the previous entries and so much side content that you'll lose track of the main quest and forget what the fuck you're even supposed to do in the first place. Also the first FF designed to be sold with its official guide.
FF7 is beautiful, messing with the materia system is fun and the story has its moments, but it feels more like a demo that showcases the capabilities of the PSX than anything and the game's unnecessary length really hinders its replay value.

>> No.6537281

>what about the extra bosses and shit?
They don't really add enough to justify the flaws of the GBA version.

>> No.6537361

Original: pure unadulterated Japanese as the developers intended it
TWUE: crappy mix of different bad translations by a guy that doesn't know Japanese

>> No.6537406

>TWUE: crappy mix of different bad translations by a guy that doesn't know Japanese
What are you talking about? That's every translation, both official and fan-made.

>> No.6537610

T-Edition is.

>> No.6537831

>FF6 perfectly balances gameplay, storytelling and side content
FF6's gameplay is extremely unbalanced, though. Also, storytelling in JRPGs is garbage.

>> No.6537926

just play the damn game

>> No.6537995

on an snes without a game genie

>> No.6538024

What I meant to say was that FF6 had the perfect right amount of storytelling, gameplay and side content compared to FF7 which, imo, has way too much of everything.

>> No.6538408

I've played FF6 dozens of times. FF6 isn't some masterpiece that needs to be experienced with the perfect graphics, translation and sound quality to be "properly" enjoyed. Just play the game. The fact that people make such a big deal of how to play FF6 says more about the game itself than anything else.

Don't mind vanilla? Then SNES with the Ted Woolsey patch to fix the bugs.
Want extra content? Then GBA with the restoration patches to make it a bit more digestible.
Don't care about patching and the Steam version doesn't look bad to you? Then the Steam version.

But on the extra content, it's sincerely the worst extra content in any of the FF GBA ports. FF6's gameplay just doesn't lead to the dungeon being very fulfilling. It uses the underutilized multi-party dungeon mechanic, but that just makes it a pain to navigate. It's not a good dungeon. The extra Espers are lifted from other games, look amateurish and lazy and just don't fit in with the rest. The only benefit is that some missables (one of Mog's dances) and the problem with there being no Speed+ Esper is fixed. At least the font is nicer as is the translation. If you want some challenge, then just check out the Brave New World patch.

>> No.6538472

>FF6 isn't some masterpiece that needs to be experienced with the perfect graphics, translation and sound quality to be "properly" enjoyed.
What is then?

>> No.6538498

Dragon Quest VII
But what I mean is, there really isn't that much of a difference between the versions compared to something like DQ7, or even FFIV. Acting like there's some specific configuration that you need in order to even enjoy the game is silly.

>> No.6538519

Where are the SNES bugfix patches? And how would I install them? Sorry, new to this.

>> No.6538534


Most patches would be in an IPS format, you then use a patcher program to patch them to the rom. Lunar IPS is good. You can also just look for prepatched roms

>> No.6538573

>it's sincerely the worst extra content in any of the FF GBA ports
FFV's extra content is way worse though. The new jobs are useless and the extra dungeon is even less enjoyable than the Dragon's Den which might be a choir to clear for some people but is at least rewarding. Plus, the new espers and items are pretty cool ,specially Gilgamesh.

>> No.6538585

Thank you anon. I played the hell out of this game as a kid and never knew until recently it was so bugged. Going to start on this right away since I haven't played FF6 in probably 15 years by now.

>> No.6538619

Most retranslations already include these patches.

>> No.6538638

Also make sure you patch the original japanese rom and not FF3 US.

>> No.6538656
File: 2.46 MB, 692x10000, 1588319200697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should've mentioned to put the "Vanilla New World"-patch on top of BNW or else your game is bloated with retarded pop-culture references (see pic related; the VNW patch removes most of them, but still keeps some that I personally didn't mind too much, though there was some kid NPC that said "derp" with was a pretty retarded thing to keep in imo).
Oh, and BNW isn't really a hardtype patch, it just balances lots of things and makes FF6 just as "difficult" as most other JRPGs; after all, FF6 is notorious for being simple and exploitable. An actual hardtype patch would be something like this: http://ngplus.net/index.php?/forums/topic/194-nowea-hard-type/ (rar password is cupcakes, in case anyone wants to play with it and doesn't want to bother having to play through BNW first). Although no FF game is seriously challenging and no FF hack I have ever played really made it challenging. The only FF hack, which I have played, that ever really came close would have to be Void Divergence for FF5, but that's only because it implemented a lot of systems from other games and radically changed the system of the game (LP for enemies (mainly bosses), no more ATB, field elements, !Brave, much more customizability, more jobs, etc.).

>> No.6538725

Oh god that's horrific, why the fuck do people insert memes in everything they make now?

>> No.6538732
File: 27 KB, 573x393, ctorff6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6538785

I wish I knew. I am not even a writer nor do I care a whole lot about all of that in vidya, but even I can see that this is shit. To think that there's someone out there who bloated a game with really unfunny references and is so proud of that, that he even wrote nearly 1000 lines about it really amazes me. It's also noteworthy that it took this guy years to finally give us an optional patch to "restore vanilla dialogue" (and this is after being told by thousands of people that his dialogue changes are horribly bad), but even then it only removes those references he himself deems as "immersion-breaking".

