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6532181 No.6532181 [Reply] [Original]

Which is better and why? I haven’t played Duke Nukem and was thinking about grabbing it on switch, but from what I know about the game it sounds kinda juvenile. Does the gameplay hold up in comparison to Doom? Seems like it’d be hard to make something that compares to Thy Flesh Consumed.

>> No.6532194

theres a lot more to the levels. there's swimming, crawling through vents, level interactivity, etc


>> No.6532206

>crawling through vents
Sounds tedious

>> No.6532269

Looks pretty dope tho. Think I‘ll pick it up

>> No.6532287

Hell yes the gameplay holds up. The "juvenile" stuff is mostly just oneliners the Duke spouts and it's amazing anyway. The game is in some aspects more interactive than modern fps games.

>See that urinal? You can flush it!

>> No.6532294

Comparing the base games (no custom maps/mods)

Doom has better gameplay. Duke has better map design.

Both are masterpieces though and both have lots of user made content that far surpasses the vanilla games in quality.

>> No.6533558

Duke has way better gameplay doom is too primitive it's great still but duke does everything doom does and more

>> No.6533562


Duke is way more advanced than Doom in much the same way Doom is more advanced than Wolfenstein 3D. It's just made later with way more complexity. Build offers way more options than the Doom engine.

>> No.6533565

Not doing direct comparisons because they come from different eras(3 years meant a lot in the 90s). I love them both for different reasons.

>> No.6533574
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paying for duke on switch

>> No.6533610

It's a damn good time anon. I love both Duke and Dokm for different reasons but I never tire of either. Grab it for the 6 bucks on Switch, it's beyond a good deal.

>> No.6533619

If someone was able to play one and only one, I'd probably say Doom. But that's because it's the purest essence of what an FPS is. Duke3d has a lot of cool shit in it, and is very fun to play, so in reality I'd recommend both.

>> No.6533632

Personally I really prefer the level design in Doom, but i think there's no accounting for taste. They're both really good, no way to say which you would prefer until you've played em both

>> No.6533927

nope, doom has better movement (despite being more limited) and better enemy design (of course counting enemies added with Doom 2), which translated into far superior gameplay.

>> No.6533952


>> No.6533970

Duke. Mainly because of my experience.

I had Doom on Mac (parents computer, no internet access) so I was limited in just playing the game itself.

I had Duke 3D on pc and with internet so I was able to download tons of TC's and addon's that made the game so much better.

>> No.6534019

Duke has better enemies and the movement is the same without jumping and ducking this is just some made up doom babby shit

>> No.6534034

Duke nukem is boring. Blood is the best build engine game. But even then Doom is still the superior choice.

>> No.6534051

The gameplay does hold up. However comparing Duke with Doom is like comparing a wheel with a wagon. Doom had a befuddled development so the episodes are inconsistent and also abstract. Duke had for the time believable environments and interactive objects in the maps. A great inventory system ala Heretic and players/monsters can go over/under each other which Doom lacked. whats better is up to you but Duke used to have good games and DN3D is the last good one

>> No.6534053

Another hot doom babby take.

>> No.6534078

>it seems juvenile
it's a video game

>> No.6534115
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this is what pushes the game to the top of the list for me

>> No.6534138

Yeah I remember the jetpack being a big deal...oh and working mirrors of course.

>> No.6534141

I find doom boring. Duke looks better, feels better, doesn't grate as much, and while I don't personally care for the puzzles they weren't as bad as dooms. I don't say doom is a bad game, I just don't care for it. The only thing "juvenile" about doom is the macho aesthetic, and you'd only think that if you're a libshit zoomer, a literal boomer christian, or a woman.

>> No.6534142

Must've been hell in the 90's getting BTFO by Id over and over again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crbwNZV7ghw

>> No.6534146

>about doom
*about duke

>> No.6534518

Both are great. I am more partial to Doom but Duke was also a blast. I played the Xbox 360 port of Duke 3D, it was still pretty good on the platform.

>> No.6534528

it's been a while since i've played doom but christ i don't know if i could play vanilla doom again. either way, i think they're too different to compare.
i played duke against last year, still mostly holds up but jesus episode 2 is dogshit. call me a pleb but duke was always at it's best when you're running through urban environments, that's why hollywood holocaust/red light district is the peak of the game and probably series

>> No.6534534

Yes, the space levels suck.

>> No.6534542

Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like Episode 2 was started very early in development of DN3D and it took them some time to get the hang and feel for their game/engine.

>> No.6534551

The space levels are the best episode of the game, we can all tell you got filtered by the drones retard. Every level in episode 2 is great apart from the secret ones those were better for multiplayer. Saying episode 2 is bad is such a pleb take.

>> No.6534560

They suck. They are boring and uninspired.

1. LA Meltdown
2. Shrapnel City
4. Lunar Apocalypse

>> No.6534572

Tiberius station
Warp factor and
Dark side

If you dont like those you're boring and uninspired

>> No.6534575

no u

>> No.6534674

Doom has better vanilla weapons and less hitscan enemies, but Duke is simply better at everything else. Doom is baby's first FPS, Duke offers far more features.

