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File: 182 KB, 800x788, 103717-tenchu-2-birth-of-the-stealth-assassins-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6528745 No.6528745 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people argue that this is worse than Tenchu 1? It basically improved on everything, from level design to controls. Enemy pathing is more consistant, enemies don't see you before you are even able to see them because of the draw distance, better stealth kill animations, Tatsumari, story is so much better it's not even close and so on

Seriously how? The only thing going for 1 is the OST which is pretty good, the rest of the game ranges from ok to annoying as fuck.

>> No.6528756
File: 122 KB, 800x781, 189983-ninja-shadow-of-darkness-playstation-front-cover.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could just be a normal person and play Ninja: Shadow Of Darkness.

>> No.6528767

>started playing this for the first time in at least 15 years
>that fucking ninja dog that just turns up out of nowhere
Also slightly embarrassed I was 10 levels in before realising you can search bodies for extra items.

>> No.6528806

Ninja Shadow of Darkness is probably the best Ninja game ever made alright.

Atmosphere, combat, traps.

You are the ninja. You really feel ninja

>> No.6528807
File: 82 KB, 1080x934, bro-you-just-posted-cringe-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could just be a normal person

>> No.6528810

Tenchu 1 is so goofy with those cheesy dialogues and blood flowing everywhere it's really easy to see why people love it instead the more serious Tenchu 2. Don't get me wrong, I love both entries for what they are and tried to do, with a slightly preference over T1. PLEASE FORGIVE MY LATE ARRIVAL

>> No.6528814

Tenchu 2 plays like shovelware

>> No.6528817

but why. why you say this about 2 but not 1?

>> No.6528824

The only good Tenchu wasn’t developed by Acquire.

>> No.6528829

It's hard to explain. The lack of music, boring animations and crappy level design kind of make it feel that way.

>> No.6528843

crappy level design? i mean it wasnt anything special but it was at least on par with 1 (i think it's better actually).

>> No.6528854

Was it? I remember it being more linear, with boring enemy patterns and less vertical space.

>> No.6529073

Both games had dogshit controls but this game was somehow even worse due to how slippery and slidey everything felt, plus when you'd try to dodge and attack you'd end up attacking to the side instead which left you vulnerable, something which never happened in the first game.

>enemies don't see you before you are even able to see them because of the draw distance

Really because I remember countless instances of that happening. If anything the draw distance was somehow even worse than the previous game despite the improved graphics.

>The only thing going for 1 is the OST which is pretty good, the rest of the game ranges from ok to annoying as fuck.

So just like this game minus the OST.

The best Tenchu game (Shinobido) wasn't even released in America.

>> No.6529525


>> No.6529613

That's not even a stealth game.

>> No.6529626


>> No.6529628

Shinobido is decent. None of Acquire’s efforts can touch Wrath of Heaven, though.

>> No.6529634

>Why do people argue that this is worse than Tenchu 1?
Because on original hardware its slowdown made it difficult to play.

>> No.6529636

It’s good game . Level variety, sick music, the snow levels are posted in comfy threads all the time. The enemies are bullshit but you can cheese them as well. It strikes a good balance of arcade and action adventure. I recall getting master ninja easily on some levels and just brute forcing paths in others. If you pretend metal gear solid doesn’t exist and you like ninja shit it’s awesome

>> No.6529817

I personally thought the level design was worse, I also had the feeling they didn't bother thinking about clever enemy placement and just spawned them anywhere, to add to the insult you must hunt and stealth kill almost every single one them (if not all) if you are aiming to get the best rank, which turns the game into a slog. The repetitive ambient sounds and lack of gorgeous soundtrack were also a let down.

>> No.6530016

After playing through Tenchu 1 and 2 I take back everything negative I've ever said about Metal Gear bosses.

>> No.6530039

>You really feel ninja
ninjas were sneaky assassin types though

>> No.6530504

There is plenty of vertical space. Not on every level but I don't think that's a problem. If by enemy patterns you mean enemy behavior, or how it follows a pattern, then 2 is better NO DOUBT. In 1 every enemy behaves like a spastic, there is no clear pattern behind his pathing at all.

>Really because I remember countless instances of that happening. If anything the draw distance was somehow even worse than the previous game despite the improved graphics.

I'm sorry but this is objectively false, the draw distance IS better and the enemy doesn't spot you instantly from the fog as he does on 1.
I don't know what you mean by slippery controls also, they are faster and more respoinsive than 1 in every way. But yeah the dodge + attack problem leaving you open is a real concern and I agree. But boss fights are shit in both games.

I played both on emulator, and both had slowdown when there are more than 2 enemies on screen or something blows up. But it's still a legitimate concern.