>> No.6538801
File: 1.66 MB, 220x190, 1428289217182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MLP references

>> No.6538860

Most level headed answer in here, I agree with this.
Though to me, dialogue/story is very important in a jrpg since you will be sitting there reading for half the fucking game so take that into account.

>> No.6538872

I think the meme shit is fine as long as it's NOT your first time through the game. I got a kick out of Edgar's maids calling him a rapist. Clearly meant to be something you can enjoy on repeat playthroughs.

>> No.6538885

Yeah, thanks. I forgot about that. I'm kind of mixed on it being a hard patch, because it still has situations where random encounters would hit you with a multi-target spell on the first turn and wipe out your party, and that's the bullshit that I'll attribute to a hard patch.

I've heard about VD but I've never played the Bravely Default games and so the changes seem quite broad and abstract.

True, the new jobs are useless but they look pretty cool at least. It's really funny that it's FF2 of all games that got what I consider the most well integrated extra content. I'd play a whole game based around that keyword system.

>> No.6538902

Bugfix magdef, do NOTHING else. Snes, goes without saying.

>> No.6538935

dumb frogposter

>> No.6539030

>that pic
>that whole image

This person deserves divine and eternal punishment

>> No.6539210


Totally agree with this! It all depends on what's important to you. I agree about the extra content not being worth it. That Woolsey patch has been my go to for a while. Others enjoy the GBA with patches.

>> No.6539229

Honestly, this really is something of an achievement. Like did they set out to make this many references or did they have them floating in their head at the time?

>> No.6540323 [DELETED] 

reported and saged

>> No.6540742

author is into clop (don't google it)

>> No.6540746
File: 2.07 MB, 1733x9897, 1535900006951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.6540752

what's wrong with the original translation?

>> No.6540756

try evoland 2

>> No.6540773

what's with these guys, let the man clop in peace

>> No.6540791

Great game, but the section where you had to jerk off on aborted fetuses to escape the mirror world was pretty fucked up.

>> No.6540867
File: 11 KB, 480x320, 82-ffvi17_238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who actually uses Sketch? I can't even tell you how many times I have played through the game and I basically never use it. Plus it uses the stats of the enemy who is being Sketched making most attacks garbage. Relm is better off being used as a magic canon as she has the highest base magic stat in the game, and can use some of the best equipment.

>> No.6540998
File: 877 KB, 1200x1239, 568568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are fine just don't play the Steam version

>> No.6541005

It's the same teenaged faggots who go on about RBY being a buggy mess when none of that shit was even noticeable to kids at the time. It makes them feel 'informed'.

>> No.6541019


>> No.6541034

>ponies still live in his head rent-free for 10 years straight.

>> No.6541058
File: 114 KB, 1461x613, cefca2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just idiots on their 'muh accuracy' train. If it was up to them Kefka would be named Cefca and he'd say Son of a bitch instead of Son of a submariner.

>> No.6541096
File: 2.94 MB, 540x360, Base Profile 2020.06.06 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's bearable with mods and if you've got nothing against the new sprites which I personally find cute. You can't completely unfuck the UI though.
But anyway, FF6 has enough ports and hacks to suit to pretty much anyone's taste.

>> No.6541120
File: 2 KB, 107x56, ff6 ios and pc could've been this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need a mod that adds more shading to the sprites so they match the atmosphere of the areas

>> No.6541126

Huh, those sprites are surprisingly salvageable with just a little goddamn texturing.

>> No.6541128
File: 82 KB, 360x391, jacques-chirac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ponyfuckers won't stop leaking out of their containment board
>rent free

>> No.6541129

> SNEs
It's the most censored version.

>> No.6541138

what is your problem? I don't care what you fap to.

>> No.6541176

Not anymore

>> No.6541228

>you will never fuck Terra so hard that she transforms into esper form mid coitus.

Why even live bros

>> No.6541234

Terra is for cuddling you weirdo

>> No.6541305

>FF6 has reference in it to games that didn't even exist when it was released

>> No.6541316

What shit ass site is that? Someone admits they like a certain type of porn (doesn't even post any of it) and gets banned? Even GameFUQs isn't that totalitarian.

>> No.6541318

Something Awful. It is the abomination that birthed this very site you are on now.

>> No.6541331

It's ironic how they went full SJW afterwards though.

>> No.6541391



>> No.6541419

More like they went dead.

>> No.6541450

>making people pay to use a fucking online forum
Gee I wonder why

>> No.6541578

This looks really good. Some of those mods that have been put out are just way too ambitious, for better or worse. Something like this is much cleaner and easier, but what do I know, I can't sprite for shit.

>> No.6541685 [DELETED] 

I can't get the TWUE to patch right. The game works, I use Lunar IPS and says it patched it correctly, but when I try to load the game again it says bad checksum in yellow and the screen stays black. What am I doing wrong? I've tried both the US and Japanese versions with no difference.

>> No.6541783

Okay WTF guys, help a bro out. This thread got me excited and wanting to play FF6 again so I boot it up in Snes9x and... the controller doesn't work. Or more specifically, pressing A on the title shortcuts to the demo screen and nothing else works. I can boot LttP and play it no problem, so it's not a controller issue, it just doesn't work specifically for FF6. I've never heard of such a thing. What do? Using a PS4 controller btw.

