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File: 96 KB, 543x557, 1583090602004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6530092 No.6530092 [Reply] [Original]

Metal Slug sprites are nowhere near as good as people make them out to be. The designs are ugly and blocky as hell and there's a metric fuckton of unnecessary movement. They look like they were made by amateurs.

>> No.6530098

fuck off poketard to you shitty containment board

>> No.6530097

>Fluid, cartoony sprites that were literally the pinnacle of what every artist was trying to achieve
>Noooo it needs to look sparsely detailed and choppy or it isn’t le retro(tm)

>> No.6530105
File: 29 KB, 640x480, blush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw look, now you made misty embarrassed with your shitty opinion and mon retro pokemon. Shame on you.

>> No.6530106

>unnecessary movement
Kill yourself.

>> No.6530109

metal slug designs look like warhammer figurines, sorry not sorry slugfags

>> No.6530113

Yes, and Action 52 is underrated. Another fantastic thread.

>> No.6530114

yes? am I supposed to believe that a 10 ton tank shakes like michael j fox? the animators seem to have thought that every bit and piece has to needlessly fidget around without any justification for it

>> No.6530116

show us your indie game, tranny

>> No.6530127

go back

>> No.6530129

You play pikamen, you don't know what animation is.

>> No.6530139

You seem to be forgetting that Metal Slug’s artstyle is cartoony and cartoons don’t adhere to reality.

>> No.6530145

Agree. They're impressive and ugly at the same time

>> No.6530147
File: 78 KB, 598x991, 1455085994834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking warhammer's aesthetic

Weze gonna hafta agree ta disagree humie, but if ya say dat to me face imma hafta krump ya.

>> No.6530159

>umm it's SUPPOSED to look like shit!

>> No.6530161

if derz gunna be any choppin of da 'umies itz gonna be by me... i iz da biggest orc ere with da biggest choppa! WARGHHH!!!!!

>> No.6530168

Shut yer kraw, ere I blok ya!

>> No.6530170

Your bait threads not going well on /v/?

>> No.6530176

believe it or not but not everyone likes how metal slug looks. maybe reddit is more up to your speed since there you can join some circlejerk about how awesome metal slug is and never have to hear differing opinions.

>> No.6530206

Its called exaggeration one of the most basic aspects of animation, the bounciness of MS is very deliberate and playful. A lot of 80s and 90s anime did the same thing - see Dominion Tank Police and Riding Bean as some very basic examples. This is like whinging about animators using smears, it's unfathomably dumb.

>> No.6530208

Also furfags should be shot in the back of the head and dumped in a ditch

>> No.6530214

Differing opinions aren’t an issue. Uneducated, stupid options are.

>> No.6530231

how come you tell other people to go to reddit when you won't even go back to /v/

>> No.6530247
File: 297 KB, 271x208, 387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not what metal slug does. they just animate everything for no reason. look at how stupid this shit looks with the guns going up and down. if you like this you're probably a homo who likes being slapped in the face by dicks
just go back to redddit where you and your butt buddies can downboat opinions you don't like, you clearly don't belong here

>> No.6530250

Your opinion is stupid you nobody

>> No.6530252

>good thing is actually bad
>another successful le troll in the bank

>> No.6530262

Everything being some occasional moving cannons that would have to move anyway to track the player? Retarded faggot. Furthermore youre hopping between points, is the bounciness the problem, or some unnecessary cannon movements? Are you too thick to distinguish between the 2?

>> No.6530269
File: 1.93 MB, 263x252, 1494773596155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are all nobodies here :)
you're the one who brought up "bounciness" in the first place to defend your shit game

>> No.6530270
File: 58 KB, 900x600, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets repeatedly BTFO for his retarded opinion

>> No.6530280

Follow your own points you worthless nonce
>you're the one who brought up "bounciness" in the first place to defend your shit game
>yes? am I supposed to believe that a 10 ton tank shakes like michael j fox?
So which is it, is it the occasional turret fidgeting that's the problem, or is it the very deliberate and well done shaking and bouncing of the very rounded, cartoony mechs? One makes you sound petty, the other makes you sound like a clueless dope

>> No.6530289

Your opinion's still shit

>> No.6530293

I'm perfectly calm. It's you people who are freaking out because you think metal slug is a sacred cow.
they both look like shit. you sound like a fedora tipper, trying to find some "logical flaw" in my "argument" as if we were not discussing matters of taste.

>> No.6530302

>i-it's just tastes bro
LMAO are you a toddler? If you can't explain your tastes then you either have none, are dumb as a brick or completely clueless about what you're talking about, in your case it's probably a combination of all of those and also mental illness

>> No.6530307

>I don't like thing
>Well I disagree and here's why
>Stop freaking out at me!!
If you can't appreciate cartoonish artwork then what are you even doing here? This is not the Louvre, nobody's impressed that you dislike an artstyle so deeply that you needed to share your autistic opinion online.

>Sacred cow
Fucking lol'ed, get over yourself pal

>> No.6530312


in my hackroom Sylveon is 100% male, sorry not sorry.

>> No.6530313

>If you can't explain your tastes
I already did that, it's literally in the OP. Try not being an illiterate.
>>Sacred cow
>Fucking lol'ed, get over yourself pal
If that wasn't the case this thread wouldn't be full of cultists frothing at the mouth in rage just because someone dare speak a word against metal slug.

>> No.6530321

Nope, you said you didn't like something that's ubiquitous in animation and then folded into "p-please don't it's just my opinion!!!" as soon as you were asked simple questions, try not being a faggot

>> No.6530329

why are you treating this as if it's some sort of debate you friendless loser?`
>you said you didn't like something that's ubiquitous in animation
yeah, in metal slug. in other games it is done competently

>> No.6530331

Pretty bad taste

>> No.6530334

that's what your mum said last night

>> No.6530341

Cause I expect a man to justify his statements instead of meekly backpedalling as soon as some simple questions were asked. And thats interesting can you name some games that do Metal Slug's art style well?

>> No.6530348

lousy troll

>> No.6530356

This is some very weak cope, twitter is a better platform if you want to post some "hot takes" that you never have to discuss furfaggot kun

>> No.6532141

That because the player sprites are small so the player can see more of the screen, duh!

>> No.6532151

This post, and OP in general is a special kind of stupid. This is shit pants while on the toilet stupid

>> No.6532161
File: 49 KB, 258x163, Animms7uniontank.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just say you want a "Metal Slug's sprites" thread

>> No.6532163
File: 90 KB, 640x528, 3o9kay9Y6RXEGF5gM14CxbiIOPwWM2jOUA_HfIsldcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metal slug designs look like warhammer figurines
You say that like it's a bad thing!