>> No.6534694

the space levels could be from literally any other 90s shooter, there's nothing unique or duke about them aside from the gay movie references, hope you like long gray hallways

>> No.6534752

It's not.

>> No.6534754

I love how they shamelessly give you a sequence breaking tool.

>> No.6534773

No they couldnt only build had those fancy tricks

>> No.6535382

I think they planned a use for the (not properly coded) space suit at one point. Space walks...both in zero G and on the moon surface. Another gimmick they couldn't get to work in time so they focused on other things.

>> No.6535463
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>Which is better and why?
Duke. More creative weapon loadout, more lived in enemies, the protagonist Himself being such a character (He-he-he, wat a mesz), better maps that really feel like what they set out to be and not like what most of Doom 2 is, some creative mechanics for level navigation found nowhere else like the jetpack and shrinking.
>it sounds kinda juvenile
The game has a specific tone where its dark but at the same time not too serious whilst not being a complete memefest. Its slightly cheesy and has more personality than Doom whose only moment of not being straight faced is the rabbit
>Seems like it’d be hard to make something that compares to Thy Flesh Consumed.
In what sense? TFC is my favorite Doom episode.

The only really great thing about Quake 1 is the movement. Overall gameplay can't even suck Duke off let alone be better considering they stiched it together in a short time frame whilst Nukem was made as an actual full game.
t. Has played both for the first time last year

>> No.6536314

I like Doom better overall, but Duke Nukem 3D is a fantastic game which should be played.
And it is juvenile, but in a great way, the setting of Duke Nukem 3D is pretty dark and gloomy, contrasted with Duke Nukem himself, who is this ridiculous super hero with an ego the size of a planet. He's outright dorky with the film references, vanity, and ridiculous one liners, yet at the same time he manages to be cool through his sheer machismo and bravado.
For the most part, his persona is really good at offsetting the grit you commonly see in the game.

You can even piss in the urinal first to get 10hp (once per level). Then you can smash it after you've done, and you can even drink from the spraying water pipe to slowly restore 1hp at a time.

>> No.6536326

It's not, the vents are generally straightforward, and you find scuba gear with oxygen tanks for long dives. There's also a jetpack.

Doom has more enemy variety, and they infight, which they basically never do in DN3D.

This, ultimately.

>> No.6536336

You guys are plebes.

>> No.6536339

I honestly think Quake is at least as good as Duke Nukem 3D.

>> No.6536393

It's different / good in other ways.

Went a bit out of fashion... or are there any modern FPS with infighting?

>> No.6536418

Play the Doug Hug'em romhack hack. unironically way better than duke nukem

>> No.6536424

Duke is so fucking booooring
>Duke Nukem and was thinking about grabbing it on switch
don't support randy pitchford and his company, if you want to play duke 3d use other methods

>> No.6537293

Infighting really went out of fashion because devs wanted smarter AIs, so outside of enemy factions in some games, you never see it.
Doom 3 actually had sort of a faction system like that, tiering demons in a high and low hierarchy, but the result was that you would almost never see proper infighting (an Imp will never fight back against a Hell Knight, etc).

Doom's AI really is pretty fucking daft, but also I think that works in its favor, they barely bother trying to avoid Blue On Blue, and most monsters will fight most all other monsters with enough provocation, and they never do any defensive maneuvers, all they do is try to B-line it towards you, or the other monster they got pissed at, hazard or odds be damned, and these are things which I think really helps sell Doom's monsters as aggressive.

I love Duke 3D, it's one of my favorite games ever, but you'll never see Pig Cops get into a shootout with each other. The closest thing is Protozoid Slimers very occasionally eating another enemy, and ONE time, it actually ate a Mini Battle Lord for me, which was just as funny as it sounds.

>> No.6537575

Doom > Duke.

Doom excels at simplicity with it's level design while still providing a challenge. The monster infighting example posted above is just one of the many aspects Duke lacks. The huge pool of Doom mods also give a near infinite replay value due to idtech 1 being easier to make maps for than Build.

>> No.6537604

Doom aged better because its mechanics are better, monsters are better, and it's more moddable. Also Doom had more user content you can choose from.

However, Duke Nukem 3D (the base game) has far better level design, while Doom's weakest point is its levels. Duke had masterpieces like Hollywood Holocaust, Death Row, Derelict, Lunar Reactor, Dark Side, Freeway, base Doom 1-2's best level is probably E4M6, which is still inferior to the ones above.

Doom's best levels were made in the 2010s, ie. Sigil is brilliant, or No Rest for the Living episode.

>> No.6537680

>The monster infighting example posted above is just one of the many aspects Duke lacks.
You didn't read what the others wrote, have you
>The huge pool of Doom mods also give a near infinite replay value due to idtech 1 being easier to make maps for than Build.
Not an argument.

>> No.6537794

Who cares

>> No.6537804

Injun tranny hands made this post

>> No.6537807

>no mouselook
>no jump
>no crouch
>aged better

>> No.6537820
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>> No.6538357

Those features don't benefit doom you spoiled zoomer.

Go back to using ADS and having every weapon be hitscan

>> No.6538521

Can you get duke 3d online for free?

>> No.6538621
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Yes, just don't tell Randy where.

>> No.6538696


>> No.6539191

Allen H Blum III is better than Romero.