>> No.6541787


bad rom probably

>> No.6541798

Yeah I guess. Shit. I tried it with just the keyboard inputs only and it still won't work. Well shit. Where's a good place to look for one that works? It's been so long since I downloaded this set I don't even know what's reliable anymore.

>> No.6541804

In addition if there are no saves in a FF6 cart it will not go to a save select screen it will just immediately start a new game

>> No.6541810

Remove your rom's current header before applying a patch.

>> No.6541816

I wait at the title and it plays the demo reel and then re-goes back to the title.

I did that too. I don't know, I'm going to find a new one. Found an old dolphin site I used (edgeemu), I think it's good still.

>> No.6541817

Forgot to add, I had the exact same issue with Seiken Densetsu 3 and reapplying patches on unheadered roms solved it.

>> No.6541825

Nope, that site's version just flat out doesn't work, wtf.

It has the same issue even with no patches. I just flat out can't start this game

>> No.6541829
File: 124 KB, 1024x1340, terra_branford_by_dedenee_ddw7zdh-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terra is for marriage

>> No.6541835

Are you using a prepatched rom? What other patches are you using on top of it?
Imo you should start fresh from an original FF6 JP rom and apply patches in the correct order (translation first then gameplay changes). Again, don't forget to remove your rom's header between each step.
If that still doesn't work it might either a compatibility issue between patches or something wrong with your emulator.

>> No.6541840
File: 807 KB, 800x1169, db1bwxn-b9e6818a-6d25-463a-8897-553f70ebdba2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks awful and doesn't suit her character at all.

>> No.6541868
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, pony_terra_branford_by_zsparkonequus_dcmsni3-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Terra bro

>> No.6541871

I had a fresh rom, took the header off, applied >>6538534, and after the intro sequence instead of the game starting it just loops back to the title screen with the clouds and thunder. Before the patch it leads into the game. So there's some issue going on post-patch.

>> No.6541874

Try with another patcher maybe? Here's the one I'm using to apply IPS patches and remove headers.
If that still doesn't work then try asking on that same site.

>> No.6541909

Thanks, cool program but I must be retarded. It still doesn't work, so I tried just a general bugfix patch and it crashed the emu. I have never in 15 years had any issues applying a patch before. The base rom works fine so I don't think that's the issue.

>> No.6541998

Just go to fantasyanime and look for the prepatched rom.

>> No.6542109

Thanks, but I ended up figuring it out. For some reason, the demo screen plays once and instead of leading into the game, it loops back to the title screen, and after sitting through it a second time the game starts. Weird, but I just got Edgar and things are going smooth.

>> No.6542145
File: 355 KB, 1024x1006, __tina_branford_final_fantasy_and_1_more_drawn_by_ashinamaturi__5d02cf9bac65c546b0f72bc5f88ec65e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one gazillion mods including 45 pointless retranslations
>not a single one with blonde terra

>> No.6542159
File: 248 KB, 800x600, 66.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting Terra to be even more of a Celes clone

>> No.6542169
File: 141 KB, 1200x800, terra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terra is blonde tho, even in later vidya apparitions she is depicted that way. Blonde fits her red dress better. Celes should've been the green haired one.

>> No.6542173
File: 99 KB, 820x1000, Ff6gauart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, like, when does the game start to get good? I'm just past the part where you recruit Gau and it still hasn't really hooked me yet.

>> No.6542182
File: 99 KB, 1000x1383, 1548428260147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehh I'm fine with Terra having green hair since she's like half magical being or whatever and it kinda drives the point home.

>> No.6542184

gau has green hair and he's a shit eating retard, those kinds of explanations make no sense. Celes also knows magic.

>> No.6542187

Amano's based his artwork off the sprites, not the other way around.

>> No.6542196
File: 1.23 MB, 2150x2858, __tina_branford_final_fantasy_and_2_more_drawn_by_yawai_tofu__986c4c1e010fdc07f746ec68fd79b967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but it is too much to ask for an amano friendly mod instead of the 385792th re-translation?

>> No.6542273

When you start getting more espers so you can build up and customize your characters.

>> No.6542275
File: 28 KB, 395x218, 1498119773728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never, EVER, get to play this version of the game

>> No.6542283

The opera

>> No.6542368

Good. FFVII is absolutely perfect because this abortion of vidya wasn't greenlit.

>> No.6542380

It was always just meant to be a tech demo for testing out the 3D. They weren't planning on fully remaking FFVI or anything. It would be cool to try it out though.

>> No.6542389


>> No.6542406

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.6542459

>blonde terra
makes you think huh

>> No.6542580
File: 2.09 MB, 2000x2000, 1445932393392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Terra's ass is visible the entire time
What did Square Enix mean by this

>> No.6542853


>> No.6542946

Fuck you, that shit looked cool, I'd love to play the shit out of that

>> No.6543045
File: 373 KB, 1920x1080, 1445858344342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder yellow hair Terra is canon by SE

>> No.6543096

Im started to get into FF6 hacking because of you guys.

>> No.6543450
File: 2.66 MB, 1294x2000, 1504753013529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she act like she had autism the entire game?

>> No.6543468

You can probably check out ff6hacking.com too.

Didn't she basically suddenly wake up and find herself in an adult woman's body? Or was she raised by the emperor? FF6 has some little things that could have been given a bit more attention and led to some cool dynamics.

