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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6544875 No.6544875 [Reply] [Original]

Why the love? Why the hate? Of /v/ and /vr/, this is one (albeit, many) of the most divisive game of the last 25 years.

>> No.6544883

It does a lot right and wrong, it was ambitious and messy. It should be played, at the very least for historical curiosity's sake.

>> No.6545337

Who gives a shit

>> No.6545817

This, posting this game is an affront to gaming.

>> No.6545831
File: 525 KB, 1000x649, __maria_balthasar_and_seibzehn_xenogears_drawn_by_futsuka_dzone__d2764becd6955fdb0a0a87bf3c1e444b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Xenogears has awesome music, lore, detailed characters and world-building, and is a very ambitious game that tries to cover a ton of content. In these regards it is arguably one of the best jrpgs out there, and many people appreciate it for these aspects.
On the other hand, it has a wonky camera, annoying controls especially when it comes to platforming, dated graphics, rather basic and repetitive combat, and tons of slow text that often gets buried in the lore. In addition it takes about 25 hours for the plot to start to come together. And rightly, a bunch of people cant stand Xenogears for these reasons.

So it really comes down to which camp you fall in. Every player has to decide if the pros outweigh the cons.

>> No.6545851

It has lots of promise but then brings lots of disappointment. Some are more swayed by the promise, others by the disappointment. Pretty much this >>6544883

>> No.6546241

Shit game is shit

>> No.6546467

Also there are giant robots.

>> No.6546494

Which the original treatment by Takahashi's wife Sora did not have. He added it. The original arch story was to be more akin to Asimov's works than anything.

>> No.6546536

Sigh.... Another day another xenoBOT thread.

Same argument used by people who study film. Same lie. This game was and will never be relevant, doesn't matter what you ((revisionists)) think.

>> No.6546546

This game is a living testament to the greatness and vision of JRPG's and Takahashi et al! It's YOU people who ruin it! Naw, jk, this thing is absolute shit and we need to find a way to kill any threads that bring it up.

>> No.6546567

The giant robots and constant /m/ show nods really adds a lot of lighthearted fun in what can otherwise be a grim slog for the most part.

I can't imagine not being into robot anime, there's so many heartfelt nods in there that are too good to miss out on.

>> No.6546649

You know what xenoBots, FUCK YOU. I tried to play your game many times in my life, and I couldn't fucking enjoy it not even fucking once. I am a /m/an first of all, but your game gets in the way of /m/y enjoyment. The fucking platforming and camera view is horrendous. There are parts of this game where I'm just thinking what is the point of all these shit when I can unplug the fucking console a put a porn video just to fucking get some form of enjoyment because your game is torture, the combat IS NOT FUN. There's nothing to it, just push some buttons to make a combo and heal when you need. I can't even think a moment of the game where it provides me some form of mechanic that is actually meaningful, not even basic elemental play. The encounter rate is too damn high for the slow paced combat and the platforming only exacerbates that issue. shit game is shit. What do I have to say about the script and writing? Well it seems to be that there's some form of storyline hidden somewhere there. BUT I CAN'T ACCESS IT BECAUSE YOUR SHIT GAME IS SHIT.

>> No.6546679

Basado. We should make a pasta to spam in these threads. This anon got a headstart

>> No.6546694

The /m/ element was too overplayed. They should have stuck with the original treatment.

>> No.6547187


are you guys for real? if anything it's you who are bots. without fail you track down any xenogears topics and troll the shit out of them. How about just ignoring it and discussing a different game in another topic?
at any give time there might be 3 topics about some game I hate, but I leave them alone.

>> No.6547312

See >>6545817. It is a defacement to gaming as a whole.

>> No.6547384

This actually makes a lot of sense. It's kind of ironic that the game is named after them and they're such a central role but aside from the pacing and ultimately being unfinished I think the giant robot stuff is the biggest problem with the game. It never really felt like it fit.

>> No.6548126

I don't hate the mecha, but you're right in that you could strip it out and not much would have to change about the story. Just swap out digging up robots for digging up advanced lost technology in general that runs on ether and you're basically done.

>> No.6548145

I ignore them and am grateful they gave a bump to a thread about a game I like. Just click the arrow next to their post number and click "hide post".

>> No.6548873

Can their be a hide game from human memory?

>> No.6548967
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You're in every single XG thread hating on it. You're only making me stronger, and my dick harder.

>> No.6548998

Cult, pure cult. Makes sense for a game that professed gnosistic "faith".

>> No.6550404 [DELETED] 

Just to piss you off. I hope it worked.

>> No.6550416

Because it plays like ass and is only half a game. This company was a fucking mess before Nintendo bought it.