Enemy placement is not its strong point, I agree on that. The fact is that not even 1 had strong enemy placement, not only that but enemy IA made it actually worse because there is not a set path for the enemies (sometimes enemies don't even show up in the same place)

I would say the lack of soundatrack in the levels is bad, and ambient effects in loop get annoying, but the OST in 1 while good gets annoying also. Looped 1 minute motifs of YOOO music while stealthing can get anti climatic.
I still prefer 1 approach to music though

>> No.6531642

Bad story, worse levels, frankly just really forgettable; I can only remember a few things from it. I remember it being uglier too.

>> No.6531651

>fixed camera
BIG yikes. Hard pass.

>> No.6531764
File: 67 KB, 640x780, 1586570666498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is good but it has absolutely nothing to do with Tenchu. Did you just google "ninja games for playstation" and picked a random one?

>> No.6532308

Worse soundtrack, it's a prequel, they nerfed the grappling hook and the levels are just not as good. It definitely looks better graphically but that's about it.

>> No.6532335

Shinobido is more fun than WoH even if it might take some time to get used to moving. Once you fly all over the place, you can't go back to WoH.

>> No.6532337

>If you pretend metal gear solid doesn’t exist
You don't even have to. Not that I'm saying it's shit though.

>> No.6532775

> It basically improved on everything
All but difficulty, I really hated the way scoring worked in Tenchu 2 since it required you to practically kill everyone in the map without being spotted once, even going full on ghost mode was not viable for Grandmaster ranking, and item scarcity was horrendous, it really dampened the overall enjoyment I was having as a result.
I also kind of missed alternative layouts.

>> No.6532863

i'm just sill butthurt when i bought it new, i thought it was metal gear with ninjas. I think every stealth game for about 5 years before and after mgs got compared to it somehow in media and game mags.

still a great game though

>> No.6532883

>ranking system is absolute shit
>no OST
Ranking worked perfectly in the first game, you could get Grand Master by completing the levels without killing a single person, you know, like a Ninja. Whereas in 2 you need to kill at least 90% of enemies on the map, what the fuck were they thinking. 1's OST is just too amazing, there's no excuse for the lack of one in 2. Even though Meryl and Col. Campbell voice actors are present in 2, that's not what i want in a Tenchu game. 1 had awful dialogue and voice acting and the game was better for it. 2 is still very good, all 3 Tenchu games are great.

>> No.6532989

This is the kind of shit that's really disappointing. The same happens with zero, you need to kill everything to get good ranks, if you just go invisible like a true ninja you get a shitty rank.
What's the point of that? It's like they didn't understand their own game.

>> No.6533448

What's even worse is that it was somewhat fixed in Wrath of Heaven, and then fucked up again later on. Though I can't be surprised, a lot of different devs worked on the series.

>> No.6533981

>It basically improved on everything, from level design to controls.
Controls, yes.
>Enemy pathing is more consistant
I wouldn't know, really.
>draw distance
It's worse. Or rather, poorly disguised. In the first game they disguise the draw distance as being "dark" or at night. Tenchu 2 has worse draw distance during the fucking day. Makes no sense.
>better stealth kill animations
Not better, just more.
Tatsumaru was a shit character, sorry.
>story is so much better it's not even close
Again, just like the stealth kills, there's more of it. Doesn't mean it's better. It went from ninjas performing their duty, not much information given, to the plot of a shitty anime. I'd rather stick with the lack of story from the first one.
>The only thing going fo 1 is the OST which is pretty good
You bet your ass it's damn good.
>the rest of the game ranges from ok to annoying as fuck
Those are my feelings about Tenchu 2. They are ninjas wearing colorful outfits, trying to go stealth during the day with a shitty plot and no music.

Can't believe I got baited like this.

>> No.6534021

>thread about if game X or Y is better
>people are posting decent explanations of their opinions and debating civilly
damn i could get used to this

>> No.6534454

this game was awesome and the ninja girl was a qt. it was the first time i played a game that demanded full stealth to complete a level. i loved it.

>> No.6534984
File: 4 KB, 160x144, tenchugameboyfa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an awful hugbox, people aren't even calling each other retard and they dare to talk about off-topic shit like videogames and not abut what this board is about, the discussion about what is retro and whatnot, also politics. Mods should purge this inmediately.

>> No.6534996

It's a shame Acquire didn't also start to make Way of the Samurai games in Ps1, from 1994 to 2000 they only did the first two Tenchu and nothing else. It's such an unique idea, I wonder if there's any retro game that shared a similar concept.

>> No.6535403

>You can be an NPC