>> No.6543503

She's always been a bit disconnected from people, to say the least. Trauma can make people act odd, and she's had plenty. Plus, the whole slave crown thing. Having your higher brain function basically turned off and made into a meat puppet probably isn't good for an already damaged personality.

Likely, once the crown came off, she was still basically just going through the motions of life. Like how morphine allows you to be aware of pain, but not as your own, like watching someone get hurt on tv verses actually experiencing it. In some way she's just waiting to be used or directed to the next stage of whatever.

Was this intentional, I don't know, but you can pick up on it if you look, and it's neat to consider and such.

>> No.6544258

The game gets off to a notoriously slow start. It takes like 7 hours until you are able to start to learn magic. It is atrocious by RPGs standards even at the time, but it does get better later when you can actually do stuff other than just attack outright.

>> No.6544656

Wasn't notorious to me. Also no reviews of it at the time I know of mention it. Probably most people are paying attention to the plot development and not worrying when they get espers.

>> No.6545067

Tina and Celes can use magic early on.

>> No.6545378

Yeah, fire1 and ice1. Big whoop. For all the rest all they can do is attack or use their (still very limited) special. There is zero customization until a considerable chunk of the game is already underway. I'd even go so far as to say it doesn't really open up until after the Floating Continent when you can start really acquiring a bunch of new espers.

>> No.6545418

As she levels Tina learns: Poisona, Drain, Raise, Fira, Telepo, Kearura, Dispell, Faiga, Arise, Holy, Break, Graviga, Melton and Ultima.
Celes learns Poisona, Kappa, Libra, Protes, Brizara, Confu, Heist, Berserk, Brizaga, Bannish, Heisga, Holy, Flare and Meteo.
Your customization is picking your party members and accessories. That's a lot more than you could do for the entirety of FF4.

>> No.6545845

>Your customization is picking your party members and accessories. That's a lot more than you could do for the entirety of FF4.
Yeah, I get what that guy is saying but it's pretty obvious that FF6 is basically what if FF5 but the characters are the jobs.

The only problem with FF6's start is that the constant focus shifting is pretty annoying. The customization issue comes from it being a free for all for Espers and magic completely undermines the characters jobs, not that you have to wait a while for magic.

I'd ideally just fuse relics and Espers into one system. Scrap the level bonuses since they incentivize not leveling. Let you be able to equip two Espers, but only have characters be able to learn certain spells. i.e you get HP 10%+ from equipping Ifrit and gain the Cover ability from Golem. Someone like Sabin can only learn Safe from Golem whereas Terra would be able to learn all the magic they provide.

Maybe even take it a step further and have certain Esper combos unlock more spells. i.e, you need to equip one Esper with Blizzard and another with Blizzara to learn Blizzaga or something. The game needs more micromanagement.

>> No.6545868

Sure but who is going to grind levels for them early game to learn all that? Not only would that be very boring, but it also screws you over later on when you miss out on the esper stat bonuses you could have got if you waited. Plus when Terra and Celes inevitably leave for a good portion you're still stuck with the other characters who can only attack. Seemed like a major step back from FF5 when you could be learning your jobs a lot earlier.

>> No.6546001

It forces you to explore the different special abilities and characters. In 3 and 5 you might skip a lot of options because you focused on certain jobs.

>> No.6546006

>It forces you to explore the different special abilities and characters.

Okay that takes about two minutes. Sabin joins with 3 blitzes. What else is there to explore after I've done them all?

>> No.6546009

You need to practice Mash's special moves.

>> No.6546023

There's Mog's dances, Edgar's tools, Strago's Blue Magic and Gau's rages. It's no lie that FF5 focuses more on gameplay, but I think you're underselling FF6 a bit.

Though Edgar really should have had more tools.

>> No.6546497


Anyone who has played five minutes of Street Fighter should not need practice with this.

>> No.6546535
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>Though Edgar really should have had more tools.
True, and to be more specific, more varied damage dealing tools. There are only two magic damage dealing tools in the entire game. Bio Blaster sucks ass and Flash is only useful in the early/mid game. Drill and Chainsaw are the last good tools you find and you get them quite early in the game.
The rest of his stuff is either useless or too gimmicky to be remotely useful, the biggest culprit being his ultimate tool which you get at a point in the game where the majority of enemies are immune to instant death.

Sabin faces similar problems with his Blitz and by the time you learn Phantom Rush you're already doing more damage with normal attacks and Genji's Gloves, with the ability to choose your target on top if that.

But oh well, it's FF6 we're talking about and every character can be built as an Ultima spamming one button wonder and completely destroy the game.

>> No.6546616

I always feel like I'm shilling BNW, but in that hack where magic is limited and random counters can fuck you up, Edgar is pretty useful for crowd control and support since he basically has free magic. Bio, Noise and Flash is a massive help and he has new recovery tools with Defibrillator and Mana Battery reviving and increasing MP.

I don't know, I still think a Freezeray with a chance to freeze the enemy like the Absolute Zero skill some monsters have would be cool. I don't think the player even has a way to inflict the frozen status.

>> No.6546638

only SNES has the best sound, even PSX is kinda shit

>> No.6546661

I still need to try BNW one of these days. I'm almost done with my current playthrough though, currently in Dragon's Den, and I'll probably take a break from FF6 before diving into hacks.

>I don't think the player even has a way to inflict the frozen status.
Gau can do it using the Fiend Dragon rage, but that's one rage out of the 256 in the game and you can only learn it at the very end of the game. Plus, enemies might be immune to the freezing effect but I'm not sure about that.

>> No.6546691

Kefka was the best villain. If the final boss sequence was somehow adjusted to your level to make in more challenging it would easily be the greatest final boss in any game ever.

>> No.6546887

I played BNW up to Kefka's Tower and dropped it. I know I'm going to be told I got filtered, but the enemies are such a massive jump up from every other place in the WoR that's it's just cartoonish. I wouldn't even mind them hitting like trucks, it's that they're also all HP sponges that require multiple characters focusing on them with their best ST. The Behemoth enemies in general are just retarded, and I automatically ran from them even on the Floating Continent. It would be okay if you fought them alone, but they *always* come with other enemies.

tl;dr: Fix the Behemoth enemies, BTB, you meme-spewing retard.

>> No.6546970

Also, I was under the impression that the 'Vanilla New World' hack removed all the gay references, but it fucking doesn't. It only renames the Slim Jim and Red Bull items epic gamer food amirite?. I wouldn't play this again even if I didn't get filtered at the Tower.

>> No.6547118
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Did you get everyone when you went into Kefka's Tower? I remember it being pretty hard, but the brutality of it was kind of immersive and I only had one party that was just barely getting by. The Floating Continent was total bullshit though, I'm with you there. There's a couple formations that are just fucking retarded, especially in The Esper Cave, Zozo (main Zozo and the cave on the way to Cyan) and area around Vector.

>I wouldn't play this again even if I didn't get filtered at the Tower
But what did you think of it otherwise? I really wish someone would take all the good ideas and remove all the bullshit memes and cheap difficulty.

>I'll probably take a break from FF6 before diving into hacks.
You can probably look into FF6 T-Edition too which has a whole job system and all sorts of crazy shit thrown in. If you know the crazy Romancing SaGa 3 hacks, it's sort of like that for FF6 with cameo battles and stuff. It's in Japanese, but you can play a machine-translation using a special emulator assuming you're running Windows.

>> No.6547231

>Did you get everyone when you went into Kefka's Tower?
Yes. Hence me mentioning "literally every other place in the WoR."
>The Floating Continent was total bullshit though, I'm with you there. There's a couple formations that are just fucking retarded, especially in The Esper Cave, Zozo (main Zozo and the cave on the way to Cyan) and area around Vector.
Honestly, thank you for not being a faggot and calling me 'filtered'. I appreciate it.
>But what did you think of it otherwise? I really wish someone would take all the good ideas and remove all the bullshit memes and cheap difficulty.
Honestly? If they removed all of the gay references (even just in a supplemental patch), and rework some of the more absolute bullshit monsters, I would call it the definitive way to replay FF6. As it stands, there needs to be a lot of work, and from what I've read, they only intend to do one more update to fix minor shit. Time will tell.

>> No.6547296

>by the time you learn Phantom Rush you're already doing more damage with normal attacks
What alternate universe are you living in where normal attacks are doing 7000+ damage by the time you get the airship (the earliest you can reach Duncan)?

It's odd you want Sabin and Edgar buffed when they're considered two of the better characters, with Edgar fading later on in WoR admittedly. Why not call for a Strago, Mog, Umaro, Setzer, etc buff?

>> No.6547343

>What alternate universe are you living in where normal attacks are doing 7000+ damage by the time you get the airship
It's not hard to break 7k damage total with Genji's and dual Burning Fists. Phantom Rush does have its use though since it can't miss and ignores defense. But once you reach late game it barely reaches the 9999 mark whereas a single attack command can deal twice as much.

>Why not call for a Strago, Mog, Umaro, Setzer, etc buff?
My post wasn't an exhaustive list of the game's issues, we were just talking about Edgar's tools and I happened to mention Sabin.
Mog and Umaro suffer from core design issues and limited options.
Setzer's slots are utter crap but you can turn him into a beast by equipping both the fixed dice and the master scroll. Or you can just make him a dedicated caster and just spam ultima like everyone else.
Strago though? His base stats might be crap but his blue magic is insane.

>> No.6547360

I've rarely heard people go nuts over strago given blue magic is often very situational and can destroy the right enemies but do little to others. He's like a mini-Gau in that respect although I'd say not as good. Would you put him up there with say Shadow or Relm? (Surely not Terra/Celes)

>> No.6547425

>I've rarely heard people go nuts over strago given blue magic is often very situational and can destroy the right enemies but do little to others
I'm not going to lie, a lot of his Lore spells are either useless or situational but White Wind and Mighty Guard are just too good and Quasar is better Meteor before you usually learn Meteor.
1000 Needles also has its uses early on as it can't miss and deals fixed damage that ignores defense (quite useful to farm cactuars). Aqua Rake, Tsunami and and Aero are also good spells to cast until you learn Ultima as a bunch of enemies are weak to Water and Wind and you lack the options to deal damage of those elements consistently. Stone also hits like a truck during the early game.

>Would you put him up there with say Shadow or Relm? (Surely not Terra/Celes)
Not joking or trying to be a contrarian but I actually consider him as one the most consistent characters as well the best caster in the game. I think most people just hate having to learn his spells as it involves a lot of grinding, save-scumming and having Relm sticking to him and forced to use sketch/control, which is something I can understand.

>> No.6547459

Yeah, it's cute that you typed all those paragraphs, but Edgar's Drill and Sabin's Bum Rush go BRRRRRRR.

>> No.6547476

Guess I should just have replied with cope/seethe/dilate/sneed next to a wojak edit, that would have save me some time.

>> No.6547517
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Where do you think we are.jpg

>> No.6547528

I was being sardonic, but your post is garbage. There's no reason to use anyone outside of Edgar/Sabin/Terra/Celes/Locke. The rest of the characters are downright anchors.

>> No.6547713

not that anon but hunting strago's lores are much easier and more exciting than fucking gau's rages. specially for someone who is a completionist like me.

>> No.6548503

BNW encourages a very specific way to play through the game, in fact, you are pretty much forced to play it in that specific way if you don't want to grind. It's definitely one of the worse balancing patches. While I have personally completed it, I can definitely see why someone would quit. BTB always talks about how much he likes status effects and so forth, but even in his own hack all fights end up boiling down to "just do a lot of damage and heal when HP is low". No fight ever really requires you to use status effects all that much.

>> No.6548748

>gimp starter pack

>> No.6548774

>If it was up to them Kefka would be named Cefca
what exactly would be wrong about using his original name? try to make a point that isn't just ossified contrarianism.

>> No.6548786

Slattery outright mocked this in the GBA script by essentially saying "Why do you care? He's the same lunatic either way."

>> No.6548812

i hope the fine irony of tom slattery mocking anyone does not escape your discerning mind

>> No.6548852

His original name is ケフカ. Using C's is just Japan not being into translation. Some over there still call Locke "Rock". There is literally (literally) nothing incorrect about spelling it Kefka.

>> No.6548860

both the letters "K" and "C" are perfectly viable options to render the voiceless velar plosive [k] into script.

>There is literally (literally) nothing incorrect about spelling it Kefka.
this is the answer to a question that was never asked.

cefca and kefka are both entirely correct spellings of ケフカ. so what would be wrong about using cefca?

>> No.6548865

Because in English C can make a hard K sound, but when do you ever see Japanese works romanized with a C? It's Sakura, not Sacura. It's just understood when you translate Japanese to English the K is used.

>> No.6548875

but the example you use is a japanese term. ケフカ is no japanese name nor term. or would you translate コンピュータ as komputer or カナダ as kanada from japanese into english?

>> No.6548883

It's not a standard romanization like Hepburn or Nihonsiki but some people like to do fancyful stuff like that with their own Japanese names.

>> No.6548884

Computer and Canada are words that have a real English spelling. Kefka is a made up name so it should default to the convention of using Ks.

>> No.6548895

So we should call the other characters Serisu, Rokku, Kaien, Masshu, Settua, Sutoragosu or Rirumu because those are mad up names as well?

>> No.6548903

>Kefka is a made up name so it should default to the convention of using Ks.
white flag move right there.

>> No.6548915

>ファミコン is a made up name so it should default to the convention of using Ks.
i love playing with my famikom

>> No.6548919

That's quite leap from using Ks instead of Cs to outright litteralizing the kana. Why do you like Cs so much? Even from a story standpoint Ks make more sense since he's the villain and K is a harsher alternative visually to the softer C which can sometimes have an S sound, whereas K is always hard. Kefka looks like an imposing name. Cefca looks like a little girl's name.

>> No.6548960

kefka also happens to be not canon, literally woolsey fanfiction. there is no factual argument against using the original name that does not come down to entirely subjective personal preference.

>> No.6549017

hey what's the defense for translating ティナ as terra? other than being entirely made-up, wouldn't you agree the harsh double R completely misrepresents her character?

>> No.6549161

If you consider his personality, a softer letter one fits far better.

>> No.6549174

how about kefca or cefka to represent his schizo personality trait?

>> No.6549625

Co and ko sound exactly the same
Ca and ka sound exactly the same
Ce and Ke do NOT sound the same in any language

>> No.6549659

>No fight ever really requires you to use status effects all that much.
That's kind of silly though. Of course you don't have to use status effects, but you can. I've always found them helpful, especially to carry a more mediocre party when you're forced to split up your party members. Confuse, blind, stop, haste, poison and whatever status effects that pummel inflicts is especially great.

>> No.6549668

They would be great if the enemies that would be easier to handle with those effects weren't usually immune to them.

>> No.6549773

See I told you the crazies would defend the Cefca spelling despite the fact it looks retarded.

>> No.6550262

I like Final Fantasy Anthology - FFVI it gives you a percentages on which characters you used most.

>> No.6550265 [DELETED] 

Sucks to be you fuckface. SNES is superior. Your past sounds fucked.

>> No.6550319

I don't like this game. Too much switching of characters and not a streamlined method for un- and re-equipping them. It's a real hassle to be out, realize the item or relic you want is on someone else, have to leave and go back to the airship, fly it, press X to go inside it, go downstairs to find the man to unequipp all non-party members, put on my items, go back upstairs, fly the airship just to land it again, and go back to where I was. They really should have let you swap out characters on the fly from any location if they insisted on putting so many in.

Plus there's so many enemies with a "fuck you" move - i.e., you kill them but they get one last jab in which sucks or HP or MP away before they vanish.

>> No.6550328


>> No.6551095

Of course, status effects could, in theory, be quite useful, but what I meant with "no fight ever really requires you to use them" is that you usually can't even use them due to them 99% of the time being immune to it. Especially bosses have no status effect weaknesses. What BTB did is that enemies put a fuck-ton of status effects on your party, while most enemies are pretty much immune to them, and that's just a cheap way to increase "difficulty".

>> No.6551349

I got the steam version while it was on sale and it actually looks pretty nice with the world reborn mod. one of the options even makes Terra blonde if you want.

>> No.6551830

What does it look like without the reshades?

>> No.6552276
File: 196 KB, 1145x763, 543754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned off the post-processing bullshit since it gave a weird filter before.

>> No.6552302

why the fuck are figaro soldiers niggers?

>> No.6552339

She boutta get blacked

>> No.6552359

Cyan is so ew, brehs.

>> No.6552375

He becomes a little more passable when patched so that his Sword Techs don't stall the whole battle just to charge up.

>> No.6552568

That is an interesting metric to have. Would've been nice to have that in more games. although the lag and load times are rough on Anthology so you're definitely paying for the info

>> No.6552657

His bushido is okay when he first joins the party but after that part it's completely useless.
At least in the most recent ports, you don't have to wait with your cursor on him while his bar slowly charges and can instead pick the technique you want and do whatever with the rest if your party. But it's still useless. His second to last technique is the exact same as his 4th except with slightly more attack power and the vast majority of enemies are immune to his ultimate tech which also takes forever to charge.
But like most melee centric character you can just equip genji's gloves and/or a master scroll and shit on everything with basic attacks. You can even cheese the game that way with him by raising his magic and equipping two tempests.

>> No.6552753

so is the gameplay as good as 3 and 5 or can I skip it? (storyfags will be ignored)

>> No.6552804

No. Gameplay is pretty weak. It starts out making you think that each character will be unique with their own job class, and it punishes you for over-levelling early game, but by the time you get espers you'll find that most of the unique skills taper off in usefulness. The focus becomes very magic heavy after that, and nearly every character can learn every spell.

The idea that every character becomes an ultima spamming clone only happens if you intentionally power-level, but they end up playing pretty samey even on normal play-throughs. FFVI is easy even by JRPG standards and is remembered for the characters and story, not so much the gameplay.

>> No.6552919

I have to agree. FF6 was Squares big move to make their series as cinematic as possible. For the time it was amazing, but playing it now i really feel like there is more time spent sitting in cutscenes than playing. Like noted, Cyan's skill is useless, Runic is situational, Edgar's tapers off near the end of the game, Rage/Lore take forever to acquire and by then the game is over, slots is just outright useless, and so on and so on. So it all boils down to every character just learns every magic because what else are you going to do with them, and then you finish collecting all your 14 characters and are ready to beat it only to realize since half the cast was unusable for good portions of the game they are seriously lacking in magic or stats leading to a mass grind before the final dungeon. Kind of bad pacing there.

>> No.6553038

>Edgar's tapers off near the end of the game
I'd say it tapers off well before that, as his tools start middling even before you hit WoR. His ultimate tool especially is fucking useless by the time you get it.

>> No.6553467

I mean his Cyan's entire character is ew, brehs. I don't even care about gameplay when the character sucks. I wish he was left out of the game. He's the only reason why FFIII (US) isn't my all-time favorite game characters like him sucks. Everytime I want replay it I think oh God he's in the game I wish there was an option to dump or ignore him entirely. What a cringeworthy char.

By the time you charge his skill to 8 all other three characters are ready to attack why would anyone do that during any battle though? Just to see his shitty attack and how it looks like?

>> No.6553484

What's wrong with a de gozaru samurai?

>> No.6553691

Ok Djibriel.

>> No.6553708


>> No.6553952
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>> No.6554074
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>> No.6554101

It's really insane how much that font makes such a big difference. Though Terra and Locke's sprite look like shit.

>> No.6554179
File: 53 KB, 426x728, 1576831855029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This character is called モナカ but people use Monaca and Monaka interchangeable despite the fist one obviously being superior.

>> No.6554276

>I've heard people here say the colors are not as good as the SNES version

GBA colors are never as good as SNES. They're too bright and washed out because they're chosen to make the handheld screen appear brighter.

>> No.6554316
File: 114 KB, 726x1000, amanoshadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Cyan is a cutie. Him not understanding machines, his whole family being slaughtered, him writing to the girl.

It's pretty endearing. Shadow is by far a worse character. I mean:

>a low life thief who fucks up a train robbery
>leave your dying friend to fend for himself when the authorities close in
>knocks up the woman that saved him, then pay her back by skipping town and leaving her to be a single mom
>spends the rest of his life being a turbo edgelord and killing people for money
>constantly abandons the group of people who are trying to save the world because money isn't in it for him
>eventually returns to the town where your daughter lives, but keeps his mouth shut and continues letting some random old man take care of her
>ultimately decides to kill himself for some dumbshit reason, leaving your daughter truly fatherless and abandoning your loyal canine companion

Plus Throw is basically useless. Most JRPG players are hoarders unless you're buying equipment for him to throw, which is money that can go towards GP Toss.

If you're not throwing equipment then your only option is again buying Shurikens or Scrolls.

>> No.6554360

Also never cared for Cyan at all. What is the point of this character? His arc was done as soon as the ghost train segment was over. He does fuck all the rest of the game and has no reason to follow you.

Yeah Shadow sucks too. Also there's some bug where later in the game Interceptor comes out less and less to help, which was like the one cool thing about him.

>> No.6554374

Equipping shields and other gear with blocking effects interferes with the dog's counter effect. Gotta go shieldless.

>> No.6554394

I don't like Shadow because he's black. Visually he's just a very boring design. All black, head to toe, no contrast or any features that could make him pop out a bit better. It's like playing as Noob Saibot, just an all black sprite that's just boring to look at. You can have a cool ninja character be more visually distinct, like Edge was for example.

>> No.6554430

It's a pretty sick design, it just doesn't translate well into such a small sprite. His mask makes him look like a cyclops and that's what I hate the most.

It's a shame there's no hack to make him Clyde.

>> No.6554583

People seriously overrate the load times on all ps1 games and ff6 is no exception. The load times are a 2 second fade to black. On snes its a 1 second fade to black. Basically nothing.

>> No.6554902

Cyan's line about hating machines is the most annoying in the game to me. I think his storyline sucks I never cared for him after the Phantom Train leaves. I just thought the writing bit was kinda creepy desu.

I think there's no point to his character at all they just want to throw someone that looks like him in the game and force you to play yuck. You can take him back to Doma and he apparantly gets mangled by little ghosts or whatever in his dreams, - so dumb and he's being controlled by Wrexsoul some Chinese ghost. Laffoz!

I wish there was an option to let go of characters in this game he'd be my first choice.

>> No.6554903

Why was the whole 'bad with machines' thing part of his character anyway? It never had any payoff and stemmed from nowhere too. It was so weird that it ever got brought up.

>> No.6554985

>write a character
>realize he has no personality
>throw in some quirk

He does eventually go from being scared of machines to being in awe of them (the airship), so I suppose that's something? FF6 would really benefit from a remake with more characterization. Pair him up with Setzer. They're opposites, but have both experienced loss. They really gave up on characterization in the WoR.

>> No.6555160

The only good part of FF6 was the opera. You can't even prove me wrong so don't even try.

>> No.6555190

You're a nigger and can't prove anyone wrong, don't even try.

>> No.6555259

I know I never got why he randomly said that I mean you're a person playing on a machine it interferes with the gamer, - such a crappy line. Probably because he's scared of MagiTek armor remember when he just started boinking the fuck out of it when they attacked Doma? So fucking retarded Cyan.

And he's always alone in the engine room of the airship away from all the rest of the characters what a fucking ignored loner.

The creepiest part about him was when you stumble into his cave and he immediately rushes to put his flower bouquets away. Faggot.

I know I loved the opera too you make me want to watch it right now and have a smoke or something, breh.

>> No.6555272
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The Nostalgia version looks a lot better I think. Too bad it gives you the SNES font instead but who gives a fuck.

>> No.6555814

He's a traditional samurai far away from his home.

>> No.6557012

Here you go bro


>> No.6557135

Wait is Cyan meant to be Japanese? Or is he just a weeb? Garamonde is not a Japanese name.

>> No.6557163

I'm using the NOS pack as well, but I've tweaked a couple things. I've replaced the remixed soundtrack with the original one and have added mods that replace the black bars with some cozy background and tweak the fullscreen mode to prevent some issues with the aspect ratio.
I'm pretty happy with the result so far, specially considering how fugly the steam port is out of the box, but I wish there was a way to replace the mobile UI entirely.

>> No.6557174

Cayenne isn't a very Japanese name either. His wife is called Mina and his son Shun so it's possible that he was a foreigner that adopted the Japanese lifestyle.

>> No.6557179

It's just a fantasy world where samurais and ninjas aren't tied to a specific country.

>> No.6557192

In FF4 the eastern monk was named Jan van Leiden.

>> No.6557643

How did you replace the soundtrack? That's honestly my only gripe it seems like there's a bunch of tracks missing in NOS like the Fierce Battle one.

>> No.6557784
File: 106 KB, 1212x1193, Darill_FFVI_Nomura_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've used the Atma installer then it should have installed FFVIExplore (if not, google it). Open that program and in the Archive tab click on Browse at the bottom and pick a directory, then click on Open Archive.
From there, open the main_backup.obb file located in the game's main directory (should be ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Final Fantasy 6\) and look for the sound files (sound/***.akb ; don't forget BGM_00.akb). Select them all (use shift+click), right click and extract.
Then go to the directory you've specified earlier, copy all the files you've extracted and paste them into the Final Fantasy 6\obb\sound\ directory.

>> No.6557871

Nice thank you!

>> No.6557886
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You're welcome, fren.

>> No.6558397

So is there any reason to not put everyone in the back row?

>> No.6558405

Most of the time, no. It only matters if you use physical attacks or if you're using the black belt which I think only works on front row characters.

>> No.6558642

Some characters are fine on the front row. I like putting Shadow there because with two Oborozuki equipped he sits at 128% parry chance. Gau is fine too with his endgame gear. The other characters take too much damage for my liking.

>> No.6558873

It halves their attack damage no? Then again the game is so easy it's not like ending the fight in two rounds instead of one is a big deal.

>> No.6559242

Most skills and all magic ignores row, as does using jump. There are also weapons that ignore row when using attack.

>> No.6559532

>Jan van Leiden
*Yang Fang Leiden

>> No.6560975

None. Just put them all in the back row

>> No.6560990

ZSNES in dosbox